I P afrtiga1n ttit . VOL. LXXV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 SECTION 3 ORGANIZING ANARCHY By KENNETH WINTER Managing Editor IT SEEMS terribly simple. A person wants to learn some- thing, and someone else knows it. So they pick out a convenient log, sit down on each end of it, and "teacher" teaches "student." That's all there is to, it. If this classic model of educa- tion ever did really exist, even then there were "administrative" problems. The would-be scholars, had to find an unoccupied log, decide upon a time to meet, and de- vise a way to keep themselves fed and clothed while the intellectual exchange was taking place. And chances are they would eventually need other people's knowledge as well-which would lead to the need for books, lecturers or labora- tories, and the need to find, pro- cure and maintain them. Now multiply this teacher and student by several thousand, scat- ter them all over the nation and demand that all the students be educated. Multiply the knowledge to be transmitted almost by infin- ity, so that no man can know Administration more than a part of a fragment of a section of the whole. Throw in the demand that knowledge be not only transmitted but expanded through research. And finally, require that the whole operation be run on nothing but the lackadasical support of a public more interested in spend- ing its money on cosmetics and Cadillacs than on education. Then you're approaching the problems of the modern university administra- tor. Part businessman, part politi- cian, part psychologist and part ed- ucator, the administrator has to or- ganize one of the most anarchical operations in the world: the deli- cate and unpredictable process of learning. DOES HE SUCCEED in this Herculean task? To an extent, he certainly does. The modern college definitely is organized and functioning. Every year it admits students, holds class- es, produces research, gets and spends money, builds buildings and awards degrees. But critics contend that the bee- hive of activity the administrator has organized isn't education. Some- where in the process of organizing the scholars-pn-a-log, they assert, the real intellectual exchange, the real learning process, was lost. In- stead, the modern university dis- penses symbols-grades, diplomas and other citations-which are sup- posed to represent education but in fact replace it, becoming ends in themselves-and real education is lost in the shuffle. To meet such criticisms-often emanating from within the univer- sity and occasionally from the ad- ministrator himself-is the creative side of the administrator's job. While maintaining a functioning institution (often an uphill battle in itself) he must at the same time seek new ideas which will bring that institution closer to its basic purpose. 'HE UNIVERSITY'S solution to the need for innovation within continuity is the concept of de- centralized administration. Instead of all policies being decreed at the top and passed on down through the ranks, from president to vice- president to dean to department chairman to professor, many of the important decisions are left to deans and department chairmen, with the upper administration step- ping in to set policies which must be University-wide. So in a sense, the top adminis- trators described in this section don't "run the University" at all. The people who make the day-to- day decisions which most directly affect the University undergradu- ate are the lower-level decision- makers: the professors who make the assignments, the deans and fac- ulty meetings who set requirements and the student-affairs personnel who formulate the regulations that govern students outside the class- room. THE UPPER administrator's in- fluence on the education a stu- dent receives here is more subtle and indirect-but also more perva- sive. Upon his decisions and his imagination, in the long run,.rests the future of the University. ~1