ANN ARBOR NEEDS A MONORAIL See Editorial Page Y fliujtan :4Iaitil FAIR High--30 Low--10 Partly cloudy, not as cold Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Message Dictates Defense Plans Issued by Johnsoni, Wilson After Alliance Conference in Washington By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson and British Prime Minister Harold Wilson concluded two days of conferences here yesterday by issuing a joint communique in which they outlined nuclear defense objectives. These are "to cooperate in finding the arrangements which best meet the legitimate interests of all members of the Atlantic Alliance, while maintaining existing safeguards on the use of nuclear weapons, and preventing their further spread." The North Atlantic Treaty Alliance and a proposed Multi-Lateral Nuclear Force were the prime topics of the Johnson-Wilson talks. On Berkeley Support Students in Faculty for Political Demands SECRETARY WIRTZ Shop Unions May Create Rail Strike CHICAGO (A)-Three shop un- ions called yesterday a nationwide railroad strike for Tuesday, Dec. 15 for a wage hike larger than that recommended by a presiden- tial board. The unions, representing about 53,000 machinist, electrical work- ers and sheet metal workers, .re- instated a strike call postponed from Nov. 23. The move was made after nego- tiations with the carriers reached a stalemate in Washington Mon- day. A walkout, if other railroad unions decline to pass through picket lines, could tie up 90 per cent of the nation's rail traffic at a time when passengers are making Christmas travel plans and shipment of Christmas par- cels is at a peak. Federal Court The railroads announced they would go into federal court late yesterday or early tomorrow to seek a restraining order against a strike. Joseph W. Ramsey, gen- eral vice-president of the Inter- national Association of Machinists, said, "The unions are ready to contest such a move." Six shop unions were involved in the Nov. 23 strike call, but three reached agreements before the deadline. The agreements fol- lowed closely the recommendations of a presidential emergency board for a 27 cently hourly wage boost spread over three years. The three unions still seeking a settlement postponed the Nov. 23 strike call at the request of Labor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz. They went from Chicago to Wash- ington to confer with Wirtz and continue negotiations with the carriers. 8 of 11 The railroads have since settled With 8 of their 11 principal non- operating unions and all 5 operat- ing unions within the confines of the 27 cent wage increase pattern recommended by the presidential board. The carriers have refused to go beyond this pattern with the three shop unions. However, the unions contend their members possess certain skills entitling them to a larger boost. They contend they are un- derpaid in relation to comparable jobs in industiy. The three shop unions sent notices to Wirtz, to the National Mediation Board and to J. E. Wolfe, chief negotiator for the 1'this the communique "recognized the importance of strengthening the Atlantic Alliance in its stra- tegic nuclear defense." Johnson and Wilson discussed existing proposals for this purpose and an outline of sompe new pro- posals presented by the British government. Preliminary "A number of elements of this problem were considered as a pre- liminary to, further discussions among interested members of the alliance." This left the way open for talks with President Charles de Gaulle of France, who wants Europe to go it alone on nuclear defenses, centered around his own country's capacity. It also left the gate open for talks with Germany, which has backed the American plan for a multi-lateral force of surface ships armed with Polaris weapons -a proposal the British want to modify. Johnson, according to inform- ants, is quite ready to undertake radical revisions of the proposed U.S. plan for a 25-ship, 200-mis- sile fleet to be jointly owned and manned by all the NATO coun- tries willing to participate. French President de Gaulle is adamantly opposed" to this multi-lateral plan. West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard just as determin- edly supports it. Reaffirmation The 'American chief executive and the British head of govern- ment 'also "reaffirmed their de- termination to continue to con- tribute to the maintenance of peace and stability in the Middle East and the Far East." "In this connection," Johnson and Wilson said, "they recognized the particular importance of the military effort which both our countries are making in support of legitimate governments in Southeast Asia, particularly in' Malaysia and South Viet Nam, which seek to maintain their in- dependence and resist subversion." Some more of the points in the communique were: -A determination to support UN peace-keeping operations, and to strengthen systems of regional alliance in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. -Agreement on a need for im- provement in the balance of pay- ments and in the productivity and competitive position of both na- tions, so as to bolster economic strength, which it is vital to ful- filling heavy international respon- sibilities. In this connection, Johnson and Wilson decided to explore possi- bilities for closer cooperation in weapons production, and in de- fense research and development. A new feature of yesterday's session was the presence of Vice- President-elect Hubert H. Hum- phrey, an innovation which may indicate the President's desire to let his deputy plan a major role in shaping foreign policy. IFC Passes New SAM Pledge Plans By DONALD FLIPPO The Interfraternity Council executive committee approved a revised pledge program of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, Executive Vice-President Stephen Idema, '65, announced last night. SAM was required to submit a new pledge program in order to regain rushing privileges for next semester after being found guilty, of activities which violated IFC bylaws. One of the previously traditional SAM pledge functions was a scav- enger hunt, including a raid on Sigma Chi fraternity. This year the activity resulted in several injuries, sending SAM pledges to the hospital. The IFC executive committee convicted SAM of violating spe- cific IFC bylaws and gave Sigma Chi a serious warning, explain- ing that Sigma Chi had come dan- gerously close to an actual viola- tion. SAM had been fined $200 and deprived of rushing privileges for next semester unless a re- vised and acceptable pledge pro- gram was submitted to the execu- tive committee by the end of this semester. IFC President Lawrence Loss- ing, '65, told the committee that Student Government Council had passed a change in SGC member- ship papers which will allow the executive committee to review evi- dence in membership discrimina- tion cases. The change will allow the committee to hold the hear- ing of Trigon fraternity. Before the change in SGC mem- bership papers the executive com- mittee did not feel it had the ex- plicit power to see the member- ship clauses. Student Group To Investigate Food Problems A seven-man student committee has been formed to evaluate food conditions in West Quadrangle in cooperation with that unit's, busi- ness manager, Gilbert P. Lutz. The committee was formed at a meeting recently between Lutz and more than 50 West Quad- rangle residents. They were pro- testing an alleged inadequate supply of food and poor quality of meals. W e s t Quadrangle President Leonard Weinstein, '65, praised Lutz' "sincere" efforts to help im- prove the food situation. The stu- dents claimed that West Quad- rangle has occasionally run out of food before the end of a mneal hour. They said "the two-choice main course is often narrowed down to one choice before even half the residents have passed through the meal line." By BRIAN BEACH "States' rights means full pow- er of the states against the civil liberties of the Negro in the south," Charles Morgan, Jr., di- rector of the Southern Regional Office of the American Civil Li- berties Union, said last night. In a lecture sponsored by the Ann Arbor and Washtenaw Coun- ty chapters of the ACLU, Morgan said that Negroes' rights can be obtained only through the appli- cation of power. According to Morgan, helmeted state police with dogs and riot weapons came to Birmingham in cars with Confederate flag insig- nias on the bumpers in response to the demonstrations there. "That is power!" he exclaimed. New Law What is occurring in the South today is "the struggle between new law and present order," Mor- gan continued. No change will occur without the application of counter forces and it is here that the ACLU can do important things, he indicated. "No social movement moves without great force and power be- hind it initiated by the people who want it to move." The dem- onstrations in southern cities which initiated unrest in the North and caused the enactment of a civil rights law are an example of the political power created by the civil rights movement, he ex- plained. Further Power Voter registration in the South will establish representatives who will have further power to improve conditions, he said. Racial progress depends on lo- cal circumstances, Morgan claim- ed. Industrial cities like Atlanta and Birmingham will move ahead long before Mississippi does be- cause that state is, he said, one big farm. Illustrating what he called the myths that southerners allow themselves to believe, Morgan re- lated an anecdote. A southern lady's maid told her she didn't "go for Martin Luther King and that crowd." The woman told all her nodding friends at every op- portunity about her satisfied serv- ant. Finally she told it to Mor- Yegetable Matter Apathy is now official at Xavier University. The student council there ratified last week the charter of the "Apathy Club." One council member said the purpose of the club will be "to vegetate, thus making any worthwhile project or endeavor on campus as much a failure as possible." The club's constitution states that meetings will be held oce a semester, anyone attending being subject to immediate dis- missal on the grounds of show- ing interest in apathy. gan who replied, "Come now. She doesn't believe that. Everyone else lies to their employer, why can't she?" Central Theme "The South ishnot and has not been a part of the Union for over 100 years," he said. Morgan pointed out several "realities" of the southern politi- cal scene which indicate, he said, how the South is "isolated from the thinking of the rest of the na- tion": -News of Birmingham's church bombings never reached the front pages of newspapers read by 70 per cent of the South; it was put on page two at best; -After the Supreme Court rul- ing on school segregation in 1954 several syndicated columnists who hailed the decision were no longer seen in southern newspar, rs; -Southern television stations didn't carry several news analysis programs depicting racial condi- tions in the South. Morgan is the first director of the Southern Regional Office of the ACLU organized last Septem- CHARLES MORGAN ber. The most well-known of the civil liberties cases that he has handled was the successful chal- lenge of the malapportionment of the Alabama legislature. This case resulted in the Supreme Court's "one man, one vote" decision. WSU Student-Faculty Body Defeats NSA Referendum By MICHAEL DEAN Wayne State University's Student-Faculty Council last Thursday night defeated a motion calling for a referendum vote on whether or not the university should continue its membership in the United States National Student Association. The proposal, sponsored by the university's School of Business Administration Student Council, had been tabled by the council at its October meeting for lack of=' Law and SouthCollide evidence concerning the referen- dum. Larry Glazer, council member and chairman of the Michigan Regional NSA, said this week that the motion was prompted by the results of a questionnaire the business school council 'lad dis- tributed last year. The questionnaire asked that students sign if they wanted a referendum whether or not they supported membership in the US- NSA. Glazer said that although 98 per cent of the replies were in favor of a referendum, only 173 answers were received. He claimed that, considering the publicity the controversy had received, the small response to the question- naire could not in the least be considered significant. Council chairman Diane Vanoo- tighem said that, in the eyes of the council, sufficient evidence of demand for the referendum did not exist. Also defeated was an alternate proposal offered by the student council of Monteith College, a branch of Wayne, which asked that 15 per cent of the university student body sign a petition favor- ing withdrawal from the USNSA before the council would schedule a referendum. YR's To Study Rights Plans The University chapter of the Young Republicans is forming a committee to study the best means "to support civil rights work at the local level." The YR's passed resolution last week calling for the formation of such a committee to study the feasibility of the following possible actions: -"Joining a federation of civil rights organizations" locally;., -"Forming a federation of stu- dent groups on campus to work for civil rights in Washtenaw County"; -"Planning a club project deal- ing with civil rights locally." The resolution provides that these activities "be of a bipartisan or nonpartisan nature" and that the committee take no action to support activities outside the state. The resolution was introduced by Alan Sager, '65L. He said such action shows that "the Young Re- publican club is keeping faith with Republican principles by whole- heartedly supporting civil rights at the local level." 'No Comment' from Kerr Until Meeting Leaders Expect Further Disorders If Regents Fail To Approve Policy By ROBERT BENDELOW The University of California at Berkeley faculty yesterday overwhelmingly endorsed protesting students' demands for lighter political restrictions and a halt to university action against students involved in recent demonstrations. But administration reaction left the three-month-old controversy up in the air. A spokesman for University of Cali- fornia President Clark Kerr said that "the action involves such basic changes in the policies affecting all campuses of the university, including changes in the standing orders of the Regents, that no comment will be possible until the Re- gents have next met." The California Regents, who must " approve the new policy be- Indonesian cause it conflicts with current regental policies on studentdt political action, will meet Fri- All but two members of the po--Librar litical science and technology de- partment faculties have threaten- ed to resign if the faculty reso- lution, is not accepted, Berkeley JAKARTA, Indonesia (a') - A ereo ,if accepted, will cies toward the Congo and Ma- e sutidmonsr aceptedwildlaysia stormed the U.S. Informa- end student demonstrations and tion Service library in the East demands that have rocked the Java capital of Surabaja Mon- campus in recent weeks, according day night, burning books, furi- toanpoemnorere -er toeachpokemn, fornthedFerenture, a mobile unit and a car. Speech Movement, a confederation It was the second U.S. library o 18 student organizations which tas heysenon d.on has run the demonstrations. satorskid fyuIndays.nAdmob Accepted stoned and sacked the American The faculty of the university cultural center in. Jakarta and its voted 824-115 to accept the reso- library last Friday, destroying lution.-f about a fourth of the library's With the end of the student- 15,000 books. faculty strike midnight Monday, the FSM reorganized as a defense committee for students arrested in a Dec. 2-3 sit-in in the Berke- ley administration building. The 814 arrested were released on bail raised by the faculty, and have not been arraigned. A spokesman said the FSM will collect funds to aid in their defense. The FSM is reportedly petition- ing California Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown for executive am- nesty in the cases. Spokesmen for FSM said the organization's strike was called off until the Regents' meeting. ^' Whether the demonstrations end * L permanently, the spokesman said, depends on whether the Regents 5$' *. accept the Senate's proposal. f4.'; Called Off FSM leader Mario Savio yester- day called off plans to attempt « a meeting with Brown until the results of the Academic Senate and Regents' meetings were: .. . known. He did, however, confer PRESIDENT SUKARNO with Brown by telephone. The matters discussed were not re- The demonstrators are protest- leased. ing America's participation with The faculty-backed resolution Belgium in the rescue of white supports the core of the student hostages from Congolese rebels demands. It contained these and U.S. support of Malaysia, points: which Indonesian President Su- -There shall be no university karno has threatened to crush. disciplinary m e a s u r e s against USIS Director Paul Neilson told members or organizations of the a news conference a mob of about university community for activi- 1000 banner-waving demonstrators ties prior to Dec. 8 connected with smashed windows to enter the the current controversy over po- Surabaja library, which had been litical speech and activity, closed and locked in anticipation -Time, place and manner of of trouble. conducting political activity on Neilson said the demonstrators the campus shall be subject to also damaged a USIS mobile unit reasonable regulation to prevent and an automobile outside the interference with normal functions library building. of the university; that the regula- The U.S. consul at Surabaja, tions now in effect for this pur- Allan McLean, reported that the pose shall remain in effect until raid lasted half an hour. He sad after a report of the committee olice did not arrive until aftei on academic freedom. -That content of speech or th mob left. advocacy should not be restricted James McHale, reported about E by the university. Off-campus stu- fourth of the library's 16,000 book dent political activities shall not t' be subject to university regula- Were destroyed. tions. No American staff members -Future disciplinary measures were in the building, and Indo- for political activities shall be de- nesia emplyes in the building termined by a committee appoint- were not hurt. ed by, and responsible to, the American Ambassador Howard Berkeley division of the Senate. P. Jones is protesting the Sura- Jubilant baja attack to officials in Ja- Savio greeted the resolution as karta. The embassy has not yet 44;.- eeived n answerftoits inte l" f_ . , 5 , r" s OPTIMISM, PATRIOTISM: Halberstam Talks on By MARK KILLINGSWORTH "I've never felt that patriotism should be equated with optimism1 in Viet Nam," David Halberstam, Pulitzer prize-winning correspon- dent for the New York Times in Viet Nam, said in a journalism department lecture yesterday. But the attitude of many United States officials that the press ought to be optimistic rather than realistic has simply aggravated the situation, he said. When the French were pushed out by the Communist-dominated resistance movement in 1954, Halberstam said, it was extremely difficult to find Vietnamese political leaders who were both anti- French and anti-Communist. Ngo Dinh Diem was one of the few who met these qualifications, he said. But, due to his conservative > n supciu natur. may V.S.TRofficidnia betedpgtoinDiem at