WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18,190 THE MICHIGAN DAILY In x . For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. FM GE FIVE PERSONAL ... BUT DEAR, if you're allergic to flowers, how can we go to the all campus m i x e r, "EVERYTHING'S COMING UP ROSES," at South Quad, Fri., Nov. 20, 9-12. Music by THE VAGRANTS. F4 2-OSU-UM tickets wanted. Will pay any reasonable price. Call Bill, 764- 9455 or 665-8989. P44 WATCH FOR Willopolitan ticket sales in the Fishbowl. F5 WAKE UP SERVICE - Have your phone ring at any designated time- day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK- AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F42 "J. EDGAR HOOVER says the 2 great- est dangers to America are the Com- munist party and the S.F.F." F46 FREE! Sample of JEAN NATE. Just ask us. The VILLAGE APOTHECARY 1112 So. University THE 'ENSIAN-$5.50 NOW! But the price will be going up. ORDER IT NOW from Your House Treasurer. F13 GLADYS, be sure to take notes at "Gypsy." There's bound to be a tip or two. F47 WE ARE overstocked on anti-snoring pills so we are giving them away free. Just ask us. The VILLAGE APOTHECARY 1112 So. University SAVE MONEY-Go by Willopolitan to Detroit Airports. F6 ATTENTION U-M STUDENTS ALL PAYMENTS DUETMICHIGAN DAILY FOR: SUBSCRIPTION CLASSIFIED ADS DISPLAY ADS Charges must be paid by Nov. 19 or credit will be withheld by The Uni- versity of Michigan. Thank You F28 AUSTIN DIAMOND -"Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F TONIGHT at 8 at HILLEL, Prof. Fel- helm illustrates Trends in the Jewish Novel from works of Bellow, Roth, Malamud. F48 PERSONAL ADS must be prepaid. IF YOU do by any chance have an extra ticket to Saturday's game please call 764-2662 and we'll make a deal. F41 WANT A RIDE to Washington D.C.? Leaving Thursday, Nov. 19. Return Monday, Nov. 23. If interested, call Harold Wolman at 665-4453 between 12-1 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. Fl I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LINES 2 4 ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 SPECIAL FIVE-DAY RATE 3.00 3.75 4.35 TRANSPORTATION NEW YORK-Wanted (1) rider for New York at Thanksgiving-Round Trip. To leave noon Wednesday, Nov. 25 and return Sunday, Nov. 28. Must pay share of expenses--car is a two seater. Call 665-6238. G50 RIDE WANTED to Chicago Wednesday, Nov. 25 as soon after 3 p.m. as pos- sible. Will share expenses. 764-2662. G49 RIDE WANTED - To North Chicago area and back to Ann Arbor for Thanksgiving vacation. Will share expenses. Willing to leave when you are. Call 665-3259. G46 RIDE TO PITTSBURGH urgently need- ed for weekend of Nov. 7. Will share driving and expenses. 764-1805. G33 TRANSPORTATION to and from The Daily is cheap-so is a classified ad. RIDE NEEDED to upper peninsula, pre- ferably Marquette, for Thanksgiving. Will share driving & expenses. 764- 2817. G47 BUSINESS SERVICES Figure 5 average words to a line Call Classified between 1:00 and 2:30 Mon. thru Fri. Phone 764-0557 , IH I HELP WANTED _ FOR RENT- WAITRESS WANTED Thriving new business needs more help. Good tips. Noons and/or weekends. Call 663-7859. H1 DENTAL HYGIENST. Urgently needed on Full Time basis. Lansing, Mich- igan. Call Collect IV 9-3334. H47 BOYS OR GIRLS-Part-time-1-3 p.m., Tues. & Thurs., also 8:30-1 a.m., 2 nights/week. Apply in person after 1 p.m. Drake's Sandwich Shop. H49 BOOKKEEPER NEEDED Wife of student or faculty member to do few hours work each week. Call 662-4394 eves. H46 MALE COLLEGE STUDENTS We are now accepting applications for part-time-vacation employment. In- come in excess of $400/mo. This is a sales training position. Call 668-6808. H43 MEAL JOB opening. Call 663-3393, ask for the steward. H35 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7 and $10 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon.., 9-4; Fri., 1-7. 18-21 yrs, old need parent's permis- sion. Detroit Blood Service, 5 North Hamilton. Ypsilanti, Mich. H29 AIR LINE STEWARDESS JOIN THE WH ISPERJ ET SET BE AN EASTERN AIR LINES STEWARDESS Travel and get paid for it Meet interesting new people Train free in beautiful Miami To qualify for consideration, you must: Be a high school graduate Be single Be at least 20 years of age Be between 5'" and 5'9" tall Weight between 105-135 in proportion to height Have at least 20-40 vision (contact lens wearers may apply) Interviews will be held Saturday, November 21, 1964 9 A.M.-3 P.M. EASTERN AIR LINES DISTRICT SALES OFFICE 1101 Washington Blvd., 4th floor Gateway, Center Building Detroit 26, Micligan See Mr. I. O. Hach An equal opportunity employer 2-OR 3-MAN APT. available for 2nd PRIVATE FRENCH TUTORING at rea- sem. 410 Benjamin. 761-2487. C4 sonable rates, by group or individual. WATD- _ r2_omatstsae!Special courses for doctoral language WANTED - 1 or 2 roommates to share exams. Native instructor. Mme. Kerr, fur. apt, for 2nd sem. 761-1656. C5 663-2108. J20 1 FEMALE roommate wanted to share ATTENTION ENGINEERS AND 4-man apt., second semester. $52/mo. BUSINESS AD STUDENTS 665-8397. C49 7 IBM Keypunch machines and an IBM ___ trainedoperator available on campus WANTED-1 girl to live in mod. apt., to assist you in punching your pro- 2nd semester. Call 665-9419. C2 grams. Call Autoyaation Institute, ON CAMPUS, clean 3-rm., nicely furn. 665-9671. J21 Utilities incl. $135 mo. Immediate TYPING-Offset and wake-up service. occupancy. Lease requested. 662-1897 HU 2-0191. J5 after 3. C45 ________ __________ LOOK NOW FOR YOUR SECOND WANTED TO RENT SEMESTER APARTMENT - Several FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share new bldgs. are under construction and modern 1 bdrm. apt. 2nd semester. will be completed in Dec, for Jan. Call 665-8166 after 5. L22 occupancy. 1, 2 and 3 bdrm. luxurious_____________ units, just minutes from campus and WANTED TO RENT-3 bdrms. furn. hospital. Drop by our new office at house for faculty family, Jan.-May 610 S. Forest, Suite 1, or phone 663- or Aug. 663-6835. L21 0511 for additional infnrntion VOLUNTEER ROBERT PEARSON MEETS HIS STUDENTS in a daily soccer game. Pearson, a former University student, and his wife Rosalind teach English in Kabul, Afghanistan. Volunteeiros'Reruit Themselves' For Peace Corps :;. V ,1 -1 auu/a/vllal 1111v1111a L1v11 I APARTMENTS LIMITED BIKES AND SCOOTERS BSA Gold Star Clubman, 500cc, mi, mint cond., best offer over before Thanksgiving. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 2000 $900 RUBBERIZED RAIN PARKAS Now in Stock Navy-denim, Red, Black, Yellow, and o.d.-$5 Available at the: BUD-MOR AGENCY 1103 S. University (Above Wikel Drugs) F14 RIDERS Wanted to New York City and back Thanksgiving vacation. Call Gary, 662-3191. F49 DARLING : What a wonderful weekend that was. Here's hoping we have many more of the same in the future. Shall we keep hoping? F40 GARGOYLE Organizational meeting Wednesday, November 18 at 7:30. To start work on the January issue. In the GARG office in the Student Pub. Bldg. F50 YOUR YEARBOOK!! The 1965 MICHIGANENSIAN Recommended by the Doc, Harley, Bump, Cazzie Lee, Jazz Fanbender, Berry Bluerock, Keg Wickendahaus, Candy of Chi, Hillel and Charlie T. ORDER IT NOW-Before the price goes up. ORDER it Now-from Your House Treasurer. F14 JG: Remember what'cha gonna do when the sun goes down - when all the lights are low. F39 I AM DRIVING to Washington, D.C. this Thursday (Nov. 19). Will return Monday (Nov. 23). Will take riders. If interested, call Harold Wolman at 665-4453 between 12-1 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. P2 LOOKING for someone who would like to make some money, transporting luggage for me to Milwaukee, Wisc., over Thanksgiving and Xmas. Call 662-4656. F46 "TRIAL BY JURY" and "The Sorcerer" -bring your gal and be tickled. Nov. 19-20-21. Lydia Mendelssohn, Tickets- AB and Lydia Box Office. F35 WHO SAID that Soph Show was a Gargoyle production? F3 BE SURE TO WATCH Your favorite program on a NEJAC TV set. Rent a 19 in. GE Portable for only $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, 662-5671. Xl Meet the Right Person, The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others with compatible backgrounds, inter- ests and ideals. Interviews by appoint- ment. Phone 662-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE CLOSE THE WRITING GAP! Send a Christmas news letter. Professional Service Associates, 665-8184. F39 YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE on a HONDA! Join the fun at HONDA of Ann Arbor, 1906 Packard Rd. 665- 9281. Z2 SEE IT NOW - The '64 Yamaha with the revolutionary new oil injection system. No more fuss or muss. NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES 224 S. First '62 TRIUMPH, 650cc, Bonneville, excel. cond. 663-9437 after 8. Zi '63 ALLSTATE 125 cc cycle, $330. Call Ike Evans at 662-8644. Z14 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Brown wallet in UGLI Fri. at 11 a.m. Call 665-6141. A23 LOST - 1 small orange cat, extremely fuzzy, vicinity of S. Univ. and Forest. Call 761-1436. A22 REWARD-NECKLACE lost vic. Forest Ave., Fri., Oct. 30. Call 663-5558. A20 FOR SALE in--xel.-cnd.,The Peace Corps will seek new volunteers to join the former RACCOON COAT in excel. cond., $25. University students shown on this page during Peace Corps Week, Kenmore sewing machine, $50. 663- 1853. Bl which began yesterday at the University. AT OLD ELM Peace Corps representative Harold Tufty said the observance, Antiques for the discriminating col- which continues through this Saturday, is an informational activity lector. 723 Packard near State. B10 rather than a recruiting campaign. "We've found that volunteers 1956 45x8 MOBILE HOME with built in recruit themselves after they know the facts," he asserted. study, awning, and storage shed. The main aim of the week, Tufty explained, is to dispel "several Top shape. Call 453-0693 after 5:30. B8 widely-held misconceptions" about the Corps: - -"Almost everyone thinks that his friends are properly qualified, HAM SPECIAL - Hallicrafter's SX-100 ecvr. Perfect cond., sep. Hallicrafter but not himself. In fact, the need is so varied that we probably speaker included. $165. 665-5625. B6 could train the average high-school graduate to do a dozen different REAL ESTATE--Peace Corps jobs." At the same time, PhD's can find appropriate REAjobs-usually as university teachers, he added. PROPERTY bought and sold through -Familiarity with French or Spanish broadens the choice for a The Daily Classifieds! R volunteer, but isn't essential, Tufty said. The Corps operates in MUSICAL MDSE., several English-speaking nations, and offers volunteers conversation- RADIOS, REPAIRS oriented language courses. -Volunteers aren't stuck with the Corps as soon as they enter FOR SALE - Six string guitar, good condition, new steel strings. $60. Call Steve at 764-5766. X4 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington{ training. They may drop out of the approximately 10-week training program at any time and may even "volunteer out" after being sent overseas. In addition, volunteers may turn down specific assign- ments without losing their eligibility for other assignments. Tufty explained that the Corps selects applicants on the basis of two documents: a questionnaire, which provides a biographical profile; and an aptitude test. Questionnaires and information will be available this week in the Michigan Union and the Fishbowl. Upon completing question- naires, students may take the tests today through Saturday at 9 a.m., noon, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Union. MISCELLANEOUS BARGE HIT THOSE BOOKS before the big weekend-perk up with yummies of all sorts from SAMV RALPH'S MARKET AIN CORNER VS STOR E '_i t i _ r _ _ _ 709 Packard open every night 'til 12 NEW CARS TIGERS! The New Sunbeam Tiger Rack and Pinion Steering Ford 260 V8 Engine Ford All Syncro 4 Speed Disc Brakes Racing Tires ALL STANDARD EQUIPMENT SEE AND DRIVE ONE TODAY AT European Cars, Inc. USED CARS 414 S. Main, Ann Arbor 665-4213 If You Have TYME Watch for GEN ERATION om ing Soon ! Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-F ITS-$4.49 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 Asst'd. Colors, Styles-$4.98 up S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S For Gals and Guys "White" and Colors-$6.98 CorduroySLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S JACKETS Blue Denim-$5.49 "White"-$5.98 AMERICAN- AND SOVIET-MADE buses in Afghanistan are kept running partly thanks to volunteer Frank T. Brechin of Grand Rapids. Brechin reports frequent contact with technicians from the Soviet Union. ROSALIND PEARSON, ANOTHER former University student now in the Peace Corps, gives daily English lessons to a local drygoods merchant. LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees--$4.49 NEW CARS AND SERA 506 E. Michigan, Ypsila HU 2-2175 Washtenaw County's on authorized V.W. Deale PUT IT ON YOUR HOUSE BILL!! LET DAD PAY FOR IT. THE 1965 MICHIGANENSIAN Contact Your House Treasurer F12 NEEDED-One seat on Wolverine flight to NYC for Thanksgiving. Call Debbie, 764-7791. F20 USED CARS VICE nti ly r V i MONDAY THRU THURSDAY I I:I OFF 50c OFF Phone 761-0001 ; LARGE PIZZAS THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT Free Delivery or pick up. a One Coupon Per Pizza Begins Mon., 16th- 1 Expires Thurs., 19th ii.- Y a Y Y YY Y Gal's LEVI'S "Cut-Offs" $3.98 and $4.29 Open Mon. & Fri. Nites SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington Special Today thru Sat. 49c & 99c Dresses, Skirts Suits, Trousers 1 hr. service 9 a.m.-4 p.m. KLEEN KING I - w -- ... w- f -J -/. I CAR SERVICE, ASSECCORIES RENT A TRUCK Pickups, panels, stakes, and vans. 59 Ecorse Rd., Ypsilanti, Mich. 665-6875 or HU 2-4434 1964 VOLVO, excel. cond. Must Best offer. 668-7523 or 663-3996. sell. N21 s1 GARGOYLE Organizational Meeting Moi I U a~ E.IE" U i I 1i 1 l ...........