SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREll SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREJI GOP Governors Consider Committee Restructuring DENVER ()--Growing opposi- Smylie of Idaho. The other three "distinct" problem and thus it tion developed among the Repub- subjects deal with articles of as- should be handled separately. lican Governors yesterday to any sociation, drafting statements of Volpe lined up with those at attempts by their young organiza- policy, and the question of Re- the governors' conference who had tion to demand the ouster of Na- publican leadership. On these refused to join in demanding that tional Party Chairman Dean three matters the governors have Burch must be replaced in order Burch. committees. But the 17 governors and gover- But the overriding question of to give the party a new leadership nors:-electseeking to put the the reorganization of the national and a newe inning image in time party back on the winning track, committee-and the status of .nr1966s agreed to take under study a re- Burch-will be taken up by the in 16 organization of the national com- governors' conference as a whole, "I don't think it's a problem of mittee. accorling to Gov.-elect John A. ours," Volpe said. That will presumably include Volpe of Massachusetts. Enough Negativism what the governors intend to do Volpe told newsmen it was his Gov. Mark O. Hatfield agreed. -or not to do-about seeking the understanding that the critical "There's enough negativism in the ouster of Burch, the former as- question of whether the governors party already," he said. He ex- sistant to Sen. Barry Goldwater. should seek removal of Burch pressed displeasure with the Four Topics would be taken up by the gov- handling of the Burch situation The reorganization of the na- ernors' conference as a whole with criticism of Burch through tional committee is one of four rather than in committee. press statements. topics the GOP governors have Distinct Problem under scrutiny, according to the Volpe indicated the governors "If they are interested in pub- conference chairman, Gov. Robert felt the Burch question was a licity it's the way to handle it,' L~r ffiotdreiU boU Jl + tgUUr fU taf if Defend Aid to Colleges With Church Affiliation ANNAPOLIS ()-A lawyer for Notre Dame College of Maryland opened defense of state aid to church-affiliated colleges yesterday with the assertion that Notre Dame provides "a collegiate education -not a Catholic education but a collegiate education." Attorneys are challenging as unconstitutional the granting of $2.5 million in public funds to four small church-affiliated colleges! Approve Aid Program Rules J F Y a A l V e z Z , f in Maryland completed their case in the fifth day Anne Arundel County Circuit6 of the trial in World News Roundup BOMBAY-Pope Paul VI after seeing the poverty and misery of India yesterday issued a plea to all nations to halt the arms race and use at least part of the funds to help poor countries. UNITED NATIONS-Japan's Foreign Minister Essusabura Shiina yesterday denounced Red China's nuclear explosion as a betrayal of the hopes of peace held by millions of people throughout the world. He called on Communist China to cease nuclear testing and join immediately the nations supporting the limited nuclear test ban treaty * * * PASADENA-Mariner 4 ran into its first serious trouble yester- day-an unwanted wobble that delayed a planned change in course- but scientists still are confident of success, in an interplanetary -- race to take the best pictures yet of Mars. I FROM MAY THROI Hatfield sald out aaed a f a the governors want a harmonious consensus, "they should be for something." Gov. John Love of Colorado ap- peared to have softened his posi- tion on Burch. He said he still believed that Burch "could not continue as an effective chairman of the national committee." But Love added yes- terday that he did not know whether the governors should take a stand on the issue. Named to head the committees were Gov. Love, chairman on ar- ticles of association; Gov. William Scranton, chairman for the state- ments of policy; and Gov. Rom- ney, in charge of the Republican leadership statements. Court. Notre Dame was the first of the four schools to begin rebuttal, and most of the early evidence was chosen to demonstrate that the college provides a service to. the public by offering a liberal arts education. Religious Requirements Attorney Lewis A. Noonberg read from college documents to show that there are no religious requirements for law members of the faculty. He said about one- eighth of the faculty members are non-Catholic. He also read course descriptions from the college catalogue, point- ing out that they did not mention religion. Religious Institutions Lawyers for both sides also disagreed at one point about exactly what types of religious institutions might be affected in the grants being questioned are ruled unconstitutional. Pfeffer has contended from the start that the case at issue in- volves only directg rants to col- leges. He has contended it does not concern scholarships or aid to hospitals and other charitable institutions. But in beginning the defense, attorney William L. Marbury said the consequences of the decision could be wide in scope. Protest Over Degree Plan ROME-Italian students struck yesterday to protest a government plan to reform higher education along American lines, the New York Times reported. The proposed reform would in- troduce university degrees on three levels instead of only the pres- ent, the doctorate level. This would make it harder for a stu- dent to earn a doctorate and thus raise the prestige of the title. At present about 30 Italian uni- versities turn out more than 20,- 000 "doctors" a year. In Italy today, almost anyone who wears eyeglasses and has no calloused hands is called a "doc- tor." In newspapers, movie com- panies, tourist offices banks and similar city businesses everyone above a janitor and charwoman have a doctorate. Hundreds of university gradu- ates, holders of almost useless law degrees, are reported to be doing manual work in southern Italian cities because they are unable to find more adequate jobs. an unusual )ne year program WASHINGTON (P) -President Lyndon B. Johnson has put into gear the complex machinery for cutting off federal aid in programs where the government finds re- fusal to comply with the Civil Rights Law ban on racial discrim- ination. He approved Thursday the rules drawn up by the seven agencies most concerned with federal aid programs as required by the law, the White House announced yes- terday. They ,were published- in the federal register yesterday and become effective in 30 days. The President, in announcing this action, declared: "This nation's commitment to the principle of equality of treat- ment and opportunity for all Americans will be well served by the new regulations assuring that federal programs are available to all citizens without regard to their race, color or national origin." Understand the Rules Johnson said all key federal officials have been instructed to cooperate with state and local governments and with private or- ganizations and individuals par- ticipatingi in the programs to in- sure that they completely under- stand the rules. The substance of the various department regulations-and some wording-is almost identical with the restrictions of the new law, which Congress passed in July, except for the variations demand- ed by the separate programs. I. _ The programs covered are ad- ministered by the agriculture, in- terior, labor and welfare depart- ments, the Housing and Home Fi- nance Agency, the General Serv- ices Administration and the Na- tional Science Foundation. Under the Law The White House said the regu- lations of other agencies and de- partments will be issued within the next few weeks. Under the law, all such rules must be ap- proved by the President before they go into effect. The Title VI section of the law has been described as a potential political explosive. Johnson said: "The broad and encouraging compliance with the Public Ac- commodations Title of the Civil Rights Act has demonstrated the overwhelming desire of the people of this nation to accept and to comply with the law of the land. I am confident that the provisions of the Civil Rights Act to be im- plemented by these regulations will be received in the same spirit of acceptance and cooperation." Not Covered by Law It is noted in each agency's rules that mortgage guarantee and insurance programs of the Federal Housing Administration and Vet- erans Administration are not covered by this law. Each agency spells out where there is a requirement that each participant in a program pledge in writing to comply with the ban on racial discrimination. It is not- ed that in the case of institutions of higher learning, hospitals and other institutions this extends to "admission practices." Each agency stresses the aim of voluntary compliance and sets down procedures laid down by Congress for denying aid. A par- ticipant against whom a complaint has been lodged must be notified and given a fair chance to com- ply or show that he is doing so. Govrnment right of access to a recipient's records during business hours is spelled out. Has No Veto And both House and Senate must be notified 30 days before any denial of aid is ordered for a violation. However, Congress has no veto. There is also provision in each agency rulescbarring intimidation of anybody complaining about a violation. Also spelled out are procedures for conducting hear- ings with a note that any action is subject to court review. The housing agency programs covered include those where con- tracts have been executed before the rules go into effect but for which funds have not been pro- vided. Where a contract is in effect providing for periodic pay- ments, additional payments may be denied. The Labor Department bars any discrimination in its various em- ployment service and unemploy- ment insurance programs. r --"r UGH THE SUMMER Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which built and is guiding Mariner 4 on its seven-month voyage, sched- uled for today or Sunday a sec- ond attempt to fire a small rock- et designed to change the space- craft's direction so Jt will pass. within 8,600 miles of Mars July 14. * * M BUDAPEST-The United States opened talks with Hungary at the United Nations yesterday on im- proving relations between the two countries. The meeting at the UN was between Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Foreign Minister Janos Peter MOSCOW-Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky, the Soviet defense minister for Nikita Khrushchev, is the subject of widespread specu- lation among diplomats, who won- der whether he will be forced to follow his chief into retirement WASHINGTON-The Labor De- partment announced that the un- employment rate dropped last month to 5 per cent of the work force, the lowest November fig- ure since 1956 Free to Michigan Students 25o to others A new booklet, published by a non-profit educational founda. tion, tells which career field lets you make the best use of all your college training, including liberal-arts courses-which career field offers 100,000 new jobs every year - which career field produces more corporation presidents than any other-what starting salary you can expect. Just send this ad with your name and address. This 24-page, career-guide booklet, "Oppor- tunities in Selling," will be mailed to you. No cost or obli- gation. Address: Council on Op- portunities,550 Fifth Ave.. New York 36, N. 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