Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MIcHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Now for The Bi Fence-Mending Jobs" - -- Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARDOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRYANT The Student Slum: Better Than $65 a Month A TATTERED, stained rug-or none at all--covering crooked, squeaky floors; furniture from a 1910 bargain basement; a kitchen with a stained sink, wired-to- gether refrigerator and Ben Franklin's first stove; cracked plaster and bare light bulbs; windows that have to be propped up and slammed down; old mattresses on plain metal frames-these are some characteristics of that genre of apart- ment known as the "student slum." It has one other characteristic: you can live there for a lot less than you can live anywhere else in town. But now it seems that many well- meaning people have decided that stu- dents should be saved from student slums. Specifically: -New building inspectors have been hired by the city in an attempt to find "substandard" housing; -Student Government Council has es- tablished an off-campus housing board, one of whose functions apparently will be to push landlords to spruce up run-down rental property; and -Various people have called for the University to improve off-campus living conditions by forbidding students to rent unapproved housing. THE DETAILS of these efforts are not clear, but their aggregate effect is a general pressure on landlords to "im- prove" their student slums. The catch is that, to the extent that this pressure succeeds, it will be the students, not the landlords, who will pay for the "improve- ments." Any improvement the landlord makes inevitably will be reflected in higher rent for the next tenant. Eventually the cam- pus will be surrounded by nice, sterile, modern apartment buildings and immac- ulately restored old houses-each of them renting for $65 a month. 1WHAT, THEN, should be done? Though any sort of "clean-up-paint-up-fix- up" - drive would backfire, this doesn't mean we need resign ourselves to total anarchy in the housing market. First, it probably is necessary to en- force some housing standards. Two sorts of inadequacies should be outlawed: -Those which constitute a hazard to people other than the landlord and ten- ants. A firetrap situated close to other property, for example, endangers people who had no part in the decision to let it remain a firetrap. -Faults which cannot be detected by prospective tenants. Students should be free, if they wish, to rent apartments with various shortcomings, but they should be able to know about all the shortcomings before the deal is closed. BEYOND THIS MINIMUM, nothing should be required. It is, after all, quite possible for some people to not only survive but thrive in a home with bare, crooked floors, minimal plumbing and cockroaches. (For active people, in fact, it may be preferable to a shiny new place which calls for time-consuming meticu- lous housekeeping.) Those who prefer this style of life are entitled to it, however much it may scandalize those to whom an immaculate wall-to-wall carpet is the ultimate goal of existence. Irk! .r.r..'r C. G I Ak, "'Y CS t'o" LA f. t F s j g t i r a . } t1 ' ,4(Z4 lV CorA~IAM6t Rt - 0 1ST: MAO ~ - By DICK WINGFIELD W HEN THE 88th Congress is seated inEJanuary the House of Representatives will have two Democrats for each Republican. In the Senate, the margin will be equally large. The President will assume office with the strongest popular endorsement in this cen- tury. What is likely to result? It is easy and ostensibly Justi- fiable to contend that the long- anticipated programs of medicare, federal aid to education, the war on poverty and other liberal ineas- ures will be instituted in a blitz- krieg manner. But merely count- ing Democratic heads in Con; ress and measuring the margin of con- fidence-votes that the President received-does not pass programs. FIRST, the President-elect is one who desires to be "President of all the people." His efforts to see broader federal aid to educa- tion may be partially occluded by his efforts to keep the budget be- low $100 billion. Labor's requests for a change in the Taft-Hartley Act (an effort to eliminate right- to-work laws) may have to be bal- anced against the President's re- luctance to alienate business. This is not to imply that Johnson is unsure of his goals, but that he is working within definite limita- tions-set in large part by himself. A second consideration is the chairmanship hierarchy in the House. Twenty of the 22 commit- tee chairmen have been returned to their powerful positions. In 28 of the last 32 years the House has been controlled by the Democrats, and during that period it has maintained the distinction of be- ing more conservative than either the Senate or the President-even the Republican one. The basic reason is the stronghold conserva- tive- Democratic chairmen have achieved through seniority. Cases in point include Wilbur Mills, chairman of the ways and means committee, who has blocked the medicare bill, Otto Passman, chairman of the foreign aid ap- propriations subcommittee, whose antipathy toward foreign aid per- ennially hinders its appropriation. * * * HOUSE REFORM: Johnson, Liberals and Progressive Leoislation .t t' qty. 7c ' Lt .1 ~' T '7' f'S LJP ,Stt r GTeai..1 l "c.s7" Second, providing condition of specific pendability of theI relevant details is Thus the results of1 whether conducted University or SGC, information on the apartments, the de- landlords and other a valuable service. building inspections, by the city or the would be used for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Students Pay Exorbitant Rent informational rather than coercive pur- poses. There is a world of difference. Third, those interested in helping the student apartment - seeker should use whatever power they can muster to pre- serve the broadest possible choice of hous- ing. This will mean, ironic as it may sound, defending landlords who want to run their apartments as student slums. TUDENT TENANTS have a right to know what they're getting into when they rent an apartment. But once they know, they have a right to get into what- ever they choose. Would-be do-gooders should make sure they are protecting both rights. -KENNETH WINTER Managing Editor Responsibility at Roosevelt ANYONE WHO FEELS that The Daily staff enjoys entirely too much free- dom when it comes to what may or may not be said on its pages should consider himself fortunate to be able to take ad- vantage of so high a degree of journal- istic freedom. Recent events at Roose- velt University in Chicago have demon- strated all too well the .extent to which such freedom has deteriorated in the case of Roosevelt's student newspaper, the Torch. The Torch's problems began last Sat- urday when the Roosevelt administration confiscated all available copies of that day's paper, which reported that the uni- versity president, Robert J. Pitchell, had been "unofficially fired" and that the university is $700,000 in the red. The article went on to explain that Pitchell's power had been transferred to the university's Administrative Council because he supposedly failed to bring enough funds to the university, now deep- ly in debt and forced to borrow in order to pay faculty salaries. WHEN ONE of the student editors tried to get the administrators to release the newspapers they had confiscated, she was told that there would be one stipulation: the editors would have to publish a sup- plement containing statements by a full bureaucratic battery ranging from Pitch- ell to the chairman of the Board of Trustees. However, when the students complied with the request, they added an italicized insert above the letters, explaining briefly the facts of the matter. For this reason, the statement was rejected by the ad- -inistrators, who insisted on writing their own insert. H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNTH.WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN BUT THE WORST was yet to come for the Torch staff. After a four-page supplement explaining the problem had finally been published, and following a meeting between the Torch editorial board and the Student Activities Board (a group of six students and six faculty members), Pitchell himself gathered enough remnants of his former power to suspend the Torch staff from all stu- dent activities pending a report by the Student Activities Board. This latest step by Pitchell really seems to be the last straw for all concerned. The unlucky Chicago students are being punished for reporting the facts and for refusing to reveal the sources of the orig- inal story-a basic privilege of any news- paper, student-run or otherwise. The Torch editors maintain that Pitch- ell's action was purely arbitrary on his part and did not go through the "proper channels": that is, the Student Activities Board, to which the Torch is responsible. IT WOULD SEEM that a university presi- dent who has lost his administrative power, whether or not he is directly re- sponsible for the current financial con- dition of his university, cannot hope to escape what he might term the "unfav- orable publicity" of having the matter brought to the attention of the public. On the contrary, far more unfavorable publicity must surely accrue to an ad- ministrator who first tries to keep such facts hidden and then goes to such. lengths to deal with those who have brought his own shortcomings to light. If the Torch editors had originally hushed up the details of their adminis- tration's inefficiency, the cause of truth, as well as of journalistic responsibility to the readers, would have been sacrificed on the altar of managed news. That Pitchell should now find himself in such a position is certainly unfortunate, espe- cially since there is no proof that the onus of responsibility for Roosevelt Uni- To the Editor: THIS is in response to the edi- torial entitled: "Why High Rent is Necessary." It seems to me that this editorial must have been written tongue in cheek, for the reasoning contained within it must have been in jest. Let us see the reasoning implicit in the editorial. High rents are needed to "draw out more capital to build more apartments." So the rents now in effect in the campus area would only seem to be "exor- bitant," and the benevolent land- lords will plow their exorbitant profits back into new and better housing to meet student demands. What would be the result of an increased supply of low rent apart- ments? Any first-semester econo- mics student would tell you that rents must drop. NOW, let's examine the facts in the case. High rents in the campus area didn't start yesterday. The latest census figures show that in four out of the five census tracts comprising the campus area, 36 per cent of which are students liv- ing in private housing, estimated proportion of income spent on rent far exceeds that of any other tract in the city. Since the cam- pus area contains 50 per cent of all rented units in Ann Arbor, it may indeed be seen as a quite lucrative affair. The fact that rents are quite high, though, is no new finding. But let's examine the case fur- ther. Where is all this profit go- ing? Into building more apart- ments to meet growing demand? In improvements? In the cam- pus area, 95 per cent of all dwell- ing units were built before 1940, as compared to 44 per cent for the rest of the city. Where are the new apartments? If anything, there isless building here than in the rest of the city. In the cam- pus area, 12 per cent of the dwell- ing units are rated "deteriorated" and two per cent "dilapidated," as contrasted to seven per cent and one per cent in. the local area. The only census tract surpass- ing the campus in per cent de- teriorated is the one with the largestnonwhite element, which contains one-fifth the number of dwelling units. Also, there are more persons per room and sub- stantially less rooms per unit in the campus area as contrasted to the rest of the city. M K TO WHAT do these figures point? A student of urban sociol- ogy could tell you that high popu- lation density coupled with lu- crative rent practices and de- terioration characterize the slum area of our cities. This combina- tion of characteristics exists in six census tracts in Ann Arbor out of the 18 having dwelling units. One tract, containing seven per cent of all rented units is the nonwhite tract mentioned before. The other five, containing 50 per cent of all rented units, are in the campus area. Where are the slums in Ann Arbor? The city is of course interested in housing problems. However, the nevailin sentiment in city ing our campus slumlords. The new high rise apartment building may help alleviate the problem somewhat, that is if the local committee dedicated to prevntng its completion doesn't get its way. And who do you think opposes the new building? Who stands to lose? None other than our benevoient landlord's who are only too happy to lower the exorbitant rents in the campus area and give the stu- dents a break. --Tom Moore, Grad Radio To the Editor: .ACIFICA Radio and its non- profit, listener-supported sta- tions are well-known to many for the high quality of their enter- tainment, their courage in dis- cussing controversial subjects of public importance, and the pleas- ure of hearing programs uninter- rupted by frequent commercials. Detroit has also been fortunate to have a similar station, WQRS- FM. Its format has included classical and folk music, news and discussion, stories for children, current cultural events in De- troit and on the Wayne campus and other interesting features. Anyone who has discovered them will attest to the quality of ma- terial and the dedication with which they undertake their self- appointed public responsibility. NOW they are in trou license has been transfe commercial enterprise, to introduce commercials it as a profit organizati Letters to Commissio Liam Henry of the FCC senator and congresssu verbal and financial sups to the Art Broadcasting at Woodward and Ferry are needed immediately troit is to retain itso profit, listener-supporte -Richard Hawle To the Editor: I WAS very interested speech by Governor before the Michigan C On Higher Education In, criticized Michigan's edu not doing more political Until our peerless lea spoken, I had always tho function of educators ww cate and the function o leaders is to lead. If a political leader won't lead it seems unfa to shift the blame to t are dependent on his leadership. Or to put i way-"People in glass st shouldn't throw stones." -Larry Ro in. JOHNSON and his administra- ner Wil- tion see the obstacles and will at- to your tempt to level them. As did Roose- 1an, and velt, Johnson will probably try to port sent change the rules of the game. The Co., Inc. most significant areas of prospec- ', Detroit, tive change in the legislative pro- , if De- cess are committee chairmanships, yne n - re-disciplining the Democratic d station. Party and institution of the 21- day rule allowing the House to y, Grad bring bills out of the predatory rules committee. First Rep. Richard Bolling of Stones Missouri has offered a proposal which would authorize the party caucus to appoint committee in the chairmen. This proposal would Roney h bring in liberal chairmen and de- Romney molish the only real road block onference the conservatives can establish in which he this Congress. cators for Second, recognizing that party lobbying, loyalty is the root of all legisla- der had tive success, the Democrats may ought the take action against their com- is to edu- rades John B. Williams of Missis- ' political sippi and Albert W. Watson of South Carolina who aligned with can't or Goldwater. In the last days of the ir of him 88th Congress John A. Blatnik, hose who leader of the Democratic Study political Group, said that the group op- t another posed the seating in the Demo- atehouses cratic caucus of any member or candidate who supported Gold- water. The effect of this proposal oss,'65L would be to strip the recalcitrant ble; their rred to a planning and run representatives of their committee assignments and to render them virtually powerless. Third, the Democrats are likely to press for the 21-day rule. The rule would allow the liberals to circumvent the usual delay caused by chairman of the rules commit- tee, Howard Smith, and to see more of their legislation acted upon. THE ADMINISTRATION may not choose to press for procedural reform, however. If it feels that it can get its legislation enacted without reform, it may try to do so. To battle for a different sys- tem of selecting chairmen or the 21-day rule while the substantive legislation of medicare and the war on poverty are ignored would be senseless. The administration may correctly see that its main impediments are the rules and the ways and means committees, and choose to conciliate on a small scale and succeed rather than to renovate on a large scale and risk partial failure. But whether Johnson chooses procedural reform or substantive legislation-or a healthy Zombi- nation of the two-hisschances for success are great. Assuming that his efforts are not marred by frac- tionalism or absenteeism, his mar- gins in Congress, the mandate from the election, and history are on his side. G&S: Only Mo mentIs THE GILBERT and Sullivan So- ciety opened two of the Savoy light operas last night in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and suffice to say that each has its moments. "Trial by Jury," the original G&S curtain riser, is enhanced by a sterling performance by Miss Anne Niitme as Angelina, the abandoned bride, but unfortu- nately her supporting cast is not equal to her work. Vocally they are acceptable, but as actors, their renditions of the parts are quite wooden and restricted. The show is not aided by an especially dismal set, which re- sembles a saloon slightly festoon- ed by May Day more than a court room. * * * THE SHOW does have high spots, however. Miss Niitme's numbers are excellent, and vari- ous hits by Robert Westover as *the Associate (who can't decide what to do with his hands) and Sidni Sehwaneke as the lady on the jury (who knits all the way through the trial), really steal the whole show. But, clever as these moments are, they simply cannot rescue the set or the ludicrous costumes (men's cutaway coats are achiev- ed by pinning back modern sport coats), or the mysterious choreog- raphy, * * * "THE SORCERER," however, is another story. While it, too, lacks a certain amount of polish, it is far better than "Trial." Especial- ly notable is Michael Baad as Dr. Daly, the reverend, whose char- acterization was strong and uni- fied. Also cited should be Milton Bail- ey as Alexis. While it would ap- pear that he labors under several handicaps, including inexperience, he shows definite talent and will undoubtedly become a mainstay in the G&S troupe. His vocal qual- ity is excellent. Grace Hanninen as Aline, un- fortunately, is too old for the part, Opposite Bailey she seems old enough to be his mother rath- er than his intended bride, which quite destroys the intent of Gil- bert's libretto. In addition, Miss Hanninen's dramatic ability seems to be limited, for her movement and line interpretation are stilt- ed and unconvincing. She has an excellent voice, however, and vo- cally she fulfills her role well. LIKE "TRIAL," "The Sorcerer" is plagued by technical handicaps. The set is very colorful and im- aginative, but the costumes are sad. The women'schorus is deck- ed out in fancy and colorful dress- es, all of a kind, while the men wear the most rag-tag conglomer- ation imaginable., It looks as though the costume budget ran out just before they got to the men's chorus. The orchestra, as is too often the case in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is no help at all. Some- times it gets together with the chorus, but more often it lags be- hind annoyingly. Pick-ups are rag- ged, in general, and sour notes are all too frequent. Especially bothersome aire the violins, who are quite unable to make the same mistake at the same time. THE OVERALL problem with "Trial" especially, but with "The Sorcerer" to a certain extent, is I '1 FASCINATING FACTS: Birch Society Supplement By ROGER RAPOPORT "IT IS my fervent hope that we will last for hundreds of years, and exert an increasing influence for the temporal good and spirit- ual ennoblement of mankind throughout those centuries." No, those aren't the words of Pope Paul VI. They constitute Robert Welch's outlook on the function of the John Birch Society. THIS WAS just one of the fas- cinating facts revealed in a 16- page rotogravure supplement on the John Birch Society that ap- peared in the more than one mil- lion copies of last Sunday's Chi- cago Tribune. The same supplement, financed by the society at a cost of $200,- 000, has appeared in many other papers across the country 'nclud- ing the Los Angeles Times, St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Dallas News, Louisville Courier-Journal and Boston Herald. If you have never seen a pic- ture of John Birch or read what the society that bears his name has to say for itself, try to get hold of this supplement, undoubt- edly destined to be a collector's item. IT IS all there. Pictures of housewives getting signatures for a petition to impeach Earl War- ren and informing their local butcher about the dangers of Com- munist imports. There is the John Birch Society float moving along in a Dallas In- dependence Day parade and mem- bers placing "Support Your Local Police" stickers on car bumpers. Good old Ezra Taft Benson tells why he was glad his son Reed joined the society. "The society is the most effective non-church or- ganization in our fight against creeping socialism." In addition, society statisticians inform the public that the United States encirclement and infiltra- tion by Communists is now more than 50 per cent accomplished. * * * AT THE end of the supplement is a coupon offering four alterna- tives to individuals interested in the society: a preliminary infor- mation kit; a $1 introductory I 4 I I 4 ,i