WKti £idigzu Baitg Sevent y-i f th Yre EDTrD AND MANAGED BSTUDENs OF THE UNIYERsrY 04 McbosAt SUNDE. AUTHORMTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL Op STUDENT PUBLCATIOMS ev ail 420 MAYNARD T., ANN ARBOt, MicH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ANN ARBOR AND THE BERKELEY PROTESTS: Apathy Here, Revolution There Why? DECEMBER 9, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JOHNSTON1 City Needs Mass Transit To Avoid Urban Sprawl IE LACK of adequate development of public transportation facilities in Ann >or may make this area a sprawling; an fiasco. .ccording to a recent report issued by subcommittee of the City Planning nmission, Ann Arbor will have a popu- on of 108,000 by 1980. This report not- that between 1960 and 1980, "The ount of land in the Ann Arbor area de- ed to urban density development will rease from 15 square miles to approx- itely 30 square miles. There has been a uction in the formerly close commer- ., social and cultural association be- en the whole community and the Cen- 1 Business District because of this ler distribution of population." .s a panacea to the problems of over- wding, traffic congestion, the lack of quate parking facilities and urban awl, the planning commission sug- ted such sterile concepts as building re parking structures, eliminating on et parking and developing an inte- ted traffic flow system. However, no- ere did the commission mention the sibility of a modern public transpor- on system as a solution to the com- nity's problem. than an automobile on these thorough- fares. Many sadder but wiser city planners now realize mass transportation is the cheap- est and most efficient method of solving the commuting problems of urban sprawl. Ann, Arbor can avoid the fate of other cities by installing such a system com- plemented by sagacious city planning. For example, all automobiles with the exception of supply vehicles might be excluded from the central campus area. Streets could be converted into plazas, and a monorail system could run from the outskirts of Ann Arbor to the central area. Students could live quite a physi- cal distance away from the campus and still have easy access to it without using automobiles. Furthermore, the ready accessibility of cheaper sources of supply of food, liv- ing quarters and clothing made possible by the installation of such a system would be a natural control over the prices of these commodities in the campus area. Still another benefit would be the re- juvenation of the traditionally close ties between the campus area and the rest of the community. Of course, it can be pointed out that Ann Arbor already has a public bus sys- tem, However, it is old, slow, runs infre- quently and has few routes. First in a Series By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM AT HIS CONVOCATION with Berkeley students Monday, the president of the University of California attracted upwards of 13,000 students from a campus which holds 27,400. At his convocation with Uni- versity students a month ago, the president of the University of Michigan drew under 200 students from a campus population exceed- ing 29,000. The contrast in attendance is only a vague barometer of some very basic differences in the cur- rent political climates of the in- stitutions. These are differences which have come clear in the re- cent three months of student pro- test for political rights at Berke- ley. The observer 2000 miles away in Ann Arbor is encouraged to re- flect on the ingredients of a stu- dent movement at an institution comparable to his own which can so thoroughly excite students and inflame administrators. * *. * AS A MEMBER of a multi- campus chain of institutions known as the University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley and its campus life are regulated by the same tough guidelines which apply to its less distinguished brothers. As a foil to these rules, the campus is populated by a faculty-partic- ularly at the teaching fellow level -which has a tradition of liberal leanings. From this conflict cane the spark which led to conflagra- tion this fall. By contrast, although it has minor extensions at Flint and Dearborn, this University is es- sentially a one-campus institution. As a consequence, the administra- tion and Regents have provided a more unified and immediate tar- get for discontented students to shoot at. The administration's One significant difference is the existence of a rotating department chairman system at Berkeley which creates a more fluid hier- archy above the professor. This allows him greater freedom of ac- tion without fear of reprimand at promotions time from his de- partment head, who in the Berke- ley system is mainly an adminis- trator. There is a significant parallel in the textures of the student bodies: both are drawn from their state locale but are infused with quality out-of-staters. The current Berkeley protest is led by a New Yorker, Mario Savio. THESE BASIC similarities be- tween Berkeley and Michigan only underscore the confusion which the Ann Arborite might feel at the current situation in California. It is as if a brother had hauled off and committed murder. Where and how did the two diverge so radically? The first answer is campus tradition. Like their peers on campuses across the nation, Berkeley stu- dents were caught up in a revival of political spirit generated by the student crusades in .the South. Their major protest organization, formed in 1957, was SLATE. It was to lead campus indignation t o w a r d discrimination, nuclear testing and a spate of other na- tional problems and policies. Out of this sentiment the special in- terest groups such as local SNCC and CORE chapters were to flourish. * * * BUT UNLIKE Ann Arbor and other centers of so-called "liberal activity," Berkeley was also bless- ed with some unique local issues. If students in Ann Arbor were concerned in the fifties and early sixties about discriminatibn in barbershops, their counterparts in California had the famed House IN THE EARLY STAGES of the Berkeley demonstrations the police were overwhelmed. The demon- stration pictured above was sparked in early October when authorities tried to arrest a nonstudent for violating school regulations. But students prevented his removal from the campus area by sur- rounding the police car which confined him for over 18 hours. Then they used the vehicle for a 'HE LOCAL CIT learn from the etropolitan comn es such as Los A bitant sums of othe their grown eeways and expre dividual motorist congestion a bic CY planners failed to experiences of other. munities. Growing ci- ALTHOUGH THE IMAGE of Ann Arbor ngeles have spent ex- as a small metropolis dominated by money attempting to plazas and monorails may seem idealistic, ing pains by building it is a possibility. Certainly the possible nssways catering to the role of public transportation in Ann Ar- Now, however, thanks bor's growth warrants consideration. yclist can move faster -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Anything for Money OMEBODY ONCE said with' homespun profundity that "when a fellow says ain't the money but the principle of the ing, it's the money." You've got to feel like that about the and new policy of the athletic depart- nt, to charge for basketball tickets. W it's a buck a shot for a look at Cazzie nking. Why that's more than fourteen nes the cost of a copy of The Daily. You may think that a look at a Rus- l is worth considerably more than four- in Dailies, but the wallet "still winces ien you have to pay for something you ed to get for free. And would you be- ye it, four years ago it cost one dollar - all the Michigan football games and sketball games you could see? Now it its you twenty-five smackers for that tertainment. Economists call that naway inflation; students call it "too gCULTY MEMBERS are notoriously timid about their personal lives. With- their disciplines, they may advocate 3 wildest and most daring positions, but ond the ivory tower, the stereotype of i keep-your-mouth-shut-and-stick-to- r-own-field professor is not too much an exaggeration. Except at Berkeley. Daily sources there >ort that many faculty members, irate >ut the suppression of student political ivity and the handling of the stu- at demonstrators, are seriously con- ering resigning in protest. Already ne are talking to their colleagues and iting to other universities for applica- oas. To do so requires the sort of moral dership and courage one has almost- gotten to expect from today's intel- tuals. Iopefully, some of their requests for >lications will be addressed to Ann Jor. -K. WINTER H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor NNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN anaging Editor Editorial Director GWIRTZMAN..............Personnel Director BULLARD........... ...Sports Editor AEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor N KENNY ............Assistant Managing Editor ORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director darn much money." But the athletic department says the money is needed if the University is to build the new University Events Building. Let the students pay and we'll eat cake seems to be the motto of the athletic de- partment bureaucrats. It's a funny thing, but people used to think that varsity sports existed for the entertainment of the student body not their exploitation. That's progress, like nuclear weapons, nerve gas and the Rolling Stones. But if the University is going to have a new sports palace, why not finance it in a less painful way? One eminently logical suggestion is to sell advertising space in Yost Field House. Plaster the aged steel beams with ads. Cover the floor with colorful display. If major league baseball owners have park fences cov- ered with selling slogans, so can the Michigan athletic department. It cer- tainly couldn't impair the looks of the basketball barn called Yost. What could? After selling the space on the back- boards to an enterprising firm, the ath- letic department could sell space on the backs of the players' uniforms. Cazzie's back on national television would be worth thousands. Bill Buntin's back, which is somewhat larger, would also bring a goodly amount. Even the dorsal area of a second stringer would be equal to a couple hundred student tickets. If backs were successful, the chest could be sold' too. The soul next. You probably think this is an imprac- tical suggestion--the players' numbers would be obscured by the ads. But num- bers only exist for the fans. Their dis- comfort, as long as they are students, hasn't stopped the athletic department from imposing price increase after price increase. And what if this advertising campaign fails? Simple. Sell the team to CBS. It cares as much about the students, and the network would televise all the games. -LLOYD GRAFF Invulnerable LAST SUMMER a Russian managed to knock down a low-flying plane with an empty vodka bottle after the plane sprayed him, his girl friend and their picnic lunch with insecticide. AS PART OF THE SAME demonstration pictured above, a Berkeley policeman was hauled out of the university's administra- tion building, Sproul Hall, after he tried to remove pickets station- ed there. In an 1100-student sit-in which occurred there last week, local and state police arrived en masse after being ordered out by the governor. Their intervention and brutality angered students and faculty. speakers' podium, bending the roo affairs. This had the effect of for- bidding what he called "off-cam- pus" activities--such as support for civil rights efforts-from pop- ping up on campus. One specific manifestation of this attitude was a rule prohibit- ing the on-campus solicitation of funds or members for such off- campus activities. This rule was not strictly enforced until this year, when the administration re- ceived complaints from powerful state politicos about the activities of Berkeley students in the na- tional and state campaigns. The specific crackdown was on a 25-foot strip of land along Ban- croft Way at the edge of the campus which was being used by groups such as SNCC, CORE and SLATE for political recruitment and fund solicitation. AS A TEST, these groups (among others) continued to use tables on that strip. Meanwhile, in late September, a large demon- stration occurred to protest the crackdown. Students invaded a meeting where the Berkeley chan- cellor, E. W. Strong, was speak- ing. Names were taken and stu- dents summoned to the dean's office the next day to explain their conduct. At this point, the student fac- tion of protestors, which was less than 1000, began to develop the concept of joint guilt. "We are all guilty," they chanted while ad- ministrators inside the building interrogated many of their lead- ers and co-participants., On Sept. 29 and, 30 they con- ducted demonstrations on the steps of and inside the university's administration building, Sproul Hall. When Strong announced the suspension of eight leaders on Sept. 30, it touched off the largest demonstration to date. * * * ONnOCT. 1,a non-student, working at a table on the Ban- croft strip, was ordered arrested by university authorities. When he was placed in a police car, surging students surrounded it for more than 18 hours, letting out the air in its tires and using the top for a podium. He was eventually released and a moratorium declared so that a student - faculty - administration committee could work out a peace proposal. In the middle of November, charges against the eight threat- ened students were dropped by the regents. They also made their con- cessions. But early last week, four students, including the once-sus- pended Mario Savio, received let- ters 'from the administration threatening disciplinary action, including possible expulsion for the Oct. 1 demonstration. THIS TOUCHED off an 1100- student sit-in at Sproul Hall which was inflamed by police who cleared the building with mass arrests the next day. Over the weekend, Gov. Edmund Brown, Kerr, university regents and de- partment chairmen ironed out a conciliatory resolution prepared by the chairmen. It was presented by Kerr on Monday at the convoca- tion in an outdoor theater, but sentiment was inflamed again when Savio, seeking to gain the podium following Kerr's speech, was forcefully dragged away in full view by police. When the crowd booed this ac- tion, he was allowed to return and denounced the Kerr concessions which mainly agreed to let the courts alone handle the judication of last week's mass-arrested pro- testors. It also pledged in ambig- uous terms a reassessment of rules by a faculty committee. Following the assembly, a noon rally was held by the Free Speech Movement, which has Incorporat- ed some 23 campus organizations into the fight against the adminis-. tration. This rally drew over 12,000 students. * * * THE VICTORY for the protes- tors appeared to be imminent yes- terday as the faculty senate over- whelmingly approved a sunnli._ willingnessrtodlisten combined with the prodding of concerned students has shaped one of the most restriction-free campuses in the country. Despite their, opportunity, the students and faculty as a whole have been reticent to engage in political activity beyond the sup- port of candidates in- election years. The elite of students press- ing a greater political role in the University community has been muffled by the Student Repre- sentative (SGC, IQC and com- pany) and deferred by superficial administration co-operation. * . * * THE BRIEFLY-SKETCHED dif- ferences between Berkeley and Ann Arbor - there, the students willing, but the administration autocratic; here, the administra- tion flexible, but the students apathetic-are an insufficient ex- planation for the growth of stu- dent action at Berkeley and the lack of such activity here. Indeed, a brief tracing of the institutional similarities creates the impresison that the catalyst in California can o n I y be the weather. Berkeley and Michigan have been ranked very closely in polls of academic excellence. But the similarities go deeper than that. Both institutions are financed heavily by their state legislatures and the federal government. This gives them a certain "public" con- sciousness-meaning the institu- tions are reluctant to buck public sentiment. A STRONG anti-discrimination statement here (in 1959) came only after the first federal civil rights act; two teachers accused of Communist affiliation were dis- missed in the McCarthy era. At Un-American Activities Commit- tee hearings and the Caryl Chess- man controversy right in their own backyard. In Michigan, HUAC conducted Communism hearings culminating In the dismissal of two faculty men. But somehow the Red-hunt- ing situation during the McCarthy era did not touch students here as deeply as the HUAC hearings in San Francisco affected Berkeley students in 1960. When the HUAC came to San Francisco in May of 1960, several hundred Berkeley students par- ticipated in a demonstration at the city hall which eventually turned into a melee. On that par- ticular "Black Friday," protesting students both inside and outside of the hearing rooms were treated with verified and photographed incidents of police brutality, in which several students were in- jured. * * * THE INCIDENT might have died down except that the HUAC produced a movie, "Operation Abolition," taken from television films of the hearings, which link- ed the demonstrations to Com- munist inspiration. In actuality, the police were basically respon- sible for the disorder which erupted. The question of the students role in the fracas rose again in an ensuing special report from J. Edgar Hoover and still later in a trial of one of the students in- volved in the "Black Friday" fra- cas. He was exonerated and the charges against him dropped, but the idea of student participation in headline-making events was established on the campus by 1961. Over the course of the next few years, the issue of Communist sneaker bans (also a auestion in speech and political bans were supplemented by demands for fair treatment of leaders and wrath at police interference. In addition, faculty support, which had provided a strong undercur- rent for the movement, came above ground in full force follow- ing the police intervention 'and brutality. The combination of legitimate objections to the directives against political activity and the brutal reaction by officials at all levels only solidified the student com- munity. * * * THERE IS, however, a third factor which converged with the. other two to transform the pro- test from a small demonstration into a struggle of community-wide meaning and impact. The FSM claims a membership of 3000 and yet there were more LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Arrests in Mississippi Result of Public Protest than 13,000 to hear the president and 12,000 ate the rally afterwards. What drew the thousands of students who might, like a ma- jority here, have no proclivity to- ward liberal interests and perhaps no political sentiment of any con- sequence beyond a mild interest in national elections? They were of course attracted by the dedicated core of protes- tors and the unusually clear issues which the Berkeley situation of- fered. They were no doubt fas- cinated by the power of the mob and intrigued by doing something off-beat. But they were not radical in any sense of the term. For this reasdn, their participation gives the Berkeley crisis a wider signi- ficance for the student community. TOMORROW: The fringe par- ticipant and his significance for this University. To the Editor: AS A PARTICIPANT in the Mis- sissippi Summer Project and a spokesman for the Ann Arbor Friends of SNCC, I should like to comment upon the recent ar- rests in Mississippi. This action is clearly consistent with the established pattern of federal activity, which is that the government acts only when forced to by a national outcry. Friday's arrests are a direct re- sult of the furor which began" with the acrimonious exchange between King's challenge by call- ing him a "notorious liar," and affirmed that the bureau was working on the arrests. In re- sponce to this, Mississippi. resi- dents (white) challenged Hoover to put up or, shutup, to make arrests if hehad evidence. Mean- while, additional pressure was put upon Hoover by the Warren Re- port which su~ggested failure of duty and a Newsweek cover story suggesting that President Johnson was looking for a new director. *, * * IN THE FACE of this mounting criticism, the FBI has finally act- ed; but it is clear that it acted only because of the criticism that it had been sitting on' this evi- dence for some time but had done nothing. Past government activity indi- cates a clear pattern along these lines. Last June, summer- volun-' teers were told the FBI was an investigative body and could not make arrests to protect them. Iin- mediately following the national outcry at the disappearance of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner, the Bureau suddenly discovered its power to act, which, incident- ally, it had had all along (Section 549, Title 20, U.S. Code). * * * ' - MY POINT is to dispell any illusions that might be growing about the federal government. It might appear that all is well,\that the government is acting on its own initiative to secure justice in the deep South, and that we in the North may sit back and relax. This is simply ,not the case. In the future, as in the past, it will- require a large national outcry to force the government to act. AT THE MOMENT there is also a need for intensive national lobbying in three areas. The course of the Southern struggle_ will greatly depend upon how President Johnson fills the vacan- cies in the Attorney General's of- fice and on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. This matter of judicial appointments is generally overlooked and it is regrettable that the late John F. Kennedy did much to set back the cause of the federal government will only act in response to constant, vigor- ous pressure from the country at large. -Sam Walker, '64 Quadium 90 To the Editor: AFTER YEARS of frustrating reseairch, resulting only in hor- rible effects on the experimental animals used (i.e. residents of West Quad), the University's food service has made a scientific breakthrough that has shocked the world. Quaddies eating the noon meal on December 5, found that even the strongest of them could not shove the prongs of a fork through the "carmel cuts.", Further in- vestigation revealed this dessert may be the most versatile material yet discovered. IT CAN be used as a medium in the field of art, lending itself equally well to carving l'ke wood and to chipping like marble for sculpturing. It might even become useful as a musical instrument; when tapped with a metal rod it produced a sound not unlike a telegraph key. Its possibilities as a structural material are unlimited. Although it is extremely lightweight,.it has a stress ratio per unit area at least as great as a hockey puck. Insulation, wallboard, bricks, pave- ment, shoe soles, supporting-beams for skyscrapers are all possible uses. Some budding young scien- tists are running tests at the civil engineering laboratories which may determine even other struc- tural uses. There are also suggestions that it be used as heat shielding for rockets or as a replacement for asbestos as a fireproof material. But the potentially most impor- tant use'is as a cancer preventa- tive! Preliminary experiments re- veal that while air passes through it, it actually filters out smoke and possibly traps cancer-causing tars and nicotine in the process. If this proves to be the case, it may well replace ineffective filters now in use and allow people the pleasure of smoking without the fear of developing cancer. * * * ADDITIONAL uses might be: replacement of industrial dia- mond sand carborundum for cut- ting; as phonograph needles, tombstones, whetstones and grind- ing wheels. It is also noncorrosive --certainly indigestible. The only solvent yet discovered capable of acting upon it being the frosting used when it was originally made. However, this wonderful ma- terial may have a fatal drawback. Evidence based on astronomical