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December 03, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-03

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Preface To A Massacre




NEws PHoNE: 764-0552

s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DECEMBER 3, 1964



Research Papers: Time
For a Fresh Approach


iety-ridden students this time of year,
riting papers is one of the most worth-
'hile of educational experiences.
Or rather, it could be. As presently
ssigned, "research" papers and other
ich projects seldom yield more than
>me sleepless and generally miserable
ights. If instructors would make some
ther un-revolutionary changes-in es-
once, simply inject a little fresh thinking
-in the projects they assign, much more
this teaching device's. potential could
e realized.
What's wrong with the present form?
Basically, there is a deep contradiction
etween the valid educational reasons
)r which a student is asked to write'
)mething and the sort of thing he is
sked to write. Consider these separately.
'HE THEORY behind writing papers is
familiar. An open-ended assignment
ves the student opportunities no stand-
rdized lecture or examination offers: he
in integrate what he has learned, or'
unge deeper into some topic which has
%ught his fancy, or-best of all-at-
mpt some creative thinking, writing en-
rely from his own perspective and in his
wn way. In the process, he can achieve
"feel" for subtleties of the subject, and
erhaps realize how much there isto:
now about it-revelations which can
>me only-from the sort of active, unfet-
red involvement which writing a paper
The key point: the valuable result of'
is process is not the paper but the stu-
mt who wrote it-if the assignment
icceeded, his intellect has been changed
id enriched by the experience. This
Dint would appear to be obvious.
OUT FROM THE SORT of papers most
instructors assign, you'd never know.
hat they often demand, usually expect
id almost always get is something pre-
,red as if it were about to be submitted?
a scholarly journal. It is typed (dou-
e-spaced), properly footnoted and writ-'
n in a conservative, third-person style
hich mimics more or less successfully
.e jargon and tenor of the published
riters in that particular discipline.
More important is what it lacks: it
cks anything at all of the student him-
If except some polite, mild (and prob-
ly false) interest in the subject and
me rather bland conclusions. It lacks
e very things it was supposed to re-
al to the student and his teacher: the
udent's feelings about the value of the
bject, the points on which he is doubt-
I and the questions he feels unable to
swer, and where this paper's subject-
atter fits into his general intellectual
e. And since they weren't included in

the assignment, chances are the student
never thought about these matters, either.
After all, he had to get that paper done!
PERHAPS SOMEWHERE in the faculty,
psyche, every student is a budding
scholar and hence (naturally) is eager to
write like the pros. Or perhaps faculty
members simply don't care enough to de-,
vise more relevant formats for their as-
signments. It's easier just to say, "Write
a paper."
And so students continue to look for a
safe, easy topic on which they can write
confidently, even if they learn nothing.
They continue to plagiarize and semi-
plagiarize, and they perfect the art of
"padding" to stretch a few meek thoughts
into 5000 words. They continue, in short,
to turn out the neat, well-polished prod-
uct the teacher demanded-and neither
teacher nor student cares what happened
to the student in the process.
NEW FORMATS are needed. The key to
them should be personalization: the
student should be encouraged to express
the personal reactions and the feelings
and uncertainties he is now encouraged
to hide. With a weapon like grades at. his
disposal, the instructor could "encourage"
quite effectively: if he makes it clear just
what he expects, students will be quite
obedient-they know he gives the grades.
What should be done everywhere is now
done from, time to time. A psychology,
professor, for example, asks his classes to
keep a "reading log" on their outside
reading. In it, they are explicitly told not
to write a dry resume of the reading; they
are told to give their own reactions, to
show how the reading has changed their
ideas, to explain why it seems worth-
while or worthless-to show, in other
words, the reading's relevance to their
own intellectual development.
This sort of thing must be done across
the University to work. Students current-
ly are so well-conditioned to turning out
the conventional product that they re-
spond with bewilderment when given a'
real opportunity. That professor, after
perusing his class's first reading logs, not-,
ed that "these were written by some ter-
ribly bored people."
THE STUDENT will need help from all
his instructors to break out of the
sterile mold and write something person-
ally relevant. This does not mean he '
should trade research and thought for a
revery of uninformed free association-
indeed, his thought should be better, be-
cause more genuinely motivated. It means
that he can stop pretending he is writing
for the journal and start writing for him-
Managing Editor

AntWa Play Poses'
Disarmament Problem
AN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY English philosopher, presenting ,Ie
problems of disarmament, described two enemies armed and facing
each other in a room, poses the question, what can the antagonists say
to each other or do, that would make them lay down their guns. "The
Peacemaker," an anti-war play by Carl Oglesby, which had its premier
production last night, poses the same question. "The Peacemaker" is a
powerful play. But it is not all of one piece.
The, playwright gets his power from the Hatfield-McCoy feud,
which has usually received farcical slapstick treatment ,in the mass
media. In the play it emerges as an irreversible action that~ gathers
a wide, rich range of character, emotion, and language with economy
in its urgent drive forward. The members of the clans are exhibited
in a full humanity. In the unfolding action, their code of revenge ar-
ticulates selfhood as much as it limits and distorts it.
IN THE SCENES with the peacemaker, Dyke Garret, whether in
his agonistic, domestic speech with his wife or in his persuasive public
speech with members of .the mountain community, the action slows to
talk and power is diluted.
All the self-searching which Dyke Garret does uncovers his
motives in less depth than the action reveals the motives of Anderson
Hatfield and Randall McCoy; heads of the warring families.
The play voids an oversimple solution. But it seems at odds with
itself. The efforts of the peacemaker seem important to the playwright
because they open the possibility that war can be prevented. Yet the
action of the fued says, war cannot be prevented.
THE PERFORMANCE was also not all of a piece. John Descutner
and Richard Reichman fully realized their big roles; they even achieved
a suitable fascimile of mountain speech; few, others did.
Stephen Wyman as Dyke Garret, the ,peacemaker, was too loud
too often. His sudden shifts in Volume and posture seemed unmoti-
vated. He blurred the speeches of his first scene.
-Tony Stoneburner


MUSKET Show Makes
Album Plaudits Obsolete

Beer Cheer for 150th Year

TE..UNIVERSITY announced
Lastweek that it is launching
a $55 million fund drive to co-
incide with the Sesquicerftennial
in 1967. What for?
Why do President Hatcher,
Vice-President Raddock and other
officials want to run around the
country begging solvent alumni
for contributions?
THERE'S a far simpler way to
raise, $55 million.
In Michigan last year, a beer
tax of $6.61 per barrel contributed
about $35 million to the state
general fund. Since 25 per cent
of the general fund went to sup-
port higher education in 1963, one
may conclude that the beer tax
contributed about $9 million to the
state's colleges. Clearly, this po-
tential method. of financing has
barely been tapped.
If consumption of liquor could
be increased, millions of dollars
could be channeled painlessly to
the schools.
With modest cooperation from
the Legislature every penny of
this $55 million could be raised
without a single private contribu-
tion. Here is how the plan would;

UNIVERSITY students would
develop a campaign designed- to
influence Michigan residents to
drink more beer. This in tutni
would increase beer tax revenues,
swell the general fund and provide
more money for higher education.
In return for conducting the cam-
paign, the state would give the
University the increased tax iev-
enues realized.
Naturally the state would be
more than happy to grant this
modest request in honor of the
150th birthday of Michigan's
oldest institution of higher learn-
In order to realize $55 million
in the three-year beer-dringing
drive, .Michigan would have to
triple its beer consumption.,
This is no easy feat. But if
students set their minds to the
task, it can be accomplished.
THE FIRST STEP would be the
formation of a central planning
organization, Students for a
Drunken Society. SDS would be
responsible for establishing a di-
verse program designed to pro-
mote beer.
Their primary responsibility
seems obvious. On the University
campus alone ,more than 10,000
undergraduates under the age of

Britain Faces Problem
Of Non-'white Citizens

Romney: Boon to Education

21 are criminals if they try to
help higher education by drink-
ing beer. Thus the 'drinking age
limit must be abolished.
Tactful Barry Bluestone might
organize this facet of the cam-
paign. He could invite a few key
legislators down to his house and
discuss the plan over tea. Once
they are persuaded, a bill can be
drafted and passed. Then stu-
dents under 21 will be able to
Next, powerful John Eadie,
Inter-Quadrangle Council presi-
dent, might use his influence in
the quads to bring about a few
simple changes. After Eadie is
finished Markley housemothers
will be pouring Carling's instead
of cider during football open
opens, East Quad lemonade will
be replaced by Blatz and South,
Quad will have Stroh's instead of
Vernor's in the snack bar.
* * *
ADVERTISING would be handl-
ed by that magnanimous board
chairman . of WCBN, John D.
Evans. In cooperation with the
advertising department, Evans
could work closely with billboard
advertisers who are always happy
to donate space for worthwhile
causes. Such slogans as "Candy.
is Dandy but Liquor isT Smarter"
or "Remember: the Drink You
Take May Help Your Own" are
Naturally every campaign has a
bumper sticker and this one's
would be "Slow Down and Drink."
S i n c e Student Government
Council hardly ever does anything
anyway, President Doug Brook
would have time to head a division
of SDS. He could hire members
of the Michigan State home eco-
nomics and agriculture faculties
to work as consultants. The home
economists could develop a beer-
flavored cookie which the Girl
Scouts would be happy to market.
The agriculture department might
go to work on a cow that gives
* * *
PERHAPS Union President Kent
Cartwright and his Special Proj-
ects Committee could accomplish
a feat only slightly less stupendous
than bringing in George Lincoln
Rockwell. This would be convinc-
ing the Legislature to redraw the
state line to include Toledo.
Finally Barry Bluestone would
be called upon once more. Under
his prodding (over beer this time)
perhaps he could persuade the
state Legislature to outlaw all
chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The state might also want to
consider establishing a committee
to watch for individuals trying to
organize an AA. This institution-
alized watchdog might be called
the House UnAlcoholic Activities
Committee (HUAC).
By 1967, through the conscien-
tious efforts of SDS, the beer
drinking rate will be' tripled and
Michigan will have $55 million
and be able to ensure its "margin
of greatness."
President Hatcher will be etern-
ally grateful to SDS for sparing
him the necessity of spending
three years as a fund raiser.

GEORGE ROMNEY'S administra-
has been a boon to higher'educa-
Michigan. He has steadily request-
atly increased appropriations for
alleges and has done his best to see
.ese requests are fulfilled.
recent arguments suggest' that he
fact not been an aid to Michigan's
ion. Such attacks show a lack of
dge about how any large institu-
erates in a political context.
ATTACKERS cite the cuts which
e been made in budget requests
he several colleges and combine
ith protestations from the officers
e colleges that the cuts were with-
'is. r
xample, it is pointed out that in
he University received $6 million
an it requested from the state;,
an State received $7.2 million less
e figures are then combined with.
ment such as the one released by
resident John Hannah that he was
upset that the recommendation
not allow the state institutions" to
he budget allotments they con-
onclusion is then drawn that since
iget cuts were condemned by the
educators they were wrong and,
ension, Governor Romney is not
g fnr hiahr P neoptioa..n h a:Vue

look over capital outlay requests for the,
state colleges for any one year. In the
fear that their institution might be
slighted in the state's allotmen'ts, it has
long been common practice to "pad" such
requests. When they are. cut the institu-
tion will then still have the money its
administrators feel it needs.
The governor, who is in an excellent
position to see this, will almost as a mat-
ter of course be forced to make cuts in
an institution's request simply to keep it
within the bounds of the reasonable. That
higher education could use all the money
available to it is beyond dispute; but
within the range of practical application,
anyone who thinks an institution actual-
ly expects to have its entire request filled
is being very naive about the nature of
higher education financing in Michigan.
budget cuts are to be expected. Should
MSU President Hannah issue a statement
saying: "Yes, we were only kidding when
we asked for that much money"; or
"That's all right, we can get along on
this well enough." Such statements would
call into question the basic honesty and
ability of such an administrator, and any-
one who expects them to be made is being
very foolish indeed:
How much easier it is to "pass the
buck," to say that it is the governor's
fault and leave the problem there.

Ruth and Eileen get their first glimpse of Christopher Street.
brassy, lively and bouncing enthusiasm off the balcony; for three
hours you never quite get settled back in your seat.
Henrietta Kleinpell, as Ruth Sherwood, and Karen Emens, 'her
sister Eileen, are the ko-eds two whom the show, the cast and the
excitement are all about. Fresh from Ohio, seeking the elusive fortune
of the big city, their life is quickly and outrageously complicated
by an excellent gang of zany neighbors. Both girls have it. Miss
Kleinpell adds to a fine voice the perfect timing of line and hip;
her stage sister almost upstages her own prettiness with her vitality
and a voice that hits a first-rate peak in the second act.
the incredible Wreck (one-time footballer), who parlays native'talent
and a stage sense that never lets up into a performance that hits
an unequalled limit in "Pass That Football." Trailing him are^an
assemblage of dancers, roisterers and character parts that account
for more genuine talent by weight of numbers than this town has
seen in years.
-John J. Manning, Jr.

Daily Correspondent
BILTHOVEN, Holland-Probably
not since the Norman Con-
quest of 1066 has Great Britain
been known as a country of im-
migration. Yet, there are about
800,000 nonwhite immigrants in
England at present.
Most of them come from the
West Indies. In Jamaica and the
Bahamas, there are established
agencies that specialize in bring-
ing West Indian Negroes into
England. Many of them had been
jobless and were able to find
work in the British Isles where
there is a perennial laborshortage
tendency. Others were attracted
by higher wages.
165,000 of the present 800,000
immigrants came from India and
another 100,000 from Pakistan.
Most of these entered Great Brit-
ain during the last eight years;
there was a virtual stampede dur-
ing the last two and a half years
because immigration controls were
* *i *
IN MANY AREAS, these immi-
grants have been welcomed as
they took over unpopular jobs,
freeing native, white Britons for
jobs of "higher status." But soon
the 33 cities that took the bulk
of the new settlers faced prob-
lems that sound familiar to Ameri-
can ears: housing discrimination,
job discrimination, de facto school
segregation and formation of

restrictions under the Common-
wealth Immigration Act. No new
Pakistanis, for example, can reg-
ister for immigration at present.
Still more stringent laws are
expected. Conservative votes in
Parliament during the past few
weeks supported the opinion that
immigration regulation should be
nonpartisan concern.
men in Britain have wondered
whether integration of colored
immigrants is possible at all. Un-
til recently, it was assumed that
all of these immigrantshwere just
temporary workers, who would
return eventually to their native
countries. But only 10 per cent
of them actually do return an-
nually, and their children are
practically all too well established
in the new environment to serious-
ly consider leaving. After all, as
Commonwealth citizens, they carry
a British passport.
But two sociologists have drawn'
parallels to earlier instances of
minority groups. Jews in England,
for instance, presented the same
kind of problem before their
emancipation. Since then, Jewish
ghettos have developed from slums.
into garden neighborhoods, but
they have remained ghettos.
* * *
JEWS in Great Britain show
little intention of marrying people
outside their ghettos. Many think

"Me Afraid? Thi Time I'm
In There"

Going Right

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