~~~~~I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 TUESDAY, AUGUST ~5, 1964 Join mthe Dailbsiness tf ;.. ..:": : ...:...i '{ . ,"t" . . t.V. . ,*flr. . .... . , . . v ........ . .. .... .a......,. Lewis Resigns After Serving 10 Years As U' Vice-President for Student Affairs I I (Continued from Page 1) affairs in the spring of 1953, have the appointment as soon as shortly after he was inaugurated. possible, but nobody's been picked:Atshoyte he wafinaugurat-. yet, and we're not close." At the time the Office of Stu- Niehuss said that the Regents dent Affairs was headed by a and the administration had in- dean. It also included a dean, of formally discussed a number of women and various agencies, but candidates, most of whom are cur- there was little coordination be- rently within the University. tween them. President Hatcher doesn't re- SL Support turn until the end of the month, In the fall of 1953, Student and the Regents, who have to ap- Legislature, the predecessor to Stu- prov3 any appointment, don't meet dent Government Council, sup- until September. Nevertheless, al- ported the concept of a vice-pres- FRATERNITY .LIFE FOR YOUR -0 - .o- "WON ' I r a' .. N . Ci-i though Niehuss wouldn't confirm this, there is a general feeling among administration personnel that the new vice-president will be named fairly early in the com- ing semester. Lewis, a professor of* education, is scheduled to begin teaching as of January. In picking a successor for Lew- is, President Hatcher is expected to consult on a formal or informal basis with faculty members. Whether or not he will consult with students is less certain. School Services Chief James A. Lewis became the Uni- versity's first vice-president for student affairs on April 20, 1954. He had been at the University for a year as director of the Bu- reau of School Services, a unit which provides several aids, in- cluding accreditation, to the state's high schools. Prior to that he had been superint'endent of schools in Dearborn (1948-53) and St. Jo- seph (1946-48).' President Hatcher first consid- ered a vice-president for student idency as "desirable to promote the close contact between the stu- dents and the University adminis- tration and Regents so necessary tow effect the concept of an edu- cational community." Other student groups, notably The Daily and Interfraternity Council, followed suit. Daily Edi- tor Harry Lunn, '54, wrote a num- ber of editorials in favor of the idea, while IFC went so far as to endorse Acting Dean of Stu- dents Walter B. Rea (later to be- come dean of men and now direc- tor of financial aids) for the post.' Lewis' appointment was a sur- prise. It came at a time when he was on leave getting his doctorate in education at Harvard. The new vice-president was made respon- sible for the Office of the Dean of Men, Office of the Dean of Women, Office of Admissions, Of- fice of the Registrar, Bureau of School Services, Lane Hall (which housed the Office of Religious Af- fairs at the time) and the Inter- national Center. Lewis' 10 years in what most ob- servers agree is a delicate job have often been marked by contro- versy. He has often been a target for both dissatisfied students .and faculty. In 1958 he was heavily criticiz- ed for refusing to support an SGC' decision which declared Sigma Kappa sorority guilty of discrimi- natory policies. The Sigma Kap- pa case was a confusing one, ab- sorbing SGC for over two years. In 1956 Lewis backed SGC's finding that the sorority was guil- ty. But two years later he de- cided that Sigma Kappa had cleared itself and urged SGC's Board in Review-a student-facul- ty-administration group-to void punitive measures imposed on the sorority. Lewis, on the other hand, is credited with a strong role in the creation of SGC. In a 1960 inter- view he declared: "We're trying to give the students a chance to make real decisions, not play ones. Put them in real situations where they are not protected by advis- ers." Referring to Sigma Kappa in that same interview, he regretted that "this one issue . . . obviated everything I've stood for." He maintained that SGC's power to withdraw University recognition of a student organization, as it wanted to do with the sorority was not supported by the Regents' bylaws. Lewis strongly backed SGC's efforts to obtain this au- thority from the Regents, which it did last year. In May, '1961, the faculty's Stu- dent Relations Committee, prompted by studnt complaints, issued a sweeping criticism of the OSA, centering on paternalism in the dean of women's office. this rebuke led to the resignation of Dean of Women Deborah Bacon and a thorough evaluation of the OSA. The evaluations committee, chaired by Prof. John Reed of the Law School, issued a report warn- ing of "institutional schizophren- ia" inr the OSA and called for a restructuring of the office along functional lines. Lewis accepted the bulk of the report; the Re- gents adopted it; and next fall the OSA was without a dean of men or women. Instead, cutting across sexual lines were directors of housing, financial aids, student activities and organizations, etc. Lewis once remarked that it was the job of the OSA to create "a laboratory within which the students have some opportunity to apply the knowledge they acquire. I believe part of the total edu- cational experience lies outside the classroom. ' . . At any rate, the knowledge gained from books does not always change behavior. We must give the opportunity to de- velop more citizenship and more leadership." Recently he declare d that working with students had been "very satisfying. As I look back over 10 years, I feel students have moved forward in many areas - student government, the speaker policy, human relations. We're go- ing in the right direction." Lewis said the shuffling of his office along functional lines had worked out well. He declared that the OSA's greatest need right now is added staff to meet the de- mands of full year operation. Then he reiterated, one more'time, his yearning to teach. "This was the major part of my decision. I've been away for too long." 1 i1 11 ;w. K ' Uj 4 RUSH is your pportunity to find out. Student Hits Health Service For After-Hours Clinic Fee By KENNETH WINTER Co-Editor New charges for after-hours calls to Health Service are likely to deter students who need emergency medical care, a University gradu- ate student predicted recently. His claim drew a quick rebuttal from Melbourne Murphy, assistant to the director of Health Service. The new policy, in force since June 1, levies charges of $3 or $5' on a student coming to Health Service outside of regular clinic hours. - Only if he has been injured in a _ _ ., - -- :-' r= . . r ' i All-campus open houses will be held in State Street fraternities Sunday afternoon, August 30. You're invited to stop in for a pleasant preview of, fraternity life. The Mass Rush Meeting, an informative introduction to the particulars of rush and fraternity life at Michigan, will be held on Wednesday, September 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom. There will be FOUR And rush itself begins on Sunday, September 13. more FRESHMEN at U of M this year SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 Hill Auditorium 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 University building or in Univer- sity-sponsored athletics does he automatically escape this fee. *rvosy *"s"uciently seere emergency entitled a student to free after-hours care.' The graduate student, George N. Vance Jr., said that "my con- cern is about the student who learns about this charge, then gets sick one night and says, Tll just live with it until morning. By 9 a.m. he may be in a coma. This is the thing that's atrocious to me.", Vance, who holds a master's de- gree from the public health school, said that a major problem in public health is to get people See Related Story, Page 3, Extra-Curricular Life Section .1"YJ V 11YJ" N.Y.1 ' .1Y: "{11Y." Y.ti ."4 "N1"1 "".VA{AYf.M. Y :SkY{f.Y YJ. "fJ " {J Y 4M: ~.1+ 'Jt.:1V.Yh'." vi.".Y: t.".."r."tt:."t ' ... Y.. { 5 } . p v{ " t:r" 3 "r.tiv: rrr:.": t:. t: t:.Y::.":: {::.":."::::"r:::. :.:".Y: ".:Y:."::.: :::.Y.::^.".:: :{: .} :}.." :Y" , ..} F.i J... { I: f..... J.{ Y . ... ii ..i ........ 1.."1.. . ..: .h.... .""{t}.... ..... J}...... "}J::'f}}}}:"::i{.:"::"}' .:ti".... ":".".:i{:ll,:+ J.1"r .. t{ .'.{ .. Y. .. t. . ' h::v{t .A........... ..41. .J. .t.V:t.:: ::.:. .. 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Even with the new charge, he pointed out, the Serv- ice loses money, on after-hours calls. Whether the tab amounts to $3 or $5 depends'on the call. Vance commented that he be- came aware of the new policy only after he was charged for a Satur- day afternoon call. "If they must maintain the fee, they should at least publicize it," he declared. Also the Student NEW bicycle headquarters. I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN takes pride in presenting the Men's Glee Club, acclaimed by many as the outstanding college glee club in : the nation. Since its founding, and particularly in re- cent years under the direction of Philip A. Duey, the Glee Club's history have been their victories in the International Musical Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales. In 1959 the Club was the first American choir to ever win the male choir competition. In 1963 it again took first place in the Eisteddfod by winning over 20 certs throughout southeastern Michigan during the school year. THE HIGHLIGHT of the year for the men will begin on April 28 when they begin the first leg of a 14- day tour of the West Coast. On the tour the Club will visit Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Club has gained nationwide recognition, appearing I I a