p Pr
by Bill Bullard
Pasadena or Purgatory:
Confrontation at Columbus
Pasadena or purgatory?
This was the lead sentence one sports writer used at the start of
the week to summarize the situation tomorrow when Michigan and
Ohio State battle for the Big Ten championship and a Rose Bowl bid.
A victory tomorrow means the difference between an exceptional and
just a very good season for both teams. Anytime University President
Harlan Hatcher speaks to a pep rally with his pants rolled up above
his knees, the occasion must be considered fairly important.
Playing Ohio State for the championship is a perfect ending to
the regular season. For although the Buckeyes are probably the best
team the Wolverines meet this season, they are also the easiest to
hate. Defeating Michigan State was sweet indeed but a victory over
Ohio State-whether a Rose Bowl bid is at stake or not-is somehow
more satisfying.
Maybe it's because the Ohio State image is that of a fat Woody
Hayes pacing the sidelines in his baseball cap and short-sleeved white
shirt. Hayes could be the most hated coach in the Big Ten. He cer-
tainly is in Ann Arbor. (Question: Could anyone ever really hate jovial
Duffy Daugherty. Answer: His team and school yes, but not Duffy.)
No one has forgotten the 1961 game when Woody ran up a 50-20
score against a crippled Michigan team. "Those extra touchdowns
won't hurt Michigan," Woody said after the game. 'Our boys deserve
the number one spot and if the extra couple of touchdowns will help
them get it, so much the better." Hayes almost accomplished his goal
but not quite. Alabama edged out Ohio State 459 points to 452 on
that week's poll and finished the season No. 1 and ahead of the
Buckeyes. Nobody in Ann Arbor was unhappy either when a day
later the Ohio State faculty council denied the Buckeyes the right
to accept the Rose Bowl bid.
There are quite a few Ohio players on the Michigan team in-
cluding eight of the 11 on the first-string offensive unit. And that
doesn't include John Marcum who was born in Ohio but made it
across the border in time to play high school ball at Monroe. These
players are hungry for victory, but no more than the rest of the
team. It's been a long time-14 years-since Michigan has played in
the Rose Bowl at Pasadena. It's way past time now. Go Blue!
"Saturday's the big one .
we're going to beat those Buck-
eyes . . . Ohio State's just a
name . ."
These are the thoughts running
through the mind of a student
teacher at Ann Arbor's Forsythe
Jr. High School. The physical edu-
cation instructor is Michigan of-
fensive guard John Marcum.
"The game has been in my mind
all week . . you can't get away
from it. I go home to relax and
turn on the radio only to hear
something about the Ohio State
Lost Three Times
Marcum has previously been on
three Michigan teams that have
fallen to Ohio State. As a sopho-
more in 1961, he injured his knee
in the final scrimmage before the
season opener and was forced to
sit out the entire year. "I was
third string when I got hurt. That
was a tough year for our guards
as we had six or seven knee in-
juries including one to Joe O'Don-
nell (last year's captain)."
The 6', 210-pound guard, with
an extra year of eligibility, proved
himself in the fall of the 1962 sea-
son and was given a starting
Diag Rally
Draws 4000
A spirited throng upwards of
4,000 gathered en masse on the
diag last night to cheer on Coach
Bump Elliott and his fiery Wol-
verine football team.
Wally Weber, Dr. Hazel Losh,
and the Michigan Band got things
rolling with the excitement reach-
ing a peak upon the appearance
of "Professor Elliott and his
young scholars," as University
President Harlan Hatcher called
The confident group received
choruses of "Go Blue" and victory
On the backs of the players
were signs that read: "OPERA-
STATE." Elliott expressed his ap-
preciation by saying that he was
thrilled with the turnout and said
the team was going to Columbus
for one reason: "to defeat the
Ohio State Buckeyes."
President Hatcher joined in the
Marcum Sees
'M' Victory
over OSU
berth in the first game against
"I played a rather poor game
and ended up playing the rest of
the season behind Dave Kurtz,"
he says.
Marcum looked back on his in-
jury and realized that if he hadn't
been hurt for a season, he
wouldn't have the opportunity to
play tomorrow against Ohio State.
"You know," he said, "I'm almost
glad I was hurt. I'll tell you more
after the game!"
Last season, Marcum alternated
with Rich Hahn at right guard.
Hahn played about 30 minutes
more than Marcum. With this star recalled yesterday when
year's more liberal substitution he played football in junior high
rule Marcum has been a stalwart and then at Monroe High Sehool
on the offensive unit at ;uard, under the tutelege of former Wol-
while Hahn played on defense un- verine guard Roger Chieverini,
til his knee injury in the Purdue who was "the dominant factor"
game put him out of action. in Marcum's football career. "He
Looking back at his earlier days gave me the push in the right di-
in football, the Wolverine offensive rection and his coaching made
college football a little easier."
Impressed by Coaches
"I always wanted to go to Mich-
igan State but when I visitedithe
* two schools I was sold on Michi-
gan. Coach Elliott and his staff
really impressed me . . . and, of
course, Michigan's a much better
educational institution."
Ty Marcum has evidently hit Big
Ten football this year with a ven-
geance. The former prep captain
and All-State selection was singled
out this week by offensive line
coach Tony Mason as "the best
guard in the conference."
"John has a great heart for
football. He's dedicated, just like
theentire line," Mason explained.
:> . :< ."": Mason praised Marcum as being
part of a synchronized unit-the
offensive line.
'More Unified'
"This year's team is more uni-
fled than past Michigan teams
in which I've been a part," Mar-
cum continued. "I first got the
feeling of how, close the players
. were to each other last spring.
Maybe itewas the addition of
Coach Mason whose spirit added
some zip to the team."
Mason went on to point uuti
Marcum's exceptional abilities.
"He has good speed and adjusts
very well to changing defensive
patterns. Despite his having more
experience than most of the of-
fensive linemen, John has im-
proved tremendously."
The subject of Ohio State once
again returned to Marcum's mind,
remembering the impressive size
of the Ohio State team. "Their
offensive line is much larger than
their defense. I -feel that we can
get the job done."
Likes 'Rangy' Opponent
Marcum pointed out that he
prefers playingnopposite a "big,
tall rangy fellow. Someone who is
shorter and more compact is more
difficult to block out of the play,"
he says.
Illinois' defensive star Bill Mi-
nor (6'l", 217) played opposite
Marcum in most of the Illini
game. "Minor was not that tough
-Daily-Dan wood
GUARD JOHN MARCUM (61), Jim Detwiler (48), and Charlie Kines (78) display the precision
blocking that has enabled the Wolverine backs to pace the nation in rushing. The Michigan block-
ers clear a path here through the Illinois defense to enable Mel Anthony (37) to break free after
taking a hand off from quarterback Bob Timberlake (28).
Hold Statistical Advantage
In the 61st gridiron meeting of
Michigan and Ohio State the sta-
tistics favor Michigan but tradi-
prognosticators in the eight pre-
vious games in which the two
teams have played for the Big Ten
'- .
i ," ' .r..--- ."
a- '' "_ L
Ohio State
Saturday-1 :15 P.M.
The voice of Michigan Football for the past 17 years
Dial 1050"
celebration by calling the team
"superb" and pointing out joking-
ly that the reason the University
went on the triterm calender was
to let the students enjoy their
trip to Pasadena without having{
to worry about finals.
Regent Paul G. Goebel, who
starred on the 1922 team which
opened Ohio Stadium with a Wol-
verine victory, added "Go Blue,
Beat OSU" to the exuberant
e crowd's yells.
tionally, statistics in this battle Reversal in 1955
between the ancient rivals have One example of this reversal was
never been vital. in the 1955 game, when Michigan
As Michigan Coach Bump El- carfied a 7-1 overall record and
liott says, "The records don't mean a national ranking into the con-
anything for this one."I test and had the advantage of the
Both teams usually rise to play home field. Ohio State had been
over their heads in this game and defeated twice but sported a 5-0
they have consistently confounded conference record. When the game
__h__-y h ns ny-n was over, the score .was 17-0 in
the Buckeyes' favor and the Wol-
M everines lost their chance to go to
the Rose Bowl.
This year, the situation is simi-
Through Drills lar. Michigan is ranked sixth in
the nation in both major polls
while Ohio State is seventh. Both
At hio li teams have identical 7-1 records
but the Buckeyes are undefeated
The Michigan basketball team, in conference play. The Wolver-
somewhat neglected this week as ines are rated as favorites by one
king football has been in the to six points, depending on the
limelight, travelled to Bowling source,
Green, Ohio, last night for an 'M' Margin Bigger
exhibition performance for a wella In meeting three common Big
attended public clinic. Ten opponents-Iowa, Illinois, and
The Wolverines di-dn't, scrim- Northwestern - the Wolverines
-- w
mage at all, according to Coach
Dave Strack, but made the trip
to participate in a free basketball
clinic sponsored by the Toledo
The entire team made the trip
to Ohio with the exception of
6'7" forward Oliver Darden who
remained in Ann Arbor.
Cazzie Russell, Bill Buntin, Cap-
tain Larry Tregoning, Darden and
the undetermined fifth starter, as
well as the rest of the varsity,
will play their first official game
of the season on Dec. 1 against
Ball State at home, and will meet
the Michigan freshmen in a regu-
lation game next Tuesday, Nov. 24.
have been more impressive. Mich-
igan's total margin of victory was
64 points compared to Ohio
State's 37.
In comparing conference sta-
tistics, Ohio State ranks first in
defense and fourth in offense.
Michigan, on the other hand,
ranks first in offense and second
in defense. These rankings are
based on comparative grading of
points, first downs, and yards per
In individual Big Ten standings,'
Bob Timberlake is first in scoring,
second in total offense, third in
rushing and eighth in passing. In
addition, Mel Anthony and Carl
Ward rank fourth and ninth re-
spectively in conference rushing.
Ohio State lacks outstanding of-
fensive performers statistically,
but quarterback Don Unververth is
seventh in Big Ten passing and
total offense, and fullback Willard
Sander ranks eighth in rushing
and fifth in scoring.
Nationally, Michigan ranks first
in rushing offense, fifth in total
offense, and seventh in defense
against rushing. Ohio State does
not rank in the top ten nationally
in any offensive or defensive cate-
gories, but leads the Big Ten with
only 78.6 rushing yards per game
in its five conference matches.
Finals Start
In Football
This week the word football is
synonomous with the Ohio State-
Michigan game.
But while thoughts wander to
Columbus, the intramural grid
squads are reaching a showdown
of their own. Afternoons spent in
the back meadows of Ferry Field
and night action at Wines Field
have brought the IM football
playoffs to the finals in all divi-
sions except the fraternity 'A'
Next Monday, Taylor and Chi-
cago Houses will go at each other
in the residence hall champion-
ship. On the same day, the two
finalists in the independent
league, the Foresters and the
Ramblers, will tangle.
The graduate division crown
will be decided when the Kami-
Course Closes
The Michigan Golf Course
will close Sunday evening, No-
vember 22. Faculty and stu-
dents with lockers should pick
up their equipment and return
the keys by the closing date.
kazies and the Draft Dodgers
meet this week.
The fraternities are somewhat
behind the other circuits. In one
semi-final match, Chi Phi will face
Delta Upsilon. In the other brack-
et Lambda Chi Alpha will meet
the winner of the Sigma Phi Ep-
silon-Zeta Beta Tau match. The
game was already held, with ZBT
winning 8-6, but a protest over a
referee's decision could well neces-
sitate a replay.
In other IM sports, Taylor
won the residence hall dual swim-
ming meet championship.
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Here's Drivig
Route to OSU
With the mass influx of stu-
dents and Wolverine rooters mak-
ing the trip to Columbus for to-
morrow's title-deciding game, here
are the instructions for driving to
Route U.S. 23, the expressway
to Toledo goes straight to the
campus of Ohio State, but the
recommended route which is
shorter and faster follows 23 to
the Toledo bypass, and highways
25, 68, 31, and 33.,
Highway 25 should be followed
until it junctions with 68 just out-
side of Findlay. When 68 runs into
31 near Kenton, 31 should be fol-
lowed to Marysville and then 33
into Columbus, where it turns into
High St.
for me, . . . he's rangy, and the
rangy linemen are easier tb cut
College football in a short time
will have little concern for Mar-
cum. After the Ohio State game
and possibly the Rose Bowl, the
Wolverine guard will have tode-
cide on his future. "I've worked
for General Motors and am con-
sidering its training program." If
offered a professional football con-
tract, Marcum felt that he would
have to give it long, serious
1. MICH. at Ohio State (score)
2. Michigan State at ILLINOIS
3. Indiana at PURDUE
4. MINNESOTA at Wisconsin
5. Iowa at NOTRE DAME
6. Air Force at COLORADO
7. YALE at Harvard -
8. Kansas at MISSOURI
9. NEBRASKA at Oklahoma
10. Pittsburgh at PENN STATE
12. STANFORD at California
13. FLORIDA at Florida State
14. OREGON at Oregon State
16. Kentucky at TENNESSEE
17. BAYLOR at So. Methodist
18. MEMPHIS ST. at So. Miss.
19. WASHINGTON at Wash. St.
20. LOUISIANA ST. at Tulane
This week's Guest Grid Selectors are Gerry Mader, Michigan's
defensive right tackle and Brian Patchen, offensive center. While
making their selections, they had some difficulty agreeing but there
was complete agreement on the Michigan victory at Ohio State, not
only by the players, but by all of the Daily's "experts.
All previous winners who have not yet turned in their picks,
should be sure to have them at The Daily, 420 Maynard, by midnight
tonight so you will have an opportunity to win the grand prize, a $10
gift certificate donated by Tice's Men's Shop. Only the nine selected
winners are eligible for this week's closing contest.
(Consensus in capital letters)
4 _.
RON FOGLE (Last Week's Winner)-MICHIGAN, Illinois, Purdue, Minnesota,
Notre Dame, Air Force, Yale, Missouri, Nebraska, Penn State, North Carolina,
Stanford, Florida, Oregon, Southern California, Tennessee, Baylor, Memphis
State, Washington, Louisiana.
BILL BULLARD (Sports Editor, '115-64-.645)-MICHIGAN, Michigan State,
Purdue, Minnesota, Notre Dame, Air Force, Yale, Missouri, Nebraska, Penn
State, Duke, California, Florida State,, Oregon State, UCLA, Tennessee, Baylor,
Memphis State, Washington, Louisiana State.
CHARLES TOWLE (Contributing Sports Editor, 113-66-.631)--MICHIGAN,
Illinois, Purdue, Minnesota, Notre Dame, Colorado, Yale, Kansas, Nebraska, Penn
State, North Carolina, Stanford, Florida, Oregon State, Southern California,
Tennessee, Baylor, Memphis State, Washington, Louisiana State.
TOM ROWLAND (Associate Sports Editor, 112-67-.625)-MICHIGAN, Illi-
nois, Indiana, Minnesota, Notre Dame,, Colorado, Yale, Missouri, Oklahoma,
Penn State, North Carolina, Stanford, Florida, Oregon State, Southern Califor-
nia, Tennessee, Baylor, Memphis State, Washington, Louisiana State.
GARY WYNER (Associate Sports Editor, 112-67-.625)-MICHIGAN, Illi-
nois, Purdue, Minnesota, Notre Dame, Colorado, Yale, Missouri, Nebraska, Penn
State, North Carolina, Stanford, Florida, Oregon State, Southern California,
Tennessee, Baylor, Memphis State, Washington, Louisiana State.
Illinois, Purdue, Minnesota, Notre Dame, Air Force, Yale, Kansas, Nebraska,
Penn State, North Carolina, California, Florida, Oregon State, Southern Cali-
fornia, Tennessee, Memphis State, Washington, Louisiana State.
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