'1 Seventfy-Fi f thYear Emarm AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNlvERSrrT OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PusucATnos LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Appraises Legislature's Education Appropriations I where Opinions Are Fe, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PoHNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN KENNY The Trimester Solution Can't Tame the Monster TRIMESTER, as run by the University, is definitely not the solution to the current overcrowded condition of Ameri- can universities. It may be a jump ahead of the past solution to the problem, which resulted in the appearance on the American scene of the monster-sized institutions for high- er education-the University of Califor- nia, the University of Wisconsin, the Uni- versity of Minnesota and, of course, our own University. But trimester is not an all-inclusive solution to the enrollment crisis and its accompanying dilemmas. In the educators' theories, trimester did seem wonderful. To handle increasing numbers of students, the thought ran, simply adapt the universities to process more students in less time without all the tremendous expansion of facilities. Run the students through one added semester a year. Or better, add a fourth semester to the school year. Run the universities on a full, heavy, waste-less schedule all year long! IT LOOKS GOOD, but after three semes- ters conducted at trimester speed, more and more students and faculty at the University are aware that this is not the^ solution. There is simply , a limit the amount of material that can be really learned from any course in a foreshort- ened period of time. Under the current trimester system, courses cannot cover as much material as they should as well as they should. They cannot adequately prepare the student for higher-level courses and for his vocation. At least one other college besides the University has found all this quite true. Smith College in Massachusetts, always a pioneer in educational experiments, used to have the shortened terms of the trimester. Students were expected to ab- sorb all course material before Christmas. The result was, as one bright student put it, "utter chaos. People spent all their time writing papers and jamming in huge reading assignments at the last minute without comprehending anything." Hav- ing learned from experience that this schedule does not work, Smith has prof- ited and for the time being is going back to a more regular schedule, with exams after Christmas vacation. IF TRIMESTER is definitely not the so- lution to increasing enrollment pres- sure, what is? Leaders in higher educa- tion are actively discussing the problem. One very interesting proposal has been made, though it is still in the infant stage and does not yet pretend to be a final solution. The proposal involves the development of a network of junior colleges in every state. Ideally, a state-run run junior col- lege of good standing would be within commuting distance of each student qual- ified for and desiring higher education. This system could develop directly out of the old system of agricultural, normal, teachers' and state colleges that every state already has. As a matter of fact, this system is already developing slowly and disorganizedly on its own. What it needs is directional planning, and support from state legislatures. The advantage of an organized system of junior colleges would be that a large number of students could be handled at once. Being small and mostly within commuting distance of homes, the junior colleges could help eliminate many of the in loco parentis, alienation and ident- ity problems that predominate in the first two years of college, particularly at a large university. Students who had completed their first two years of college could then go on to the larger institutions of higher educa- tion with their distribution work com- pleted and their minds set on a major. (This alone would eliminate the problem of the devoted professor who must put up with whole lecture halls of uninter- ested students merely taking his course for distribution requirements.) NO LONGER would the important uni- versities be inundated at the lower levels. They would be free to devote more time, work-hours and money to the de- velopment of specialized and graduate fa- cilities. For it is not only the demands for more education at the undergraduate level that have been increasing. Demands for more, and more specialized, educa- tion at the graduate level have also been increasing. (The trend is so marked that a member of the University psychology department recently said that education is heading toward the point where stu- dents doing graduate work in many fields in the not-too-distant future can ex- pect to be at least 30 before they are fin- ished.) Moreover, it has been pointed out that' quite a few universities are not merely state or national institutions. The work that goes on at them is vitally important to the whole world. This means that cer- tain obligations are involved. Their grad- uate, specialized and research facilities cannot'be sacrificed, even in the face of growing college-age populations. Trimester is nothing but a stopgap, and no real answer to the enrollment problem presently confronting American universi- ties. And although the supplementary sys- tem of junior colleges may be no final answer in itself, educators, administra- tors and legislators might do well to start developing it as a step in the right direc- tion. -SUSAN COLLINS To the Editor: THE FINE editorial answer by Leonard Pratt to the earlier ridiculous assertions by Thomas Copi concerning the Governor and education was a bit too defensive. A brief look at the Romney record will explain. The figures positively show that Governor Romney has been a boon to education and has given it greater priority than any other part of the budget. According to statistics in both Challenge magazine, the official publication of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, and Sen- ator Stanley Thayer's 1964 legis- lative summary, the increase in the Administration and Opera- tions Budget from '63-'64 (the last Swainson budget) to '64-'65 (the present Romney budget) was approximately 16.5 per cent, whereas the increase in state ap- propriations to higher education was approximately 35 per cent. AS FOR Copi's uninformed as- sertion that a state surplus was kept for political purposes, if he were to acquaint himself with both the new constitution and some materials dealing with state financing, he would find that the problems in budgeting are more complex than the wheeler-dealers' cry of "spend, spend, spend." For instance, in The Daily of Dec. 3, the stae comptroller said that "the entire surplus, however, cannot be pumped into, the state spending program in any one year." This seems to be a con- stitutional limitation. Furthermore, he noted that "we would be in trouble in the coming year if we spent the entire sur- plus this year. By adding large sums to the budget, you build up programs that will not decrease in the coming years: you build up repetitive demands." Hence, it is clear that Copi is wrong about the reasons und. r- lying the presence of the surplus and the procedure for appropriat- ing. OBVIOUSLY, Copi does not realize that Nov. 3 has passed and the people of Michigan have over- whelmingly rejected both his theories and the candidate who so forcefully (?) expounded them. -Alan M. Sager. Executive Director, Michigan Federation of College Republicans Peacemaker To the Editor: "HE PEACEMAKER," now on stagerat Trueblood, deserves a little more careful attention than your reviewer gave it. I found it the first presentation of this sea- son which did not evaporate a few minutes after leaving the theatre. Neither the play itself, nor the direction, can be serious- ly faulted. If there is a weakness, it is in the character of the peace- maker himself, not as written, but as played. It is an extremely tricky role, and, at least in the premiere per- formance, suffered in comparison to the performances which so fully brought to life the leaders of the two clans. Garret, although the central character, is not himself a moving force in the events of the play, It was essential, therefore, that he make his personal dilemna clear and believable to the audi- ence. This he failed to do. Hn THE incredibly skillful constru- tion of the play can be seen in just one example relating to Gar- ret, the peacemaker. It is made abundantly plain that all the events on stage could have been triggered by the first thoughtless knifing of Hatfield's brother by the young McCoys. The fact that Garret himself shot Harmon Mc- Coy two years earlier is completely extraneous to the course of the action. But it is Garret's own flaw which involves him in the feud, which makes him the peace- maker and eventually leads to his death. The power of Ogiesby's play would be obvious simply by read- ing it. But "The Peacemaker" is theatre. It has been superbly di- rected and staged. And for the most part, the cast brings out every dimension of the characters. -Michael Eisler Punishment To the Editor: IN A RECENT Daily article, the National Association of Manu- facturers commented on J. Edgar Hoover's recent appraisal of what needs to be done to combat "the rise in crime-which has been greatest in our cities." This association, one which rep- resents a major victim of U.S. crime, i.e. business, concurred with Mr. Hoover's belief that crime can best be suppressed by: 1) a more punitive approach by the support for law-enforce- ment officials who arrest; 2) a reversal of "the tendency to treat ham-handed, 200 pound, bewhiskered young men as 'ju- veniles,' no matter how awful and repetitive their offenses." THE ASSOCIATION, in para- phrasing the F.B.I. chief, paints a vivid picture-a picture to which unfortunatelyvtoo many people respond positively. I refer to this as being unfor- tunate because Hoover's two sug- gestions for the suppression of crime are not only contrary to the protection of Americans through civil rights as defined by the courts and demanded by the people, but also give evidence of lack of knowledge as to the causes of crime, conditions which main- tam it, and the directions in which efforts must be made in order to reduce it. IT'S EASY to arrive at the con- clusion that every criminal who is incarcerated in a penitentiary means one less criminal out in the general population. t's even easier,chowever, to disregard the statistics which indicate high rates of recidivism, the commis- sion of new offenses, for the men released from the prisons. The difficult approach is the one which social scientists have taken in examining the differen- tial effects of imprisonment as opposed to such methods as al- lowing a man to remain in the community under probationary supervision, or the sentencing of an offender to a short prison term which is followed by parole supervision in the community. These latter methods not only cut public expense many times over but also give evidence of much greater success than long- term imprisonment, especially with the recent development of rehabilitative facilities located in the community, i.e. "half-way houses." THE INCREASINGLY evident practices of the courts, which Mr. Hoover terms "leniency," are a response to current knowledge re- garding the relative efficacy of the various alternatives. The oc- r'' ,,, , '' ,MAII r r-'^'"" "Some Of You Fellows Don't Understand What A Great Victory I Won For You" // to Ji 00 ~p-j ~ 4 4j T~'v 71At S casional difficulties which law- enforcement officers face in court are no different from those which other "expert" witnesses such as psychiatrists and social workers experience in presenting testi- mony; the courts are concerned with "due process of law" which is guaranteed constitutionally to every person coming before the bench. Just as other "expert" witnesses need to adjust their presentation of evidence to this requirement, so must law-enforcement officials. if it is true that occasionally of- fenders are "let off" due to tech- nical errors in the presentation of charges or other aspects of formal legal procedure, :ert anly t h e Constitutional protections were meant to be afforded to all the people, not only those who never come before a court. IN REFERENCE to Hoover's paraphrased characterization of the "ham-handed, 200 pound, be- whiskered young men," the evolu- tion of the current philosophy which affords minors protection of the state rather than punish- ment is a product of the fact that a child is not considered to be in full attainment of adult capacities to determine behavior. (the age of adult responsibility is 17 in Michigan). The court dealing with a de- linquent youth views itself as a substitute parent for a child in need of guidance and supporting help. The era of imprisoning children in jails intended for adults is passed and has been followed by a more enlightened philosophy towards providing the kind of control and treatment which such children need. Indeed, current legislation permits com- mitment of delinquent youth for terms of treatment and control that frequently are longer in dura- tion than comparative sentences for adults. *. * IN CONCLUSION, the problems of crime causation and prevention are multi-faceted. The "softness" which the National Association of Manufacturers decried is not satis- factory to this association be- cause it does not result in ab- solute protection to business. Neither would compulsory long- term institutionalization. More is needed in order to ef- fectively combat crime and ju- venile delinquency, but effects of a positive nature are unlikely whenhthe assumption that harsh punishment will deter criminals is taken as true. -Roger A. Roffman, '65SW 'LOS OLVIDADOS': Bunuel Fails To Deliver Message of Pessimism At the Cinema Guild LUIS BUNUEL, the Spaniard-in- exile film-maker, has been shocking audiences for years with his wierd and macabre movies. Earlier this .year, the Cinema Guild brought his very early, short, silent film, "Le Chien An- dalou" to the campus and it shocked many in the audience, even in today's milieu of violence on television and prurience in novels. A close-up of a man slitting a woman's eyeball is not common fare on the screen or in life. In this case, Bunuel, in conjunction with the surrealist painter, Sal- vador Dali, was not attempting to "say" much, but rather to create an emotion. One's nerves were made so taut with expecta- tion of further such "events" that Bunuel didn't have to do any- thing terrifying, he only had' to hint that he might do it at any Economics and Out-of-Staters IN ANY DISCUSSION of out-of-state un- dergraduate students, it is assumed by all parties that such students represent an economic burden to the state. The state, through the University, diverts its resources and capital to the education of other states' students; this loss is com- pensated for by higher tuitions, but not completely. In exchange for paying the difference, the University achieves a "cos- mopolitan" atmosphere. But must the battle for more or fewer out-of-state students be fought on the basis of whether or not the "cosmopoli- tan" atmosphere is worth it? Or are there reasons to question the assumption that out-of-state students cost the state mon- ey? THERE ARE. First-and most cynically --there is the money such students bring into the state-$2400 a year apiece, approximately. And to support 1000 out- of-state students, it is estimated that 3600 more faculty, staff and townspeople H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN..............Personnel Director MILL BULLARD ..... ..........Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor are needed, resulting in a multiplier ef- fect on the state's product. In this re- spect - and perhaps in others - higher education is like the tourist trade. Second, admitting out-of-state stu- dents has long-range effects on the state's economy. One must first escape from the dogmatic idea that it is inher- ently right and correct to educate any student who comes from Michigan rath- er than a student from another state. Consider two students: one is raised here, goes to a Michigan college or university and then gets a job in some other state; the second is raised in some other state, goes to school in Michigan and ends up working here. Which student should a state institu- tion have an obligation to educate? Which benefits the state of Michigan more? Which student is the state edu- cating for someone else? If the state's commitment is to its future-to an ex- panded economy -then the answer is clearly the second, the out-of-state stu- dent who stays in Michigan. THE LACK OF CERTAINTY in knowing which student will ultimately prove advantageous to Michigan's economy makes it imperative that the state not regard out-of-state students as parasites. Other uncertainties challenge the as- sumption that out-of-state students are FOLKLORE SOCIETY: Folk Music Well Presented in Three Acts moment. This is one way he com- municates to us his belief that "this is not the best of all possible worlds." "LOS OLVIDADOS" (literally, "The Forgotten," and titled for English speaking audiences, "The Young and the Damned") is the story of juvenile delinquents in a Mexico City slum. The acting is erratic. It is sometimes good be- cause of the energy exhibited by the young actors but more often it is only leery and violent. A great part of the blame -for the faults goes to the scriptwriter and Bunuel himself, who, I am sure, never let the writer wander away from his own conceptions and ideas. There is the expected amount of violence from the kids -several brutal beatings and one taunting and robbery of a blind man-but it is never shocking, moving or meaningful. "The Un- touchables" have exhibited a finer finesse with violence than Bunuel accomplishes in this motion pic- ture. *< * * THE STORIES of the delin- quents sometimes hint that they may be verging on the tragic, but this is never fully exploited. Bunuel only manages to engender a weak feeling of pity, which is as far from tragedy as it is from comedy. In fact, Bunuel says most emphatically that love is what the boys need. Love would solve all their problems and they would not be delinquents anymore-at least some of them wouldn't. Haven't we seen this message countless times before from Holly- wood and the television industry? Howdy Doody was preaching the same sermon when Bunuel made this film. We can only marvel at the delicate camera work and the fine pacing of the picture. But Bunuel is not the man to deliver the message of pessimism he so believes in and has diffi- culty putting across to his audi- ence. HIS earlier films have shocked us with their freedom in subject matter and approach. His later films have not shown that he has grown and developed through the years, up to 1950. However, I can THE UNIVERSITY Folklore Society concert last night featured just three acts, but all were excellent. Rick Ruskin is a Blues singer and guitar-picker of tremendous skill. Folkniks who remember him from last year's Folk Festival were amazed at how much he has relaxed and improved his style since then. His explicit first-rate guitar and voice cover the fact that too often his songs are done in completely neutral style, devoid of the wry, tired, philosophical, Blues feeling. But he does sometimes come up with real Blues feeling, notably on songs he's learned from Reverend Gary Davis such as "You've Got to Move." Presently, much of his performance is beautiful but empty- like a finely-engraved, solid-silver wassail cup with no wassail in it. But this will pass, JIM WESLEY, I'm convinced, is the male counterpart to Joan Baez, with his magnificent baritone voice and flamboyant guitar. His only problem, the opposite of Ruskin's, is in toning down the feeling in his voice so as not to overwhelm the story which rarely happens. He squarely hits the mark-a sense of resigned, bleak loneliness with an undercurrent of awe for this big nation-in "I'm a Drifter" and the powerful "High Flyin' Bird." Bob Dylan's "Times They Are A-Changin' " and "I Shall Be Free" (both versions blended) have never been done better, even by Dylan himself. Wesley's voice rings out like a trumpet on the choruses, his guitar bounces and drives the song and his harmonica punctuates the text with notes even Dylan didn't think of. A i -4 ; '