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December 04, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-04

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY - .....aae a...4A.

R"tiVJul. 1 nnr, Y


Taylor Back in Viet Nam; War,

Hopeful of Pope Paul Begins Tour of India
U7N' FUinds B B A(P)-Pope Paul VI ity-but to the millions of peo- He called India "the cradle of

To Involve
No New U.S.
Washington Decisions
Not Revealed, Plan
Talks with Huong
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Ambassador
Maxwell D. Taylor headed back
to South Viet Nam last night to
shape new steps for strengthen-
ing the war effort against Com-
munist guerrillas-but without in-
volving more U.S. personnel.
Taylor is due back in Saigon
Sunday to begin urgent confer-
ences with South Vietnamese of-
ficials to implement decisions
reached here in a week of discus-
sions with President. Lyndon B.
Johnson and top diplomatic and
military advisers.
Not Disclosed
Just what these decisions are
has not been disclosed but after
his final conference with John-
son yesterday, Taylor told news-
--He sees no requirement for
sending added personnel to build
up U.S. forces in South Viet Nam.
These forces currently number
nearly 22,000;
--He welcomes international.
support to help South Viet Nam
with technical, engineering, medi-
cal and logistical support.
Taylor said his talks here over
the past week have been focused
on two important points. The first
was the continuing difficulty in
establishing a stable government
in South Viet Nam.
The second involved Ndrth Viet
Nam's continuing efforts to
strengthen and support the Com-
munist insurgency in South Viet




Says Soviet Union
May Assist North
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Leonid I. Brezhnev
accused the United States yester-
day of committing provocations
against North Viet Nam and said
the Soviet Union "is prepared to
render necessary assistance."
Brezhnev's remarks followed a
charge by Hanoi Radio yesterday
that 12 U.S. planes bombed, and
strafed three villages in half of
the demilitarized zone between
North and South Viet Nam Tues-
day. The broadcast asserted it was
the fourth such attack since Oct.

diplomats yesterday began deli-
cate statge-by-stage negotiations
aimed at resolving the crisis over
peacekeeping debts. The immedi-
ate question was how much the
Russians would agree to pay and
under what conditions.
While the General Assembly be-
gan its policy debate under a no-
vote truce achieved through big
power agreement, the negotiators
tackled the thorny financial and
constitutional problems involved
in the crisis.
Secretary-General U Thant, the
key figure at present, was on the
sidelines temporarily because of
But U.S. Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson and other top U.S. of-
ficials conferred with Thant's chief
assistant, C. V. Narasimhan, and
presented the U.S. view.
The chief cause for U.S. opti-
mi'sm was belief that the Soviet
Union would make some kind of
a payment into a UN fund that
would be set up to relieve the fi-
nancial crisis caused by refusal of
the Soviet Union ,France and oth-
ers to pay for UN peacekeeping

joined yesterday in a friendly
and unprecedented meeting with
non-Christian leaders. He kuoted
Hindu scripture, cited a Hindu
prayer and commended its use.
"We must come closer together,"
he told a small gathering of about
a dozen Moslem Imams, Hindu
Swamis and guilding teachers of
other oriental faiths - Buddhists,

love him as an inspiration of
' love and self-sacrifice," he said.
Then the Pope recited this
Hindu prayer: "From the unreal
lead me to the real. From dark-
ness lead me to the light. From
death lead me to immortality."
The Vatican last spring set up
a new secretariat for relation-
ships with non-Christian religions.
Its aim, to further practical col-
laboration and understanding with
other religions, differs from the
movement of the Catholic church
and other Christians for actual
'Friends in Christ'
One period of the Pope's day
was spent with leaders of non-
Roman Catholics in India-Prot-
estants, Orthodox and Anglican
churchmen-whom the Pope ad-
dressed as "my dear friends in
Expressing joy at the growing
understanding and increasing
work for Christian unity, he said:
"It is our hope that our efforts
can accompany yours, can mingle
with yours so that together we
can seek out the ways by which
Christ's will can one day be 'fully
The pontiff then rode through
the city again, his route lined'
with cheering crowds, for a 30-
minute call on President Sarvepal-
li Radharkrishnan of India.
"You too," he later sadi, "are
engaged in the struggle against
the ills that darken the lives of
innumerable people.,We must find
the concrete and practical ways
of organization and cooperation."

people for their relentless search
for God "in deep mediation and
silence, and in hymns of fervent
A moment of confusion kept the
P~ope from meeting representa-
tives of India's Jewish community.
He promptly invited them to a
special audience.
Four Indian Jews were present
in the morning when the pontiff
spoke to non-christian Indian re-
ligious leaders.
A spokesman for the Pope's
party. said the four Jewish lead-
ers were to have been introduced
to the Pope but they were unable
to make their way forward in the
confused rush at the end of the

ple who have come to know and great religions" and lauded its

U.S. AMBASSADOR Maxwell D. Taylor (left) returned to Saigon
yesterday after talks with President Lyndon B. Johnson and
high government advisors. Leonid I. Brezhnev has accused the
U.S. of aggressive air raids into North Viet Nam.

Taylor, who is under instruc-
tions from Johnson to consult ur-
gently with .the South Viet Nam
government, said his talks with
Premier Tran Van Huong's gov-
ernment will be completely frank
and open.
The big question remaining un,
answered as Taylor left is wheth-
er strikes will be made against
supply lines of the Viet Cong
guerrillas outside South Viet Nam.
On this subject, Taylor would say
only that "we talked about every-
thing you can think of."
Growing Signs
Dispatches from Saigon said
there are growing signs that the
South Vietnamese air force, U.S.-
trained and using American-sup-
plied aircraft, soon will be strik-
ing at Red infiltration routes out-
side South Viet Nam. These re-
ports said that such raids prob-
ably would not be against com-
munities in Communist North Viet
Nam or in Laos but more likely
would be against supply depots in
jungle mountains and valleys.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
COLOMBO, Ceylon-Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike lost
a confidence motion by one vote in the House of Representatives
yesterday but instead of resigning she decided to dissolve Parliament.
* * * *
UNITED NATIONS-United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko have agreed to a
third meeting which will be held Saturday afternoon, U.S. officials
said last night.
With backstage negotiations over the UN's financial crisis
now in a more hopeful stage, the two big power foreign affairs
chiefs are expected to go on to other issues such as disarmament
and East-West trade.
MADRID, Spain-Juan D. Peron's return in defeat from a
transatlantic mission stirred talk here last night that the ex-
dictator now will abandon the idea of ever going back to Argentina.
* * * *
ROME-A Christian Democrat, speaking for his entire party
group in Italy's Chamber of Deputies, asked tonight for recognition
of Red China-provided the Atlantic Alliance remains undisturbed
by such a step.
Mario Pedini said recognition would be "merely accepting inter-
national reality with intelligence."
Tonight, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m.

The anticipation in Saigon is
that the raids would be made by,
Vietnamese air force planes, pos-
sibly with U.S. pilots aboard toI
accompany Vietnamese crews,
rather than U.S. Air Force planes
Statements from Washington
have not clearly indicated that
raids are definitely planned. But
the implication of plans for "ur-
gent consultations" between Tay-
lor and Huong is that America is!
ready to back such raids..
It seemed in Saigon as if it.
were only a matter of time be-
fore air raids are carried out
against Viet Cong infiltration
routes outside South Viet Nam.
Indications are that the basic de-
cision to go ahead with limited
raids has already been made.
Taylors series of conferences'
w i t h "interested government
agencies," as well as with the'
president, had reportedly focused
on this issue as well as on the two
other points of stable Vietnamese
government and increased attacks
by the Viet Cong.
Second Meeting
After a second meeting of one
hour with Johnson, which follow-
ed up a two and one-half hour
conference with the President and
his top advisers Tuesday, Taylor
told newsmen that U.S. policy in
South Viet Nam remains the same,
but that "we change our tactics
and methods of ultimately reach-
ing that policy's objective."
Taylor said he (feels encour-
aged by the firmness Huong has
shown in suppressing deserters in'
Saigon. "But, despite this con-
trol, the deserters have an un-
fortunate effect on the reputa-
tion of the South Viet Nam gov-
ernment," Taylor said.
South Viet Nam's new ambassa-
dor to the United States, Lt. Gen.
Tran Thien Khiem, said in an in-
terview that North Viet Nam has
sent 30,000 to 40,000 infiltrators
into South Viet Nam over the
past three years, and that it is
continuing the movement at an
accelerated rate this year.
Khiem, former defense minis-
ter and chief of staff, called the
Ho Chi Minh trail through Laos
the main road of infiltration.

"The Soviet Union resolutely
upholds the cause of the Congo'sE
freedom and independence."
He called the paratroop land-
ing "a surprising example of im-
perialist piracy." He said the
Western explanation of a need to
release threatened hostages was
'a hypocritical pretext.'
Brezhnev's 31-minute speech to
a Czech-Soviet friendship rally
in the Kremlin was more not-
able for what it did not contain.
His previous expressions of will-
ingness to settle differences with
the West were missing this time.
So were similar statements of
Soviet foreign policy that have
angered Red China, except fow
mentioning "peaceful coexistence,"
which Moscow advocates and Pe-
king does not.
In his first public speech since
a sharp Chinese attack on his
continuation of Nikita Khrush-
chev's policies, the new leader
turned the other cheek.
In his only direct mention of
China, he said the Soviet Union
sought a complete ban on and de-
struction of nuclear weapons.
China recently made a similar

V1 0kitLe j l1"ges
E LANSING (APu-Special elections
will be held around the state
April 5 to fill seven vacant judge-
ships, Gov. George Romney said
Five of the vacancies are the
result of election of incumbent
judges to the new State Court of
An election already has been
called in Detroit to fill the vacan-
cy left by the death of Wayne
County Circuit Judge Miles Cule-
han. Former Democratic Gov.
John Swainson has announced for
the post.
Romney took the opportunity to
say, in effect, "I told you so,"
as he announced the special elec-
tion. "As one Constitutional Con-
vention delegate out of 144, I tried
to get judges on the basis of ap-
pointment. i
"It was only when I found that
I was opposed by a combination of
both Republicans and Democrats
that I decided to do the best I
could," he said, adding, "the best
I could do was to give judges the.
ability to renominate themselves
so they did not have to go back
to party conventions for nomi-

The statement had appeared as costs.
reports from Washington indi-
cated strikes at supply lines from
North Viet Nam to the south R Pl
were being considered. RoImneyPlan ks
He also denounced last week's A r l El t'
Belgian-American paratroop ac- pr e tion
tion in the Congo, saying:

Jains, Sikhs, and Zorastrian Par-
It was a personal overture by
the head of the Roman Catholic
Church to advance its efforts for
fuller concourse with all mankind.
Gazing at the assembled East-
ern spiritual leaders, the Pope
asked: "Are we not all one in
this struggle for a better world,
in this effort to make available
to all people those goods which
are needed to fulfill their human
destiny and to live lives worthy
of the children of God?"
The pontiff said that all men
must begin "to build the common
future of the human race."
It was the second day in In-
dia for the Pope, Welcomed here
in an apparent outpouring of peo-
ple and warmth, and he spent
the day in a series of meetings
with various groups. Although
voicing appreciation for the East-
ern religions, the Pope also spoke
of Christ and his teachings.
"Christ is dear also to this
country, not only to those who
are Christians-they are a minor-



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