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November 20, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-20

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Colder with snow
flurries tomorrow



Medical Program Leaogue
At MSU Delayed


itis with1


Hannah Cites Construction Strikes,
Faculty Problems in Explanation
Michigan State University President John A. Hannah yesterday
announced that MSU will not be able to open its controversial two-
year medical program in the fall as planned.
Hannah made the announcement at the monthly meeting of
MSU's Board of Trustees.
Prof. William H. Kniseley, director of MSU's Institute of Biology
and Medicine, said that the delay announcement was the result of
"liasons" between MSU administrators and two medical college ac-
creditators, the Association of American Medical Colleges and the








Ask Revision
Of Selection
Twelve undergraduate fraterni,
ties and sororities have been 'sent
letters this week from Student
Government Council's Member-
ship Committee demanding revis-
ed and 'adequate statements of
their membership qualifications.
All fraternities, sororities and
other student organizations had
submitted their membership state-
ments by the deadline finally set
for the end of October. However,
twelve of the reports were in-
adequate because they do not give
specific quotes from the constitu-
tions, concerning membership
"I think that many of the fra-
ternitiesand sororities just did
notunderstand what was expect-
ed. However, I imagine that three
or four will have to appear before
the membership tribunal," Burns
"These groups arerefusing to
give actual quotes because they
feel that the required information
is not the business of the mem-
bership committee," Burns said.
The revised membership state-
ments are due ten days after the
organizations receive their letters.
However, due to Thanksgiving va-
cation, the statements will be ac-
cepted until Friday, Dec. 4.
The statements were originally
due October 31. However, ten
fraternities and three sororities
failed to resubmit their state-
ments. The houses were then
given until the end of the week
to submit their statements. The
deadline was then moved up to
November 10 for those houses still
In May, 1960 Student Govern-
ment Council adopted the regula-
tion on membershipof stadent
organizations, prohibiting all ds-
criminatory practices. At this time
SC also established its Mem-
bership Committee, to be conpos-
ed of five student members, one
faculty advisor, one administra-
tive advisor ' and a secretary.
However,* it was not until De-
cember 1960 that SGC required
that all student organizations sub-
mit membership statements. A
deadline for the statements was
set for January 17, 1962.
See 12, Page 2 s s

OAmerican Medical Association's
Council on Hospitals and Educa-
Both of these groups, - whose
approval is necessary for the op-
eration of the program, suggested
delaying the opening for three
-Building construction and re-
modeling for the program are
some three months behind sched-
ule due to a jurisdictional strike
on the sites;
-Negotiations for exchange
programs with Lansing hospitals
have not yet been completed and
-The medical staff for the op-
eration has proven very difficult
to obtain and would probably not
be large enough for the planned
fall opening.
No Comment
MSU Trustee Warren Huff said
that these points of Hannah's
message were accepted without
comment by the trustees.He
noted, however, that the trustees
urged Hannah to move ahead on
the program as fast as possible.
Huff also noted the importance
of the labor strike in the delay.
"This is the biggest single hurdle,"
he said. He commented that if the
strike could be solved, there might
still be time to open the program
in the fall. Such a strike does not
seem likely, however.
MSU Provost Howard Neville
noted that "reasonable progress is
being made. We expect to open on
a new schedule as soon as pos-
The program, which has already
received a provisional membership
in the American Association of
Medical Colleges, was the subject
of great controversy last spring.
T h e Michigan Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion, including high-ranking rep-
resentatives from all of Mich-
igan's public colleges, sponsored
an agreement concerning the pro-
gram last fall.
Under the terms of that agree-
ment, MSU was restricted to an
18-month medical program to be
given funds only after the already-
existing state medical schools at
the University and at Wayne State
University had enough funds for
their construction plans.
But 1 a s t spring, University
President Harlan Hatcher charged
Hannah with infringing on this
agreement and attempting to set
up a third state-supported four-
year medical school at MSU.
Hannah denied the charges, al-
legedly caused by his assurances
to private grant foundations that
a four-year program was forth-
coming at MSU. MSU's 18-month
program was later quietly expand-
ed into a two-year program with-
out University comment.

DETROIT (IP)-Peter B. Clark,
publisher of the Detroit News,
said early this morning an
agreement has been reached be-
tween the negotiating commit-
tees of the Detroit Newspaper
Publishing Association and the
negotiating committee of the
striking pressmen's local.
Clark says the agreement will
be subject to a vote of ratifica-
tion vote by the pressmen to-
Details of the new agreement
had not been revealed.
Helped by United Auto Work-
Civil Rightsj
Issues Cited
By Conyers
"Each generation has to win its
birthright again-on pain of los-
ing it," John Conyers, Democratic
congressman-elect from Michi-
gan's First District, said yester-
Conyers, one of the state's two
Negro congressmen, said that the
civil rights problems confronting
the country goes on "by the fail-:
ure of our generation to face up
to the eternal considerations of
our Constitution." He said that
police relations were "continually
bad," and that white-Negro in-
come disparities were growing.
Citing housing as "the place
where it all starts," Conyers said
that segregation here leads to:
segregated schools, poor educa-
tion, and massive unemployment
among Negroes.
Negroes are often reluctant to
move into white neighborhoods
fearing hatred, he said. If they do
move in, white citizens are often
alarmed at the "Negro culture,
completely ignoring that Negr
citizens are frustrated and reflect
the results of segregation."
He cited a report showing that
over 70 per cent of the graduates
of a heavily-Negro high school in
Detroit's West Side were jobless.
This situation, he added, often
leads to frustration and hope-
lessness among Negroes,
Adding to this feeling, Conyers
went on,dis "tragic" police bru-
tality and apathy in the face of
Negro problems. Citnig numerous.
instances of police inactivity on
Negro complaints, he said, "We're
confronted with a problem of equal
protection and equal justice un-
der the law even in Detroit."
A major stride towards solving
such problems, Conyers said, is
simply recognizing that they ex-
ist. "There isn't any 'new' civil
rights movement. Actually, we
have finally brought it to every-
one's attention.
"At last, we begin to enter into
a meaningful dialogue." He pro-
posed strong efforts to end dis-
crimination in housing, employ-
ment, and police activities as first
However, he emphasized, "We've
made beginnings-but every gen-
eration has to make them all over
again. And in some areas we've
been getting worse." One such
area, he said, is housing."
Anticipating his term in Con-
gress, Conyers said a $100 bil-
lion federal budget ceiling was
"arbitrary" and a "political
He also criticized the Freedom
Now Party, saying he suspected
they had been in collusion with
the Republicans during the re-
cent gubernatorial campaign, "si-
phoning off" Democratic votes.
Regent Board

ers President Walter P. Reuther,
both sides in the 129-day-old
newspaper strike reached a ten-
tative agreement for a settle-
ment early today.
The agreement, between Local
13 of the International Printing
Pressmen's Union and the De-
troit News and Detroit Free
Press, was reached in a five-
hour secret meeting at UAW

international headquarters.
Announcement of the agree-
ment came later in a statement
issued by the union and the
Detroit Newspaper Publishers
"The basis for settlement was
recommended by Reuther, Mr.
Walter Maggiolo, director of
federal mediation, Federal Me-
diator William Rodgers and Ed-

mund Phillips of the Michigan
State Mediation Service," the
statement said.
Asked what role he played,
Reuther replied "I told you I'd
do this one of these days."
A ratification meeting was
scheduled for the pressmen to-
The statement said all parties
urged ratification.

Need Ilegental Vote
To Go in to Effect
Governing Bodies Stay Separate;
Only Activity Wings To Unite
Two years of long hard planning by the senior officers
of the Michigan Union and Michigan League are about to
pay off, as the long discussed, much analyzed Union-League
merger is about to go into effect.
Last night the Board of Governors of the Women's
League unanimously accepted the final report of the 1964-
1965 Union-League Senior Officer Merger Committee as
amended. Last week, the League Executive Council-its stu-
dent officers and committee chairmen and the Union Board
of Governors both adopted the report in separate sessions.
At the time, however, they re- I

Suits Predicts Increase in GNP

By ROBERT JOHNSTON tions of business firms released a "Econometric Model of the U.S. fused to announce their deci-
few weeks ago, Suits said. Economy." This model is an elab-
The IBM 7090 computer has Last year at this time Suits orate series of statistical equations sions on the merger until the
spoken. predicted a $23.9 billion rise in into which certain observed data League Board had a chance to
The Gross National Product of the GNP in 1964. Preliminary es- in the economy can be inserted. consider it.
the United States will rise in timates place the observed figure Using these data the equations "We don't think it would be
1965 about $27.5 billon above a at about $24 billion. Since 1960, are worked out and "solved" by
projected level of $624.5 billion the largest difference between the a computer to yield the projected appropriate to use our deci-
for 1964, according to estimates actual rise in GNP and the in- figures for various aspects of the sion as a means of influencing
announced yesterday by Prof. crease predicted at the Economic economy. This model, which is re- the League Board," Union Presi-
Daniel B. Suits of the economics Outlook Conference has been $1.8 fined and developed every year, is dent Kent Cartwright, '65, said
department, director of the Uni- billion. made up of 11 pages of equa- at the time.

versity's Seminar in Quantitative
The Econometric Forecast, com-
puted by the seminar group with
the aid of the 7090, was part of
the 12th Annual Conference on
the Economic Outlook sponsored
by the economics department at
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Other Projections
Other projections include:
-A 1965 rise of 1.3 million in
employment to a total of 71.51
million and a decrease of 0.41
per cent in the unemployment
--A slight decline in automo-
bile sales from $24.9 to $24 bil-
lion, still enough to represent a
"fourth consecutive good automo-1
bile year," according to Suits.
-A $4 billion rise in govern-
ment purchases of goods and serv-
ices to $133.9 billion.
-Increases of about $1.5 bil-
lion in both imports and exports.
-An increase of almost $4 bil-
lion to $62.1 billion in business
investment expenditures.
-A rise in consumer expendi-
tures of $18.2 billion to $418.5
The business investment in-
crease, arrived at statistically, is
in accord with the McGraw-Hill
survey of the investment inten-
GSC Suggests
Housing Study'
Last'nightmGraduate Student
Council's Committee on Housing
made a preliminary report sug-
gesting that the GSC send out a
questionnaire on housing to grad-
uate students. The questionnaire
would contain at least three ques-
-Would graduate students pre-
fer private housing?
-Would graduate students pre-
fer University sponsored housing?
-What sort of action should
students take to protest the pres-
ent "high rent and sometimes low
quality housing situation?"
GSC members suggested rent
strikes, rent control and picket-
ing were discussed as possibly
courses of action to solve the last
There is a good possibility that
the University will start using the
one term lease in the near future,
one member said. Because of this,
pressure might be put on Ann
Arbor real estate agents to do the
Other suggestions that were
made to improve the housing sit-
uation were increasing of the
number of housing inspectors, and
circulating of a list of building

Av$24 billion increase in GNP tions. a_- Approval
A $2 bihon crese mGNPtion. . To go into effect the merger
during 1964 (in 1954 dollars) Julius Shiskin, chief economic still needs the approval of the
would mean a growth rate for the statistician of the U.S. Bureau Regents and the members of the
economy for the year of seven per of the Census, attributed current Union, both students and alumni.
cent, Suits said. The $17 billion economic expansion to: The proposed merger would be
increase (in 1954 dollars) predict- -Built-in government stabil- a union of only the student wings
ed for 1965 will mean a slow- izers such as income taxes, and of the two organizations while the
down to a growth rate of about unemployment insurance which policy making bodies, the respec-
four per cent for the year. increases when the economy starts tive boards, would still remain
Model Economy to slump. separate. If approved, the merger
In order to make these projec- -The spread of private pension would go into effect next spring.
tions the Seminar in Quantita- plans. One member of the League
tive Economics has compiled an See SUITS, Page 2 Council conjectured that "for all
the seeming novelty of uniting
Sthe organizations," the adoption
T Sof the merger would only "put on
~~ paper what is already in practice."
As Ideal in Good Economist The student activities wings of the
5i.1 Union and League already cooper-
ate on many of their projects.
Under the merger they would con-
By RICHARD WINGFIELD question at hand. We must learn tinue to work together on every-
"The good economist has good both to regard experience and dis- thing inside of one organization
. "The good regard it." instead of two.
udment about Peconomic reality.

Prof. Paul Samuelson said last
night. "While his success is often
not spectacular, it is usually con-
sistent and realiable."C

Samuelson, author of a widely
used economics textbook, address-
ed the Twelfth Annual Confer-
ence on the Economic Outlook
last night, concluding the first day
of the conference.
He drew a strong distinction
between the "naive model" and the
model that would be expected to
calculate GNP with or without a
great tax cut. He pointed out that
the reliable economic forecaster is
continually considering time in
economic analysis and using cross-
sectional and case studies data.
But he emphasized that the econo-
mist must go beyond this and use
his own judgment - a judgment
that encompasses the frequency
and importance of the cases and
Samuelson underscored the sub-i
jective factor. "This means that
the economist must piece together,
from all the experience he has
ever had, 'hunches' relevant to the

He said that economics does not1
deal with a stationary time series
of data. While the laws of the
universe do not change each
nmorning, "the essence of science
is mastering the art of filtering
out the obsolete patterns of the
past and filtering in the patterns
of persistence."
As well as using discretion in
interpreting the results of a model,
a continual stream of intelligence
is required for the model to be
capable of rendering valid results,
he said. "Unlike the solar system
which had to be wound up by
Divine Providence only once, any
economic model will soon run
down if the breath of intelligent
life is not pumped into it."
There is no substitute for eco-
nomic analysis in the field of
business forecasting, Samuelson
said. He pointed out that, quite
like batting averages, the valid
predictors may not achieve spec-
tacular results on any one occa-
sion, but that in the long run the
economist with valid predictors
finishes with a higher average
than his conjecturing competitors.

Panel Views Conditions
Khrushchev's Ouster
Organizational changes, economic developments, satellite rela-
tions, and popular feelings since-the ouster of Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev all are indications of the reasons for his ouster, a col-
loquium of University experts concluded yesterday.
The colloquium, sponsored by the Center for Russian Studies, was
conducted by Profs. William Zimmerman of the political science dept.,
Morris Bornstein of the economics dept., George Kish of the geography
dept., and Deming Brown of the Slavic languages dept.
Examining organizational change in Russia, Zimmerman said that
both the shift back to the conventional party structure and the emer-
gence of Ukranian leaders over the former "Leningrad group" shows
a new power group is emerging. He said that the present system with
its alterations is viable.
He added that it should remain a workable system unless dif-
ferences in policy escalate the decision-making process into a power
struggle. The change was perpetrated by a quasi-legitimate means,
and as a result, he added, -the law making group should be larger.
Bornstein felt that the economic factors were not the most im-
portant causes of the change. He said that Khrushchev's conduct of
foreign policy, his military policy, and his personal style took pre-
cedence as reasons for the ouster.

The University Activities Center
as the new unit will be called
would continue using both Union
and League facilities for student
offices and programs. The execu-
tive officers of the new organiza-
tion would still be voting members
of the boards in the same propor-
tion as their representation on the
present boards.
Each board would retain its
traditional advisory relationship
to the UAC as it now has towards
the student activities wings of the
Union and League. Financial sup-
port for UAC will be provided from
student fees just as is now the
However the final report of the
Senior Officer Merger Committee
states that although the proposed
merger is "ostensibly an amal-
gamation of the existing struc-
tures, the scope of its activities
should be broadened beyond the
current range of endeavor of the
Union and League."
The committee expects ,the
merged organization to play a
"lively role in the continuing de-
velopment of the total university."
For this reason they gave the or-
ganization its new name Univer-
sity Activities Center (UAC).
Present Seniors
The present senior officers of
the Union and League look to
the proposed UAC to expand the
activities committees and to un-
dertake a thoughtful re-evaluation
of current committee projects.
Another member of the League
Council explained, "We are not
pretending to create a totally new
organization. There's too much
tradition behind the two organi-
zations to make any sweeping
An earlier plan for the merger
of the Union and League, the
Robertson Report, suggested unit-
ing the complete structures of the
two organizations. The Regents
rejected this proposal-in part.
They went along with the merger
of the student activities wings but
vetoed its plan to merge the
business wings. They termed this

To Continue
Raise Fight
The heads of. two student or-
ganizations which have been
pressing for student wage in-
creases yesterday announced their
intentions to continue prodding
the administration separately for
a revision of its wage policies.
In brief statements, Barry Blue-
stone, '66, the president of Uni-
versity of Michigan Student Em-
ployes Union, and Doug Brook,
'65, the president of Student Gov-
ernment Council, clarified their
attitudes toward the administra-
tion and relationship with each
Bluestone's statement criticized
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont for
a lack of cooperation. He said
Pierpont had "attempted to pre-
empt the union" by working with
No Commitments?
Bluestone cited alleged state-
ments by the vice-president that
the University does not make rate
commitments and that it does
not volunteer information about
wage scales.
These statements were falsified,
Bluestone claimed, when Pierpont
issued a wage report last week. In
it, he pledged the University will
"meet or exceed minimum rates
established by minimum wage
The commitment would increase
the wages of the 800 students
currently receiving $1 per hour to
$1.15 by Jan. 1, 1966 and to $1.25
by Jan. 1, 1967. These pay sched-
ules are in accordance' with state
minimum wage legislation passed
earlier this year.
Brook traced the recent history
of SGC concern over wage scales,
stressing the Council's present in-
terest in student welfare and its
intent to continue working with
He explained that when SGC
"aided" the formation of UMSEU
in late September, the Council
"did not abdicate its responsibil-
ity" in the area of student wages.
SGC passed another motion on
UMSEU at its Wednesday meet-
ing, calling on the administration

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