PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1964 PAGE TWO THE MICIIJGAN DAiLY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1964 ARTS and LETTERS By Gail Bluml The Revolution in During the last hundred years, pera production has undergone revolution--a shift in authority rom singer to conductor. Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch of the nusic school, who has spent much f his life listening to and study- ng opera, enjoys discussing his avorite subject. In, his entensive ravels throughout Europe and the Jnited States for the last 30 rears, he has witnessed the dis- ppearance of the prima donna erformers and the emergence f a new genre-the prima donna onductor. McGeoch explained that it all egan -with the mid-19th century erman opera composer Richard agner. Prior to the advent of agner's music, the Italians had eigned supreme in opera pro- uction. Music was highly lyrical; lacing a primary stress on the uman voice, and composers often rote for a particular voice, cog- izant of its abilities and limita- ions. Dramatic Inflection In the early 19th century the inger had reached his height. he music of Donizetti, Rossini nd Bellini, written at that time, ows how the orchestra was used rimarily as background, never bscuring the voice. Dramatic in- Sction was left entirely to the inger. But, by Wagner's time things ad gotten out of hand; the sing- r became a tyrant, personally em- elishing and cpanging the me-, did line to an unrecognizable ape. Wagner felt that his dra- atic-vocal operas were more. an just vehicles for singers to emonstrate their prowess. In addition, the orchestra, used the symphonic manner, became n integral part of his operas, ossessing full dramatic force. In emanding a unified opera pro- uction, Wagner supervised the hole company, hiring singers and berg and Jeffrey Chase !U' Details Fund Drive Democratic Opera For '67 Sesquicentennial' By DICK WINGFIELD .i In viewing the overwhelming p (Continued from Page 1) Southeast, in the Southwest and majority of Democrats in the of national alumni chairman of on the West Coast. House of Representatives, Prof. depleted the operatic lifebloodthe campaign. In addition, over Kerrstein and Brown has di- Norman Thomas of the political 0 of Europe, McGeoch maintained, thirty members of the drive's na- rected nearly every major fund- science department, said recently o The conductor still closely tional executive committee have raising campaign for private uni- that the next two years will pro- guards his power in the more con- already been selected. versities in the country. Recent vide the best opportunity for t temporary opera scene. He is rare- The program will have offices in examples include Stanford Uni- Democrats to advance their pro- g ly subtle in making this power several major cities across the versity's $100 million drive, Mas- grams since the New Deal. felt-resorting to anger, wit, or country. These will be headed by sachusetts Institute of Technol- The period will last only two anything else that will work. regional chairmen. Each office ogy's $75 million drive and Cor- years because of the tendency of A few years ago, in San Fran- will include representatives of nell University's $73 million drive. incumbent parties to lose seats The firm is also conducting New in the off-presidential-election Cisco, the noted bass Leonard Kerrstein and rown and asec-York University's recently an- year, and becase the immediacy vy airL wa~4I~OL1i~ic V~U nra, .har ,oin r nr ,....t- . 1 +ni .-i;CSfYr nvriysrcnl nyaadbcueteimday, Opportunities Cited ?resident must always move cau-1 iously, no matter how strong his opular support. Balanced against the very fav- rable possibilities for liberal hange is the image of President f all the people." This image that Johnson seeks -o promote compells him to re- ard the interests of business and griculture as well as labor, he aid. House Purge The Democrats in the House do not seek this universal appeal, however, as shown by their purge rom the Democratic caucus cer- ain Southerner representatives who allied with the Goldwater- Miller ticket, Thomas noted. A case in point is John Bell Williams (D-Miss) who is in dan- er of losing his committee assign- ments. While the changes impending in he House are dramatic and strik- rng, the Senate will remain much he same. The House, however, has historically been the conservative tronghold, not the S e n a t e, I I warren was renearsing forv era s "Falstaff." At one point, when things were not going as he wish- ed, he walked to the orchestra pit and said, "Maestro, do you mind if I show you how to sing this?" And the conductor replied, "Mr. Warren, do you mind if I show you how Verdi wrote it?" Power Shift The prima donna fought against this power shift all the way, and even in this century, strong- willed singers came to arms with equally strong-willed conductors. r etar ial statf. Volunteers Sought Approximately 5000 volunteer alumni workers are being sought to do all of the fund soliciting for the drive. They will operate in and around their home towns, making reports to the closest branch office. The drive's Detroit office is already in operation. Offices are tentatively planned for New York City, Chicago, Cleveland and as yet undesignated cities in the nounced campaign to raise more! than $100 million. The firm's first task for the University was to determine whether a state university would be able to hold a successful fund drive on the same large scale as privately endowed schools. The theory has been that because state universities are tax-supported they would not be able to solicit the same sizeable gifts from their alumni the private schools receive. Nation-Wide Survey of the mandate will dwindle in the next two years, Thomas said. "Because of the Democrat seats gained in this election President Lyndon B. Johnson will press on in the 89th Congress for his great- est changes; it is conceivable that the 90th Congress could see a return of 20-30 seats to the Re- publicans. The President will probably have to strike while the iron is hot," he said. Legislation Thomas specified medicare, aid to educa~tionandana cceleration ni fr t w g t ir t h s ', ENRICO CARUSO PROF. NORMAN THOMAS conductors who would follow plans. his 7 3 1 The audiences at Bayreuth, Wagner's theatre, saw perform- ances in which the attention was taken away from the singer and put -on the whole production, Mc- Geoch explained. "You under, stand, though that this was a little before my time," he quickly added. Then in the early 20th century, conductors with strong personali- ties, mostly German, took their cue from Wagner; they got the idea they could direct the entire production-and they did. These conductors carried Wag- ner's methods of opera production into the works of composers such as Mozart and Verdi. Their whole ensemble was meticulously train- ed and the results were very good, McGeoch said. With World War II, most of the great conductors and singers were forced to leave Europe to seek political and artistic refuge. This DAILY. OFFIC I An ppr ss ms ....... . r.::::.. .. :.".sr:},'" The Daily Official Bulletin is an officiaJ publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- numi of two times on Request; Day Calendar "Items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Doctoral Examination for Paul Ha- i mori, Political Science; thesis; "Soviet | Influences on the Establishment andi the Character of the Hungarian Peo- ple's Republic (1944-1954)," Tues., Nov. 24, 4609 Haven Hall, at, 1:30 p.m. Chairman, J. H. Meisel. Doctoral Examination for Jack Junior1 Distler, Zoology; thesis: "The Biosyn-7 thesis of Heteropolysaccharides byi Streptococcus pyogenes and Type XIV Diplococcus pneumoniae," Tues., Nov. 24, E. Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, K. F. Guthe. Doctoral Examination for William Vic-I for Holtz. English Language & Litera- 1 Mary Garden, Enrico Caruso, and However, a nation-wide survey of the War on Poverty as prob- Nellie Melba are but a few of the A by Kerrstein aid Brown has able points of concentration, better known singers who made shown that the University would The possibility of favorable no concessions to their conductor. be able to raise private support Congressional consideration of this "A lusty.boldly provocative production -DFf These star singers would still try on a large scale. According to type of bill is greater today than to work the whole production C a m pus Alan Buck, a representative of the it has been since the first months around their part. firm working here, Kerrstein and of Roosevelt's administration, he People flocked to the opera Brown plans to conduct this cam- said. house not to hear Puccini's "Ma- TUESDAY, NOV. 24 paign with the same methods it Labor will be pressing for a dame Butterfly" or "Verdi's has found successful in private change in the Taft-Hartley Act. "Otello," but to see Caruso or 12 Noon-Rev. Donald P. Smith university drives. They will seek to strike out }RICHARD PETER Melba.wl sek na nh e The firm will now assist the na- the provision allowing states to B R O-G DL Chaliapin, a special terror to Humanity" at a luncheon in thetional executive committee in co- make "right-to-work" laws. This B conductors, refused to sing with International Center. ordinating the campaign, and will clause, which effectively allows HAL WALLIS' PA-NICOL a conductor who had the gall to 3 p.m. - Ben H. Bagdikian, prepare booklets on the various states to outlaw union shops, could watch the score instead of Chalia- author, critic and editor, will projects and needs of the Univer- feasibly be eliminated by the 89th pnanO pin, thus missing the main pur- speak on "How Political is the sity to be given to prospective Congress, he observed. HELD OVER! DIAL 8-6416 -A pose of his being present. American Press" in Rackham donors. 'Strong Mandate' 3RD BIG WEEK All Seats $1.00 Some singers resorted to throw- Amph. The largest previous fund- The success of the actual legis- j Any Time ing shoes, props or words and 4:15 p.m.-Dr. Peter Rossi, di- raising drive held here was the $6 lative projects will depend upon This Show finally-they could always walk rector of the National Opinion million Phoenix Project, which how Johnson assesses his recent out. However, the conductor has Research Center, will speak on brought the University its nuclear election victories, Thomas said. held firm. "Problems of Local Community reactor in the early 1950's. How- Even with such a strong man- Toscanini was one conductor IOrganization" in the Social Work ever, it was dissimilar to the cur- date Johnson will have to be who insisted on maintaining his Aud., Frieze Bldg. rent drive because it was oriented strategic. Thomas cited Congres- authority. His wrath was monu- 8:30 p.m.-The University Sym- toward achieving one specific goal, sional reaction in 1937 to Roose- mental and he was known to be phony Orchestra, directed by Josef rather than incorporating many velt's attempt to weight the Su- E HP E R 6 able to wither the most hardened! Blatt, will give a public concert projects. preme Court as evidence that apW.AvWcf prima dona. in Hill Aud. e g pg m ---- ~ ~a- - Uerg pniversity Charter-Michigan offers you 3 .:amsmieasuemmas msam as eaa ECONOMY JET FLIGHTS on Coledonian Airlines: AL BULLETIN MAY 10-AUGUST 1$238 R.T. A L BULE IN O111 NO L'L j..... MAY 26-JULY 26.............. $233 R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G E R M A N - A M E R I C A N C U I SI.E.J U N E 2 9 - A U G U S T 2 0T... . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 5 R . T Regents' Meeting: Dec. 18. Communi- POSITION OPENINGS: CUISINEall flights between New York and London) cations for consideration at this meet- Arthur Stedry Hansen Consulting Ac- TAcKSE-OUT ORDERS ing must be in the President's hands tuaries, Lake Bluff, I1.-Pension Val- not later than Dec. 4. uation Trainee. Recent or Dec. grads Q " All flights on Jet prop aircraft--pprox. 9 hr. with BA in math, integral calculus, Parking: The North Campus parking math. statistics, familiar with calculat- 03 delicious hot meals served lots east of Beal Ave. will be included ing machines.4*WIENER SCHNITZELS 1.35 b under the regular staff parking per- Fisher Body Div., Ypsilanti-Secre- s * W CHNIT . . . . . . . . .3 0 Open bar on flights mit system effective Dec. 1, 1964. En- tary-Steno., immed. opening for women forcement of parking rules and regu- with trng. in office skills. Exper. help- l 0 Lands at Gatwick-closest to London lations is to begin as of this date. ful. Age 20's. U.S. Navy, Keflavik, Iceland-Civilian * -oz. NEW YORK STRIP STEAK . . 1.50 Flights available to students, faculty, staff of the University, ther Study Halls: Study Hall classrooms jobs include clerk-steno., supv. ac- pYSFts vdilabeto suddendent childh Uy 25 Angell Hall and 231 Angell Hall will countant, supv. personnel staffing spe- Both served with choice of potatoes parents, spouses a dpenn ren. not be available for Study Hall use cialist. Salary plus qtrs. allowance. on Tues., Nov. 24. Room 3201 Angell Entitled to round trip transport to Saud homemade roi butter For ppliations and further information, Hall is the only room in Angell Hal Europe without charge once during that will be available on that date tour of duty. dmCall DOUG ZAHN at 761-2348-Mon.-Fri. between 6-8 p.m. from 7 to 10 m. as a Study Hall. National Teacher Education Center, dGm Afgoi, Somalia-Project Secretary, 2 yr. Stu Specials 95c G nPattie 35c Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Kenneth assignment beginning July. Typing, - Keniston ,Yale loUnie rsiy ilse aseno.,&office skllststa ffand main- Lw" w"5FSMnl5%w9S~lrS , " S'ME on "The 'Sick' Middle Class Family: Lit- tain office for staff. All expenses pail 304 S. THAYER 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Man.-Fri. a erary Fiction or Psychological Fact." including living accommodations. This colloquium only will be held in Eaton Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio - 665-4967 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. Aud. A, Angell Hall today at the usual Mfg. Engrs., IE for project work. 2. time of 4:15 p.m. R. & D. Engrs., ME or EE, 0-12 yrs. CLOSED SUNDAY exper. 3. Plant Engr., ME or EE with Directory Delayed: Because of a de- some exper. 4. Labor Relations Trainee, l l lay by the pranter, the University BA plus 2 yrs. personnel exper. 5. s e n e on sF rY rTrdtna Directory of Faculty and Staff will (Continued on Page 3)__oin UsForYTradtional not be available for campus distribu- Holiday Dnner tion until early in December. Da, 665-6290 Shows at 1, 3, [7 and 9:05 p.m.TURKEY complete with all the Trimmings ... $2.25 ORGANIZATION7an905pm Placement QUALITY FOOD- ANNOUNCEMENT: FO G A OALD-P IE Public Administration Internship STEAKSCHOPS Program, New York State Dept. of Civ- it Service-Available to those who have Use of This Column for Announce SEAFOOD completed course for MA in pub. ad- meats is available to officially recog min., poli. sci., govt., pub. affairs, govt. nied and registered student orga ii ° ~, - admin. MA in other fields (or LLB) plus' zations only.FOpm are available in 18 hrs. preparatory for work in govt.-I Room 1011 SAB. admin. Applications accepted for a lim- , . wOern AnnArbor ited time. See announcement at Bu- Baptist Student Union, "The Man of reau of Appointments. IFaith, Sharing His Faith." Film and3 Since 1903 Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill.- discussion, Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., Room Announces MA in Teaching, Arts & 528D, SAB. ," Science mapors for teaching intern- *-* * u = " * ships for junior or senior high school Lutheran Student Chapel, Service of my1 S Main Street teaching. Financial aid available. Men General Thanksgiving (for the public) NO2-14-4 & women. Further details available at Nov. 26, 10 a.m., Lutheran Student culrtis rewnw lD a Boone/ - - Bureau. Chapel, Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. DIAL 662-6264GOBy PREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL ENDS WEDNESDAY (~~tE~~I~pII~~ Shows at 1 :00-2:40 _________________ 4 45-7:00 & 9:05 BAEF ACMNHELD OVER s~ux TbCOMlNG Kim Novak-Laurence Harvey By Popuior Demand "OF HUMAN BONDAGE" s' ~ ~, I SEATS~ ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE 4 Da Ca endar ture; thesis: "Literary Pictorialism and Day ( al end ar Tristram Shandy," Tues., Nov. 24, 2601 Bureau of lidustrial Relations Per- Haven Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, S.I nnel Techniques Seminar - F. J. W. Baker. orsythe, Institute of Labor and Indus- ial Relations, University of Michi- 5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry, f-Wayne State University, "The Se- 4th Series: Dr. Robert Ullman will ction and Management of Minority (speak on "Some- Topics in the Physi- anpower": Third Floor Conference cal Chemistry of Polymers" on Tues., oop, Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2308 of the Chemistry Bldg. Lecture IV: "Rub- Dept. of Epidemiology Lecture Series her Elasticity . " Jonathan Uhr, M.D., New York Uni- - irsity, "The Kinetics of Antibody rmation": 3042 School of Public (eneral ealth, 1 p.m. , t E 1 r l l i University Lecture in Journalism - n H. Bagdikian, author, critic, edi- r, "How Political is the American ess?": Rackham Amphitheatre, 3 p.m. School of Music Dedication Series neert-University Symphony Orches- r, Josef Blatt, conductor; Elizabeth sen, soprano; Joseph Knitzer, violin: 11 Aud., 8:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Lester Ste- ten Kershenbaum, Chemical Engi- ering; thesis: "Kinetics of the Non- fthermal Pyrolysis of Propane," Tues., sv. 24, 3201 E. Engrg. Bldg., at 3 in. Chairman, J. J. Martin. Doctoral Examination for Ruth Grace, mance Languages & Literature; thes- ,Montaigne's Twentieth-Century itics," Tues., Nov. 24, 2072 -Frieze dg., at 4 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Grya. Doctoral Examination for Charles Gil-. rt Richards, Engineering Mechanics; esis: "The Flow Due to a Rotating so with a Center Sink," Tues., Nov. 329 W. Engrg. Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. iairman, W. P. Graebel. Doctoral Examination for Robert Da- ITarte, Psychology; thesis: "Effects Time on Reactivation of Reference Trace Consolidation in Verbal Learn- g," Tues., Nov. 24, 7615 Haven Hall at p.m. Chairman, E. L. Walker. Social Work Colloquium: Will pre- at "Problems of Local Community Or- nization" by Dr. Peter Rossi, 4:15 Social Work Aud. in the Frieze dg., today. Doctoral Examination for Hun Chol im, Naval Architecture & Marine En- aeering; thesis: "Determination of the n-Lifting Potential for an Arbitrary ip Hull Form," Tues., Nov. 24, 340 . Engrg. Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, C. Michelsen. Doctoral Examination for William thaniel Osborne, Music; Perform- ce (Organ); recitals in lieu of thes- Tues., Nov. 24, 2015 School of Mu- at 4 p.m. Chairman, M. M. Brown. The Student Automobile Regulations will be lifted for Thanksgiving vaca- tion from 5 p.m., Wed.,Nov. 25, until 8 a.m. on Mon., Nov. 30. W. J. Perigo, Office of Student Affairs. Coming! The Premiere Production ofF '!The Peacemaker," a drama by Carl I Oglesby, by the University of Michi-i gan Players of the Dept. of Speech ina cooperation with the Dept. of Eng-1 lish, at Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.,F Dec. 2-5. All seats $1. Mail orders now being taken. Make checks payable to University Players. Send orders to University of Michigan Players, Dept., of Speech, Ann Arbor. The next U-M Players productions will be Anton Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya"t in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, playing1 Jan. 27-30, 1965. I 7'LIC' : ~ ~I' I I Jack Paar's Comedy Starf;> Masonic Temple (Detroit) Fri., Nov. 27-8:00 p.m. Al seats reserved -$2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Seats on sale at Grin- nell's ticket office and Masonic Temple box office. Mail orders filled. Please address all mail or- ders to Grinnell's Box office, 1515 Woodward, Detroit, Mich., and enclose self - addressed stamped envelope. ramo flNDB4ER ONat 20 CINEMASCPE - Cotm DE LUXE STARTS THURSDAY PAUL HERMAN, LAURENCE ,ARVEYCLAIREI1=h, EDMARD ..... 'AsNAVSION 4 -- THANKSGIVING Your favorites from the Gourmet Table Old-Fashioned Oven Rolls Plymouth Chicken Okra or French Onion Soupe Roast Young Tom Turkey Baked Sugar Cured Virginia Ham Beef Stroganoff Our Gourmet Breast of Chicken Two Corn-Fed Pork Chops Jumbo Shrimp Red Snapper Veal Scaloppine Marsala Lobster Tails Crab Newberg J US Prime Ribs of Beef Petite Tenderloin Steak New York Strip Sirloin Steak Filet Mignon * Autumn Green Salad-your choice of dressings Idaho Baked or Candided Sweet Potatoes Holiday Apple Dumplings Thanksgiving dinners will be served from 11:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. featuring Holiday children's portions S t"1 U[ a l1( 1 60 16A'% 1 %P %f IN %Or% A. 0. #-% 2 W'w &'% w 1 9 a w a I NOV. 27 STHE HOSTAGE by Brendan Behan American Premiere! 0 4) WAR PEACE by Tolstoy-Piscator Directed by llis Racbb : 4 4 sums-mem Ur bw A flA F Directed by Stephen Porter I \JE -W : - :::.:m, A I