FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - PAGE THREI U.S. Asks Congo Free Civilians Kenyatta Refuses To Aid Captives, Appeals To Thant for Intervention WASHINGTON (M)-The United States agreed yesterday to a Congolese rebel offer to negotiate for the safety of Americans now in rebel hands. The State Department announced U.S. acceptance as concern mounted for the welfare of some 60 rebel-held Americans now that Congolese government forces have launched their drive on the rebel capital, Stanleyville. The U.S. message offered to send a representative King Calls FIIPolicy Too .lenient BIMINI, Bahamas (R')-Dr. Mar- tin Luther King Jr. said yesterday I the FBI under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover is "following the SHIPYARDS, ICBMS: McNamara Details Cut Of Aging Defense Bases WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamaraf yesterday ordered the shutdown of two naval shipyards, six bomber bases and the removal of 150 older intercontinental ballistic missilest which he said "have served their purpose."t DAILTYOFFICIAL BU LLETIN .... ....":h:..::~tv:tt ..*..*... . . *.. ~. . . *.*.A * . . .S::. . ": t,. .: . . ..t.. .. . . .t . .... . . "..: ..*.*.n..... i.....*i.V.:nN .:t . *. ... . ::J... . . . r. . :. . . . :. . }. ...*. .*.*:" PRIME MINISTER KENYATTA Klan Assaults Union Member Laurel, Miss. (A) - A dispute between the Ku Klux Klan and a local labor union over the union's acceptance of a federal order call- ing for equal treatment of white and Negro workers has flared into violence with the beating of a union official by hooded assail- ants. Ottis Matthews, financial sec- retary of the International Wood- workers of America, escaped seiz- ure Wednesday night by two un- known persons after being beaten and burned by two carloads of hooded men Monday night. The union charged in a local newspaper that the Klan has been intimidating union members and asserted that "any attempt to im- pede members' "travel on public roads would be met by death." ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- muents is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Guild House, Friday luncheon dis- cussion, Dr. F. N. Menefee: "Science and Religion-Food for Thought," Nov. 20, 12-1 pm., Friday evening informal with Rev. Roy Wilson, Willow Run- Ypsilanti, 7:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. * * * Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lee- ture: "Can an Agnostic Be a Chris- tian?" Speaker, Dr. Joseph L. Gra- bill, Fri., Nov., 20, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.- Newman Student Association, Latin American dinner, Nov. 20, 6 p.m., -31 Thompson St. * * * unitarian Student Group, Jeffrey Goodman discusses XES on campus, Nov. 22, 7 p.m., 1917 Washtenaw. Rides at Michigan Union, Markley at 6:45 p.m. WAA Folk Dance Club, Folk dance with instruction suitable fqr begin- ners, Fri., Nov. 20, 8-10:30 p.m., Wom- en's Athletic Bldg. BAR PRESENTS * FOR YOUR DRINKING PLEASURE THE FINEST BEER-WINE & COCKTAILS * FOR YOUR EATING PLEASURE MEXICAN TACOS AND FINE ITALIAN PIZZA to meet with a rebel representative at a time and place in an east or central African capital of Gbenye's choosing, or to negotiate under the auspices of the Organi- zation of African Unity, as Gbenye had indicated he preferred. In order to speed up the pro- posed discussion, the U.S. message urged Gbenye to provide the American Consul in Stanleyville, Michael Hoyt, with communication facilities. The rebels have been holding the U.S. consular staff prisoner ' along with the other Americans, mostly missionaries. Meanwhile, in Nairobi Kenya's Prime Minister Jomo Kenyatta refused to send a mercy mission to Stanleyville to negotiate the evacuation of captive civilians. He said he would not act until there is a cease-fire in the Congo. Kenyatta is chairman of the OAU's special commission trying to bring about "a reconciliation in the Congo. He appealed to U.N. Secretary- General U Thant to use what in- fluence he may have "on (Premier Moise) Tshombe's supporters out- side Africa" to achieve this cease- fire. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz launched the $110 million to $150 million Neighborhood Youth Corps project yesterday with the aim of 'helping, young people who live econom- ically on "dead-end streets." * * * DETROIT - Ford Motor ,Com- pany and the United Auto Work- ers Union ended yesterday's local- level negotiations without settle- ment. The talks were aimed at ending strikes which Ford blames for reducing its automobile output. * * * LUCKNOW, India-Prime Min- ister Lal Bahadur Shastri yester- day called Red China's atomic ex- plosion a childish effort to cow us into joining the arms race. "If we fall into the trap and decide to make our own bomb, then China will have achieved its object," he said. path "of appeasement . . . in the The actions were among 95. consolidations, reductions and dis- South." continuances of military bases which he discussed in broad outline The Negro integration leader, yesterday Most of the actions will be completed by mid-1966, and smarting under criticism by Hoov- all but one by 1970. When finished, er, also accused the FBI chief of McNamara said, the actions will' "faltering under the heavy burden produce $477 million in annual P p and the criticisms of his office." savings, and cut manpower byI His comments came in reply to' 63,401 "without in any way reduc- ! Hoover's statement in a rare news ing military effectiveness." conference Wednesday that King "is the most notorious liar in th Eighty of the bases and in- cutry." stallations are in 33 states and count. the District of Columbia. The West German and British docu- Appeasement others are in Europe and the ments again have raised the con- The FBI, King said, "is follow- western hemisphere, but their troversy over Pope Pius XII's sym- ing the path of appeasement of identity was not disclosed pend- pathies in World War II. political powers in the South. If ing discussions with the govern- According to the German mag- this continues, the reign of terror ments involved. azine Der Spiegel, these documents in Mississippi, Alabama and Geor- In addition to naval shipyards allege that the pontiff sympa- gia will increase rather than sub- and bomber bases, McNamara's thiezed with the Axis powers and side." -economy acts struck at Army and tried to persuade the United States King, who came to this tiny Air Force training bases, radar and Great Britain to shift to Ger- Bahamian island to write his stations, arsenals, ordnance plants many's side in the war against speech accepting the Nobel Peace and a variety of other military the Soviet Union. Prize, said he was certain Hoover activities which are considered Der Spiegel reports that. Nazi "would not have made such a surplus or obsolete. foreign policy documents, soon to vicious accusation without being McNamara said that 150 Atlas be published in book form, reveal- under extreme pressure. E, Atlas F and Titan I liquid fuel ed that the Pope sent an Italian "This pressure," he said, "has missiles are being inactivated be- architect Enrico Pietro Galeazzi, come on the racial front and from cause of "our now sizeable inven- to seek the help of Francis Card- the Warren report raising serious tory of Titan II and Minuteman inal Spellman in New York to questions about the effectiveness missiles which have far greater carry out his anti-Communist of the FBI.''msss ae rgael SixtOthers"capabilities and can be operated plan. Six Others and maintained at a fraction of While Spellman was not im- King drew support from six the cost of the earlier models." mediately available for comment,! other Negro leaders, who told a high Vatican source said the President Lyndon B. Johnson they The inactivated missiles are documents were 'clearly partisan share King's views that the FBI because of their source. They are has not provided protection for fire vehicles which were the ear- documents from only one of the Negroes in the South. liest in place while the United "We expressed our disagreement States was building up its ad- The magazine claimedthe with Mr. Hoover's characterization vanced missile force or solid fuel, documents report that the pontiff of Dr. King," said Roy Wilkins, quick-firing Minutemen, felt that the Nazi army was executive director of the National the only defense against Com- Association for the Advancement munism in Europe. of Colored People. Union, Papers_ Hoover, in his news conference, R 'E I' said King had advised Negroes not flB d $ to report civil rights violations toN the FBI office in Albany, Ga., be- cause the staff members were WASHINGTON (P)-The Fed- INSTN T southerners. eral Mediation and Conciliation S.I L E N C E (Continued from Page 2) ganizations concerned with student employment. Approved: That SGC recommend that formal classes be cancelled on Monday, Dec. 14, by individual professors. This recommendation is pursuant to a mo- tion passed on October 28 urging a three-day study period and the rec- ommendation of other student groups.' Events The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are remind- ed that requests for approval for social! events are due in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the event.o FRI., NOV. 20-- Alpha Epsilon Pi, TGIF (4-5:30); Al- pha Xi Delta, Formal Dance; Alpha Gamma Delta, Theme Party; Beta The- ta Pi, TGIF (4-6); Collegiate Sorosis, Dance; Delta Delta Delta, Barn Par- ty; Delta Upsilon, TGIF (4-6); Hins- dale House, Open Open; Kappa Delta, Fall Formal; Lambda Chi Alpha, TGIF (4-7); Phi Epsilon Pi, Party; Phi Kappa Tau, Closed Party; P1 Lambda Phi, TGIF (4-6); Sigma Phi Epsilon. TGIF (3:30-6:30); Tyler House, Open Open; Van Tyne, Open Open; Zeta Tau Alpha, Fall Dance. SAT., NOV. 21- Adams House, House Party; Alpha Delta Phi, Pledge Formal Open Open; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Party; Alpha Omi- cron Pi, Rose Ball; Alpha Rho Chi,: Pledge Formal; Anderson, Open Open; Beta Theta Pi, Party; Chi Phi, Monte: Carlo Party; Chi Psi, Pledge Formal; Cooley House, Open Open; Delta Chi, Bohemian Party; Delta Kappa Epsilon,1 Band Party; Delta Sigma Phi, Green-1 wich Village Theme; Delta Tau Delta, Party; Delta Upsilon, Party.4 Evans Scholars. Party; Greene, Open Open; Hayden, Open Open; Hinsdale, Open Open; Michigan, Open OpenI (1:30-4); Michigan, Band Dance (3:30- 6); Phi Epsilon Pi, Party; Phi Gamma Delta, Band Party; Phi Kappa Tau,- Closed Party; Phi Sigma Delta, Fire- side; Phi Sigma Kappa, Playboy. Par-1 ty; Prescott House, Open Open; Scott( House, Open Open; Sigma Alpha Epsi- Equitable Life Assurance Society, lon, Rose Bowl Party; Sigma Nu, Pledge Detroit-Sales positions for married Formal; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Band Par- men, age 30-40 with successful bkgd. ty. Bendix Systems Div., Ann Arbor '- Strauss, Mixer with Eastern Mich.; Industrial Librarian, MLS, male or Theta Chi, Pledge Party; Theta Delta female, pref. 2 yrs. exper, to head Chi, Victory over OSU Party; Tyler company library. House, Open Open; Zeta Psi, Toga The Fideler Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Party. -Positions available for editorial writ- SUN., NOV. 22- ers, seals repres.,. & admin. assistant. Betsy Barbour, Open Open; Chi Phi, Grads or Dec. grads with "B" aver- Buffet Supper with Chi Omega (6- age for textbook publisher. 7:30); Jordan Hall, Hootenanny. Swift & Co., Chicago, 11l. - Various openings including : 1. Mktg. Trainees, BAin Econ., Bus. Ad., or Mktg. 2. Forei n lisfl Mktg. Analyst (MBA) for mkt. res. Thefoloigar hs Bkgd A in mktg., econ., & statistics. 3. The following are the foreign vlsi- Phosphate Chemists, BS ChE. 4. Mm-i tors programmed through the Interne-ing Engr., BS. 5. Research Chemists, this week on the dates indicated. Pro- PhS. Chem . Organic, Biochem.;,,& gram arrangements are being made by-Pya.Che. Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, neraional sangamo Electric Co., Springfield, Centert6.-Quality Control engr. BS in ME, Cet er, 764-2148.Bsu IE or EE with interest in electronics. rs.MR nque Basque. ecretary-Gen- Ability to speak & write well, & an- I Red oss o the Ivory Coast, alyze detailed information. C. H. Liu Fulbrigh omsin C. H.Linu, NFu.bri-ht Commission, !For further information, please call Taiwan, China, Nov. 18-21. 1764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Detroit Civil Service-Mr. Walters will TEACHER PLACEMENT: interview students Tues., Dec. 1, for The following Michigan schools have positions at the Detroit Zoo available recorded vacancies for now and/or next to residents of Detroit & suburbs. semester. Openings for park maintenance- assist- Marine City, Mich. (St. Clair River ! ants, play leaders, camp counselors, Area)-Type A Mentally Handicapped; public service attendants, swimming Elem. Physically Handicapped. Now, positions & student engineers. Also 2nd Semester, or Sept. student technical assistants in bus. Unionville, Mich.-English grades 8 ad., soc. sci., & general sci, and stu- 10 & 11. dent medical assistant/extern. * * * * * * For additional information contact For further information, come to the Bureau of Appointments, Educa- Summer Placement, 212 SAB. tion Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.EM ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- POSITION OPENINGS: VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please Farmers Insurance Group, South- sign schedule posted at 128-H W. Engrg. field, Mich. - Claim Repres. Immed. for appointments with the following: opening for male grad between 23- NOV. 24- 35. Exper. not required. Hydromation Engineering, Inc., Li- Power Controls Div., Owosso, Mich. vonia, Mich.-BS: ME. U.S. Citizen pref. -Engineers. ME, BE &' Hydraulic. Im- Des. & Sales, Fluid Systems Engrg. med. opening for exper. man in des. or Reserve Mining Co., Silver Bay, Minn. testing of pneumatic or hydraulic pow- -BS: BE, IE, ME & Met. R. & D., er units. Des., Prod. & Maintenance. Special Today thru Sat. 49c & 99c Suits, Trousers Dresses, Skirts I hr. service 9 a.m.-4 p.m. KLEEN KING Memorial Sabbath Service Yahrzeit of Pres. John F. Kennedy TONIGHT, Nov. 20...7 p.m. ZWERDLING-COHN CHAPEL B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St. No Appointment The FBI chief said King also refused to make an appointment with him to receive proof that four of the five Albany agents were born in the North. King denied this, saying his secretary had searched his mail and telephone records in vain for any such request to meet with Hoover. "The fact that no arrests have been made in the brutalities at Albany, the murder of three civil rights workers in MissIssippi and the bombing of a church in Bir- mingham, has left us all dis- couraged," King said. King said, "This has encouraged individuals on the lunatic fringe to feel that they are aided and abet- ted by federal agents." King said he had never made a blanket criticism of the FBI and its agents. He said he believed a Southerner dedicated to his job can be as effective as one in North. Service announced yesterday that negotiations will resume today in the Detroit newspaper strike. A spokesman said both sides had agreed to the meeting at 2 p.m. in the Mediation Service of- fices in Detroit's Federal Building. The Mediation Service spokes- man said the Detroit Newspaper Publishers Association and Press- men's Local 13 of the AFL-CIO International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union had agreed to meet with a panel of federal and state mediators. The only remaining issue is whether 15 or 16 men will man the new eight-unit presses at the News. STUDY ANYTIME ANYWHERE Sound attenuators as utilized by military and commercial jet aircraft ground crew personnel are the perfect solution. For information write: Academic Aids P. O. Box 969 Berkeley 1, Calif. 11 M 11 fI Show That You Care by giving a Personalized Christmas Gif t .. . .Monogrammed CIRCLE PINS Sterling and Gold Filled $2.95 to $6.95 Europe-U.S. Student Exchange EXPLORE EUROPE This Summer With OHS Of The UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA $66400 --- -- --- -- ---- - --- - - - For eligibility details mail coupon to: International Student Exchange 409 Waldron, W. Lafayette, Ind. Name Telephone Address Home Address I - i L' a Engraving done at no extra charge g' B 6AYS Narcade jewelry shop 16 Nickels Arcade-off State St. +i '- ". " ?? 1 .a :"i ;{f }ii {;3 r 1 f : :?} ' '"s ;Y,", : ti;:; 'r,: :?: e 1 'i "ii'i ti:; ' n Y, !,y J:;: ;'ti i 1' ti;i ' ' ;i1'' :? } . s; :: i ; :;: :: LITTLE HEELS for The Young? The look that's best with sleeveless little wools, your Chanel Suits Just Enough Shoe! new color sparks the lively look of our easy-going VELOUR SHIRT French blue,sage green, taupe, burgundy, gold, navy, dark green or brown ...pick a color,or several, and start wearing this pullover of soft plush-textured imported cotton velour at the first hint of fall. Two-way zip collar converts into a turtleneck. S,M,L,XL. 8.98 $ 95 BLACK CALF BLUE CALF RED CALF FIELDCREST ROSE BOUQUET TOWELS. * Bouquets of full-petalled roses float delicately on screen-printed Royal Velvet towels of 100% combed cotton terry. Here is true luxury, combined with spell- binding beauty. Marvelous to own .. or to give. . . _ I V