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December 02, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-02

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Student Affairs: Progress of Lewis, Prospects for


After ten years in the post he calls "a great burden and
yet a great source of satisfaction and joy," James A. Lewis is
stepping down this week as the University's first vice-president
for student affairs.
To his successor, Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology
department, Lewis leaves a heritage of controversy and progress
in the guidance of student affairs. Since his appointment in
1954 "to coordinate and develop nonacademic aspects of student
life," he has played what is described as a conflicting role: the
friend and disciplinarian of students.
Lewis, who is returning to teaching in the education school,
yesterday took a brief look at his 10 years in the Office of
Student Affairs, pointing "to the progress I feel we have made."
Summed up in two phrases, Lewis describes this progress as
the "development of functional management of student affairs"
and the "liberalization of student regulations."
The concept of administering student affairs along functional
rather than sexual lines was expressed in a 1962 faculty-student-
administration report presenting recommendations for the re-
structuring of the OSA. The committee's report, named for its
chairman Prof. John W. Reed of the law school, called for the
abolition of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women system, the
sexual division, and a regrouping of student concerns under
specific areas such as housing, financial aids and student
In August of 1962, the -Offices of Dean of Women and
Dean of Men were officially abandoned, and the OSA restructured
along functional lines.
Lewis was given complete charge of student affairs. Three
functional directorships-housing, financial aids and student
organizations-discipline-were created to help him. In addition,

four assistants were assigned to Lewis for counselling services and
special projects.
The functional set-up was a cue for other organizations to
become co-educational.
In ,the same year, the Women's judiciary was integrated with
Joint Judiciary Council. This became the official student judiciary
for cases involving either sex.
In 1963, co-educational housing made its debut in Mary
Markley Hall and South Quadrangle. Currently, the Union and
League are pondering a proposal to merge their student organiza-
tions into one student activities center.
The liberalization in student policies, which has also come
mainly in the latter half of the Lewis administration, began in
the year of his inauguration, 1954.
The Regents, for the first time in history here, sanctioned a
student government. SGC was designated to replace the existing
Student Legislature and a student-faculty student affairs com-
mittee which had not been recognized by the Regents.
For the first time, student control over student affairs was
officially defined. With OSA encouragement, students quickly
moved into new fields. Lewis noted some of the efforts yesterday.
The move toward ending discrimination in mercantile and
student organizations was launched jointly by the OSA and SGC
committees. "I have to give students a great deal of the credit
for a careful approach in trying to make themselves part of the
solution rather than part of the problem, Lewis says..
The fight against discrimination has had its ups and downs. In
1958, SGC voted to throw a sorority off campus for violation
of a 1949 rule that no group could be recognized by SGC if its
membership selection was based on race, color or religion. A
faculty-administrator review board overturned the SGC decision,
but by 1959 the Regents had adopted a stronger antidiscrimination

bylaw. It pledged to work for the elimination of discrimination
in University-recognized organizations.
Student Regulations
In the area of student regulations, the OSA has continually
liberalized and is coming closer to the possible abolishment of
a dual standard for men and women.
In revamping the campus judiciary system, "we achieved a
more legalistic definition of student judiciaries," Lewis says.
The new joint judiciary council constitution adopted in 1963
provided due process rights and clear paths of appeals for
students, clearing the confusion over who should hear cases and
prescribe penalties.
Lewis, who does not want to bind his successor, declines to
gaze into the future at the prospects facing Cutler. Other OSA
officials, however, pose a number of problems left for the Cutler
administration to untangle. Among them:
* University Housing. Moving full circle in student housing
philosophy, the University has discarded its 19th ,century attitude,
typified by University President Henry Phillip Tappan (1852-63)
who abolished student dormitories. In the 1930's it evolved the
Michigan House Plan based on the premise that residence halls
"should contribute to education in the broadest sense of the term."
But housing officials feel that the fulfillment of this ideal is
yet to come, a failure which is currently compounded by over-
crowding. Some 3600 new housing units will be constructed by
1968. While preliminary plans for the units, including the
experimental residential college, indicate a greater concern for
the relationship between living environment and education, some
officials claim financial expediency continues to fuel a "barrack
living philosophy."
* Off-Ccampus Housing. In what is termed a "recent phe-
nomenon" an increasing student demand for independence
complicated by the enrollment surge has created a large market

for non-University housing. One housing official observes that
the ,growing number of students in substandard dwellings raises
the issue of whether the University's loose off-campus supervision
should be tightened.
* Student Activities. Lewis terms the concept of a Student
Government Council as "excellent,". but admits "it is a long
way from perfect." Many student and administrative quarters
are much harsher on the 18-man representative body of students
which replaced a faculty-student Committee on Student Affairs
in 1955.
Last spring, SGC set up a student-faculty-administration
committee to evaluate the Council.
It has moved beyond its mandate and taken up the broader
question, what authority should students have? Administrators
say they would rather see SGC exercise the authority it already
possesses. Towards that end, they want to see the OSA take over
more of the administrative work bogging down the Council and
leave SGC to formulate general policy in its major area of
concern, the controlling of student groups.
" Institutional Schizophrenia. This term used in the Reed
Report, referred to the :University's inability to bring extra-
curricular actions in line with academic goals. The problem still
persists, officials say, although they doubt that any one "policy"
can clarify these relationships. Since the Reed Report, the
i'mplementation of a trimester schedule has increased pressures
on student activities and there is talk of letting leaders take
reduced academic loads, then make up the credit later.
* Miscellaneous. An international student body which isn't
integrated into the student life; a counselling system which isn't
keeping pace with the student surge; a need to delineate respon-
sibilities in the OSA even more precisely. These are some of the
other open-ended issues which the office will have to come to
grips with, its staff observes.

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Snow expected
towards evening



IFC Postpones Trigon Hearing

'aigon Saysl 5 Russia
Cambodia - -,USSIR


The Interfraternity C o u n c i 1
executive committee last night
postponed the hearing with Trigon
f r a t e r n i t y on discrimination
charges from December 7 until
January 12. However, it did es-
tablish the general procedures to
be used in the hearing, pending
formal approval next Tuesday.
Executive Vice-President Steven
Idema, '65, gave two reasons for
the postponement. First, the need
for some clarification of Student
Government Council by-laws con-
cerning the IFC executive com-
mittee's access to confidential
membership statements of fra-
ternities. The SGC did not spe-
cifically delegate the authority to
examine these records to the
executive committee, Idema said.
The committee feels that this
power is implied, but cannot pro-
ceed with the hearing until SGC
CT Construct
Medical Unit
Construction of the $9.4 million
addition to the Medical Science
Building will start this spring,'Dr.
Alexander Barry of the Medical
School said yesterday. Appropria-
tions for the building will be avail-
able by then he said.
"We have been assurred by the
Legislature that there will be an
appropriation to the University
specifically to finance this build-
It was understood by other
Medical School officials when they
raised the freshman enrollment
to 200 in 1960 that they would
receive the funds for the building.
However, they have expressed
dissatisfaction with the slow pro-
gress of obtaining funds for the
building. They have held that
such needed expansion must be
completed before money can be
diverted to set up a third medical
"The completion of the building
will allow all the Medical School
departments to move into the
Medical Center and leave the East
Medical Bldg. available for other
University uses by late 1967,"
Barry said. "It will also provide
the departments with more mod-
ern quarters."
SGC To Open
Petitioning for
New Member
S t u d e n t Government Council
will not meet tonight as previously
However, interview forms are
now available for the Student
Government Council seat vacated
by the resignation of Carl J.
Cohen, '66.
The forms, available in Rm.
15 S9 EAl mst he turned in by

makes a formal clarification, he
Second, the Trigon alumni re-
quested a postponement on the
basis that they did not receive
formal notification of the date set
for the hearing. They stated that
although the chapter president
had been contacted, they received
no formal notification and feel
that they cannot be prepared in
David Miller, '65, chairman of
the IFC membership committee,
said that it did not appear that
the alumni were trying to avoid
the hearing or delay it, but that
they were willing to accept any
date the executive committee.
might set if they were given suf-
ficient formal notification of the
Idema said that he had been
in contact with Trigon and had
believed that the IFC was dealing
with the undergraduate fraternity.
In all future communication with
Trigon the alumni will also be
given formal announcement of
pertinent information, Idema said.
The general outline of the new
procedures is divided into four
phases. First, the IFC member-
ship committee will present an
indictment containing the charges
and explaining why the commit-
tee decided that these charges
were violations of IFC by-laws.
Then Trigon can present its
defense and explain why it thinks
that these charges are not viola-
tions of the by-laws.
Miller said that Trigon will con-
cern itself with the intent of the
by-laws because the basic facts
have already been agreed upon
by Trigon's president.
The third phase consists of
questioning by the IFC executive
committee of Trigon and the
membership committee. IFC Presi-
dent Lawrence Lossing, '65, said
that there should be a one-way
flow of information-"from the
membership committee and Trigon
to us, the executive committee. We

should not argue the case with
either party."
The last phase contains two
closing statements. The first will
be presented by, the membership
committee and will be concerned
with re-establishing the basic facts
in the case.
The second statement will come
from Trigon, and will presumably
summarize its case and refute the
committee's closing statements.

Helps Reds
SAIGON (P-Cambodian fron-
tier forces have joined the Com-
munist Viet Cong again in attacks
on South Vietnamese troops, the
defense ministry charged yester-?U
day. A
The shooting developed in Chau A r cans
Doc province, 110 miles west of
Saigon, a week in advance of the
scheduled opening of U.S.-Cam- By The Associated Pr




Protest Congo Crisis Action

~Crisis Delay

ess make requests to Belgium and the

During deliberation the execu- bodian talks in New Delhi about
tive committee will be able to re- frontier hostilities.
call either party for clarification According to the defense min-
or further questioning. These gen- istry Communist guerrillas sup-
eral procedures are not to bind ported by 100 Cambodian soldiers
us so that we are unable to exert hit a Vietnamese patrol moving
some flexibility, Idema said.-a about 100 yards from the border.
There will also be a tape re- Mortar fire from the Cambodian
cording made, available for im- side killed three of the Vietnamese
mediate reference, and will finally and wounded one. The guerrillas
become the exclusive property of and the Cambodians withdrew
the membership committee, Idema when Vietnamese reinforcements
said. arrived 20 minutes later.
Idema explained the rights of Boat Attack
Trigon if it decided to appeal the In the same area, four Cambo-
case. The proceedings could come dian patrol boats moved up a
before the Fraternity Presidents' canal and blasted a Vietnamese
Assembly, which has the power to outpost, killing one of its garrison.
review decisions of the executive At the same time Red China,
committee, only if no new facts aware that President Lyndon B.
or arguments are entered into the Johnson was discussing war policy
appeal. Lossing said that there with U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D.
were no other student organiza- Taylor and key advisers in Wash-
tions on campus that could review ington, warned it would fight in
the executive committee's decision the event of "U.S. imperialist
concerning IVC by-laws. aggression" against Communist
Registered North Viet Nam.
The intent of Trigon to appeal Elsewhere, the Viet Cong de-
to the FPA would have to be reg- stroyed two American aircraft
istered with the IFC president Tuesday.
within ten days after the decision Shot Down
is delivered, he said. An appeal U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Kemp P.
would be accepted by the execu- Roedema parachuted to safety
tive committee at any time in the when Communist groundfire shot
future provided that there was down the AlE single engine fight-
new information pertinent to the er he had flown on a strafing
case. mission 33 miles northeast of Sai-
The official opinion of the com- gon. Helicopters rescued him. The
mittee is to be written by three Vietnamese observer with Roe-
members: the executive vice presi- dema is believed to have gone
dent, the highest ranking senior down with the plane.
officer who had voted with the A U.S. Army helicopter was also
prevailing decision and an ap- lost on an operation 30 miles north
pointee of the executive vice-pres- of Saigon. Guerrilla gunners hit
ident who also voted with the pre- the helicopter's rocket pod, setting
vailing decision. off a series of explosions.

United States that all foreign
The Congo situation continued troops and mercenaries be pulled
to bobble on several fronts yes- out of the Congo.
terday as the parties involvedouofteCn.
contemplated their next moves in The ambassadors of Algeria,
the crisis spurred last week by Kenya and the Sudan met with
the landing of Belgian paratroop- Thant and reliable sources said
ers in rebel-held Stanleyville. they had asked, Thant's coopera-
At the United Nations the Afri- tion at the request of the African
can group of 33 nations asked groupetter
e t nr TT Thn tLette

creiary-ueue'ai U o lLG
Intensify Loan
Collection Plan
University accountants h a v e
intensified their collection pro-
cedures for some student loans,
Mrs. Mary J. Rutledge of the Uni-
versity accounting office said yes-
This is in accordance with a
report from the federal govern-
ment issued in mid-November. The
report stated that repayments of
loans under the National Defense
Education Act were lagging some-
what behind.
Former students who are behind
in repayments of their loans will
be sent letters informing them of
the delinquency, Mrs. Rutledge
said. She noted that the loans
represent the same legal obliga-
tion to the student as a bank loan
This collection problem has
burst suddenly on the nation's
colleges. In November, 1962, there
were 9,394 loans due and not col-
lected. Six months later, the num-
ber of due and uncollected loans
has risen to 22,007.

At least 14 African nations were
reported yesterday to have signed
a letter asking for a meeting of
the UN Security Council on for-
eign intervention in the Congo.
Belgium has . announced the
paratroopers it sent into the Con-
go have been withdrawn. Congo-
lese army forces, however, are
spearheaded by several hundred
white mercenaries, including Bel-
Meanwhile, Congolese rebels
are trying to turn the Sudan into
a major logistic and operational
base in their fight against the
Leopoldville government.
The new Sudanese regime of
Prime Minister Sir El Khatim El
Khalifa is weighing a rebel de-
mand for arms, amminition, vol-
unteers and supplies for the rebel
Western diplomats in the capi-
tal of this giant, parched East
African nation said yesterday they!
believe there are strong chances
the demand will be granted.
Since toppling the military dic-
tatorship of President Ibrahim
Abboud last month, the present
revolutionary leaders have been
turning left.
Rebel emissaries have -crossed
the border into Sudan from the

war-swept jungles of the north-
eastern Congo.
According to reports received
here, a number of wounded rebels
are being treated in the southern
Sudanese outpost of Juba, where
some sort of rebel military center
has been set up.
Sudanese authorities so far are
denying reports of the presence
in this country of rebel President
Christophe Gbenye and his key
-lieutenants. Sources close to the
government claim Gbenye is
"fighting in the Congo."
Stiffening ,
However, several lesser emis-
saries passed through this Su-
danese capital in 'the past 48
hours. They issued statements in-
dicating their fight against Ts-
hombe's troops was stiffening.
According to the latest rebel
statement published in Khartoum,
rebel "simbas" (lions) have recov-
ered Stanleyville radio and the
Sabena airline guesthouse across
the street from the airport build-
These reports are confirmed by
Leopoldville. The government con-
cedes its forces hold only the air-
port in Stanleyville.
In addition, fears are felt for
the safey of the base at Kindu,
250 miles south of Stanleyville,
kickoff point for the main drive
on Stanleyville.
Creating a solid rebel base in
southern Sudan is hampered by a
raging guerrilla war in that part
of the country.
In Brussels Belgian paratroop-
ers who dropped on Stanleyville
came home to a mighty welcome
yesterday just as a fresh accusa-
tion cropped up that the United
States had cut short the rescue

For Solution11
Plan Big Four'Talks
To Resolve Question
Of Unpaid Back Dues
United Nations announced yester-
day that agreement had been
reached on a formula to avoid a
U.S.-Soviet showdown in the Gen-
eral Assembly on peace-keeping
The announcement came a few
minutes after the 112-nation as-
sembly had been scheduled to
open its 19th session.
It was agreed that the assembly
would transact only noncontrover-
sial business at the initial meet-
ing. This would include the elec-
tion of a new president and admit
three new members. This would
conclude the business of the day.
The agreement paved the way
for more U.S.-Soviet negotiations
on basic issues involved in the UN
financial crisis. The next round
will take place today. when U.S.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
meets again with Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko.
Representing the big four pow-
ers in the talks with UN Secretary
General U Thant in his 38th floor
suite were U.S. Ambassador Adlei
E. Stevenson, Soviet Ambassador
Nikolai T. Fedorenko, British min-
ister of the state Lord CaradQn
and French Ambassador Roger
They staved off a U.S.-Soviet
confrontation over' application of
Article 19 of the UN charter which
says that any country two years
in arrears on its assessments
shall lose its assembly shall lose
its assembly vote.
Two Years
The Soviet Union and six other
Communist countries are two
years behind on peacekeeping as-
sessments, and the United States
took the position that if a situa-
tion arose demanding a vote the
article must be applied.
This evoked a threat from the
Soviet Union to walk out of the
assembly if it was deprived-",f its
vote. Both the Soviet Union and
France, which will be two years
behind on Jan. 1, contend that
peacekeeping assessments were il-
legal because they were approved
by the assembly instead of the
Security Council.
Rusk and Gromyko will have a
luncheon meeting at the head-
quarters of the Soviet Mission to
+h T-i-4Toinna!lnnr~ 10

. . . . . . ...... .



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