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November 25, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-25

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
The New Vice-President for Student Affairs
by H. Neil Berkson

Tuhe*Oii "reFee 420 MAYNARD S., ANN ARBOR, MICR.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Fate of Romne Programs
In the Legislature

They Will Pass ...
MICHIGAN VOTERS gave Gov. George
Romney an obvious popular mandate
in the recent election. However, while the
governor has received strong support
from the electorate, he is .less assured of
cooperation and support from the pre-
dominantly Democratic Legislature in
Democrats realize that Romney cannot
be beaten at the polls, so they will un-
doubtedly try other ways to beat him.
Romney must be prepared, then, to face
a negative or obstructionist Democratic
Legislature-a situation similar to that
faced by former Michigan Democratic
Governor Williams and the Republican
Legislature of those years.
pletely valid, since under the new
state constitution the chief executive has
more authority than Williams ever had.
The power delegated to the governor in
the constitution puts him' in a powerful
negotiating position.
In both the House and the Senate, the
Democrats are short of the two-thirds
majority necessary to override a veto from
the governor. With the support of Re-
publican legislators, then, Romney could
still maintain ultimate control; Republi-
cans would hold a valuable "trading
stock" which could not be ignored.
Moreover, Romney has had considerable
experience in dealing with political op-
ponents, both within his own party and
among Democrats. Romney's consultation
with Republican legislators led to the
passage of significant appropriations in
such areas as minimum wage, mental
health and higher education. And in the
past two years considerable bi-partisan
consideration has been given to such
measures as workmen's compensation, tax
reform and the constitution. As a result
of Romney's efforts, areas such as civil
rights have been removed from the par-
tisan arena, while they still plague poli-
tical leaders of other states.
ROMNEY has further reason to be op-
timistic, as legislators have revealed
mutual concern in the major policy areas.
Romney recently outlined eleven major
areas of concern for the Legislature;
newspapers commented that Democrats
agreed with ten of the eleven areas. Thus,
Romney and the Legislature will have a
common meeting ground as they work
in joint areas of concern.
Certainly, there will be differences of
opinion as to technique and approach. But
members of both parties must realize that
the. ultimate important thing for Michi-
gan is that some action be taken in the
major problem areas. Indications are that
this action will be taken.
want are measures Democrats will
want too. It is merely a matter of shar-
ing the credit. The Republican tax re-
form proposal, for instance, is similar to
that proposed by previous Democratic
governors. If Democratic legislators block
everything Romney wants they will only
be defeating themselves.
Democratic legislators will undoubtedly
try to push their programs through be-
fore Romney's. But Romney has time on
his side. He has the opportunity to make
proposals before the Legislature even con-
venes in his state-of-the-state message
in January. Outlining his programs in
the beginning, Romney will be in a stra-
tegic position and his proposals will have
the advantage of headline impact.

THE LEGISLATURE will probably have
a slow start this session, as there will
be many new, inexperienced lawmakers.
Newspapers may be overly critical of the
preliminary hesitation and conflict. But
with the governor and responsible legis-
lators of both parties agreeing on so many
areas of mutual concern, much of the
legislation which Romney advocates
should ultimately be passed.
Managing Editor Editorial Director

They Won't Pass .*. *
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY, major Repub-
lican survivor of the November 3
debacle, is going to have the most diffi-
cult time of his political life in the next
two years.
Even though Romney obviously has the
support of the people of Michigan, he will
have to contend with a 73-37 Democratic
majority in the House of Representative
and a 23-15 Democrat-Republican ratio
in the Senate.
The Democrats of last year's Legisla-
ture opposed Romney's fiscal reform pro-
gram by over a 3-1 margin while the
plan was going down to defeat at the
hands of a Republican-controlled Legis-
lature. The fact that the Democrats op-
posed Romney's fiscal reform program on
purely political grounds then suggests
that the same sort of partisan opposi-
tion will occur come January when the
new Legislature convenes. And, working
along purely partisan lines, it is obvious
that since there will be more Democrats
there will be more opposition.
Even though the moniker "obstruction-
ist" will probably be applied to the Legis-
lature because it doesn't want Romney to
profit politically from whatever legisla-
tive action will be taken, applying the
name is not realistic since the Legislature
is only trying to obstruct Romney, and
not progress for the state.
A FACTOR contributing to further op-
position is that Romney apparently
has more political aspirations than he
did last year, as evidenced by the role
he is playing in attempting to unify the
national Republican Party. Although he
is apparently the same old Romney (re-
fusing to be drawn, as the New York
Times says, into a discussion of specifics),
he has been casting himself more and
more into the national limelight since
the Republican convention.
It is now common knowledge that the
Democratic legislators realize the posi-
tion they are in. A plan proposed by
Democratic Rep. Robert Traxler of Bay
City, for example, is designed to upstage
Romney in January in the presentation
of legislative programs.
T HEDEMOCRATIC legislators are just
as concerned as Romney with the wel-
fare of this state. However, they will
want to pass their own legislative pro-
gram and not Romney's. This is not be-
cause there will be any great differences
in the programs, because there won't be
--but because the political duty of a
Democratic Legislature includes opposing
the Republican governor, especially when
he has the national political aspirations
of a George Romney.
Happy Day
shown 'that the majority of them are
more interested in the comic section than
any other feature in the newspaper. In
fact, the only reason they read the front
page before the comics, according to the
surveys, is because they have to look at
the front-page index to find out where
the comic section is.
The American public's penchant for en-
tertainment in any form whatsoever has
dominated publishers and editors think-
ing in putting out newspapers. The pub-
lishers know that entertainment is want-
ed and entertainment means a higher
circulation and more money. So the pub-

lic is given more family features, more
lovelorn advice, more news from Holly-
wood, more stories of violence and more
comic strips. And it is not just the aver-
age business man home from a hard day's
plight at the office who' wants to relax
with his paper and not be upset with
the latest United States blunder in the
Congo or Viet Nam.
WHAT IS COMMONLY believed to be
the intellectual core of the country-
the college student-spoke out the other
day at a local restaurant. The newspaper
strike hadn't been settled yet, but one
student had dreams of what the first
Sunday papers would be like:
"Just think," he said, "the papers will

WHEN THE UNIVERSITY reassembles after Thanks-
giving vacation it will have a new vice-president for
student affairs-Richard Cutler. His appointment, to
take effect December 1, should signal a new era for the
The naming of Cutler was expected. More important,
it was eagerly anticipated by most concerned observers
of student affairs. The new vice-president has all the
right tools: an excellent academic background, in psy-
chology; administrative experience in governntent agen-
cies and a nonpatronizing attitude of deep concern for
the individual. He is young and on the move; as long
as he doesn't let his ambitions get in the way of his
values, he should easily maintain the respect of both
students and faculty.
CUTLER'S TASK is no less than to transform
the OSA from a directionless, lethargic institution into
an agency which acts rather than reacts, an agency
which is thoughtful and productive rather than arbitrary
and haphazard. The OSA has not begun to understand
a university of 30,000; it has yet to acknowledge (in
some notable cases) the maturity and pseudo-maturity
of the current college generation.
These two facts are essential to any future effective-

ness of the GSA. Vice-President Cutler must analyze
them in an effort to eliminate the combined atmposphere
of fear and apathy under which many students operate.
HE WILL ASSUME office faced with both short-
and long-term problems.
-Dormitory housing is overcdowded with little relief
in sight for two years. Aside from crowding, dormitory
living leaves much to be desired. OSA thinking in this
area has been both inflexible and contradictory.
-More students are looking for University involve-
ment in off-campus housing.
-Discrimination remains an issue in both fraterni-
ties and sororities, but may well be eclipsed by the
question of local autonomy.
-The Union-League merger appears heading for a
jurisdictional dispute. Even if the groups settle their
own squabbles, their desire to be free of University
control conflicts with their heavy University subsidies.
-Academic pressure is becoming a major threat to
student activities. Ways must be found to reconcile
classroom and extra-classroom life.
APART FROM the issues, the amount of criticism
leveled at various OSA personnel in the past is neither
secret nor unjustified. Cutler may find both obstinance

and an inability to comprehend his programs.
Nevertheless, if the office most needs a sense of
direction, Cutler should provide it. If it needs admin-
istrative skill and an ability to make clear-cut decisions,
he should be up to the job. He is certainly a welcome
addition to the GSA.
THE FACULTY is apparently rather glum about its
latest proposal to the administration concerning
salaries. After they passed a resolution in the University
Senate calling for summer pay to be 50 per cent of fall-
winter pay:
-Associate Dean Dick A. Leabo of the business ad-
ministration school, whose committee drew up the pro-
posal, refused comment on it;
-Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of the economics depart-
ment, a member of the committee, refused comment;
-Prof. Morris Bornstein of the economics depart-
ment, a member of the committee, hung up on a reporter.
* * * *
IN PASSING, a Thanksgiving compliment to Prof.
Sheridan Baker's revised Michigan Quarterly Review.
If the first issue is any portent, the Quarterly should
draw attention both within and far beyond Ann Arbor.

"In The Words Of That Great Anti-Imperialist Chinese,
Rudyard Kip Ling: 'East Is East ..."'
_ 1t
Dikes and the Dutch Today

Second Rate Cinemas
At Ann Arbor Theatres

To the Editor:
recently appeared in Ann Ar-
bor: a re-run of "Lili," a third-
time re-run of "So Dear to My
Heart," "Kitten with a Whip,"
"Behold A Pale Horse," "Station
Six Sahara," and "Pajama Party."
The list, sorry to say, goes on
and on.
On the other hand, these films,
American and foreign, have yet
to appear in Ann Arbor:
"The Seven Faces' of Dr. Lao,"
a weird fantasy.
"The Troublemaker," an off-
beat comedy produced by members
of the Premise.
"The Cool World," about juven-
ile gangs and filmed in Harlem.
"The Thin Red Line," from the
novel by James Jones.
"The Brig," as originally per-
formed at the now-defunct New
American Theatre.
"Monkey in Winter," selected
by Newsweek as among the ten
best films of 1963, a French
"Muriel," again picked by most
critics as among the ten best films
of 1963.
"Zazie," another French com-
edy which Dwight MacDonald
raved about.
"The Bandits of Orgoloso," an
Italian realism film.
"A Woman is a Woman," French
and much-debated comedy.
"Kapo," a Yugoslavian film
about German war camps.
"Girl with Green Eyes," starring
Rita Tushingham and produced by
Tony Richardson ("Long-Distance
Runner," "Tom Jones")
"Weekend," a Swedish film
about loose-living young middle-
class people. -
"Nothing But the Best," a bitter
English comedy of social manners.
"Disorder," an Italian "odyssey
of contemporary moral chaos."
* * *
AND WHAT lies ahead on the
cinema horizon for Ann Arbor?
More English comedies at the
Campus, another re-run of "Quo
Vadis" at the Michigan and the
latest Elvis Presley, "Roustabout,"
at the State Theatre.
Meanwhile, how long must Ann
Arbor wait to see "Woman of the
Dunes," "All These Women" (the
newest Bergman), "The Pumpkin-
Eater" with Anne Bancroft and
the highly praised Canadian film,
"The Luck of Ginger Coffey?"
Even "Mary Poppins" isn't to ar-
rive until mid-January.
Why is this so? Why must Ann

Arbor, the "Cultural Center of the
Midwest," constantly receive sec-
ond-rate movies first and "good"
movies last, if ever?
* * *
PART OF the blame belongs to
the indiscriminate Ann Arbor au-
diences who confuse lack of stim-
ulation with relaxation, and sub-
stitute banality for entertainment.
However, a great deal of the
blame lies with the University-
supported monopoly of ye olde
Butterfield Theatres. From their
central office in New York, with
meticulous concern for their box
office, the Butterfield main office
books in the films that play in
Ann Arbor. The local managers,
in vain, argue or suggest; New
York rules supreme.
AS A REVIEWER, as a student
and as a movie-goer, I am fed up.
If the local managers, with all
good intent, are helpless to con-
vince their New York office that
"good films" can make money, and
if the student attendance con-
tinues to undermine their efforts
anyway, what is left to do?
So this is a protest and a plea.
Why not try it, Butterfield
Theatres? Experiment and book
new and good films into Ann
Arbor. See if perhaps attendance
might not rise once the commun-
ity becomes used to the idea of
quality films that entertain.
--Hugh Holland, 65
Fraternity Prophet
To the Editor:
AFTER READING the article in
The Daily of November called
"Fraternity Prophet?" I'm not
sure whether to be mad at this
slander or amused at such a piti-
ful default in logic printed as legi-
timate journalism.
The squib asserts that fraterni-
ties have "found their prophet in
Mr. (William) Buckley" of the
"radical right," and that Buckley
is "the culture king of the fra-
ternity houses" because "for the
first time the playboys of the
universities are politically com-
mitted" since "for the first time,
'intellectuals' such as Mr. Buckley
are talking in the pithy cliches
which they understand."
The author of the article, An-
drew Sinclair of the Manchester
Guardian, starts his piece with
several preconceived notions that
are not, as he might think, self-
evident. The first is that the right
is incapable of having intellec-
tuals, only "propagandists." To
use Mr. Sinclair's own words, this
sounds a bit "snobbish and segre-
gated" (sic) to me.
Second, William F. Buckley is
called "reactionary" and "radical
right" and in this free society the
burden of proof rests on the ac-
cuser. No proof was offered.
BUT ARMED with these as-
sumptions a line of utterly un-
believable reasoning e m e r g e s:
Buckley is unintellectual and re-
actionary and Buckley likes fra-
ternities; therefore, fraternities,
like Buckley, are unintellectual
and reactionary.
Furthermore, the article calls
fraternities "institutions of snob-
bish segregated stupidity," which
I take to mean that selecting one's
friends is snobbery and somehow
racial discrimination. I can't un-
derstand the mind of a person
who thinks that a man who has
enough self esteem to Set stan-
dards of friendship is a snob and
a racist.
fraternity brothers were Johnson
supporters, they and the rest of
those reactionary fraternity men-
Adlai Stevensn .Robh Dvlan (vf).

Daily Correspondent
BILTHOVEN, Holland-The old
story of the little Dutch boy
who prevented the flood by put-
ting a finger into the dike prob-
ably never happened: yet it is
true that the story could have
taken place any number of times
as late as this century.
The art of dike building is an
old Dutch craft. But it was a long
period of trial and error that made
Dutch scientists the world's rec-
ognized experts at this art. As
earlyzas the twelfth century and
as late as 1953, Dutch lives are
recorded to have been lost in
dambreaks. Dutchmen have be-
come a serious-minded, heavy-
going people in the constant
struggle against the waves.s
To ward off the enemy water is
the project's main purpose. This is
rendered even more imperative by
the fact that the country's land
level is slowly but continually
sinking in comparison to the sea
PURPOSES other than security
are served by thedikes. Land
reclamation is probably the best
known "by-product" of the entire
project. When the present plans
for the reclamation of the Zuider
Lake were made 50 years ago, this
additional land was conceived of
as a purely agricultural area. But
in the course of this half-century
emphasis has shifted from agri-
culture to industry; accordingly,
industry is now expected to make
heavy use of the new "ands for
expansion into the so-called pold-
New lands in the southern ara

the completion of the rest of the
polders around 1980 (Zuider Lake
project) that the new lands will
be completely integrated for traf-
fic and full community life.
MEANWHILE, the areas are
used exclusively for agricultural
purposes. As the government
operates the whole dike project,
all parcels of, new land are only
rented to farmers, not sold.
But the tenancy situation has
not quite fulfilled expectations
and the farmers are hard at work
to change their status. Yet the
government would rather not give
up its authority, as it fears that
ownership of such lands could
enable farmers to split up their
lots among their children. This
would be a step backwards eco-
nomically because the present lot
sizes have been determined on
their rentability-and are still too
small considering the progress in
agricultural machinery over the
last few decades.
To please the farmers, some
plans are now in progress to
change tenancy to a long-ten
lease status (about 99 years)
which would answer both prob-
the construction work down to
the last detail. Whole cities rise
from the drawing board; every tab
and plug is placed in its right
place according to the master
This kind of planning accounts
for the somewhat too uniform and
uninspiring impression given by
these new communities. The gov-
orn. ,, , f nl - nrm ifih i

continue to have enough ground
water supply, in contrast to the
situation which arose when some
early polders adjoining old lands
were drained entirely.
Navigation to old fishing places
and to the port of Amsterdam will
be sustained and beautiful new
recreation areas will be created.
About 550,000 acres of new land
will be added to Holland during
the century-long project, which is
now half completed.

Christmas Group Show
Broad and Impressive
THE FORSYTHE GALLERY has again produced a show worthy
of attention. The Christmas Group Show includes paintings and
drawings executed by an impressive group of artists, including Marc
Chagall and Ann Arbor's Richard Wilt, as well as representatives from
South America, Asia and Europe. ,
Wilt combines the abstract with the representational in excellent
examples of his work. Chagall's painting is charming and sensitive
as always, awakening a sense of awe at the aspiration and control
of this artist.
Many of the works, especially the drawings and smaller paintings,
combine with representational elements dashes of cubism, linearism or
pure painterliness. Daumier and Dubuffet round out the smaller
works quite beautifully.
A NATIVITY SCENE by Roberta McClure strikes the tone of
Christmas for the show, with paper mache angels, Mary, Joseph
and the Child executed more effectively than is usual. Such a degree
of tenderness together with a joyous gaiety seldom encountered in
contemporary depictions of this scene.
The effects of the works vary from monumental to delicate,
from abstract to representational. In a few, color reigns; in others,

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