ROMNEY AND THE LEGISLATURE See Editorial Page Ci Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom OA446brrr 74latty FAIR High--50 Law-28 Partly cloudy towards evening VOL. LXXV, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES IFC Votes To Hear Tri on Bias Charge Lossing Reveals Committee Has No Legal Access to Affiliate Statements By LAURENCE KISHBAUM and DONALD FLIPPO The judicial body of the Interfraternity Council last night voted to hear the case of Trigon social fraternity Dec. 7. But in a discussion preceding the vote, the body admitted that a constitutional tech- nicality may restrict the information it can summon at that hearing. The IFC executive committee, which doubles as the executive and judicial branches of the fraternity system, set up the December hear- ing to help resolve whether Trigon has legitimately been indicted on grounds it discriminates in its membership selection. That indictment was made in'early October by IFC's membership committee, a three-man investigating body which charged Trigon Cartwright Hits Talk of Merger Rift Michigan Union President Kent Cartwright, '65, last night said the student officers of the Union and Women's League have reached a compromise on the activities mer- ger of the two organizations. He branded as false a report in The Daily yesterday which stated he and League President Nancy Freitag, '65, were bicker- ing about the compromise. Miss Freitag was not available for comment, but she too reportedly has challenged the accuracy of statements which were attributed to her in the Tuesday paper. Compromise The compromise proposal, ham- mered out Sunday in a meeti-ng of the Union and League student officers, sets up a joint student activities organization which is equally responsible to the govern- ing boards of both organizations, Cartwright said. The merged activities organi- zation will be headed by a co-edu- cational group of four students which will sit on both governing boards. The new proposal differs- from an o r i g i n a 1 recommendation drawn up by the Union and League student officers which placed student activities solely un- der the jurisdiction of the Union's Board of Directors. Not Acceptable This was not acceptable to the League's Board of Governors, who amended the original recommend- ation last Thursday and necessi- tated a compromise, Cartwright said. Now, while the merged activities unit will be responsible to both boards, the co-educational student executives will tend to participate more actively on the Union board, he said. For example, while the student head of the merged activities or- ganization will also chair the Un- ion's Board of Directors, the stu- dent position as vice-chairman of the League board will be aban- doned to a non-student member, Cartwright explained. with violation of the IFC bylaw on fraternity membership selec- tion. The law prohibits discrimin- ation on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin or ancestry. Religious The indictment - on religious grounds - was entered by t h e membership body following an ex- amination of Trigon's constitution and membership selection provi- sions. However, IFC President Law- rence Lossing, '65, revealed last night that the executive commit- tee, which is empowered to take disciplinary action, is not given access rights to the membership provisions. "This body is placed in a par- adoxical situation," Lossing told the executive committee. On the one hand it has the authority to judge the Trigon case. On the other hand, it is without legal means to demand the documents for which the fraternity is on trial, he added. Volunteer The fraternity will be asked to volunteer the documents. The apparent contradiction in the committee's function and au- thority was explained as an "over- sight" by Lossing. He blamed Stu- dent Government Council for an inadequate grant of authority last year. At that time, the Council, which has authority over IFC and all student organizations, completed its membership regulations. In them, it pledged its own investi- gatory membership committee to work "in conjunction with" the IFC Tnembership body. This in- cluded a grant of full access to membership selection statements. Regulations The SGC regulations do not, however, provide for the IFC ex- ecutive committee to view these documents and there are stiff penalties prescribed for any au- thorized examiner who divulges the contents. Two members of the IFC execu- tive committee, Frederick Lam- bert, '65, and Treasurer Alan Schwartz, '65, contended that SGC had "by intent if not by the letter of the law" delegated authority to review the documents to the ex- ecutive committee. Lossing disagreed and said he may enter a request to SGC for a change of the membership regu- lations. -Daily-Kenneth Winter THESE ARE THE AREAS the residential college's planners have to work with. If current plans are approved, the college presently being planned will be in area 1; a second residential college will fill area 2, and area 3, much of which is low and wooded, will be recreational space. If the planners de- cide the first college needs more space, its campus may be extended into area 1 or 3. Central Campus and the Medical Center are to the lower left of the area shown; North Campus is to the upper right. The line above area 3 is a railroad track. Discuss Residence Unit Ste By SUSAN COLLINS Just how much space does it take to house and educate 1200 students? Last night the Residential Col- lege Planning Committee, the site planner, the architect, and mem- bers of the University plant de- partment met to discuss this ques- tion. The planning committee in- cludes the dozen faculty members who will compose the nucleus of the teaching staff in the resi- dential college. They have been meeting every two weeks all fall. Site Plans, Two weeks ago the committee saw the site plans of the college for the first time, and discovered it would have only half the space many of them had assumed it would occupy. A second residential college, it was explained, would be located on the other half of the site. At the time, they heard that a final decision had been made to allot only 10.8 acres to the college, which they felt might not be ade- quate space. However, Vice - President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns and Vice-President for Business and Finpnce Wilbur K. Pierpont told the committee last week that more land is available for the col- lege, if needed. Alternatives Since then the planners have come up with several other alter- natives: -The size of the college could be reduced from a probable 1200 students to 900. -The residential college could take more or all of the space cur- rently planned to hold two col- leges. -Some or all of the residence college buildings could be built in, an area which is now planned for recreational space. The problem with this plan is that the area is both low and wooded, and the committee is hesitant about re- moving the trees. Since that area is relatively isolated, vehicular access would also be a problem. . The planners will meet next week to decide whether to ask for more space or reduced size for the residential college or to approve the plans as they are. City Bars New Arb' Road Idea The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission last night rejected the idea of putting a north-south thoroughfare through the Arbor- etum area. The commission took the action by deleting the portion recom- mending such action from the Harland Bartholomew and Asso- ciates traffic planning report pre- sented to the commision. John G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president for business and finance, presented reasons for the University's opposition to the plan in the public hearing preceling the commission's decision. No Part He said that the Bartholomew recommendation for the Arbore- tum thoroughfare was an "ele- ment of thoroughfare development which has not been a part of either the City Thoroughfare Plan nor the Central Campus Plan." He added that such a plan is completely inconsistent with the assigned University uses for the Arboretum and that the University plans make no provision. for any change from these present uses. As evidence of this, he noted that the University has recently added fencing and limited vehicle traffic in the area. McKevitt recommended that other possibilities for resolving the north-south traffic demand in this area should be considered by the city and the University, joint- ly. Coordination He added that "many of the street closings on the proposed Central Campus Plan require careful coordination with recom- mended improvements to major thoroughfares adjacent to the campus, and all development ac- tivities on the campus should be designed to permit the obtainment of major thoroughfare rights-of- way with adequate capacity po- tential for long-range needs. An Ann Arbor citizenwhospoke at the public hearing concurred with this view and added that much of the "urban decay" around the central campus is a result of the road network and :he amount of traffic it carries. McKevitt said that )utside the one area of contention, "the con- sultants' report of Bartholomew and Associates provides an exert evaluation of the traffic and park- ing phases of the Central Campus Plan and the University finds its solutions sound and reasonable. Recognized Some of the report proposals have already been recognized and the city and the University are cooperating in making the im- provements suggested." The city acted on an earlier study recommendation in vacating E. Washington between Fletcher and Forest. This will enable the University to build a parking structure to serve the new Dental School complex and adjust service routes to the area in keeping with the campus development plan. The University previously in- dicated its willingness to provide land at the Huron-Forest and the Washtenaw-Geddes-Forest inter- sections for street improvements. Buddhist Priest Rejects Saigon Government Policy SAIGON (A)-South Viet Nim's most influential Buddhist leader' disassociated himself from Premier Tran Van Huong's troubled gov- ernment yesterday but indicated he will not actively oppose it. The statement by the Rev. Thich Tam Chau came on the eve of Ambassador Maxwell Taylor's departure for Washington for a review of U.S. policy in Viet Nam. Taylor is believed to favor boibings of selected targets in neigh- boring Laos and Communist North Viet Nam, a question likely to come -$up in the discussions. But he also is known to have one major reser- Panma Ruler vation before recommending such a move - that there must be a Gains Support stable government in Saigon. Tam Chau's carefully worded Pdeclaration, issued to the press PANAMA (IP) -- Panama's Na- after a day-long meeting of the tional Assembly gave a decisive Buddhist hierarchy, said he was vote of confidence yesterday to "not at all involved" in the for- President Marco A. Robles for mation of Huong's cabinet. It his policy in talks with the Uint- made no mention of civil dis- ed States on the Panama Canal orders that have made Saigon un- Treaty, easy for the past three days. ministration building. The sit-in lasted for three hours, and follow- ed a two hour rally. Demonstrations The demonstrations had started Sept. 3 when the administration ruled that student use of univer- sity property for such activities was illegal. As a result, eight stu- dents were suspended. Prior to the change of rulings, a student was not allowed to campaign for out- side political candidates or groups. The administration also stated at that time on-campus plan- ning for "illegal" off-campus ac- tivities was not allowed. However, a change was not made in policies retarding a prior statement that students convicted of off-campus "illegal activities" would also be disciplined by the campus. Rule Change The change of rules followed moves by other campus interests in regard to the student demands. The Academic Senate, consisting of faculty members defeated a motion to commend or agree with University President Clark Kerr, on his actions. Levine said that the Senate - seemed "insulted" that the administration had ignored the faculty recommendations. The Senate wanted discipline of the students removed from the hands of the administration, and Last Issue With this issue The Daily ceases publication for the Thanksgiving recess. Publica- tion will resume Tuesday, Dec. i. given to the faculty. A statement by Berkeley Chan- cellor Edward Strong yesterday finally implemented some of the faculty proposals, and opened the way for the legalization of on- campus political activities. . ; Free Speech The Free Speech Movement, a grouping of the campus' student organizations, is now expected to attempt to concentrate its efforts on having Kerr define what legal activities are. They also want to try and remove the disciplinary power now held by the adminis- tration, and give it to the students. Nothing comparable to Joint Judiciary Council exists on the Berkeley campus. At present the only student government unit is the student Senate, defined in its charter as "an arm of the admin- istration." Berkeley Acts On Student Protests Campus Political Activities Allowed; Self-Regulation Remains as Issue By ROBERT BENDELOW Action taken yesterday by the administration of the University of California at Berkeley granted to dissident students virtually all of the rights they have been seeking for the past three months. University rules have been changed to allow the students to solicit funds for organizations and recruit members on the Berkeley campus, according to Eric Levine, chairman of the Berkeley chapter of Students For a Democratic Society. They are now also allowed to meet on campus to discuss off campus activities. Yesterday's happenings followed a demonstration in which approximately 300 students staged a sit-in on the second floor of Sproul Hall, the' university's ad-K Democrats View School Money-Needs By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN The state may have to cut down drastically on its capital expen- ditures to provide more .money to meet "the urgent problems fac- ing the state's educational insti- tutions," Rep. Neil Staebler (D- Mich), defeated candidate for gov- ernor, said yesterday. Noting. that capital improve- ments cost the state $50 million yearly, Staebler, who will head a Democratic study of state educa- tional needs, remarked that this money might be put to better use if it were appropriated for educa- tional purposes. The congressman- at-large regards these, as the num- ber one responsibility for the new Democrat-dominated Legislature. The possibility of financing. state construction and other cap- ital improvements through long- range bond issues rather tnan through y e a r I y appropriations should be investigated, according to Staebler Lowered If the annual capital improve- ment expenditures were lowered there would be more money avail- able for operating expenses which include educational appropria- tions, Staebler said. Various methods for attaining higher appropriations for educa- tion will be investigated by the Democratic Policy Committee, ac- cording to Staebler, its recently appointed chairman. This committee which has tra- ditionally "served as a sounding. board for the Democratic state chairman," according to Demo- cratic Central Committee Re- search Director Richard Miller, will now take an active role in state politics because of the Dem- ocratic control of the Legislature and Staehler's personal leadership. Findings The report of the Democratic Policy Committee's findings and recommendations in the educa- tional field will be made public on Dec. 12, three days before Re- . publican Gov. George Romney's "blue-ribbon" -committee reports on its study of state higher edu- cation. Staebler contended that his committee's report which will bas- ically deal with the financing of education will complement the work of such groups as the "blue- ribbon" committee which dealt with the needs of educational in- stitutions. Staebler also com- mended the "blue-ribbon" com- mittee for doing "a beautiful job." The influence of Staebler's com- mittee's report on the Democratic party in Michigan will be deter- mined by the State Democratic Committee. Ferency Democratic State Committee Chairman Zolton Ferency remark- ed yesterday, however, that the Democratic Policy Committee's re- port would probably figure prom- inently in any official line taken by the party. Ferency noted that the issue of the financing of state education is quite valid and pressing. He said that among the main financing issues which will be studied by Staebler's committee are the pos- sibilities of dipping into the state surplus or seeking new sources of revenue. Thurber Donald M D. Thurber, former University Regent and newly- elected member of the State Board of Education, said that the. all- Democratic State Board of Edu- cation probably would be very in- terested in Staebler's recommen- Illinois Students Fight New IM Building Proposal Financed by Student Fee Hike The 24-12 vote with 3 absten- tions was another jolting setback for rebellious students and left- wing extremists who accused Ro- bles of taking a soft line on the treaty. The vote came on a resolution stating there should be no, change in the original treaty policy spell- ed out by President Roberto Chi- an's government after last Jan- uray's Canal Zone border rioting. The resolution also said the government had reaffirmed its "firm determination to seek a new canal treaty reflecting Pana- ma's just demands," adding that the "struggle for abrogation of the 1903 treaty and its amendments will continue." The resolution was drafted after heated debate on policy between Foreign Minister Fernando Eleta and Jorge Illueca, a fiery na- tionalist who headed Panama's team in Washington, until his resignation last week on the grounds that Eleta had watered down Panama's position. The Buddhists have kept the background in the cur wave of protests and Tam Cha statement was the first si Huong took over from a milit administration. The Buddhists previously. denounced the government allegedly dealing too harshly w anti - government demonstrate Paratroops using bayonetsa tear gas dispersed about 5,000 p sons Sunday. In the field, the CommunistN Cong ambushed a governm convoy on the road from Saigor the resort of Cap St. Jacq until now considered safe. Students from three second schools staged more riots Tues but were kept behind the gate their schools. The students and Buddh have criticized the composition Huong's three-week-old cabi some of whom were members the Ngo Dinh Diem regime, stroyed in a coup a year ago. to rent au's nce tary had for with ors. and per- By MERLE JACOB Three hundred University of Illinois students at a noon pro- test rally last Friday asked the Board of Trustees to delay final consideration on the proposed intramural building until stu- dents can express their opinions on the new building. The protest centers around the use of student fees to pay for 75 per cent of the building and the Board of Trustees alleged neglect in consulting student opinion on the issue. The proposal that the trustees are to vote on this month calls for the construction of a building to house intramural activities and to contain co-recreational facili- ties which will be paid for by student fee payments. The propos- al also calls for an $11 per se- mester increase in student fees which would go into effect when the building opens-probably in 1968. Five members of the Ad Hoc Committee for Student Expres- sion, a group formed on Nov. 17 to protest the trustees action on the building, spoke at the rally for wider distribution of information of the building to students be- Democrats and the Students for a failure to consult student opinion. Democratic Society, are circulat- The YD petition asks for a de- ing petitions which call on the lay of 30 days to allow students trustees to delay any decision on a chance to study all issues in- the building for 30 days so that volved in the building's construc- students will be given an oppor- tion and vote on it in a student tunity to express their opinions, referendum. The YD's are also The petition of the ad hoc com- protesting the raise in student fees mittee- does not ask the students since they claim it would hurt to either support or oppose the students who are attending the IM building but to unite in protest university because of the low tui- against the University's alleged tion and fees. Vie VentTicket Sale for Pasadena n to [s Tours To Begin on Monday lary day By SCOTT BLECH s of Students, faculty, staff and spouses wishing to sign up for the ists University's Rose Bowl tours must make their reservations in 3545 n of Student Activities Building the Office of Student Affairs announced net, s yesterday. de- Reservations will be accepted from next Monday to and including Saturday, December 5. The office will be open from 9 a.m. until T12:30 p.m., 1-5 p.m., and 5:30- MINORITY CONTROL: Manning Explains South African Apartheid Policy By THOMAS COPI With a population of 16 million, the Republic of South Africa is controlled by its three million whites, Prof. Emeritus C.A.W. Manning of the University of London said recently.- In an attempt to "contribute to clear thinking about South Africa," Manning spoke to a political science class here and an NSA- sponsored coffee hour in the Union. Manning compared the white minority's economic control of South Africa with the conditions that existed in the early United States, saying that enterprise in the U.S. wasn't created by the American Indians, just as it wasn't created by the Africans in South Africa, and the white minorities controlled both. Referring to these examples, he said that "Africa is purporting to do the same thing with the Africans" in setting up independent countries within South Africa. The separate tribal homelands could be set up as independent governments, he maintained, but added that it was questionable whether or not the Bantu (Africans) wanted independence. He maintained that the desire for self-rule should come from within "as in India and Eire." South African Prime Minister Hendrik Vervoerd was quoted in 1951 as saying that the Transkei (an area in South Africa) would never be fully independent, but says today that the Africans in South Africa can be "as free as Ghana" if they want to be, Manning said. Vervoerd would prefer that they didn't take this freedom though, he added. 8 p.m. Participants in the tour must present identification and pay- ment for the entire trip at the time of signing up. At present, transportation accommodations -will be for 500 people for each of the three trips-airplane, train and bus. Details The details on which transpor- tation lines will be used will not be available until Monday. The airplane flights will vary in flight time from three to six hours de- pending on the kind of vehicle. Gibbs Tours, Inc. of Chicago, the tour travel agent, said yesterday that the kinds of planes will in- clude at least one prop jet, probably three constellations, and a DC-8. These plans, however, are