didiganBatt9 &eve'nty-Fif lb Year' EIrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD -IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBUCATMOMS Each Time I Chanced To See Frank riD. The University's $55 Million Fund Drive by H. Neil Berkson ?pinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. :h W1il Prevai NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 titorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )AY, DECEMBER 2, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRYANT No Curriculum Approach For Residential College UNIVERSITIES are for educating, but' not many students come to them with this idea foremost in mind. Thus it falls to the universities to do all that they can to encourage students to become educat- ed. When the University pursues policies that not only reinforce anti-educational attitudes, but directly hinder getting an education, it is failing as an academic institution. AMONG THE MOST detrimental poli- cies pursued by the University are those of maintaining a curriculum and the academic paraphernalia accompany- ing it. A curriculum is harmful in a number of ways: -It divides 2material along lines that are sometimes arbitrary and often some- what different than a student would wish, forcing him to learn irrelevant mna- terial, not to learn some things at all, and occasionally to learn the same thing more than once; -The division of subject-matter com- bined with a finite number of course of- ferings means that some things can- not be taught at all and that some ap- proaches to a subject cannot be tried; -Aside from a few directed reading courses, there is nothing to encourage a student to pursue his own academic in- terests. If it isn't in a course that thef student can take, the University will not help him to learn it. FURTHERMORE, a curriculum leads to numerous administrative and faculty conveniences, each further detrimental to the pursuit of education: -Classes, in which the teacher loses his obligation to be interesting and in- formative and the student is forced to display his knowledge through often un- fair, unrewarding and uneducational homework, papers and tests; -Grades, which impose the question- able goal of getting good ones at the ex- pense of the more worthy goal of learn- ing; -Distribution requirements, an expres- sion of lack of faith in the students and a source of academic alienation and not, so-academic unhappiness and frustra- tion; -Graduation, a concept which because of the above factors has come to mean an arbitrary end to education, and an end at which people are far more un- equally educated than their grade-points indicate. THE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE offers a golden opportunity to dispense with all this academic rigamarole. A plan such as the following might be tried: Incoming students get a catalogue list- ing teachers in the college and their spe- cialties and interests. Then they talk to the teachers they find interesting about $their educational goals. 'The teachers make recommendations to the students, suggesting readings, other relevant peo- ple to talk to and original work that might be done. Students graduate whenever three fac- ulty members decide to offer a degree, and tley flunk out whenever three fac- ulty members think they are not mak- ing good use of the educational facili- ties of the college. Nothing but an inter- est to learn would be required; nothing but lack of- such interest would be pro- hibited. Lectures take place whenever someone has , something to say. There are no classes, but faculty members must make themselves available to students 30 hours a week-something close to the' time they now spend on classes, office hours and. grading. The size of the college is small. enough so that most of the students and faculty can know each other, and stu-' dent-teacher contact is always close enough to enable all assignments to be made in the interest of students' knowl- edge rather than teachers' (for grading). THE PLAN MIGHT FAIL. But the pur- pose of the residential college is to educate, something that is not being done very well now in the literary college. The college's designers are supposed to inno- vate; they should try something differ-. ent, like this. -EDWARD HERSTEIN Editorial Director ANYBODY SEEN $55 million? Not that it's been lost, but the University has visions of finding such a sum in the midst of alumni, founda- tions and industry. Confirming the most public secret of the past year and a half, President Hatcher last week announced a fund drive timed to climax in the Sesquicentennial year, 1967. The University has had a professional firm examining and working on such a drive since spring, 1963. The major questions were two: -Would a public university have the same success raising millions of dollars in a special drive that private schools have had? If so, how much could the University expect to take in? Public institutions have shied away from massive fund raising because, theoretically, the taxpayer satis- fies their needs. This has not been the case, however, as state legislatures have generally left higher education's needs unrecognized. SO NOW the University will seek $55 million "to, ensure the vital margin"-the margin which has his-" torically allowed this institution to compete with the best private schools and colleges in the country. This is all well and good. There will probably never be enough money to do all the things that should be done here. Nevertheless, fund raising carries certain pitfalls which, if unavoided, would do much to taint the Uni- versity's efforts. An institution always conscious of its image can become hypersensitive when looking for money. Stan- ford, for instance, just finished a $100 million drive, and there were accusations that the university sought to "muzzle" its more controversial professors and (in some cases) students in order not to offend the conservative rich. A similar move here would be rather sad. MOREOVER, the utility of $55 million could be seriously hampered by donor restrictions. The $6 million already received for a chilren's hospital Is certainly valuable, but to a very limited number of people. If somebody were to contribute money for a faculty center, it wouldn't do much to further the educational aims of the University. The money needed most-unrestricted money tc boost departmental expenditures and experimentation- will be the money hardest to come by. Donors have a knack for wanting to see something with their names on it. This, of course, is understandable. In any case, as the University grows in big business proportions, the money now being sought should help to keep it from turning into a mere factory. Unhappily, perhaps, individuality must have financial backing. It will be the community's responsibility to see where the money is going and to cry foul if necessary. * * * ,* LERE'§ AN INTERESTING sidelight to fund raising' Experts say from experience that if an institution were to seek a hypothetical $30 million, the fi million would come in major gifts from,10 peo; second $10 million would come from 100 peop remainder would come from all other contributors over, for every actual giver there must be three pc givers. If, in other words, 10 millionaires were $1 million each, they would have come from a 30 millionaires, 20 of whom might have given but + * * * THE LITERARY COLLEGE steering committee - benefits only itself, but Monday it consider concept-an interdisciplinary science program- might have a healthy impact on undergraduate tion. Daily writer Robert Johnston evaluates t below. As he says, it's not a new proposal. Yale bi Paul B. Sears, for one, suggested a two-year se of "science rather than sciences" in a June i. (whatelse?) Science magazine. The "'lack of comn tion . . at the beginning level among science d ments themselves" is leading to serious fragmer he argued. Sears also contended that much information to nonscientists is buried in advanced courses re for specialists. "Right or wrong," he wrote, "the in sion prevails that the typical introductory college is taughtwith a jealous eye on the possible major 'must be prepared'" to continue. ENGLISH MAJORS ON NORTH CAMPUS: interdisciplinary Science: Pabmor Insp By ROBERT JOHNSTON AN interdisciplinary science Acourse for' liberal arts majors is an idea that has great potential at the University. The literary col- lege steering committee proposed such a program last night, and, hopefully, the proposal 'will be im- plemented. Interdisciplinary science is hard- ly a new idea, of course. In re- search it is becoming the rule rather than the exception. Centers and institutes for advanced inter-' disciplinary study are proliferat- ing on campus with amazing speed. But, with respect to.cur- riculum. which is still taught in fragmented areas, it appears that the "trickle down" theory has been assumed to be in opera'tion. That is, if you get enough top quality faculty d o i n g high- powered research and teaching high-powered courses that relate directly to this research, even- tually some of this excellence. will trickle down into undergraduate, and then underclassman 'courses. So far there has been too much assumption and not enough action. The interdisciplinary science pro- gram would be a chance to har- ness some of this upper level ex- cellence for the masses--the lib- eral arts undergraduates. ** * THE FIRST STEP,- however, shows signs of being in the wrong direction. The article in yester- day's Daily spoke of "correlating all the sciences" in the course and using rotating lecturers. 'This sounds dangerously like high school general science courses and English 123, neither of which have very good reputations. A recent article in Science Mag- azine pointed up both the dangers and at least one solution that has been attempted. The authors, Prof. H. H. J. Nesbitt of Carleton Uni- versity, Ottawa, and Prof. John Hart of Brock University, St.. Catharines, Ontario, state -at the outset: Two kinds of science courses usually available, which may be roughly classified as "history and philosophy" on the one hand and "the nature of the World" on the other, do very little to impart what science really is, -and what scientists really do. Our course had to convey, in 26 weeks ,a sense of the scien- tist's participation in the prog- ress of science. We wished to establish the idea that progress in science is irregular and at times haphazard, that scientific papers are npt always master- pieces of great clarity, and that scientists may on occasion err. We thought that, at .the end, of the course, there should be plenty of unanswered questions, science being essentially an open-ended business. With these goals in mind, Nes- bitt and Hart, both,,scientists, set up ScienHce100. Rather than at- tempt any kind of survey of science, an approach which im- parts few lasting facts and no lasting ideas to the liberal arts major, a single restricted subject was chosen to be studied, in this case the biochemistry of genetics. Math and technical' subject pre- requisites were minimal. 'We wanted a field with an ac-. tive current literature and yet a clearly defined history. Our idea was to trace the history of. the subject chronologically through a Judicious selection of papers from the original litera- ture. The accent throughout was, on contemporaneity. The st)idents studied the orig- inal literature and interpreted it without using a "textbook dig'est'" for aid. "The question to be asked all through the course was, 'What would you do next'?" It was no survey course. Students them- selves even decided that articles in IF YOU ARE A LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR, chances are that you have never been in North Campus buildings shown above. A good interdisciplinary science course could ii pus research meaningful and relevant to nonscience undergraduates. Center left is Science and Technology. Directly across the street from it is the Phoenix Project with reactor. At right, from top to bottom, are the Fluids Engineering Bldg., Automotive! Office of Research Administration and Cooley Electronics Laboratory. Oother build storage and printing. Off to the right, not shown, are three aeronautical and astronau labs, a space research lab under construction and the cyclotron building. OSA MakesI t Difficult HUNDREDS OF UNIVERSITY students stood in line Monday for tickets for the University Rose Bowl tour. Lack of foresight and organization resulted in a miserable time for the majority. The Union planned ahead and arranged; a chartered train trip, complet6 with ho- tel rooms and added features, the week before the Michigan-Ohio State ,game. The Office of Student Affairs did not begin making plans until the Monday after Michigan's title-clinching victory. The Union, travel committee ,kept in touch with the University and made the presentation of its plans after the game. The University refused the proposal and instead interviewed 12 'agents that Mon- day. The Union rates were lower than those proposed by the University and Gibbs Tours, Inc., since the travel agents raised their prices after Michigan got the Rose Bowl bid. If the University had made preliminary arrangements before the- game, reduced costs would probably have been possible. LAST WEEK, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis announced the tour plans which called for space for, about 500 people 'in each of the three forms of transportation-bus, train, and airplane. The train tour' was only $10 cheaper than the plane trip. If one buys meals on the two-day train trip, the airplane would be less expensive. When this was brought. to the University's attention, it still claimed that plane and train transporta- tion were distributed in the correct man- ner. Monday's overwhelming response for air travel disproved this theory. If the University had made early plans and had carefully studied past Rose Bowl trips made by Illinois and Wisconsin stu- dents, a clearer forecast of Monday's transactions would have resulted. It was not stated that one had to pay for side tours on Monday in order to have them at reduced costs. Many people were unable to take advantage of this )pportunity because they had only enough money for the basic tour. PROBABLY the greatest error was the cancellation of the flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. The ticket office opened in Room 3511 of the SAB at a few min- utes before 9 a~m. At that time the linej of students went down one hallway, down three flights of stairs to the basement, and extended through most of the base- ment halls. With a line of approximately. the same length, the Chicago flight was cancelled early in the day. The reason for° the cancellation was that "only seven people had signed up." Only the people 'in the immediate area of Room 3511 were asked if they were tak-y ing the Chicago flight. The vast majority was not asked. The Chicago area con-' tributes the second largest number of out- of-state students; it does not seem very reasonable that the tour should cancel the flight without making certain that it could not be filled by students standing in line. TIE LACK of communication with those in line was apparent when Lewis had to stand on a chair to shout to those waiting in line. At least he could have used a megaphone. In the afternoon, the door separating the third floor of the SAB from the stair- case was locked because there was no chance of accommodating the people, waiting below the third floor with 'air transportation. Those remaining on the third floor were hand counted. This was not a very accurate way of determining how many people still needed air transportation., In fact, it just wasted time. People crowded Scientific American were to be avoided and original sources given priority. * * * ONE OF the very strong points 'of this approach is that the stu- dent is introduced to what might be called original science. He is forced to think and digest infor- mation in the same way that. scientists do. He participates in the actual construction of a scien- "It'Ns ot supposed To Be Used For A Crutch" tific discipline, going ,through every step in the construction himself, It is hard work, of course, but what student doesn't get men- tal indigestion from the standard textbook approach to teaching science?. Many of the immature entering students apparently thought the course might be a "snap." "They were speedily disillusioned. They had to work hard, interpreting papers in a field well outside their previous experience." Other reaction was interesting and revealing. The course was called "woolly." The library had to be searched for books to aid' in interpreting the papers. But, "The intelligent and mature stu- dents were highly interested and read widely. A few wanted more, time to read the 'real' science books that they had. theretofore avoided." AS Nesbitt and Hart have eval- uated the results, "good students can learn a great deal from orig- inal papers in a field new to them -far more, we believe, than they can learn from a conventional textbook on modern science." The course was given depth by restricting its field, but breadth was introduced "by making neces- sary excursions into relevant pe- ripheral fields." This is exactly how a scien- tist operates. He has to plough his way through previous work; he acquires the skills and knowledge that are relevant to his speciality; and he has to de- vise experiments in which mod- ern technology is used to the utmost. For most liberal arts majors, science consists of inexplicable miracles and a plethora of scien- tist gods that daily produce them. But it doesn't. Science is going on all over this University in a hun- dred fields as exciting and im- portant as the biochemistry of gepnetics stdied pr1in "Science 1002f" of researcn brings pr ulty and one of these faculty 1t lecture hall? HIow many more than a walk-thr quaintance with these m dollars worth of, scier cilities. Few even know that cilities exist. There are tunnels and space resea the cyclotrons,, the Ph actor, the huge labora the Institute of Science i nology, Buhl Genetics Lab., the Mental Health Institute, the Institute. Research, to name a 'few. few. There are many r new ones coming. Add to this the resour University's library sys many liberal arts undei have ever spent any tin for information in the er physics, chemistry, s: math libraries? Or even eral Library? * * * FIFTY SCIENCE 10 could be set up in asn ferent subjects without e that $42 million annua budget. All. that is nee few scientist-professors make good what they being interested in unde education, and a few sti terested in something m a textbook and UGLI rea of English, history, philo political science. In a letter to Science Janet Jeppson of New said, "Once having les used the principles of ly most sorely lacki graduate liberal art * * 2N' A V' '- ~ U->