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November 22, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-22

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FACM 1171 .13


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Federal Judge

To Rule

China May Divide Red World

On Rail Strike Legality

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO ()-A federal judge
will rule today on a railroad re-
quest for a restraining order bar-
ring a strike against the nation's
railroads at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
Judge Joseph Sam Perry of
United States District Court heard
arguments from railroad and
union attorneys for three hours
yesterday afternoon. Then he set
a further hearing for 10 a.m. to-
"As long as negotiations are in
progress, I do not want to make
a decision that might give an ad-
vantage or a disadvantage to one
side or the other," Judge Perry
Stop Traffic
A strike would halt service on
187 railroads and terminal switch-
ing companies that handle 90 per
cent of the nation's rail traffic.
Meanwhile, spokesmen for the
Pennsylvania and Reading Rail-
roads said last night that if the
threatened strike of three na-
tional railroad shopcraft unions
comes off tomorrow, the two will
be shut, down completely.
Other unions are expected to

observe the picket lines that would representatives of the carriers had
be set up by the shop craft unions. been negotiating the contracts for
The railroad, in asking for the 18 months.
restraining order, told Judge Perry Somebody Agrees
the union was asking for some- Earlier yesterday, eight of the
thing not entered in the original,11 nonoperating unions came to
contract demands during the bar- agreement on a new three-year
gaining. contract that closely followed the
The nonoperating unions and recommendations of a Presidential
Emergency Board nearly two years



"Cities Around the World"
Mon., Nov. 23 Aud. A
8:00 p.m Angell Hall
National Leader of the Young Socialist Alliance
and Students for DeBerry & Shaw expose the hypocritical
position of the "liberal establishment."

The eight unions agreed to
terms that provide that the more
than 367,000 workers under their
jurisdiction will get a 27 cents
an hour wage raise over three
years. Nine cents will be retro-
active to Jan. 1, 1964, nine cents
will be paid next Jan. 1, and the
third nine cents will be paid start-
ing Jan. 1, 1966.
Close to Wirtz
Francis A. O'Neill, chairman of
the National Mediation Board,
said he had been keeping in touch
with Secretary of Labor W. Wil-
lard Wirtz in Washington on the
negatiations involving the shop
craft unions.
Railroad spokesmen said no
shipping embargoes on perishables
or livestock were in force, al-
though most agreed that the em-
bargo-if it comes would be de-
layed until just before the strike
James E. Wolfe, chief negotiator
for the railroads, said he was
hopeful and added:
Please ...
"I have asked-and this is ab-
solutely essential-that embargoes
not be ordered. I have further
stated that not one step be taken
by my people until it's cleared
directly through me."
Despite the management op-
timism, one railroad negotiator
said: "There's nothing to report.
No progress. Nothing at all."
Pay Us More!
The shop craft unions contend
that their members are underpaid
in relation to other nonoperating
rail workers and comparable jobs
in industry.
The railroads, in return, argue
that it would not be equitable to
the rest of the industry to break
the uniform wage-package pat-
tern now prevailing.

Associated Press Special Correspondent
Red China has delivered its ul-
timatum to the Soviet Union-
plug up the holes in the Iron Cur-
tain or the Communist move-
ment will be irrevocably divided
into two camps.
No other construction can be!
placed upon a 3000-word state-
ment from the theoretical jour-
nal Red Flag broadcast by Pe-'
king yesterday. As matters stand
now, it means the Soviet-Chinese
dispute not only will continue,
but probably will grow more in-
Peking, in breaking a sullen
silence on its reception of the new
regime in the Soviet Union, prob-
ably has thrown a scare into the
Communists of both Eastern and
Western Europe.
Weed Out Communists
Almost openly, Red Flag was
asking for a continuing and thor-
ough purge in Russia to weed
out all those Communists who
supported Nikita Khrushchev's
policies, and to return to Stalin-
The Chinese statement was a
recitation of Pekings' terms for
playing ball with Moscow within
a unified world Communist move-

SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR Stewart Udall, right, discussed
proposals for "The Great Society" with President Johnson
Friday, while Secretary of Agriculture Freeman, left, discussed
a spring tour of the western farmlands which Johnson will make.
Johnson, Udall View
"Great Society' PFlans

JOHNSON CITY (P)-President
Lyndon B. Johnson has made
final decisions on two more 1965
programs - to try to beautify
American highways and, by 1969,
to purify salt water through a
crash program.
These ambitious plans, a part of
the "Great Society" proposals
Johnson will submit to Congress
next year, were revealed Friday by
Secretary of the Interior Stewart
L. Udall after a day-long visit at
the LBJ ranch 15 miles west of
Udall flew back to Washington
last night.
Remain in Cabinet?
Asked by newsmen if he ex-
pects to remain in the cabinet,
he responded:
"Yes, I do. And after my visit
today I'll stay with a real sense of
Udall said Johnson is probably
the most conservation - minded
President since Theodore Roose-
Seek $16 Million
After his ranch stay, Udall said
at White House press headquar-
ters in Austin that Johnson told
him to seek a $16 million supple-
mental appropriation in January
for research on desalting and
purifying sea and brackish waters,

with the aim of bringing costs
down to 25-35 cents per 1,000 gal-
lons by the end of the President's
four-year term in 1969.
Udall said the administration
will also recommend as part of its
"Great Society" program a plan
to beautify and landscape more
than 40,000 miles of federally sub-
sidized interstate highways. With-
out disclosing details, Udall pre-
dicted this will be "very exciting."
Secretary of Agriculture Orville
Freeman reported that Johnson
plans another farm tour - of
imidwestern states-to "talk to
people on the land."
The agriculture secretary, wind-
ing up a 22-hour stay at the LBJ
spread, told a news conference he
expects Johnson to make the trip
early in the spring. He said John-
son talked about visiting Iowa,
Kansas and Nebraska, and may
travel farther afield.
Freeman also said Johnson
wants him to stay in the cabinet
and he will do so.
But he couldn't report much
about farm legislation that will
go to Congress in 1965.
He did say that he expected
recommendations to "strengthen
and improve" present programs.
But he discounted the possibility
of new or novel proposals.


ment, but the terms are just about scrapped as hopelessly "revision-
as tough as they can be. Indeed,' ist."
if the Chinese conditions were No K Without K
met, the present regime of party Finally, it demanded a purge
chief Leonid Brezhnev and Pre- in Russia in its warning that there
mier Alexei Kosygin in Russia must be no "Khrushchevism with-
could not last long, out Khrushchev."
Peking heavily assailed virtu-
ally all the domestic, Communist The Soviet Union, as matters
party and foreign policies develop- stand now, can meet none of
ed in the Khrushchev era. these terms. Meeting all of them
is utterly out of the question. Even
End Cooperation if there should be a successful
In almost so many words, Pe- new palace revolution in the
king demanded that Moscow reas- Kremlin by an alliance of Stalin-
sess and reinstate Stalinism. It ists and military men, it could
demanded an end to cooperation hardly hope to go back all the
between the Soviet Union and the way to Stalin after the past dec
United States and virtually de- ade of Soviet social development.
manded abrogation of the Moscow
treaty partially banning nuclear At the same time, the Chinese
tests. assault will do nothing to help the
It further demanded Russians new Soviet regime. Even if there
once again anathematize Presi- were a Soviet anxiety to muffle
dent Tito of Yugoslavia and toss the dispute with Peking, it could
him out of the Communist fam- lead to perilous paths. The pros-
ily. It demanded that policy of pect could so alarm Europe -
the Soviet 22nd Party Congress including even Communists in
dealing with consumer goods de- Europe-that the cure for the Pe-
velopment and the theoretical king-Moscow dispute could turn
course of Soviet Communism be out to be worse than the disease.
A Christmas Gift That Will Be Worn
and Remembered For Years to Come.
Many imports from the world capitals of fashion:
FRANCE and ITALY ... from $2.50
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World News Roundup



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Rep. Charles
A. Halleck (R-Ind) predicted aft-
er a conference with Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower yesterday that Re-
publicans will stick together to
make a strong comeback in the
1966 and the 1968 elections.
Halleck, the House minority
leader, read to a news conference
after his return from Gettysburg,
Pa., a statement in which he
and Eisenhower agree that all
elements of the badly defeated
party must be brought under one
VATICAN CITY-The most ac-
tive and controversial Vatican
Ecumenical Council session yet
closed yesterday with proclama-
tion by Pope Paul VI and the
Council's 2000 prelates of three
far-reaching decrees.
Lavish ritual inside St. Peter's
Basilica brought to a close the
worldwide assembly of Roman
Catholic prelates-the third ses-
sion since Pope John XXIII open-
ed the Council in 1962.
ROME-Campaigning for to-
day's nationwide municipal elec-
tion has ended on a violent note as
33 million Italians prepare to vote.
Police in Turin said 15 Fascists
broke into offices of the Commu-
nist newspaper L'Unita following
a Fascist party rally in the north-
ern city. The demonstrators in-
jureda newspaper employe and
smashed furniture and equipment
before police restored order.
Disorder in Rome also erupted
yesterday when a bomb blew up
the entrance to the national head-
quarters building of Premier Al-
do Moro's Christian Democrat
* * *
NEW YORK-The mighty Ver-
razano-Narrows bridge across New
York harbor ceremoniously was
opened yesterday, giving travelers
a route around the clogged streets

of Manhattan.
A day-long program marked the
opening of the $375-million struc-
ture-the longest suspension span
in the world-and the two new
expressways, costing $167 million,
which tie it to a network of super-
man G. Rickover was selected yes-
terday as recipient of the 1964
Enrico Fermi award for his con-
tributions to the development of
nuclear power for submarines and
power generating plants.
Rickover is the first engineer-
administrator to win the Atomic
Energy Commission's award, which
carries with it a $25,000 prize, as
well as a gold medal.
* *: *
MIAMI-An attempt by exiles
to bomb Havana's baseball park

while Fidel Castro spoke there Fri-
day night was foiled by Cuban
anti-aircraft fire, an anti-Castro
leader said yesterday.
A B-26 bomber flying to Cuba
was damaged and one of three
exile crewmen was wounded, said
Dr. Orlando Bosch, head of the
MIRR, a militant anti-Castro
Romney declined Friday to say
whether he agreed with the de-
mands of some Republicans that
Dean Burch be removed as Repub-
lican national chairman.
At a news conference he said,
"the No. 1 objective should be
to bring about an understanding
that will broaden the Republican
Party's base and unify it. The
questions of candidates should be

Congo, Troops
Move on City
golese Army moved closer to Stan-
leyville yesterday while a Bel-
gium paratroop unit was poised
off Africa's west coast ready to
liberate 1000 whites held hostage
in the rebel capital.
Premier Moise Tshombe's gov-
ernment, meanwhile, rapped the
United States and Belgium for
attempting to negotiate with the
rebels without its consent.
It also warned Belgium that a
unilateral decision to send troops
into the troubled country would be
aggression but expressed willing-
ness to study a proposal for such
an action.
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The other London is still there, taking no notice. West-
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