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November 18, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-18

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To Need More Recreation Facilities

WSU Requests Additional

The baby boom enrollment has
not yet exhausted the Universi-
ty's -recreational facilities, but with
the evergrowing student popula-
tion, additional facilities will be
needed in the future.
This is a brief summary of a
study of the recreational inter-
ests and needs of University stu-

Halls Board of Governors yes-
The survey, made by the sen-
ior women physical education ma-
jors, suggested various methods
for improving the physical activ-
ity aspect of the recreational pro-
gram at the University. The study
was under the direction of Ma-
rie D. Hartwig supervisor in phys-

The survey determined that al-
most 40 per cent of the students
participate in active recreation at
least once a week. About 50 per
cent said that they would partici-
pate more if facilities were avail-
able for use at all times.
The most important factors af-
fecting participation are: avail-
ability of the recreational area for

available for open recreation.
-Individual sports are the most
popular for leisure time partici-
pation, particularly tennis and
-More opportunities for in-
struction are desired in the in-
dividual and dual sports. .
More Individual Sports
-Additional opportunities for

department is considering meth-
ods of implementing changes in
the present recreational offerings.
"Many of the recommendations
under consideration need money
and we have no source of funds,"
Miss Hartwig said.

Faced with an unexpected 11

"Additional funds will have to pe nt e
come from other sources in the Wayne State University is re-
University," she added. questing added legislative appro-


dents presented to the Residence ical education for women. use, proximity of the housmg unt coed recreation should be made
___ __-to the recreational area and available in the individual sports.
friends who wish to participate. -At present, the tennis facili-
Indoor and outdoor facilities for ties are the only ones which are
In dic i n e S u en ts active recreation are used almost seriously over-crowded. .
equally. The times most strongly The report also contained ex-
preferred for participation are cerpts from comments students
r Saturday and Sunday afternoons made in filling out the question-
from 1-4 p.m. naire. An apparently prevalent
Draw Conclusions opinion was that there was little
On the basis of these find- time for relaxation. A graduate
By ROBERT BENDELOW ings the group drew several con- student put it this way:
eclusions about women's recrea- "There is an atmosphere of
Nie students, who made a trip to Cuba in 1963, were arraigned tional facilities: competition and tension in Ann
Friday in the United States District Court of Eastern New York on -The indoor University rec- Arbor which is not at all con-
a nine count charge of conspiracy and illegal exit and entry into reational facilities are not fow ducive to relaxation and true ree-
the United States. available at the times students reation. My recourse is to count
prefer to participate. the days until the next time I'll
Indicted on laws forbiddig travel to Cuba, the students pleaded -Less emphasis should be plac- be able to leave Ann Arbor."
not guilty on all counts. They have been issued a restraining order ed on organized activity and ad- The recreation committee of
which confines them to the city in which they live. The students 'ditional time should be made the women's physical education



Try To Meet Needs
"We are trying to meet th
needs as quickly as we can," Miss
Hartwig emphasized.
The board also discussed reac-
tions to "tripling" caused by the
overcrowding in women's residence
"From what I can glean, most
of the students were wonderful
about adjusting and understand-
ing the situation. It was the par-
ents who did not understand and
this caused a rather unpleasant
situation," Miss Hartwig said.
In further business, the board
considered a report from Wilbur
K. Pierpont, vice-president for
business and finance, giving a
complete financial analysis of
residence halls' operations.

priations for the coming year.
WSU originally requested an
increase of $5.78 million over their
1964-65 budget. The new increase
is $2.76 million above this fig-
ure, for a total requested in-,
crease of $8.54 million over last
year, WSU Vice-President and
Treasurer Owen Thomas said yes-
If granted, the additions would
give WSU a total appropriation of
$31 million for the 1965-66 oper-
ating year.
More Students
Thomas said the increase in
next year's requests were caused
by WSU's realization that they
will have some 2000 more students
next year than had been orig-

consider the laws which ban travel
to the island nation unconstitu-
tional, former University student
Michael Brown, a member of the
group, said.
Alleged Conspiracy
The charges center on an alleg-
ed conspiracy of the nine stu-
dents to "arrange for a number
of American citizens to depart
from the United States to Cuba."
The second part of the charge
stated that the students left and
entered the country on passports
which were not valid. Brown
pointed out that the passports
had not been stajnped invalid, and
were therefore still valid. The
nine students had received letters
which informed them that their
passports were invalidated by the
State Department.
The students admitthat they
did plan a trip for 84 students
which took place last summer,
but deny that this constitutes
Wrong Definition
Brown said that the govern-
ment's definition of conspiracy
was erronous. "If two students
talk about walking across the
street, that is conspiracy under
the , government's definition," he
In reply to the charges, the
group accuses the goviirnment of'
a "conspiracy to take away eiti-
zens' rights, so that those rights
cannot be used to cricicize ,the
government when it is carrying
out unconstitutional laws:"
Neither the Justice Department,
which is prosecuting the case, nor
the group's lawyer could be reach-
ed for comment.
Restraining Order
As a result of the restraining
order, the nine students are con-
fined to their resident cities, until
the time of the trial. The trial,
however, is not expected to be
held in the near future. Until
this time, the nine people may
leave their cities only with special
permits from the presiding judge.



Sir Aa
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial freedom



State Universities Approve
Aid Hike, Reduced Tuition
Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-The Association of State Universities and Land
Grant Colleges approved a series of resolutions calling for more federal
aid to higher education, less tuition and the defeat of tax-credit
The tax-credit plan would permit parents to deduct from federal
income taxes the money paid colleges for tuition and fees. The policy
'was labeled "discriminatory," since

Reinstate P
By MERLE JACOB along wi

'aper After Ban

inally estimated. Early estimates
showed that WSU would have
18,000 full-time students neit fall.
But unexpected increases in
this fall's enrollment have revis-
ed the figure. WSU is now expect-
ed to accept 20,150 full-time stu-
dents next fall.
Thomas blamed the estimate
failure on WSU's policy of not
providing housing for its students.
Lack of definite housing commit-
ments makes it impossible for
WSU to accurately estimate how
m..any of its accepted students will
finally enroll, he said.
Classes closed
If the added increases are not
granted, late registering students
would simply find all classes clos-
ed and so would not be able to
enter the college which had ac-
cepted them, Thomas said.
The increased funds would be
allotted between added faculty,
A partmnents'
A potential meeting of the
owners of the Parkhurst-Arbor-
dale Apartments, the Ann Arbor
Human Relations Commission and
the state Civil Rights Commission
to discuss cases of alleged dis-
crimination has been put off.
HRC Director David Cowley told
the commission at last night's
meeting he had located the names
of the multiple-ownership cor-
poration but their addresses were
not available. He added the meet-
ing would still eventually take
"We want to contact the owners
of the apartments to lIt them
know about the charges of dis-
crimination against manager C.
Frank Hubble," the commission
Cowley said the one address with
the names was probably that of
the lawyer who was connected
with the ownership situation.
Cowley said he was going to con-
tact the lawyer for more informa-
In answer to a question from
Democratic Councilwoman Mrs.
Eunice Burns, Cowley said the
Congress of Racial Equality had
done research on the owner, of
the Arbordale unit and the direc-
tor of the state CRC had con-
tacted them, but that they weren't
interested in meeting.
Hubble has been charged with
three cases of discriminasion Most
recent complaint was by a Negro
who claimed he was denied an
apartment there because of his
The two other complaints date
back to last spring's test of the
Fair Housing Ordinance. Bunyan
Bryant, Grad, was aegedly re-
fused an apartment at Parkhurst-
Arbordale because of his race.
An appeal of Municipal Court
Judge Francis O'Brien's uncon-
stitutionality ruling is now in Cir-
cuit Court.
Two former tenants, Alan Jones
and Daniel Grey, say they were
evicted from their apartments in
August, a week before their leases
were due to expire, because of
their sympathy with CORE.

increased classroom space and
general supplies, he added.
Commenting on WSU's request,
Thbmas emphasized that the
school has recently been "under-
financed" relative to other state
public institutions. Last year WSU
obtained the smallest percentage
appropriations increase of any
state supported institution. These
two factors combined make WST's
situation all the more precarious
now, he said.
Also MSU
WSU's request makes it the
second major state institution to
request increased additions to its
budget for enrollment reasons. In
the middle of October, Michigan
State University trustees made a
similar request for an additional
$1 million, predicting "serious con-
sequences" if their increase was
not met.
Although the University has ex-
perienced a similar unexpected en-
'rollment increase, the Regents
have decided not to ask for a
corresponding increase in appro-
priations dueeto incorrect enroll-
ment estimates. The University's
total budget request for the com-
ing year is a record $55:7 million,
an increase of $11 million over
this year.
Originally Submitted
WSU's request was originally
submitted to the state controller's
office and then passed on to the
Legislative Fiscal Agency, as are
all of this year's record-breaking
budgets for all 10 state higher
education institutions.
Budget requests are then for-
warded to the. state Legislature
and to the governor's office for
action in the spring.

SGC Studies
Four areas of student grievances
have been studied in the last few
months by various committees of
Student Government Council. Five
of the final reports of the com-
mittees' findings will be presented
for the approval of the Council
The reports concern the areas
of student parking, academic re-
form, student wages, course open-
ings and the overcrowding of
classes. The reports contain reso-
lutions which SGC intends to pre-
sent to the administration for
their approval and action.
Barry Bluestone, '66, in a motion
which he will present tonight,
further illustrates students' con-
cern over wages. The motion de-
mands an absolute minimum wage
of $1.25 per hour. The motion also
urges the further encouragement
of the University of Michigan Stu-
dent Employes Union by SGC in
arbitration with the University.
Sherry Miller, '65, will submit
a motion to revise the SGC elec-
tion rules. Miss Miller urges that
write-in candidates be disallowed
and that no petitioning be re-
The executive council of SGC
has decided that students may pe-
tition for the Council seat vacated
by Carl Cohen, '66. SGC will con-
sider this proposal. If passed pe-
titioning will be held on Nov. 30.
Council has nearly completed its
study of the different grievance
areas which it began about two
months ago. At that time Blue-
stone presented a 14-page motion
to Council enumerating grievances
against the University by students
and corresponding demands. SGC
broke down his motion into the
separate areas and appointed
committees in charge of study-
ing each one.

it would provide aid to those indi-
viduals needing it least; that is,
those in higher income brackets,
and would encourage universities
to raise their tuition.
In place of tax-credit aid -
which was defeated in the Senate
last year, but which will probably
be reintroduced this session-the
association called for an increase
and broadening of federal and
state assistance to higher .educa-
tion and for increased federal
money for scholarships and loans,
especially on the graduate level.
It also recommended that "cate-
gorized limitations" on the type
of proposed academic building be
eliminated so that all types of
academic buildings can be con-
structed with federal aid. The
present government construction
p ro g r a m favors the natural
"The basic need if we are to]
meet the need for higher educa-
tion for those who can benefit
from it," the association said, "is
increased support for our colleges
and universities, through public
and private channels, to enable
them to keep down the charges to
students and their families.
"It is only when these charges
mount to the point of denying ed-
ucational opportunity because of
limited family and individual re-
sources that the demand and ne-
cessity for individual financial re-
lief rises to extreme proportions."
Specifically, t h e association
recommended that during the next
session Congress "raise the federal
portion of matching grants for
academic facilities to provide, in
the case of all institutions eligible,
for federal matching of at least 50
per cent of the cost of facilities,
rather than 33 per cent as speci-"
fied in the present act for other
than public community colleges,-
for which the present figure is 40
per cent."
At the same time, the associa-
tion commended Congress and the
administration for the education
legislation it passed during the
last session.

The administration of Chica-
go's Roosevelt University both im-
pounded and released the 'latest
issue of its student newspaper,
the Torch, during the past five
The newspaper was confiscated
after it published a story stat-
ing that President Robert J.
Pitchell was "unofficially fired"
and that the university was $700,-
000 in debt.
After the papers were impound-
ed Saturday afternoon, Torch edi-
tor Judy Halprin met with ad-
ministrators in an effort to have
the papers released. The papers
were released last night under the
stipulation that teh Torch in-
clude an insert with statements
by Pitchell, the chairman of the
Board of Trustees and the chair-
man of the Administrative Coun-
cil on the story.
Special Supplement
John Douard, copy editor, said
that the Torch today will release
a special supplement with the pa-
per which will explain all that
has taken place since Saturday.
The story which started the con-
troversy was a bulletin on page
three of the Torch which implied
that Pitchell had been, unoffi-
cially fired.
The story included a renort of
the last trustee meeting at which
the president's administrative
power had been removed and giv-
en to the Administrative Coun-
cil, which is composed of all the
deans of Roosevelt and five other
Failed To Bring Funds
The Torch reported that Pitch-
ell was removed after he had fail-
ed to bring funds to the univer-
sity which was supposedly $700,-
000 in debt. The article further
stated that the university had to
borrow funds in order to pay the
faculty's salary for December and
The Torch, which normally pub-
lishes each Monday, was removed
from the student boxes and the
Torch office Saturday afternoon
on the orders of the Administra-
tive Council. Douard, who discov-
ered the confiscation, informed
Miss Halprin who started a three
day round of talks with the ad-
ministration to have the papers
Pitchell agreed after talks Sat-
urday night to release the Torch

trative Council, and Lyle Spen-
cer, chairman of the, Board of
Supplement Rejected
The supplement which was
printed and turned into the ad-
ministration Monday was reject-
ed because of an insert the Torch
editorial board had written above
the letters. This insert explained
briefly what had happened and
the purpose of the letters.
The Council censored the edi-
tors' insert, but returned the pa-
pers with the condition that the
approved administration's insert
be published. In place of the one
page supplement, the Torch wiR
release today a four page supple-
ment which includes the approved
insert and the letters plus a com-
prehensive coverage of the events
that have occurred in the past
five days.
John Douard said that although
the original article was poorly
written it was factually correct.
The Administrative Council has
verified to Chicago news media
that the university is in debt
about $700,000 and that Pitch-
ell's administrative power has been
Last night the student editors
were brought before the Student
Activities Board (SAB) to decide

ter from
swer the
the Adm
ed to rel
Torch pr
to the p
ters fror
Weial c

ith a mimeographed let-
Pitchell which would an-
article. Sunday, however,
inistrative Council refus-
ease the papers unless the
rinted a page supplement
aper which included let-
m Pitchell; Dean Ralph
hairman of the Adminis-

the fate of the Torch. The board
made up of six students and six
faculty members voted to set up
a six man investigating board. The
board will turn in its first report
on Friday.
Aaction Asked
LANSING (P)-A young Demo-
cratic lawmaker is urging his
party to upstage Gov. Romney in
the legislative show starting next
Rep. Robert Traxler (D-Bay
City) proposed today that the
Democratic caucuses in the House'
and Senate present their legisla-
tive programs before Romney has
a chance to present his.
He made his proposal in letters
mailed Monday to Democratic
State Chairman Zolton Ferency;
Rep. Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit),
House minority leader, and U.S.
Rep. Neil Staebler, the unsuccess-
ful Democratic candidate 'for gov-
"It is vitally important that we
do not let the governor upstage
us," Traxler said. "In many re-
spects, I'm sure his program will
agree with ours.
"It would be bad if he announc-
ed his program and we went out
and passed it for him. I am sure
they will be similar, and we would
not fight his program without
good reason, because we won't be
an 'anti' legislature."


Wagman.Charges 2,000 Books Stolen
rom UGLI Yearly;v Mostly eserve

These permits may be obtain-
ed, sometimes to visit close rela-
tives, or to make speeches around
the country.
Six of the students live in New
York City, and the others reside
in Wisconsin, California and Mis-
The last, 'a 'peace worker," may
travel to all parts of the state if
local conditions necessitate that
he move quickly.
The restraining orders were is-
sued in a case which has no
The state department has tried
to take the passports away from
the nine students, but have not
succeeded. Brown said that U.S.
inarshalls were employed to try
to take away his passport.
Civil Suit
A civil suit brought by the
state department for possession
of the passports is pending. How-
ever, it has "been lost in the legal
wilderness" Brown said. At present
the students do not know if this
suit will be pressed.
The students are trying to pro-
test their limited travelling area
but lack the funds to press it as
a senarate anneals case. Their

Each year about 2000 book thefts
occur from the Undergraduate
Library, Prof. Frederick Wagman,
director of the University library
systems, said yesterday.
Half of the stolen books are
from the UGLI's reserve supply
and half are from the rest of the
collection, he added. The other
libraries on campus do not keep
records of stolen books.
There is a penalty imposed for

stealing a book from any of the
libraries, and in recent cases
guilty students have been fined
$100, he said. A thief can be sus-
pended from school in addition to
paying the fine. Wagman empha-
sized that the purpose of the pen-
alty is to keep thefts at a mini-
Major Reason
Wagman suggested that a ma-
jor reason 'for stealing books is
that students want them for their
own use and have no consideration

Gomberg 7irty Shirt' Three Months Old

for others. Also, anyone who steals
a book may do so because he
knows he will not return it on
time and therefore wants to avoid
paying a fine.
The loss of books is serious for
three reasons, Wagman said. Many
books are out of print and many
are irreplaceable. However, the
greatest problem is the disservice
done to the students and faculty
who may need the books and do
not find them available, Wagman
For certain reserved books,
there is one copy for every seven
students in a class. If three or four
books out of five are stolen, the
class cannot continue in its out-
side reading assignment, Wagman
pointed out.
Cost High '
The cost for searching out books,
reordering them and, in some
cases, recataloging them in the
UGLI may run as high as $25,000
a year, Wagman explained.
In the winter of 1961 the library
attempted an honor loan system'
to see if students would bring
back books as soon as they were
through with them. The 1800
paperback books in the experi-
ment disappeared in three weeks.
It is obvious that the honor
system would not work because of
a small percentage of students
who would not cooperate, Wagman
Conscinu Affair .

Baker Lauds
Coverage of
JFK Death
The argument that only tele-
vision gave up advertising dol-
lars to inform the public of the
assassination of President John F.
Kennedy appears to have been
settled by a research project car-
ried out by Prof. Dean C. Baker
of the journalism department.
Baker's monumental study of
coverage of the event by-143 daily
newspapers in all 50 states shows
that many newspapers sacrificed
profits to bring the full story of
the, assassination to the Ameri-
can people. The results of his re-
search also point up that most pa
pers reported the event with a
broad, in depth coverage.
The report, presented recently
to the annual meeting of the As-
sociated Press in Phoenix, states
that 57 editors reported losses in
advertising revenue because of
devoting more space to news of
the tragic event. The losses were
as high as $350,000 for one large
Baker volunteered to make the
study for the AP editors and had
worked on it since the end o;
May in order to answer many
questions concerning newspaper
policies, practices and perform-
ances in reporting major news
The study alsotrefuted the argu-
ment that extensive television cov-
erage left newspapers an outdated
and little-used media for inform-
ing the public of major events
such as the assassination. Accord-
ing to Baker's report, 103 news-
papers in the study reported cir-
culation gains for the Nov. 22-26,
1963 period. Some gains in circu-
lation went as high as 300 per
Despite scattered examples of
what Baker considered poor jour-
nalistic practices, he concludes in
his report that the majority of
newspapers did a good job of cov-
ering. the assassination, and of
giving background and local side-
light coverage that other media
could not equal.
Name Mondale
m,., IT

You've probably never seen the
"Gomberg Dirty Shirt."
You might have smelled it
The shirt is now in its third
month and is still going strong.
It all began last September
when South Quad's Gomberg
House decided to perpetuate its
traditional dirty shirt contest.
The rules state that contestants,
chosen in a drawing each week,
must wear the shirt for a full day.
They may do anything to the
shirt-excent wash it.

Michael Smith, '67LSA, whor
organized the contest this year,
explained that Gomberg men must
drop out of the contest when they
refuse to wear the shirt. Organizer
Smith was the first contestant to
quit. "I had a date that' night,"
he explains.
Contributing Factors
In describing the shirt, Smith
said, "Its color comes from beer,
formaldehyde, p e r f u m e, paint,
cider and deodorant which guys
have poured on it."
Aside from two safey pins used
to mend rips the shirt is holding
un well.

r above Comberg. Last month two
Huber stalwarts succeeded in am-
bushing a Gomberg man on a
South Quad elevator. They stole
the shirt and gave it a thorough
The shirt was returned un-
scathed and has remained safely
on Gomberg backs ever since.
Most Gomberg men say that
aside from a South Quad rule ask-
ing shirt victims to eat their meals
early, no serious problems have re-
sulted. For example Bill Eames,
'67E, relates only one mishap when
he wore the shirt yesterday. "My
math teacher wouldn't return a

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