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November 24, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-24

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TUESDAY, NQVEMBEk 24, 1964 .



Meet in

Preseason is)atch

M Pucksters Face
Improved Opponents

In a game 'not billed as the
closest match of the sports year,
Michigan's freshman basketball
team takes on the varsity tonight
at 8 p.m. in Yost Field House.
Admission to the 'game is free.
Ranked as the best team in the
country by ,many experts, Coach
Dave Strack's varsity cagers boast
astonishing height as well as dev-
astating depth.
Leading the way are 6'7" Bill
Buntin and 6'5" Cazzie Russell.

Buntin is a center while Russell
is a multiple threat guard. Six
foot-seven Ollie Darden i's, like
Russell, a junior. Other standouts
include Captain Larry Tregoning
and other seniors .George Pomey
and Tom Ludwig; juniors Dan
Brown, Van Tillotsen, Jim Myers,
John Clawson, and John Thomp-
son, and sophomores Craig Dill
and Dennis Bankey.
Tregoning will occupy the fourth
starting position tonight, and
Thompson, 6'1", will be given the
first shot at the position vacated
by last year's captain Bob Can-

trell. Pomey, whom Strack calls I squad which finished third in the this point and will be determined
"the sixth starter" tonight, fig- NCAA college tournament, partially on how close the game
ured prominently in last year'sl Dill is a 6'10" center whom actually turns out to be. Some
Strack says has been quite im- intrasquad varsity competition is
pressive in the early weeks of possible in the later stages of the
Correction practice. Myers stands 6'8". game.
Freshman hopefuls i n c lu d e Though last year's game ended
Tickets for the Michigan- guards Gerald Peaks and Jim as a 138-71 rout, Strack points
MSU basketball game at Eas Pitts, forwards Mark Fritz and out that the primary purpose of
are available by mail request a Gary Bowman, and 6'7" center the game is not to see who will
John Gee. All of these boys will win, but to give the freshmen a
the MSUAthletic Ticket Office
at East Lansing. be appearing for the first time in chance to find out how it feels
The tickets are $2 each for front of a Yost Field House to play before a large crowd, and
The sets a re s crowd. to give the varsity a chance to4
limit of six per request. Plans for the procedure of the play at night under actual game
game are somewhat indefinite at conditions. Strack also said yes-

terday that he will use as many
different combinations of players
as is possible in order to help him
arrive at the "best possible team"
for the season opener next Tues-
day against Ball State.
Halftime of the game will fea-
ture an exhibition by Michigan's
gymnastics team, Coach Newt
Loken revealed yesterday. Those
participating include captain Gary
Erwin, Fred Saunders, and fresh-
man Vic Conant on the trampo-
line. Mike Henderson and Charles
and Phil Fuller will do floor ex-



New Reynolds Aluminum'T rRis here
take hom'h~~ihreal draft beer!I

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
third and final article in a series
analyzing the Michigan hockey team
and its chances to retain the na-
tional championship.)
"Every team in the WCHA will
be improved this year, and it will
be a really tough conference,"
said hockey coach Al Renfrew a
few days ago.
"For instance, Minnesota has
their whole team back, North Da-
kota had the best freshman team
that they ever had last year. Mich-
igan Tech has 18 sophomores
which certainly won't hurt them
any. Of course, Denver is always
tough too.
"In general, we will be hurt as
much as anyone else by gradua-
tion, but we have a young and
aggressive team. We will make a
lot of mistakes at first, but we
will be able to work over a lot of
Playing 28 Games
Michigan will play a 28 game
schedule this year. Eighteen of
those games will count in the
Western College Hockey Associa-
tion standings. The top four of the
seven teams in this conference will
enter the playoffs at the end of
the season. The best two of those
four teams will probably be the
western entries in the National
Collegiate A t h 1 e t i c Association
tournament at the end of the sea-
son. Last year Michigan held the
first place slot at the end of the
season with a 12-2 record, but lost
in the finals of the playoffs to
Denver. The Wolverines then de-
feated Denver a week later in the
finals of the NCAA tourney for
the national title.
Big Ten Loop
The Blue are also part of a
little-publicized Big Ten hockey
conference. Michigan State and
Minnesota also play this -double
role, so that the WCHA games
with those teams also count ,to-
ward the Big Ten title which the
Wolverines won last year. Other
recent entries in this conference
are Wisconsin and Ohio State,
which the Wolverines beat 21-0
last year.
Coach Renfrew looks for an ex-

Start Away
The Wolverines open their sea-
son on the road this weekend
against the Chatham Juniors and
the University of Western On-
tario. The Blue will return home
the first weekend after Thanks-
giving, Dec. 4 and 5, against Min-
nesota for the opening of the
WCHA and Big Ten conference
Thissyear Michigan will play
both North Dakota and Denver at
home, as opposed to last year when
the Blue did not meet either team
in regular season play.
Another first will be Michigan's
entry in the Boston Tournament
which will be held on Dec. 28-30..
Other teams entered will be Hiar- -
vard, which forded a ,very strong
team last year but wats ineligible
for the NCAA tournament, Boston
College, and Northwestern.
Below are the final WCHA
standings for the 1963-64 season:
Won Lost Tie Pct.
MICHIGAN 12 2 0 .857
Denver 7 2 1 .750
Minnesota 10 6 1 X625
Michigan Tech 9 7 0 .563
North Dakota 5 8 1 .393
Colorado Col. 4 11 4 .281
Michigan State 2 12 1 .107
Nov. 27-Catham Juniors Away
Nov. 28-U. of West. Ontario Away
Dec. 4-5-Minnesota Home
Dec. 11-12-Denver Home
Dec. 28-29-30--Boston Tournament
(Boston, Harvard, Northwestern
and Michigan) Away a
Jan. 2-Cornell Away
Jan. 8-9-North Dakota Home '
Jan. 15-16-Minnesota
(Duluth Branch) Home
Jan. 22-23-Colorado Away
Jan. 27-Michigan State Away
Jan. 29-30-Michigan Tech Away
Feb. 5-Michigan State Home
Feb. 6-Michigan State Away
Feb. 17-Michigan State Home
Feb. 19-20-Minnesota Away
Feb. 26-27-Michigan Tech Home
Mar. 5-6-W.C.H.A. Play-offs
Mar. 12-13-W.C.H.A.. Play-offs
Mar. 18-19-20-N.Ct.A.A.
Tournament at Providence, R.I.


pansion of the Big Ten conference
in the next few years to a point
where all schools will have hockey
teams. There are several schools
that have hockey "clubs" that
have not yet been recognized by
the universities as intercollegiate
teams. Schools in this category in-
clude Illinois and Northwestern.



Chicago,. Ramblers Win
In Gridiron Playoffs

.' i


It was a cold, windy night at
Wines Field yesterday, and the
boys from Chicago House, named
after the Windy City, were at
home in their element. They
swept past defending champion
Taylor House 18-8 to capture the
residence hall 'A' football cham-
In other playoff games, the
Ramblers upended the Foresters
to cop the title in the independent
league, Michigan House won the
'B' residence hall crown, and Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon took its familar
place in the fraternity 'B' team
winner's circle.
The fraternity 'A' playoff game
will not be held until next week.
The passing of Roger Burma to
halfback Dick Sanderson told the
story in Chicago's victory. The
speedy back caught three touch-i
down tosses to account for all of
their scoring. The Taylor attack
was stymied until late in the
fourth quarter when end Rich!
Uhlman made a spectacular touch-
down reception.
Quick Start
Chicago scored the first time
they got their hands on the ball as
Burma hit Sanderson on the 10-j
yard line and four plays later fired
the first touchdown pass.
In the second half, Chicago
again scored on their frist series'
of plays. Sanderson took in an-
other Burma pass and raced up
the middle to the fiie. On the
next play, the shifty receiver ran
a slant-in play and took the ball'
in the end zone for his second six
Early in the fourth quarter Chi-
cago tallied once more. This time
they chose the long bomb. Burma'
fired a long spiral which Sander-
son gathered in some 40 yards
Taylor, trying to avoid a shut-
out, struck back immediately.
After several short gains, Chuck
Kopec heaved a pass headed to-
ward the right sidelines. Uhlman
raced over, stretched his arm out,
and nonchalantly speared the ball
in one hand. He then waltzed into
the end zone untouched
The Chicago attack dominated
the game primarily because of the
fine pass protection. Blocking back
Bill Lord gave Burma plenty of
time to throw, as he consistently
halted Taylor's defensive linemen.
The Ramblers, in capturing the
independent title, out-played a
bigger and better organized For-
ester Club. The slippery ground
sent many a rangy Forester slid-
ing across the gridiron while the

shiftier Ramblers frequently found
themselves open to receive passes.
In the first half the Forester
punting specialist dropped the ball
in the end zone, and this was de- .y
dared a safety. The Ramblers soon
made the score 8-0 on a 10-yard
scoring pass from quarterback'..,
Dave 'Griffin to his brother John.
The ensuing conversion attempt
Later in the game the Ramblers
broke the game open on a 30-yard
pass for a score which again in-
volved the Griffin brothers. This
time, however, brother John did
the hurling and brother Dave the
receiving. The conversion pass for
two points was successful.
The Foresters averted a shut-
out when quarterback Harold
Stewart threw a strike to his
teammate, Hal Funke. The final
score was 16*6.
Michigan Wins
Meanwhile, at the other end of
the field, Michigan was defeating
Gomberg for the residence 'B'
championship, 6-0. The score came
in the third quarter when Mich-
igan end Greg Frontier found
himself open 40 yards from the
line of scrimmage where Eric
Zimmy's pass hit him in the chest.
The conversion sailed.
The teams had battled to a
scoreless first half as those passes
that the receivers were able to get
to before slipping were dropped
because of the biting cold. Gom-
berg's answer to Huarte-Snow is
Ray-Ford, but the latter were un-
able to get Big Red into paydirt.
Mike Zielewski (6-2, 290), de-
fensive standout for Michigan, re-
ceived the brunt of his teammates'
attention. Sideline chants of
"Kong, Kong, Kong" inspired Mike
to obilterate a few Gomberg
Easy As Pie

The new jingle that everybody is singing hits a new high note in beer 'enjoy-
ment. It's the new TAPPER* container that puts real draft beer right in your
refrigerator. No pumps, no pipes, no fuss. Just pull the tap and draw your own.
TAPPER holds 9 full quarts, the same as a case of cans...though it takes less
space. About the same price, too. Only this is real draft beer.-..beer at its finest.
TAPPER belongs in your refrigerator, but it goes out, too...goes wherever the
fun is. Just keep it cool. TAPPER is sold wherever you buy cold packaged beer...
r-rnnint+ in i+s handvcarrvina case. Pick

An electrifying interception by
Steve Erickson put the icing on
the cake in SAE's 20-6 triumph
over Delta Upsilon.
The 'B' champions took a 6-0
halftime lead on a pass from Dick
Schreyer to Chan Simonds. The
DU squad came back to knot the
score when a Rich Meyer pass was
pulled in by John Kirkpatrick.
But SAE came back on a touch-
down run by Schreyer. The con-
version was good as Erickson took
in Schreyer's aerial.
Then with only two seconds left,
DU tried a long desperation pass.
Erickson picked it off on his own
goal line and headed; for the far
sidelines. He managed to wind his
way through the defeated and de-
jected DU team and squirmed into
the end zone before being touched.

I ,

II -1


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