PAGE TWO TRF MICHIGAN l1Ail.V PAGE TWO -- .a J LYU Vai 3MF .P 3 E t A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1964 E ;I C-1 W W 4-k VVT *N"u Ir T I-V -ir ia -r w--v d--d Y--v Hoag Views 'Heyday of Past' Cancel Berkeley Classes SGC Finishes Grievance Study As Negotiations Continue CntinuedfroPag1 cluded ther urge the University t I to en- By JOAN SKOWRONSKI Talking to Jerry Hoag, the man- ager of the Michigan Theatre, is like watching a town and a uni- Versity change over 40 years and reliving a hectic heyday in show business all at once. "When I came to Ann Arbor in 1919, it was a sleepy little town of 15,000, not counting the 5,000 University students," Hoag said recently. "Not many of the stores have changed but I can remember when the University television station was a funeral home, and before that a dancing academy; and when the present site of Discount Records was an ice cream parlor called The Fountain of Youth. State Street "State St. was a crooked little road so low you had to climb steps to reach the sidewalk. Trol- leys were running then, whenever they managed to escape being pulled off the lines by rambunc- tious students," he reminisced. Hoag came to Ann Arbor from Kalamazoo to manage the old Majestic Theatre on Maynard St. where a parking structure now stands. He became manager of the Michigan Theatre in 1928. Although he never received a college degree, he has enjoyed the "educational experience" of living in Ann Arbor and working near youth. Many of his memories of the old University students revolve around the' Majestic Theatre, a favorite spot for students during the 20's. Freshmen "In those days, freshmen, iden- tified unmistakably by the fresh-l man beanies, couldn't sit in the1 first six rows of the theatre, a rule strictly enforced by upper- classmen. In the winter, everyone wore stocking caps. Freshmen wore grey ones; sophomores, red ones; juniors, blue and seniors, white," he said. According to Hoag, radio had much more of an impact on the theatre then, than television has had today. "The impact was so great that the only way we could get people into the theatre was to delay per- formances 15 minutes and broad- cast "Amos and Andy" for them. Chief Problem "Today, the chief problem in my job is trying to evaluate pictures to suit the University atmosphere. We can't have just anything; we need sophisticated, clever movies and, unfortunately, there is a shortage of this kind," he said. Hoag's work in show business has brought him close to many famous personalities. In the '20s and '30s the Majes- tic's productions varied from the legitimate theatre, such as live plays with Ethel Barrymore, to vaudeville with Joe Jackson, he said. Promotion Hoag is very proud of his part. in promoting the career of band; leader Fred Waring. "Fred was playing with a group of students from Pennsylvania] State University for the J-Hop. I noticed them, liked them and hir- ed them for a four day run at the Majestic. They were a big hit and the show ran more than four weeks," he said. Another of the many anecdotesc he remembers is the time he had1 to retrieve Jack Benny from a7 bookie joint just in time for a performance. Crosby Haag can recall a slightly tipsy performance Bing Crosby gave in the 30's sitting on the edge of the Michigan's balcony with the audi- ence below him looking up. Hoag believes the University changes noticeably with every stu- dent body. The greatest change in the University itself is the num- ber of students who are privileged to attend, he contends. "It used to be that only the wealthy and those dedicated to getting an education attended col- lege; now, with the number of people it educates the University has literally become an 'ivy- covered factory'." Hoag believes today's students are more indi- vidualistic-less likely "to jump on the bandwagon"-and yet more able to accept a variance of opin- ion. Pastime Sometimes he stands in the theatre lobby to hear comments on the feature. "Often I'll overhear one mem- ber of a group of students say, 'that movie was horrible'; rnd his friend will come back with 'what do you mean? It was great.' The difference of opinion is there, and yet, it's accepted without any real conflict," he commented. In the same sense the reception given such speakers as George Lincoln Rockwell and Ross Bar- nett reflects the student's willing- ness at least to hear other opin-1 ions," Hoag said. "That never would have hap- pened here 30 years ago," he ob-3 served. Most importantly, Hoagl feels that youth today are n, rei open-minded and that they can. be convinced by reasonable argu-] ments.1 that the Regents amend this by- (Continued from Page 1) cluded one of the more eventful law so that the University can recommendation that the school's days in the several-month-old operate a bookstore. rules should be revised by a fac_ dispute. SGC will also urge the Univer- rule shuld e rvise bya fa- Isity to adopt a minimum wage ulty group to permit stepped-up Campus Entrances o$1y to sdnt empnomem SgC political activity. Hundreds of students carrying of $1.25 to student employes. SGC Richard Haffner, the universi- placards started picketing campus siy employ only tht inijobs ty's public relations director re- entrances before 6 a.m. as num- shey employ only students in jobs ported that factions of the in- erous faculty members wearing where this is feasible. formal faculty group were meet- arm bands indicating their sym- .In its study of the financial aid Ing in late-night sessions with ad- pathy with the protests looked ivenmitteeoUneSiy studento oc ministration a nd department on quietly.ComteofSuntEnmi chairmen to work out a compro- The administration had called Welfare found that the University mise. Hence, the final shape of off morning classes to allow for has an adequate program for fi- the resolution which goes to the the presentation of the peace pro- nancial assistance. faculty today is not known. posal at 11 a.m. Two hours earlier, Loans are available through the In further action, Douglas Brook, '65, president of SGC, an- nounced to the Council that he had talked to the new vice-presi- dent of student affairs, Robert Cutler. Brook said that Cutler ex- pressed great interest in the ac- tivities of SGC and hopes to work with SGC to make it an effective spokesman for the student body. Due to a lack of business last Wednesday, SGC decided to wait until last night to act on the grievance reports and the election of its new member. Term Activity In the course of this term, Stu- dent Government Council has been studying areas of student grievances. This extensive study was the result of a "grievance courage the City of Ann Arbor to continue to improve its building .inspection staff. 3) In student-administration communications, SGC will main- tain communication with the ad- ministration on future plans for expansion of housing facilities and will request the Office of Business and Finance and the Office of Student Affairs to advise SGC of their housing affairs. SGC further adopted a motion that a study committee investigate University - SGC communication channels. This study committee will concentrate its attention on the interrelationships of the SGC, recognized student organizations and the individual student. i UhLirav Prabla The late-evening session con- cross Campus TUESDAY, DEC. 8 3 p.m.-David Halberstam, Pu- litzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent, will speak on "The Reporter in Vietnam" in the Rackham Ampitheater. Haberstam is a 1955 graduate of Harvard College, where he was editor of the Harvard Crimson. 4:30 p.m.-Challenge, a group which sponsors lectures, will hold an organizational meeting on the second floor of the Student Activi- ties Bldg. 8 p.m.-Charles Morgan, Direc- tor of the Southern Regional Of- fice of the American Civil Liber- ties Union, will speak in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall, Law Quadrangle. 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music Dedication Series Faculty Recital presents Jerome Jelinek, cellist, of t h e Stanley Quartet, playing suites for the violincello by Jo- hann Sebastian Bach in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Crittenden continued the arraign- ment of the 768 demonstrators, warning the charges against them might have serious repercussions in the future. Although classes, many of which have been cancelled since last Thursday, were scheduled to re- sume in the afternoon. The stu- dent-teaching fellow boycott con- tinued to permit the Sproul Hall demonstration. The strike, impos- ed last week to protest the handl- ing and jailing of demonstrators, was scheduled to end last night at midnight. Harmony to Dispute The student, faculty and ad- ministration negotiators who at- tended the early evening session were seeking to bring harmony out of a dispute which arose be- tween students and administration in October. At that time, the Berkeley ad- ministration began enforcing an old ban against on-campus solici-' tation of funds and members fork off-campus political activities. When eight students persisted in collecting funds for Southern civil rights work they were arrested and suspended. The next d-ay, Oct. 1, the first major demonstration -of 2000 students-took place on the step of Sproul Hall. National Defense Education Act, Health Professions Funds (for the medical and dental students) and state loan funds (for Michigan residents). The University also has its own loan program. As part of the grievance report of the Student Economic Welfare Committee, SGC passed, at its last meeting, a recommendation that the University should immediately raise pay levels to, at least, $1.25 per hour in all departments where possible. Low Prestige Boughey, the new SGC mem- ber, feels that one of the main problems with SGC at this time is the low prestige given it by the student body. He feels that the only way that SGC can in- crease its prestige is to act in. those areas of immediate concern to students, such as housing and automobile insurance. Once the prestige of SGC has been regained, SGC can then act as a spokesman for the student body in more sophisticated areas, such as student conduct, he con- .,.... - e, vaa c L~rry rro ems package" written by Barry Blue- 4) In library overcrowding, SGC stone, '66, last fall. will request that Frederick H. SGC then divided into commit- Wagman, director of University tees to study the areas of student libraries, keep in close contact grievances. Reports from the var- with SGC in any developments ious committees have been adopt- concerning undergraduate a n d ed by SGC in the past months. graduate study facilities. 1) In residence hall overcrowd- 5) In student parking, SGC will ing SGC will recommend to the establish a study committee to University that students be allow- work with the University to pro- ed to move out of residence halls vide more parking facilities for without forfeiting fees. students. Off-Campus Housing SGC will add its support to the 2) In off-campus housing,. SGC joint efforts of the city, Univer- will urge the University to provide sity and Ann Arbor Chamber of legal advice to students involved Commerce to find some long-run in lease problems. SGC will fur- solution to the parking problems. I;. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. M MO4.... ..... . . ..... . .. .....r ...... .. .. ...**, *~~* .. rir.a. r.......:i.. ...... . ...~ ... . . . . . . ..... ...... . ....... . .... ... f... . ..*.............{.. ..... wednesday - saturday at 8 P.M. saturday matinee at 2 p.m. $1.75, 2.00, 1.50 tickets now: I I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices sltould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 Day Calendar Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- sonnel Techniques Seminar - Howard Peck, Hewitt Associates, Illinois, "Com- municating Employe Benefits Effective- ly": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. School of Music Recital - String Instrument Students: Recital Hall, School of Music, 4 p.m. Dept. of Romance Languages Lecture -Robert Mauzi, Universite de Lyon, "Problemes du Roman au XVIIme Si- ecle": Aud .B, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Dept. of Linguistics Lecture-Herbert Pilch, University of Freiburg in Breis- gau, Germany, "Phonemic Constituent *Students: If you need to order a National Teacher Examinations: Can- Near East Studies Club, Lecture, Dec. cial operations & knowledge of dataj transcript without grades for the pres- didates taking the National Teacher 10, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. processing & international operations. ent term, you are urged to call in per- Examination on Dec. 12 are requested University of Michigan Jazz Band, Form policies, procedures & counsel son at Rm. 515 Admin. Bldg. not later to report to Aud. B, Angell Hall at State Department sponsored Latin for current & future operations. than Dec. 15. 8:30 Saturday morning. American tour, Feb.-May, Latin Amer- Library of Congress, Wash., D.C. - *-Does not apply to students in Nuica. Various openings including Specialist Law and College of Engineering. Navy College Aptitude Test: Candi- in American Hist., MA plus 4 yrs, ex- dates taking the Navy College Aptitude I per.; Editor, BA plus 3 yrs. field ex-I Test on Dec. 12 are requested to re- I acemenC i per. Also positions in Aerospace Tech Registration: Additional students are port to 130 Business Administration Div., including Tech. Abstractor & Re- needed tisis tReitatoa 4-6, 1965. Please report in person to Bldg. at 8:30 Saturday morning. ANNOUNCEMENT: search Specialist. Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg. as soon as pos- Argonne National Lab., Argonne, Ill City of Ypsilanti, Mich.-Relocation Attention December Graduates: College -Operated by Univ. of Chicago under Director. Grad with Bus. or Soc. bkgd. of Literature, Science, and the Arts, contract with U.S. Atomic Energy Coin- to relocate families displaced by ur- Physical Education-Women Students: School of Education, School of Music mission, announces research appoint- ban renewal. Pref. male over 25 with Women students who have not com- School of Public Health, School of inents available in Science & Engrg. some knowledge of acct. helpful. pleted the undergraduate physical edu. Business Administration: Students are for faculty member, post doctoral & Internal Revenue Service, Detroit - cation requirement should either reg- advised not to request grades of I or grad students. Temporary research ap- Temporary Clerks to assist in process- cter for it the second term or re- X in Dec. When such grades are pointments include summer & yearly ing Fed, tax returns to work inter- quest an administrative defer until absolutely imperative, the work must appointments. Details available at Bu- mittently throughout 1965. Applications Term lILA. Administrative defers are be made up in time to allow your reau. available at Downtown Ann Arbor Post available by petitioning in Office 15, instructor to report the make-up grade Office. Deadline Dec. 15 for applying. Barbour Gymnasium, and, if granted, not later than 8:30 a.m., Wed., Dec. 30. INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appoint- Pennsait Chemicals Corp., Phila., Pa. SdGments-Seniors & grad students, please -Various positions including Prod. & Iwill permit a student to wait until the Grades received after that time may cal7446foapinm tsIDe.Eg..ndCeSlsTrne. outdoor season to complete the re- defer the student's graduation until a call 764-7460 for appointments. Dev. Engrs., and Chem. Sales Trainees. quirement. later date. FRI. & MON., DEC. 11 & 14-- Also aPtent Attorney & Sales Engi- National Security Agency, Wash., D.C. neers. French and German screening Exam- Student Government Council approval -Will interview those who have taken State of Michigan-Summer Camp inations for Doctoral candidates will of the following student-sponsored & passed the NSA Professional Quali- Consultant. MA in Soc. Work, Psych., events becomes effective 24 hours after fication Test given Oct. 24, 1964. Math Educ., or rel. field plus 4 yrs. exper. from 3-5 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. the publication of this notice, All majors are exempt from exam but including welfare work, teaching or in- Doctoral candidates must pass the publicity for these events must be with- sould also interview, Please call early stitutlon work. Application deadline screening examination before taking held until the approval has becomeforappointments, De. * the written test in French or German, effective. POSITION OPENINGS: For further information, please call unless they have received B or better Approval request forms for student- Mgmt. Counsels, Chicago, III.-Chief 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- in French 111 or German 111. Those sponsored events are available in Room Financial Exec. Exper. in supv. finan- pointments, 3200 SAB. who fail may take it again in February. 1011 of the SAB. Candidates are asked to bring their -- own No.2 pencils. MDI A66 QA 62 mendelssohn reservations: box office 668-6300 Delicious Hamburgers 15c 2000 W. Stadium Blvd. Notice of Brandeis University Study Program in Israel for University of Michigan Students If you are a sophomore or junior and are interested in spending the next fall semester (July 1-Dec. 20) in Israel for full academic credit at the University of Michigan, please be informed that Miss Phyllis C. Silver- man, Assistant Director of the Jacob Hiatt Institute of Brandeis University, will be interviewing students at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, at 1429 Hill Street, on Friday, December 11 between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. Full information about this opportunity will be made available during this interview. Preliminary details may be obtained at the Hillel Office. I Analysis": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 8 p.m. Recommendations for Departmental Summer Intern Program Meeting: Honors: Teaching departments wishing For all students interested in summer to recommend tentative Dec. grad- workin ashigto, D.. Tis met-uates from the College of Literature, ing is intended primarily for those who S nce, and the Artsr honorsuor did not attend the October meeting, studens b foadingcamlete (in To be held in Multipurpose Room, Un- t copies one orwarding a letter Con dergrad Library, 4 p.m., Tues., Dec. 8. cil, one copy for the Office of Regis- tration and Records) to the Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell Hall, by G 3 p.m., Mon., Dec. 28, 1964. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Teaching departments in the School Academi Cpo tue Canp be1 rentvedst of Education should forward lettersE Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. University directly to the Office of Registration Ave., or at Tice's Men's Shop, 1107 5. an-I Records, Room 1513 Administra- University Ave. Orders for Midyear tion Bldg., by 8:30 a.m., Wed., Dec. 30, Graduation Exercises should be placed 1964. immediately. All Teacher's Certificate Candidates: Everyone receiving a teacher's certifi- Acate must secure a health statement IZATI in the junior and senior years. This service will be free during the Janu- ary registration period only, There will NOTICES be a charge at all other times. Plan to attend the Health Service between January 4 and 9. Astronomical Colloquium: Wed., Dec. Use of This Column for Announce- 9, 4 p.m., Room 807, Physics-Astrono- ments is available to officially recog- my Bldg. Dr. D. Mugglestone, Univer- nized and registered student organiza- sity of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, tions only. Forms are available in Room will speak on "The Influence of Sat- 1011 SAB. uration Effects and Non-LTE on the * * * Determination of Solar Atmospheric Near East Studies Club, Lecture on Abundances." Persia, Dec. 10, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. P__nT_ * * * Professional Qualification Test: Can- of M Physical Therapy Club, didates taking the Professional Quai- Chris'mas party on the Rehabilitation fication Test on Dec. 12, are requested Ward, )Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. Meet in main to report to Aud. C, Angell Hall at 8:45 lobby of 'University Hospital. Saturday morning. DIAL 5-6290 Feature at Shown Today at _ 1:00-3:10-5:15 1, 3, 5, 7 9 P.M. 7:15-9:20 KIM NOVAK- IAURENCE HARVEY IN W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S OW EUE3jsDM3 8OD EXTRA LAA a- 64 ENDS FRIDAY Shows Start at 1 :00-3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:05 JOAN LEIF MRBARA J#AN tK FREEMAN-ERICKSM - . OswM t rr THE ROMANOFFS a Q GERMAN-AMERICAN CUISINE TOWIEN ER SCH N ITZ ELS . . . . . . . . 1.35 I * 8-oz. NEW YORK STRIP STEAK ... 1.50 Both served with choice of potatoes, salad, homemade roll, butter " Student Specials 95c t German meat pattie 35c 300 S. THAYER 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 665-4967 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. CLOSED SUNDAY GIFT IDEASt Meister SKI SWEATERS ... 22.50-35.00 STRETCH PANTS from 19.95 by Roffe & Hauser TOM & JERRY "Snowbody Loves Me" "ON THE BOUNCE" 3 Part Specialty Friday: "YOUNGBLOOD HAWKE" ;, +t i I ;r .! I . NOW Shows 7 & 9 P.M. F I Efflam DIAL 8-6416 1 "Q~ii t lAm-i 1411IIAX~l^1I i iU I ( III