PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1964 PAETOIH IHGN.AL IDANVMER1,16 DISTINGUISHED FACULTY Katz-Computer Pioneer Abbott, 'U' The To Come: a Campus Calen 1)i Wee nd A i f EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth of a series of articles on the recipients of two University faculty awards, the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award and the Dis- tinguished Service Award. By DAVE ROGERS Prof. Donald L. Katz, of the chemical and metallurgical engi- neering department, is one of this year's five recipients of the Dis- tinguished Faculty Achievement Award. This award carried with it a stipend of $1000. "As Glen Bixby, president of the University's Development Council said, 'when you've worked hard all your life you finally hit the jack- pot.' I consider myself very hon- Computers in Engineering Design, and the Committee on Goals in Engineering Education. Pioneer Katz first suggested using com- puters in the educational process of engineering six years ago. Ford immediately supported the project with a $900,000 contribution. "Engineering in the future will be done by a combination of man and machines. Therefore, the stu- dents 'should learn of this process in the University," Katz said. He managed the entire experi- ment, which incorporated people from 60 different colleges and uni- versities across the country. Re- ports of the project were sent to every school in the free world. Katz also pioneered develop- ments in the use of underground water-bearing sands, called aqui- fers, for storing gas. "This process of storing gas near the consumer providescthe extra gas needed on that cold winter day much cheaper than by build- ing larger pipelines," he said. Prolific Writer In his 28 years at the Univer- sity, Katz has written more than 170 papers and articles on subjects such as heat transfer, phase beha- vior,handspetroleum production. He has also written four books, and remains very active in crI- neering college projects. Over the past 25 years, Katz has worked for 50 companies and gov- ernmental organizations. In 1955, he worked briefly for the Depart- ment of Justice as a consultant in a helium case. He also assisted the Oil and Gas Conservation Board of the prov- ince of Alberta as an expert on gas and oil reservoirs, and served as a consultant to the State Geo- logical Survey in the study of state oil reservoirs. This year, Katz also received another award, from the Society of Petroleum Engineers. The hon- or was "in recognition for his im- portant research on the crucial properties of hydrocarbon sys- tems and the performance of pe- troleum reservoirs, his outstanding activity as an educator . . . and his prolific published contribu- tions which have so greatly en- riched petroleum literature." Katz has been a member of the society since 1933. In addition, he is a member and past president of the American Institute of Chemi- cal Engineers. Peace Corps Week Nated By Hatcher This week has been designated Peace Corps Week at the Univer- sity by President Harlan Hatcher. During the week representatives of the Peace Corps will be in the lower lobby of the Michigan Un- ion to accept applications from interested juniors, seniors and1 graduate students. Volunteers who have returned from assignments with the Corps will be available for questions. "It is particularly appropriate that our University should set aside a week to mark the work of the Corps since it was founded at The University of Michigan by the late President Kennedy on Oct. 4, 1960," President Hatcher declared. Nearly 10,000 Peace Corps vol- unteers are either overseas or in she process of training for service in 46 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. I. roneer in Rad io, Dies Professor Emeritus Waldo Abbot died in an Ann Arbor hospital yes- terday at the age of 76. Abbot, a University faculty member for 37 years, was a fa- mous radio pioneer. His book, "Handbook of Broadcasting," is credited with being the first ma- jor work in the radio field. In his position as the Universi- ty's first director of broadcasting, he taught such noted radio per- sonalities as Tom Harmon, Rob- ert Q. Lewis, and Mike Wallace. Abbot graduated from the Uni- versity in 1911 and received a law degree from the Law School a year later. He also served as an assistant prosecuting attorney for Washte- naw County and as a member of the President's Commission on Traffic Safety in 1956. A native of Kansas City, Mo., Abbot moved to Michigan as a youngster. His father was Willis John Abbot, the former editor of the ChristiantScience Monitor. 'U' Team Wins Debate Match The University Debating Team took first place in the Second An- nual Warm-up Debating Tourna- ment sponsored by the University. It won six debates and lost none in the tournament. The four team members were Jane Mixer, '68 LSA, Peter Beebe, '67 LSA, Charles Adamek, '66 LSA,, and Lori Klein, '66 LSA. The topic debated was, "Re- solved: The Federal Government Should Establish Public Work Programs for the Unemployed." SUNDAY, NOV. 15 3 and 8 p.m.-The PTP will pre- sent the APA in Shaw's "Man and Superman" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild will present Agnes Varda's "Cleo From 5 to 7" in the Architecture Aud. 8:30 p.m.-Prof. Maynard Klein of the Music School will conduct the school's Arts Chorale and Women's Choir Concert in Hill Aud. MONDAY, NOV. 16 9 a.m.-A meeting of the Re- gional Science Association will be held in the Michigan Union. Noon-Dr. Leonard Gottesman will speak on the "Resocialization of the Mentally Ill Older Patient" in the Social Work Lounge. 4 p.m.-Samuel K. Clark, Pro- fessor of Engineering Mechanics, will speak on "The Rolling Elastic Wheel" in 311 West Engineering. 4 p.m.-Ray Siren of the Mo- bay Chemical Company will speak on "The Application of Rigid Ure- thane Foams" in the Architecture Aud. Foundation on "Some Trends n the Contemporary Jewish Novel."1 8:30 p.m.-The University Wo d Wind Quintet will perform in1 Rackham Lecture Hall.I THURSDAY, NOV. 19 1 p.m.-Prof. Jerzy Kurylo- wicz will speak on "Accent andt Quantity as Rhythmical Factors"! in Aud. D. 2:15 p.m.-David Premac of thec University of Missouri will talk on "Reinforcement" in 1057 MHRI.c 4 p.m.-"The Ouster of Nikita Khrushchev" will be discussed by University experts in Aud. D. 4 P.m.-George Hammond of the California Institute of Tech- nology will speak on "Energy Transfer in Photochemical Mech- anisms" in 1400 Chemistry Bldg. 4:10 p.m.-Seward Hiltner of Princeton Theological Seminary will speak on "Psychoanalysis: Enemy or Ally? Part I" in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. 4:10 p.m.-Jerzy Kurylowicz will speak "On the Laws of Isomor- phism" in Aud. B. 4:15 p.m.-Eric Turner of the University of London will speak emy or Ally? Part II" in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. 7 and 9 p.m.-"Maedchen in Uniform" will be shown at Cine- ma Guild, Architecture Aud. 8 p.m.-The Gilbert and Sulli- van Society will present "Trial by Jury" and "The Sorcerer" in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. 8 p.m.-Dr. Phyllis Greenacre of Cornell University will speak "On Nonsense" in the Third Lev- el Amph., Medical Science Bldg. 8:30 p.m.-The New York City Opera will present "Die Fleder- maus" in Hill Aud. SATURDAY, NOV. 21 9 a.m.-The Michigan Intercol- legiate Speech League Novice Tournament will be held in the Frieze Bldg. 2 and 8 p.m.-The Gilbert and Sullivan Society will present "Tri- al by Jury" and "The Sorcerer" in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild will show Orson Welles' "Mac- beth" in the Architecture Aud. 8:30 p.m.-The Japanese Music Study Group will present "Three SUNDAY, NOV. 22 2:30 p.m.-"The Merry Widow" will be presented in Hill Aud. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild will present Orson Welles' "Mac- beth" in the Architecture Aud. 8:30 p.m.-The New York City Opera will present "Faust" in Hill Aud. Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 rl PROF. DONALD L. KATZ 4 p.m.-Challenge will hold a on "Schoolmasters, Sheriffs, and Japanese Mu meeting at the Center for Conflict Scholars in Greece-Roman Times"' yu,Matsuri Resolution in the Temporary in Aud. C. Rackham Lec Classroom Bldg. '7 and 9 p.m.-"Maedchen in 4:15 and 7:15 p.m. - A mass Uniform" will be shown at the - meeting will be held in the Mich- Cinema Guild, Architecture Aud. igan League Ballroom for fresh- 7 p.m.--John Young will speak man women who are interested in about "A Queuing TheorysAp- Sorority Rush. proach to the Control of the Hos- 7:30 p.m.-Voice Party is spon- pital Census" at 70 Business Ad- soring a discussion of "Unted ministration Bldg. States Involvement in the nder- 7:30 p.m.-John Conyers, Con- developed Countries" in room 3B gressman-elect from Detroit, will of the Michigan Union. speak on "Civil Liberties and the 8:30 p.m.-Bruce Hoffman will Negro" in the Greene House, I perform in a recital in Rackham Lounge, East Quad. Lecture Hall. 8 p.m.-The Gilbert and TUESDAY, NOV. 17 van Society will present "Trial by Ope 8:30 a.m.-Ralph Nichols of the Jury" and "The Sorcerer" in the University of Minnesota will speak Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. TIKT on "How to Plan andaConduct ayTICKETS Listening-Training Program for FRIDAY, NOV. 20 AVAILABL Supervisors" in the Mich gan Un- 9 a.m.-The Conference on the Nov ion. . Economic Outlook for 1956 will SAB 11-1 8:30 a.m.-George S. Odiorne be held in the Rackham Amph. Lydia 16-2 will give a lecture on te "Use, 4:10 p.m.-Seward Hiltner of Selection, Evaluation, and Writing Princeton Theological Seminary LYK of Programmed Materials" in the l will deliver "Psychoanalysis: En- Michigan Union. M Noon-Prof. Kenneth L. Pike of z - mmu *minmmmnmm mm *-mmmm=ni m" the English Department will speak on "Communicating Christianity LAST in Primitive Cultures" at the In- ternational Center. 4 p.m.-Prof. Jesse Pitts of i A spoiled and egotistical w Wayne State University will speak ; while tormented by the sp " i ' " ored, for there are many, many people who have done great things here at the University," Katz said. At present, he is chairman of both the Committee on the Use of sics: Nagauta, Gida- itBayashu" in the 3ture Hall. n4..n .............. n.. ................ 4. r.":::::.:::.:.".:... .;... . r,....};.; .e .. " "" . .. . .h .....4.. . .... . ". ........ J.. ...:1.??:1":..N" .. ..."44. n... .n n. ............... ..4 .v .................. ............. J........,., ................. ........ . ........... .C; ... .r r t, " .C ................. h.......i....,. X......... ..v ..... :................................................. t......... ............. . .;. ....... .....:.:.:::::::::::::.;::::::.............. ................... .........L........L.. n...v:::': x . Q..'" a,"," +r 4 ,,c4"? t .....4.., t.. t., . ,. r ...........: .r rv .}s."C:C"}:::,:v.".":::::::.:::::: ":.,........................".".: r.N nnNv. ................... n..... ^.,........................................ L.,hr . ."i. N.KC".:N:rntt rn". nh.?d{"? N."o.:vJr.N."attr:.:.":::">..... ....................... ........ . ... .. .... ...; . s}; DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :: rrr.]??:"" :"}::ti }'"::"?:-:{r::^:"F :{:}. :":Lti : 'r'r i: i:y 'i% ........... .. ....................... :. NJ ::::::No-:w."::::.w::m::«."rw::x."r.:: rr::::::::.}: :rvr.r: rrrro:,: :: r'{va xv....+.".E4:":v:".. ... . ...... ... .................... ....t ............... ...... f,..... n................ rt............,......; ....... ' { ; ....:.".".....}::"..: it t ...........:: v+" .r.......n..n. ............................ n.. ... .n...............:......... ..... .' ..,...o...r ...: c"r." ...........;, 4.; r"::::: r.}..:::: r.:::::. y4; ....: "r :ttN::f: rl:r r:..t :...... ...........: " :":::::.t":f:::: tr::. r:::.'.:"::... ....; .. .,t.... ......:: }n .'. ......:...........r: r:: r:::::...:::,... ,...... .... "....t ....... F M CCt:".NA.N.:.. :r+'.t.: ....::::................................................t": h... ...t ... f:,.. .. t "+J'.. ".Yn}............n.............. ". }..t.n:................ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GILBERT AND SULLIVAN SOCIETY presents 'TRIAL BY J URY" and "THE SORCERER" ening Thurs., Nov. 19th-8 p.m. Fri., Nov. 20, 8:00 p.m. TICKETS LE Thurs. $1.50 V. Sat., Nov. 21, 8:00p.m Sat. Mat. $1.00 21 Sat. matinee, 2:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. $2.00 DIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE T CLEO FROM 5 to 7 woman searches for life and love ectre of approaching death. I I 62-8871 m Information -I U E CTURE AUDITORIUM ON: FIFTY CENTS ===+========.=........========.-I w! The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Mchigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices sLould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on Request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. Sunday, Nov. 15E Day Calendar Meeting of the Regional Science Asso- ciation-Michigan Union, 9:30 a.m. School of Music Wind Instrument De- partment Students Recital - Recital Hall, School of Music, 3 p.m. General Notices Postdoctoral Fellowship for Study in Belgium. The Graduate School may nominate one candidate for a postdoc- toral fellowship in any field for 1965- 66 at a Belgian University. Candidate must be a U.S. citizen completing all requirements for the Ph.D. in 1964-65 or earlier. Prospective nominees should consult Associate Dean Freeman D. Miller, Room 118, Rackham Bldg. be- fore Dec. 1. Voice-Chapter of SDS, Membership Meeting-Discussion of U.S. Involve- ment in Underdeveloped Countries and Vietnam, Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Union. One student fined $100 by the Office of Student Affairs for illegally remov- ing books from the General Library without properly charging them. Events Monday Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- sonnel Techniques Seminar - Ralph Nichols, chairman, Dept. of Rhetoric, University of Minnesota, "How to Plan and Conduct a Listening-Training Pro- ORGAN IZATION NOTICES'1 gram for Supervisors": Michigan Union, U.S. Army Material Command, Con- on campus Nov. 16-21, in the lower 8:30 a.m. tinental U.S.-All Degrees: AE & Astro., lobby of the Union, 8 a.m.-10 p.m. and Center for Programmed Learning for ChE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME, Meteor, in the Fishbowl, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; to give Business Workshop-George S. Odiorne, Met., Chem., Microbio., Math & Physics. information on the activities of the lecturer. "Use, Selection, Evaluation and R. & D. & Des. Prof.: Applied Mech. Corps. Speakers will be available to Writing of Programmed Materials": PhD: Commun. Sc. MS-PhD: Instru. & groups and organizations. Make a Michiga Union 8:30_am. ATuI- var . Iiah , )mricR..b O' _'!' r b"' Un tiUChdIui itherrBureauu of 4 o Bua Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Nuclear. BS: E Math, E Physics & bci.' rangemen s tnugn uon Educt am Ation in rFranee' In Rack- Meeting of the Regional Science As- Engrg. Men and women. Appoints. ham Amph. sociation-Michigan Union, 9 a.m. U.S. Army Biological Labs., Fort Det- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau 4:30 P.M. - String instrumen t Department of Engineering Mechanics rick, Frederick, Md.-MS-PhD: Biochem. of Appoints.-Seniors and grad stu- Seminar-Samuel K. Clark, Professor of Engrg., Aerobiol., Microbio., Biochem., dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- students will give a concert in the Engineering Mechanics, "The Rolling Biomath., Biophysics, Immunology, ments with the following: Recital Hall of the School of Mu- Elastic Wheel": 311 West Engineering, Med. Entomol., Virology & Plant ! MON., NOV. 16: 4 p.m. Sciences. Housing & Home Finance Agency, 8 p.m.-Guy Larcom, city ad- School of Music Recital-Bruno Hoff- TUES. & WED., NOV. 17-18: Wash., D.C.-Men and women. Majors sman, guest musicologist and performer Bendix Corp., Mishawaka, Ind.-All in Econ, Poll Sci, Soc, Law, Arch, Land ministrator of Ann Arbor, will of the Glasharfe: Rackham Lecture Degrees: EE. R & D., Des. & Prod. MS- Arch. & Planning. Positions in, Bank- speak on "Administration and the Hall, 8:30 p.m. PhD: ME. ing, Econ., Mgmt. Trang., Personnel, Political Process" in the West Computing Machinery at the Univer- Bendix Corp., Ann Arbor-MS-PhD: Pub. Admin., Soc. Work (AB), Trans- Conference Rm. of the Rackham sity of Michigan-A critique of a re- AE & Astro., Commun. Sci., EM, Instru., port. Many locations.C port with the above subject prepared ME, Nuclear & Phyiscs. R & D & Des. TUES., NOV. 17: Bldg. by the Ad Hoc Computing Advisory & Elec. Computing. Prof.: Applied Allstate Insurance Co., Skoie, Ill.- 8:30 p.m. - The New York Committee will be held Nov. 19 at 4:15 Mech. PhD: Matis., & Meteor. & Ocean. Seeking Lib. Arts, Econ, Ed., Fine Arts, Chamber Soloists will perform in p.m. in Aud. B of Angell Hall. The Dec. grads. Men and women. etc. for positions in Insurance claims Rackham Aud. report describes the present status of Make appt. at Chem. Dept., Rm' and sales, office mgmt., mgmt. trng. comptin aciviy attheUniersty,2028 Chemn. Bldg. computing activity at the University, Minnesota Mining & Mg. Co., St. program. Locations in U.S. and Canada. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 makes an evaluation of future needs, Paul, Minn.-BS-MS: ChE. BS: EM, E WED., NOV. 18: :10 p.m.-Josephine C. Moore and recomends proced cetoe fcoa- Physics & ME. Dev. Des. & Prod. ..Aeronuatical Chart & Information of the anatomy department will modate those needs. All concerned fac- American Society for Public Adminis- Center, St. Louis, Mo.-Majors in the speak on "UtiliZation of Active report and attend the meeting. Addi- tration, Discussion of "Sensitivity physical sciences; geog., physics, geol., Resistive Stretch to Increase Mus- tional copies of the report are available Training"-The Application of Social math., C.E. or 6 hrs. math and 18hrs uR Stregth In crese Mus- 5 inth ofie f . . esh,154Ad- Psychology to Admin. Organizations, comb, of two of these listed or rel. cular Strengih in Adults" ait 2051 inisrath io Bg. E4 November 13, 1964, 4 p.m., Graduate subjects. Training course in carto- East Medical Bldg. ministration Bldg. Outing Room, Rackham. graphy. Men and women. 4 p.m.-Prof. George Hammond Dept., Wayne State University, will WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18: Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, of the California Institute of Tech- lecture on education in France on Gary, Ind. - All Fields-especially Chicago-Degree majors in Soc., Psycy dh Tues., Nov. 17, 4 p.m. Rackham Amphi- Math, Ind. Arts, Sch. Nurse, Sp. Corr. Pol. Sci., Lib. arts and Soc. work. noiogy will deliver the Werncr E. theater. Sponsored by Dept. of Ro- Livonia, Mich.-Elem.; Vocal Cons.; Trainee opport. in areas of Child Wel- Bachman Memorial Lecture ior meaance Languages and the Alliance H.S. Engl., Earth Sci., Psych.; J.H. Home fare, Aid to the Blind, Disabled Old 1964 in Rm. 1400 of the Chemstry Francaise. Ec.; Psych. Examiner. Age, Institutional Service and rel. Bldg. Hammond will speak on Social Work-Social Science Colloq- THURSDAY, NOV. 19: fields. Scholarships avail, for further Blg Hamn wilseko ulum-will present "Resocialization of Grand Blanc, Mich. - Speech Corr., study. Men and women. "Energy Transfer in Photochemi- the Mentally Ill Older Patient," by Dr. 4th Grade, H.S. Bus. (Typ. & Short.). College Life Insurance Co., Indian- cal Reactions." Leonard Gottesman Mon., Nov. 16, 12:00, Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Dist. No. 8) apolis, Ind.-Management Training & 4:15 p.m.-Juan Orrege-Salas, Social Work Lounge. -Elem. 1, 3, & 5. Sales for majors in Liberal Arts with guest composer - lecturer, will Lecture-by Ray Siren, Mobay Chem- FRIDAY, NOV. 20:-I spec. interest in Econ. Located thru- guest ompor-etu, Ll ical Co., Application of Rigid Urethane Mt. Clemens, Mich. (L'Anse Creuse out U.S. Foams," on Mon., Nov. 16, 4 p.m., Ar- P.S.)-Elem. K-3; J.H. Gen. Shop, Gen. * * * in-American Music History" in chitecture Aud. Bus., Math. For further info, please call 764-7460, Rackham Lecture Hall. I Nursing 100 will meet Monday, Nov. The week of Nov. 23-27: General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 4:15 p.m.-Lawrence Alloway, 16, in Room M5330 Medical ScienceI MONDAY, NOV. 23: SAB. Bldg. Miss Gail Dunham will talk about Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twp.) - SUMMER PLACEMENT: curator of the Guggenheim Mu- the Washtenaw Student Nurses Asn. Elem. K-6; J.H.-Engl/Hist., Sci./Math, The International Student Travel seum, will speak on "American Ind. Arts, French; H.S. English. Center Directors will be in Ann Arbor Drawings" in Aud. B. Orchard Lake, Mich. (West Bloom- Nov. 23 and 24. Any student interested field)-H.S. Math; Later Elementary. in working abroad for the summer 8 p.m.-Miss Jeanette Thomp- St. Clair Shores, Mich. (St. Clair should talk to them. Come to 212 SAB son of the Sheffield, England Col- SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS Shores)-K, 12. H.S.-Ind. Arts, Type. A. and sign up for one of 14 group meet- lege for Elementary Teachers, will THE BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS * * * ings to be held both days. EDUCATION DIVISION: MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW American Student Information Serv- The following is the list of schools For additional information contact ice has sent us more application forms the University High School Li- that will be interviewing at the Bureau the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, for European jobs. Students who want brary. for prospective teachers for January 7 62. to apy ck u or in 212 SAB 8 p.m.-Prof. Marvin Felheim, placement. ANNOUNCEMENT: For further details come to Summer of the English department, will wONDAY, NONov.16-20: Peace Corps-representatives will be Placement Service, 212 SAB.spea DIAL 6 For Progra IU TBE Cii r IN THE ARCHIT ADMISSIC 'm.m mmmmmmmm= *==.....m.m...u Ummmmmmmm WONDERFUL! Wonderful Show! Wonderful What? WONDERFUL SHOW? LEONARD BERNSTEIN'S by The Musical 64 Based on "My ber 2, 3, 4, 5 $250,$2.0 delssohn Theatre TicketP 4 Presented E Musket' Decem Lydia Men Comedy Hit Sister Eileen" 4 0,$1.50 Prices: STARTING TOMORROW-GENERAL TICKET SALES-10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. FISH BOWL & UNION LOBBY Rudyard, Mich. - Elementary, M.R. J.H. English. Use of This Column for Announce- Fraser, Mich.-K-6; Elem. Lib., J.H. ments is available to officially recog- Math/Sci. (Block). nixed and registered student organi- TUESDAY, NOV. 17: Shows Start At 1:00 - 2:40 -4:45 -6:45 & 8:55 Feature Starts zations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Board Meeting, Nov. 15, 2 p.m., Room 3510, Student Activities Bldg. Canerbury House, Sunday Snacks, discussion. Dr. P. S. Jaini, Topic: "Buddhism," Sunday, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m., Canterbury House, 218 N. Division. Gamma Delta, 6 p.m.. Supper; 6:45 p.m., Social Workers and the Church, Nov. 15, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Nov. 15, 2 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. en- trance. Guild House, Sunday Seminar, Re J. Edgar Edwards: H"istory of Christian Thought," Nov. 15, 7 to 8 p.m.; Monday noon luncheon, Prof. Russell Smith, Law School: "Automation and Labor Management," Nov. 16, 12 to 1 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. La Sociedad Hispanica, Terulia, Lunes, de 3 a 5, 3050 Frieze Bldg., Cafe, Con- versacion. Cleveland, Ohio - Al Fields-except ' Boy's P.E., Span., Speech, Russian. Hammond, Ind.-Elem. K-6; Engl./ Speech; Guid., Home Ec., Lib; Elem. Vocal, Psychologist; J.H. Soc. St.; Spec. Ed.-Sp./Hear., Phys. Hand., M.R. TUES., NOV. 17: American-Standard Industrial Div. Major cities in the U.S.-BS:rE, lIE& ME. Dev., Desg. & Sales. Can consider non-citizens. Bendix Corp., Research Labs. DivB, Southfield, Mich.-Al Degrees: BE, EM, ME. R. & D. MS-PhD: Pysics, Math. PhD: Phys. Chem. MS: AE & Astro. BS: BoPhysics. Men and women. Cabot Corp., Boston, Mass. - PhD: ChE. R & D & Des. Can consider non- citizens if becoming a U.S. citizen. Continental Can Co., Chicago-BS- MS: EM & Met. BS: ChE, EE, E Math & Set. Engrg. R & D, Des. Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla.-All Degrees: ChE, EE, EM, Mat'ls, ME & Met. BS: B Math & Set. Engrg. PhD: Chem & Physics. R & D. City of Milwaukee, Wis.-BS-MS: CE. Various municipal. Men and women. Stauffer Chemical Co.-All Degrees: ChE. BS: Chemists. Res., Prod. & Sales. Men and women. I Dial 662-6264 20 Minutes Later " IT'S A SORT NTRN:fONL- AMERICAN OF LATE...NTERNATIONALS SLATE SHOW SWITH A TEEN- ~AGE * TWIST w " . ~ IAHCLR.PNVSO I I I ATTENTION!*"1 FRESHMAN WOMEN Find Out About Sororitfy Rush MASS MEETING {t NEXT! "RIO CONCHOS" I HELD OVER! Shows at 1, 3,5 s , i7 and 9:05 I Rock has Doris.. ust where she wants him.... li Al !I