Al sew Ftyif tb Ywa ETM AND MANAO~b ST STVMENTS OF THE UNIYER.ITT yop MICRTGAi4 tYNDRA Xr't Atyop tY oxvnq CoNIthoL 0FSTUENT PM~LIC.&TIONS SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: A Triumph over the Hierarchy ,4 sere 11i1ons Free, 420 M&txARD Sr., ANN ARllo, Mica. Truth Will reail NEws PoNm: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN The Situation at Berkeley: Imlications for Ann Arbor .. PERHAPS THE REASON so few faculty members care about undergraduate education is that so few undergraduates seem to care. If so, then it's time to bring the Berkeley protests to Ann Arbor. At present, it appears that an instruc- tor can hand almost anything masquerad- ing as education to students and they won't complain. They may grumble pri- vately, but as long as he gives out grades and credits more or less equitably, he can drone indefinitely through the same old lecture notes and collect his paycheck. As long as students don't seem to care, no pious proclamations from the Univer- sity's president or deans about the value of teaching will change this. Faculty members will know that they can get away with mediocrity or worse-indeed, they will see no particular reward in doing otherwise-and will continue to seek dis- tinction someplace where effort is more visible, such as in the laboratory. To change this, students must show that they do care. They must show not only that they would like better educa- tion, but that they absolutely will not put up with the dull, arbitrary, irrelevant, in-. sulting and sometimes downright asinine ritual which often passes as education here. Faced with such a situation, they should do what the Berkeley students did: raise some hell. THE BERKELEY protestors were faced with the same situation, though on a different administrative level, which stu- dents here face daily: an action which they considered an outrage, yet one against which there was no easy appeal. When polite arguments failed, the only alternative to enduring it was to make things hot for the perpetrator of the out- rage-hot enough that giving them what they wanted became the path of least resistance. Justified or not, the Berkeley demon- strations again illustrated the effective.- ness of this method. While the California sit-in may not bring total victory, the protest already must be marked as a successful one. THERE IS NO POINT in sitting-in at the administration building here when a particular professor is incompetent or lazy; the administrators there didn't or- der him to be that way and probably don't even know he is. In a decentralized uni- versity like this, they probably couldn't even do much about it. Nor is such a demonstration effective when it demands something nebulous like "better under- graduate education"; specific demands are necessary. Concerned students must focus on the root of the trouble: the faculty member himself. They must first get together out- side the classroom and decide just what the faculty member has done, or failed to do, that they find objectionable. Then they must present the grievance to him. In many cases this show of interest will be all that is necessary. If it isn't, the students must hit the professor where it hurts the most: in his reputation. Suppose, for example, the complaint is that his lectures consist of nothing but a re-hash of the textbook- a comrmon practice. One day no one should go to his lecture. Instead, the en- tire class should convene at the depart- ment chairman's office. Representatives would discuss the teacher's laxness with the chairman, while the others mill around embarrassingly outside, perhaps passing out leaflets explaining what the professor had been doing. Such a demon- stration, organized with ample publicity, would quite effectively encourage the pro- fessor to spend his next free evening thinking about his students instead of his latest journal article. MANY PRACTICES cry out for protest. Language classes should tear up the time cards which show they've served their time in the language lab. A recent introductory-course assignment ordered students to write not more than four typewritten, doublespaced pages of elite type, or six pages of pica type. "I will not read beyond the sixth page," the in- structor declared. Perhaps this instructor would get the message if everyone simply wrote insulting comments about him on the seventh page. Whatever the means of protest, such petty authoritarianism should not be meekly accepted. Busy- work assignments should not be done. Worthless classes should be boycotted. Hopelessly incompetent teachers should be condemned in public demonstrations. As a more comprehensive project, some student group should assemble and sell- without University sponsorship or as- sent, both of which have been denied in the past-a course and teacher evaluation booklet. Again, Berkeley students have set the example. SLATE, a campus political organization, surveys student opinion on courses and teachers twice a year and combines the results into a well-written and provocative "Supplement to the Gen- eral Catalog." A random selection from the "Supplement" evaluations of Berke- ley faculty members: Messrs. Fish, Littlejohn and Seeyle can be safely recommended. Several students said that Mr. McNulty made obvious his contempt for teaching both the course and the students. Mr. Eskin was afraid of his class, unwill- ing to admit discussion, and resented interruptions. Knowing that he will be evaluated this bluntly and publicly should keep any fac- ulty member on his toes. CAREFULLY PLAN and execute just a few such projects, and things will begin to happen beyond the department directly involved. Faculty members who have been selling students short will begin to worry. More importantly, the minority of faculty and administrators who really are concerned with improving education will at last find a response. There are many who are willing to champion the student's cause, but so far the student hasn't seemed to want a champion. The real educators have had to fight not only their colleagues but the students themselves. Students who show active concern for education will find not only kindred spir- its but equally active support. But until students are willing to stand up and fight, they will get exactly what they de- serve-and they will get it again and again. -KENNETH WINTER Managing Editor Last of a Two-Part Series By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM W HEN THE faculty senate of the University of Michigan convened for its semi-annual meeting last month, about 200 of its more than 2100 members show- ed up. When the faculty senate of the University of California at Berke- ley assembled for a regularly- scheduled session Tuesday, nearly 1000 of its more than 2100 mem- bers were present. The prime order of business in Berkeley was to review the latest in an endless batch of peace pro- posals aimed at resolving the three-month-old crisis which has shaken the campus. By contrast, the prime order of business in Ann Arbor was two insipid resolutions: one condemning professionalism in athletics and one urging re- vised pay scales, a problem which the administration has been tack- ling for months. ** * WHAT BROUGHT five mem- bers of the Berkeley faculty to their meeting for every one of their counterparts who attended here was the pressing need for mediation in the rule dispute be- tween students and the adminis- tration. That they decided overwhelm- ingly in favor of students is a bit ahead of our story. It began in a lot of places with a lot ofaissues and through the efforts of lots of people-finally bursting into combustion this fall. " There were the directives of California President Clark Kerr in 1959 which sought to keep "off- campus" issues, such as civil rights in the South, away from the cam- pus. They resulted in a regental policy placing heavy restrictions on student political activity. This was the first but by no means the last example of administrative rigidity there. " There was San Francisco in 1960 where a small band of Berke- ley (and other) protestors came peacefully to express their opposi- tion to the House Un-American Ativities Committee inquisition taking place there. The peace was shattered when students inside and outside the hearing room were abruptly gouged with jets of water from hoses and then dragged away in a public display of police brutality. This was to become a national issue, the first time that Berkeleyites sensed their moral concerns merited such attention. * There was the imposition of a specific restriction against on- campus fund and member recruit- ment for off-campus activities. This ban drew its authority from the Kerr directives. In mid- September, when the dean of stu- dents dusted off this ruling, ig- nored until then, the students prepared to erupt into the two and one half months of turmoil. As time progressed, the original issues of free unrestricted political activity were joined by others such as the concern for mistreatment of protest leaders and the wrath against mass police intervention. * There was the student who felt babied by a disciplinary- mindedaadministration and be- trayed by the foggy and ineffec- tive channels of student govern- ment. This student was one of a core group of several thousands- representing board political spe- trums-who formed the "Free Speech Movement" to protest ad- ministration policies. Buttmainlyithere was the "fringe student" who was attract- ed by the issue and the dedicated protest core group, fascinated by the mob, perhaps pricked by an urge to be off-beat. Ascan average guy who normally shunned poli- tics (except in small national doses every four years), preferring grades and girls, he was the most surprising element in the combus- tion and the one with the most relevance for students here. As has been frequently pointed out on these pages, the great in- accuracy of American society is the rebel label which the older generation pins on adolescents. The rebellion that is implied in this case is the struggle for the use of the family car on week- ends. The older generation's at- titude is not rooted in any ob- servations of deep moral commit- ment to such vagueries as free speech or political rights. The student of today has no in- herent zeal for massive reform. He is the great accepter. He knows that the object of life is to stand out just a little bit (i.e., being a little better at doing what every- one else is doing, such as in get- ting A's instead of C's). But be- yond this there is no basic urge for rebellion. * * * NOWHERE is the idea of cau- tious excellence better shown than in the student activities here (and at most institutions), where to participate requires envelope- licking and agenda-dittoing skills in far greater measure than thoughtful actions of consequence. Nor does the institution want "activists." They cause trouble and raise embarrassing questions. The against labor at the bargaining table. Nonetheless, the impulses, carriers of idealism, are there in full vibrance during college days. NORMALLY, the administra- tion's lack of encouragement for activities (they are rarely co- ordinated with the academic sys- tem) and the student's own career and grade orientation combine to repress his impulses to participate in student political endeavors. But at Berkeley, once the ball was rolling and the crowds surging and the administration became unusually baffling, his interest was sparked. At first he joined as part of the crowd's fringe, the outer layer of demonstrators which in press pho- tographs appeared to be bored with the entire affair. Gradually, his interest was whetted as fur- ther support entered the ring, particularly the growing volume of faculty, which was urging such nonacademic gestures as skipping classes. Finally, he felt himself lured in all the way as a partici- pant in the struggle for political tees to work for more liberalized rules. * * * MEANWHILE, an ad-hoc faculty group calling itself "The 200" had prepared a more liberal document which they polished Monday even- ing. It pledged everything Kerr had offered and more-namely the relaxing of the restrictions against on-campus activities which sparked the riots originally. The faculty passed the proposal 4-1. There will be no administrative reaction until the University of California Regents, who govern all its branches, including Berkeley, meet Friday. But it is likely the officials will give in to end what has been an embarrassing situation, one which may have cost Kerr a position in the Johnson cabinet and may force the "retirement" of the Berkeley chancellor. * * * WHILE THE administrative forces have been constantly on the defensive (they have dropped charges against students on two Grievances against such things as crowded housing and poor un- dergraduate teaching arouse very little reaction from administrative or student quarters. They do not inspire the average student to leave his pursuit of grades and career and wife. * * * BUT IN A WAY it's too bad. For all the public embarrassment and perhaps financial setback which Berkeley has suffered, it has given the student, faculty and administrative elements a good kick in the pants and a valuable chance, to re-evaluate their roles in relation to each other. Administrators here would no doubt cringe at the thought of mass demonstrations, watching their hopes for a successful $55 million fund drive fade into the glare of national publicity. And their present willingness to work with and listen to students;would make dramatic protest at this point a rather contrived activity. Nevertheless, the next few years will bring crowding in the dormi- tories and dilution of education . .. .r««r:..."" ..rr.., :: 1n ... ".. '1n"": >4:4. «« .. CONCERT PREVIEW: Choir, Orchestra and Christmas FOR STUDENTS, professors and directors of ANOTHER contemporary work to be pre- the music school, tonight's the night: North sented tonight is Anton Bruckner's "Mass in E Campus is busily putting finishing touches on Minor." This composer is particularily significant this year's Christmas Concert. for his colorful instrumental accompaniment. The concert, open to the public free of "String instruments are the traditional ac- charge, is to be held at 8:30 this evening in Hill companist, but Bruckner solely relies on the wood- Aud. The University choirs will join with the winds and brass," Prof. Klein said. "This marks University Symphony Orchestra and several stu- him as traditionally modern, too." dent soloists to sample some of the better Christ- The performance will also include the con- mas music which has been written within the temporary Benjamin Britten and his "Ceremony past four centuries. of Carols," featuring the Women's Choir, Ruth S According to Prof. Maynard Klein, director Clark playing the harp and soloists Lois Stoddard of the University choirs, since the 17th century contralto, Lynda Wilson, soprano, Lynn Utzinger, there has been more music written for the soprano, and Abbie Van De Walker, mezzo Christmas celebration than for any other single soprano. y o r n.event in history. In addition, the University Choir will sing three motets by Francis Poulenc, three of the THE PROGRAM, consequently, is trying to best liturgical pieces of the 20th century, Prof. z illustrate the diversity of this music by sampling best;litd. such famed, traditional works as Bach's "Mag- snificat" plus the music of some of the lesser- known, contemporary composers as Hugo Distler. AS THE FINAL piece of the concert, com- know, cntemoray coposrs a Huo ~plementing the contemporary music of the first K: An oratorio by Distler, originally written in ; emealfno the po raynvsit o iran German, has been arranged and edited in Englishhaftepgmh nv iy orn by Prof. Klein under the title, "The Christmas Orchestra will present the 17th century's "Mag- Story." nificat" by Bach. The oratorio will highlight It is a distinctively modern oratorio in that John Schafer, harpsichord, and Jackson Ham- it was written for unaccompanied soloists and mitt, organ, and soloists Constance Triantafillou, choir. The soloists for "The Christmas Story" CHRISTMAS COMES to Ann soprano, Nancy Jaynes, soprano, Lois Stoddard are: Waldie Anderson, Stephen Skelley, Noel Arbor with tonight's presenta- contralta, Waldie Anderson, tenor and Daniel « Rodgers, Lois Stoddard, Daniel Jackson and David tion of the annual Christmas Jackson, bass. Concert sponsored by the music -Carol Eifrig Nest. school.---Ca:ol:E!:iigi:. Kerr directives were specifically designed to prohibit the raising of controversial issues by on- campus groups-and to prevent their being dragged in from the outside by off-campus groups. And yet, despite the inherent student caution and the institu- tional discouragement, a crucial issue came to the fore at Berkeley through student instigation. Why? THE ANSWER seems to lie in the ability of the crisis there to appeal to a hidden rebellious qual- ity in the normally subm-Issive fringe student. The same mind which carries the steering mechanism for a careful course also produces im- pulses for deviation. These im- pulses, repressed as they are, be- come the generators for whatever idealism college youth possesses. Essentially fueled by the student's perception of a puzzling world, these impulses cause the society girl to date a Jew or the wealthy fraternity boy to think of picket- ing with labor groups for higher wages. These are stereotypes, of course, but the girl will probably marry into her country club eventually and the boy will become a tyrant freedom. With the vitality of a twentieth century Jacobin, he un- leashed himself into the the fray full -blast. Hence, the demonstrations grew in size and daring: from the few groups which picketed idly in September to the 1100 who sat- in overnight at the administration building in early December to the 13,000 who went to hear President Kerr discussnthe crisis andthen rallied to condemn him after- wards. ESSENTIALLY, a complete re- arrangement of the forces within the university was taking place, a rearrangement which profoundly affected the faculty as well. Sources there describe the fac- ulty as similar to the one here. When not in the classroom, it is engrossed in research, counseling and committee activity which leaves it concerned only remotely with university-wide issues. Less than 400 faculty members usually attend the faculty senate meet- ings. But Tuesday was different. In Kerr's speech Monday, the ad- ministration had agreed to drop all charges against student leaders of an October demonstration. He had made only ambiguous guaran- occasions and offered some con- cessions in the rules), the Free Speech Movement, fortified with its fringe and backed by the fac- ulty, has conceded nothing. In a strict sense, the admrnis- tration through the regents has maintained control over decisions. In actuality, observers point out that the two other elements of the institution-students and fac- ulty - have exercised influence which is tantamount to setting policy. The power realignment, as tem- porary as it may be, will have far greater ramifications for Berkeley than the rule relaxations which should come within days. * * * IT IS this development which this University community should ponder. The example of the student in revolt and the institution itself in flux is valuable for Ann Arbor. There is not the liberal tradition nor the crucial issue nor the rigid administration here which fer- mented massive disorder in Cali- fornia. The recent burst of stu- dent sentiment, expressed in the protest of President Hatcher's open house and the formation of the Student Action League, has all but snuffed itself out. in unprecedented quantitiesI Dis- satisfied students, unable to vent their anger effectively through official channels, can take heart in knowing that even a large state university can have a revolution. It's something to thinkrabout. 'ANATAHON' Sour, S uki-Yali At the Cinema Guild AN ALL-JAPANESE cast, an all- Japanese technical and art crew, all-Japanese dialogue (no substitutes), exotic Japanese mu- sic, a famous German director who also did the script and photography, obvious sound-stage scenery and echoes, a non-stop English narrative: What does it add up to? Possibly a suki-yaki, sauerkraut combination topped with gobs of ketchup. But probably only "The Saga of Anatahon." "Saga" is the true-life story of several Japanese sailors who were ship-wrecked on a small Pacific island during the World War II year of 1944. They found a man and woman already living on the insignificant island and "Saga" depicts the conflicts that rented the fabric of civilization of that hearty and sometimes barbarian band. For seven years, they killed each other and made love, all the time thinking that the war was still being fought. The Cinema Guild has warned that it will not accept any re- sponsibility forhthose in the aud- ience who, while watching the plight of the microcosmic world on the screen, come down with monotonum tremens and demand their money back. MY PRECIS of the action sounds quite like an ad-writer's blurb for the film only because it is the best way to describe this very bad piece of pretension. Made by Josef von Sternberg (released in 1954 in this country under the similar title of "Ana-ta-han") with his all-Japanese team, "Saga" has stagyandeunconscious acting and suffers most from its continuous narration - a device that would ordinarily distract the mind from 4 ...And a Good, Thing To Copy CIVIC THEATRE: Roses Bloom- with Gypsy Rose Lee BERKELEY is also a leader on another front: organized note-taking services. There, a group which calls itself the "Fybates" has for years been writing up tle notes from most of the widely-taken courses and distributing them soon after classes for set fees. In the fall of 1960, three student groups here at the University worked out procedures to distribute lecture notes to students for fees. The concept met in- stant resistance: faculty members didn't like the idea of having "their" notes stol- en from them. Numerous reasons were created to support the great value of taking notes-organized the listener's mind, it seemed. The system's detractors charged that the note-takers couldn't be trusted-too many chances for error, they said. But nrn . . . . _ _r M"+C, Irnr 'M"" nzr n," ^ WITHOUT TODAY'S academic pres- sures, the service would be an instant success in literary college courses. A well-organized, responsible group running the service would ensure a dependable and continuous operation. In our own Medical School, a note-taking service has long been in operation. The faculty, of course, will resist. Stu- dents will begin to listen and think at the same time. Card games in the back of the room will give way to decimated attendance as students realize the ab- surdity of attending a lecture which can be had in written form. Eventually, lectures-a holdover from the fifteenth century when lecturers were used to read from the only available text- books-will be confined to those cases when they are fitting and proper: when HE ROSES IN PASADENA will have a hard time matching up to the rose on the Lydia Mendelssohn stage-Gypsy Rose Lee. The Civic Theatre of Ann Arbor provides good before-finals entertainment in "Gypsy" tonight through Saturday. Taking place in the early 1920's and '30's, "Gypsy" is the story of a family who tries to make it in a dying Vaudeville. Everyone in the act leaves the neurotic mother who keeps having dreams of success for her "babies," who are in their late teens except Louise, who becomes the great Gypsy Rose Lee. Judy Riecker, playing Rose, the pushy mother who wants her daughters to be famous, redeems herself after a weak first act in a well-played second act. She brings a strong voice to such familiar songs as "Small World," and "Everything's Coming Up Roses." Melissa Foster as June, the daughter who leaves the act to make it on her own is graceful, but lacks the voice and finesse that her sister Louise, who becomes the gypsy, displays. Marie Bahas, playing the title role, changes from the second rate vaudeville flop to a real rose. Miss Bahas' singing, acting and dancing are clumsy when they are supposed to be and sophisticated I ;:: :.