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Cagers ro
By TOM WEINBERG Strack and freshman coach Tom
Jorgensen were forced to split up
"Let's hope this is the closest the varsity squad and play a sec-
game all year" ond half of intrasquad action in
That was the sentiment ex- order to give the team some
pressed by a hefty crowd at Yost game-type competition.
Field House last night as the var- And competition is just what
sity team played a hotly contest- the Big Ten co-champions got.
ed intrasquad game following a Fought Back
20-minute massacre of the fresh- Strack had the score on the
man team. board changed from 56-14 in favor
The frosh scrimmage against of the starting unit to 56-41
Coach Dave Strack's highly-tout- against them and the first unit
ed varsity and before seven min- fought back for the entire 20 min-
utes had elapsed, the rookies were utes, only to lose 91-88.
behind 16-1. The frosh finally The Blue team, composed of
wound up on the short end, 56-14, starters Cazzie Russell, Bill Bun-
after one half had elapsed, so tin, Oliver Darden, John Thomp-
unce Frosh,
son and Larry Tregoning knew to Brown's performance as excel-
they were in for a ball game as lent. He was encouraged by the
the White team, paced by Dan i'ntensity of the game and felt
Brown's three quick baskets, im- that such a close game could be
mediately moved ahead to a 21- helpful for the regular season
point lead at 68-47. which is to begin next Tuesday
Brown finished the game as against Ball State.
high scorer of both teams with 12 Strack called the freshmen
points, while Captain Tregoning "quite jittery," and said he
led the first unit with 10 and thought it unfortunate that they
Russell added 8. couldn't get going. The frosh did
Narrow Gap not make a basket until almost 10
With 5:35 remaining, the Blue minutes had elapsed, and the
team had narrowed the gap to score was out of hand at 33-3.
seven at 82-75, with three baskets'Jorgensen shuffled players inI
by Jim Myers (two on assists and out during the game, but
from Russell). Then the Blue team couldn't find a player who was
caught fire and Tregoning broke dable to connect on more than one
basket. Jim Pitts, 6'2" guard from
Detroit, and Gerry Peaks, a 5'1"
guard, were the high scorers for
the frosh as they each had two
free throws and a basket against
the varsity's entire team.
The crowd was quite enthusi-
astic at halftime as the varsity
gymnastics team put on an exhi-
bition which was monitored by
Coach Newt Loken. Much to the
crowd's delight, national cham-
pion floor exerciser, Mike Sanders,
went through his routine, as did
Captain Gary Erwin and the rest
of the Wolverine trampoliners.
NING OLIVER DARDEN But the crowd didn't save its
enthusiasm for the gym team, as
loose for two hard driving fast the cheers for the Michigan's
break layups and the score stood starting five were so loud that
at 84-81. the voice of the public address
The Whites responded strongly, announcer could not be heard
as Odell Handcox connected on a when they were introduced.
ten Scrimmage
Rose Bowl Tickets
On Sale Next Week
Individual tickets for students, Dec. 30 and Dec. 31 at the South-
faculty and staff for the Rose ern California Edison Co., Fifth
Bowl game will go on sale all next and Grand Streets, or Jan. 1 at a
week at the athletic ticket of- special booth at the Rose Bowl
fice, and the ticket department Stadium in Pasadena.
announced yesterday that there At the time of the exchange, a
is no need to hurry for the tick- $3 refund will be given to prop-
ets. erly .identified students on their
UCLA Still A Hazard
-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
BIG BILL BUNTIN chalks up two on a tip-in last night as the
varsity team completely overwhelmed the freshmen before play-
ing an intrasquad second half. Looking on are George Pomey
(44), Jim Myers (54) and freshman center Bob Lalonde (41).
Don't look now, but UCLA,
defending n a t io n a1 basketball
champ, is even stronger this year.
So say the "experts," anyway.
And it figures. Despite the de-
parture of All-American Walt
Hazzard, the -Bruins have an
equally experienced starting line-
up and a stronger bench.
Admittedly, the loss of Hazzard
will hurt the squad initially as it
gets used to playing without his
ball-handling tactics. It might
even cause the Uclans' 30-game
winning streak to be snapped,
since they face tough Illinois and
Arizona State in opening games.
Still a Hazard
But, with the likes of potential
All-American Gail Goodrich, sen-
ior Keith Erickson, and juniors
Vaughn Hoffman and Doug Mc-
Intosh, UCLA won't be hurting
for experience.
Witl the same short average
height of starters as last year, fans
can continue to expect a lot of
running from this season's crew.
Foremost in Coach John Wooden's
blitz plans will be speedy, 6'3"
Kenny Washington. His 26 points
against Duke in the NCAA finals
last spring showed him as the un-
sung hero of the championship
Had it not been for Hazzard,
Goodrich might have emerged as
an All-America candidate last
year. As it was, Hazzard over-
shadowed him, even though Good-
rich was voted most valuable play-
er in the Los Angeles Classic and
took a seat on both the NCAA
regional and finals all-star teams.
Goodrich, a 6'l" playmaker, was
the Bruins' top scorer last year
with a 21.5 average. Character-
istic of his season was his 27 points
in the 98-83 conquest of Duke in
the finals.
The return of 6'1" guard Fred
Goss, after a year's layoff, will
help steady the other starting
backcourt post. In his last season,
two years ago, he was a part-time
Erickson is expected to resume
his duties as one of Wooden's front
court starters. Last year the 6'5"
forward scored at a 10.7 per game
clip. His 28-point effort in the
NCAA semi-final contest against
Kansas State helped lift the
Bruins to a 90-84 win.
McIntosh at Center
McIntosh figures to take over
the center duties, vacated by the
graduation of hulky Fred Slaught-
er. But if McIntosh's 6'6", 200-
pound frame can't fill the va-
cancy, 6'7", 230-pound Hoffman
will be there to help out. After a
year as well-seasoned alternates,
Wooden expects the duo to have
little trouble with the job.
As if these men aren't enough,
the Bruins have three outstanding
sophomores waiting in the wings
to take over. Edgar Lacey and
Mike Lynn, both 6'6" and both
high school All-Americans, add
much height and strength to
UCLA's bench. The third of the
trio, Bill Winkelholtz, is even
taller at 6'10", and is being touted
as another top-notch performer.
short one after 610" sophomore
Craig Dill had fumbled an at-
tempted dunk. Dill electrified the
crowd that filled up all of the
sideline seats and balconies and
stood six-deep on the end of the
court with three different moves
on which he turned around, took a
giant step, and put up sweeping
hook shots.
The Whites weren't satisfied
with their lead and widened it to
seven at 88-81 after Brown con-
nected on a left-handed hooker.
One-Point Margin
But the Blue team was not to
be denied and after narrowing
the score to three, finally got
within a point at 88-87 after
Thompson stole the ball, and set
up Tregoning for a driving layup.
- The White team stalled for
about 30 seconds and when Den-
nis Bankey got loose for a layup
and connected, the margin bounc-
ed back to three, where it was to
remain as Buntin and Dill traded
fouls and the White squad failed
to score despite shots by Russell,
Tregoning and Buntin.
In a happy and informal locker
room after the game, Strack call-
ed the intrasquad scrimmage "a
real good game situation," ex-
plaining that such hard-fought
competition is usually hard to get
in an intrasquad scrimmage.
Encouraged by Intensity
The coach was pleased with the
entire performance and pointed
Huarte Cops Heisman Trophy
By The Associated Press finished fourth in the balloting.
NEW YORK - John Huarte, Others receivingvotes were:
Notre Dame's quarterback, was Jack Snow, Notre Dame; Tucker
announced as the winner, of the Fredrickson, Auburn; Craig Mor-
1964 Heisman Trophy as the out- ton, California; Steve DeLong,
standing college football player of Tennessee.
the year yesterday. Observers feel the biggest dif-
Huarte was named first on 216 ference between the Irish of a 2-7
Hothe 893walotsnam wit18 o r.ecord a year ago and 9-0 this fall
of the 893 ballots, with 186 forwsHurafedgnrawh
Rhome and 77 for Butkus. Four- Huarte, a field general who
teen players received votes in the Ccould move his club.
balloing.Coach Ara Parseghian backs the
balloting. contention up by saying: "A great
The Notre Dame star, who play- quarterback can make a great dif-
ed only 45 minutes during the ference in a football team."
1963 season because of injuries, Past Injuries
will receive the award at a ban- Bothered by injuries the pre-
quet on Thursday, Dec. 3. vious two seasons, Huarte was a
Past Winner questionable performer at the end
Roger Staubach, ace quarter- of spring practice after he won
back of the Navy, was the winner the job. He came up with a shoul-
a year ago. Huarte is the first der injury but a decision was made
Notre Dame player to be chosen to forego possible surgery and
since Paul Hornung. hope the ailment would be cured
Huarte, who has piloted the naturally. The rest is history.
Irish through nine straight vic- Huarte has left a trail of team
tories with one game'to play, records behind him at a school
edged Tulsa quarterback Jerry where the great quarterbacks from
Rhome in an extremely close vote. Gus Dorais, Harry Stuhldreher,
Center-linebacker Dick Butkus Frank Carrideo, Angelo Bertelli,
of Illinois was third, while Mich- Johnny Lujack through Hornung
igan quarterback Bob Timberlake have made history.
The first priority for tickets is
to the University family, so there
is nothing to be accomplished by
waiting in line for a long time
next Mondaynat 8:30 a.m., when
the tickets go on sale.
The ticket windows in the main
lobby of the Athletic Administra-
tion B10., 1000 S. State, will be
open every day next week from
8:30 until 4:30. Students are per-
mitted to purchase one ticket,
while faculty and staff are eli-
gible for two.
Only those students, faculty and
staff with identification will be
eligible for the $6.50 seats which
will be sold on a claim check bas-
is. When a student buys a claim
check for a ticket, Big Ten rules
require him to exchange the ticket
in California for a seat in the
Michigan section.
No priority on location of seats
will be given to those people who
are in line first, as the tickets
are randomly distributed at the
exchange booths in California.
Only those people who are NOT
a part of a sponsored University
trip to Los Angeles are eligible
to purchase tickets, and the two
lists will be cross-checked.
The exchange dates for the tick-
ets in downtown Los Angeles are
dilab lical
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'The hours of the exchange in
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'ins League
Scoring Tile
Michigan's B o b Timberlake
'captured the Big Ten all-game
scoring title. The triple-threat
signalcaller rolled up 80 points on
eight touchdowns, kicked 20 points
after touchdowns, and four field
This same point total was good
enough for a third place in he
national standings also.
In the Big Ten, Indiana's full-.
back Tom Nowatzke picked up the
second -slot with a total of 73
points, followed by another full-
back, Jim Grabowski of the fight-
ing Illini who had 60 points.
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