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August 25, 1964 - Image 60

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-25

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Seventy-Fifth Year


Year of Change and Question


NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Reflections for a Member
Of the Freshman Class Of 1964

LESS THAN A YEAR ago you were
busily engaged in filling out appli-
cations to colleges all over the coun-
try. A number of the forms included
the following question or something
like 'it: "Why do you want to go to
I doubt that you were satisfied withT
your answer; .you were probably irked'
by the question. But in the next four
years you will undergo at least some
degree of pain as you begin to see that
college is not just an automatic exten-
sion of 12 sheltered years of education.
You'll gradually assume more and
more responsibility for your own life.
You'll be faced with difficult choices,
and as you make them, you'll see other
options disappearing-your range of
action will narrow.
As you look back on your "decision"
to go to college, you'll see that many
things which were open to you then
are open no longer. You'll wonder why
you came here. You may even leave,
seeking to, regain an initiative, a con-
trol over yourself which perhaps never
"Why do you want to go to col-
lege? (Please answer in 300 words
or less on the back of the page.)"
NO LONGER can anyone claim, as
Francis Bacon did, "I have taken all
knowledge for my province." Knowl-
edge is disseminating at a fantastic
rate in all. directions. The gulf be-
tween the sciences and the arts is an
established. fact. In coming years there
will be a growing gulf between sciences
and even within each science.
Comprehension of any one field re-
quires a degree of specialization that
leaves little time for studying develop-
ments in other areas. The result? Put
a chemist, a sociologist, a nuclear en-
gineer and a public health scientist in
one room and they may all play bridge;
they'll probably have little else in com-
NEVERTHELESS, this is still a UNi-
versity you are entering, and there
is a purpose to your education which
transcends any individual field of
The entire progression of mankind
has been a struggle away from .arbi-
trary order toward order by reason.
The history of human suffering is
chiefly a history of the irrational.
From the divine right of kings to'the
totalitarian right of dictators, from the
Salem witchhunts to the McCarthy era,
from the Church's. war on science to
the South's war on the Negro, dogma
has spewed forth nothing but venom.

Whatever its other connotations, ed-
ucation is above all else the only means
to tear down the barriers of ignorance
which have so harmed the individual.
Knowledge leads' to reason, and 'the
processes of reason, however slowly,
argue against fear, prejudice, violence
-the forces of darkness.
"Why do you want to go to col-
lege? (Please answer in 300 words
or less on the back of the page.)"
THE DANGER of going to the Uni-,
versity of Michigan lies in the size
of the institution. Sprawling over 20,-
000 acres of land, 17 schools and col-
leges conduct a $147 million business
of education in the University name. If
the scope of education is growing in-
creasingly complex, nowhere is this
happening with both more potential
and more potential confusion than in
the community of 30,000 scholars
known as Ann Arbor.
Education takes many forms, but
you should never let any of them cloud
the one central purpose of the learn-
ing process. Never get so lost in one
corner of the University that you fail
to understand the tremendous import-
ance of man's mind as the only tool-
able to provide you with a measure of
security and a standard for judgments.
Over and above any course require-
ment, over and above the most intense
specialization in the most obscure area
of knowledge, you must develop a sen-
'sitivity to the value of the individual
human being. You must develop an
awareness and an understanding of
the complex world society which al-
ready claims you. You must be ready to
act against anyone who would estab-
lish arbitrary doctrines to replace rea-
son and thought.
I DO NOT PROPOSE such "musts" as
an altruistic exercise. They are total-
ly selfish. To maintain your own free-
dom of action, you must jealously de-
fend and extend order by reason. Your;
future essentially depends on the pre-
dictability of your environment, and
irrational, arbitrary order-order by
whim-assures nothing but chaos.
"The best time for a free society,"
Carl Van Doren once wrote, "is the
time when everybody believes it makes
a difference what he thinks and knows.
The only insurance against disaster is
knowledge, widely diffused."
The tniversity is quite specifically
prepared to give you knowledge. At
some uncertain point in the process
you may see that what you think and
know makes a difference. Then you'll
understand why you went to college.

Managing Editor
THE DORIC columns of Angell
Hall and the hard steel geom-'
etry of North Campus, as symbols
of the established and enduring,
tell something about the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Just as they un-
doubtedly will be standing, un-
changed, in September of 1965, so
the University in many respects
will be the same place it is now.
But these symbols tell only half
of the story. Beneath the Univer-
sity's facade of permanence and
certainty, the next 12 months will
be a time of change and question-
ing, a time of crucial decisions
which will determine the nature of
tomorrow's facade and of the real-
ities which will underlie it.
Just what direction the changes
will take is less certain, but a few
predictions seem reasonably safe.
The following are among the im-
portant developments to watch for
in 1964-65.
* * *
TO BEGIN, consider the Uni-
versity as one of 10 tax-supported
institutions of higher education in
the state. This college system is
beset with two crises which are
coming to a head.
First, the postwar "baby boom"
is now sweeping through 'the col-
leges, creating a desperate need
for more teachers, more labora-
tories, more dormitories-and con-
sequently, more money. Second,
the college system is torn by often-
bitter conflict among its 10 in-
stitutions. These battles-particu-
larly between the University and
Michigan State University-have
impeded progress,Uwasted taxpay
ers' money and blackened the
name of higher education.
Gov. George Romney some 18
months ago gathered together
some 50 of the state's leading
citizens in a committee and asked
them to measure the magnitude
of the enrollment crisis and to
find a way to end thissfraternal
strife. The report of this "blue-
ribbon" grouprisdue in Septem-
ber, with the weight of these
VIPs behind it, the report should
be a milestone in the history of
Michigan higher education.
BUT WHILE the truce team
seeks to end 'it, the war will con-
tinue. Concerned about MSU's
quite successful attempts tc lure
top students to East Lansing, the
University will step, up its own
recruiting efforts. If the "blue-
ribbon" committee doesn't come
out too strongly against the idea,
the University may again consider
setting up, more branches it al-
ready has two) around the state-
and again will touch off a battle
with the other schools for "ter-
ritory." The year will climax in
the spring, when the schools will
battle each other for a bigger cut
of the state's higher education
They'll also be battling legis-
lative conservatism, and this may
be akey year in that contest. For
seven years-from 1957-58 through
1963-64 - meager appropriations
have put state colleges on aus-
terity budgets. Last spring, goaded
by a preliminary "blue-ribbon"
committee recommendation, the
lowmakers ended the "lean years,"
increasing h i g h e r education's
1964-65 outlay by more than $21
The question now is whether
this generosity was only momen-
tary or whether it reflected a more
permanent and sympathetic un-
derstanding of higher education's
financial needs. The 1965-66 ap-
propriation, due sometime in
April, will tell.
MEANWHILE, back in Ann
Arbor, the University will begin
to enjoy the closest thing to an
ample budget it's had in years.
The $5.8 million increase will go
largely to tighten the presently
tenuous hold the University has

on some of its faculty members.
To do this, the University will
have to build its faculty salary
level, now 21st in the country,
back toward the 4th place it oc-
cupied before the "lean years" set
Some of the new dollars will go
to rejuvenate the library system,
plagued by overcrowding and per-
sonnel losses. Some will go to im-
plement the first full-fledged third
term, scheduled for next summer.
The latter move will be the final
major step in the University's
transitionto year-round opera-
But the University's hunger for
funds will remain unsatisfied, and
we can 'expect it to lean more
heavily on the federal government
and to turn, in a dramatic way,
toward still other sources of fi-
nancial support.
* * * *
IN THIE UPPER administration,
it will be a year of new faces. By
next June there should be new
men in two of the seven vice-
presidencies, and though Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher
isn't slated to retire until 1967,
the question of who should suc-
ceed him will begin to move quiet-
ly and unofficially, to the fore-
The first new official, the vice-
president for research, was ap-
pointed in July; the post went to
Prof. A. Geoffrey Norman of the
botany deuartment hrd nf tha

fessors seem to prefer the lab to
the classroom, this will be more
and more an uphill battle.,
* * *
THE SECOND vice-presidency is
not yet vacant, but will be some-
time this year when Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis carries through his plan
to return to teaching. Lewis' suc-
cessor will find himself in a hot
seat: the administration of stu-
dent affairs here has always been
a subject of impassioned contro-
versy, and the vice-president has
borne the wrath of both sides of
the battle.
On one side are those who feel
students are still children and
demand that the University act
"in loco parentis" (in place of
parents), regulating the student's
private life and making many of
his decisions for him. The other
side, which is slowly winning out,
insists that students should be
treated as adults, with Univer-


of the things he does will make
news. A handful of students from
the 29,000, however, will frequent-
ly slip into the spotlight.
Among those are the 19 who sit
on Student Government Council.
The 10-year-old Council has never
been able to arouse much inter-
est among its constituents; its
only really provocative actions
have been in the area of frater-
nity-sorority discrimination. Now
it has set up a procedure to
handle such cases. So unless it
finds an actual case to try (and
at least two fraternities clearly
are vulnerable to such action),
SGC this year may well find it-
self unable to think of anything
to do.
And the apathy toward the
Council will continue to turn in-
to contempt. Last year, one "abol-
ish SGC" movement gained some
momentum, then floundered when
leaders became flushed with im-
pending success and watered it
down into a mere "reform SOC"
movement. The movement did,
however, frighten the Council in-
to setting up a student-faculty-
administrative committee to "study
the process of student govern-
merit on this campus." Three of
the University's most liberal and
imaginative faculty members are
in the group. When this commit-
tee's report coms out, sometime
beforerMarch cof 1965, it should
contain some of the answers to
the Council's doldrums. For SGC's
sake, it had better: the next abo-
lition movement is likely to suc-
* * *
group in trouble. At every level,
down to the smallest hobby club,
student activities are feeling the
pressures of increased academic
competition and the stepped-up
pace of the new trimester calen-
dar. Despite the student popula-
tion explosion, student leaders al-
most unanimously fear that their
organizations no longer are at-
tracting the quality and quantity
of personnel they once drew.
Some of the 'top student leaders
formed an alliance last spring to
combat the attrition rate in their
organizationt, So far it has gone
almost nowhere. But watch this
year for much stronger attempts
to save extra-curricular activities
from death by starvation.
In the long run, chances are,
the more serious and educational
student groups will survive and be-
come more closely integrated with
classroom education. The opera-
tion of the more frivolous events,
such as the carnival weekends, will
gradually be taken over by pro-
fesionals. These events will still
be run for students' amusement,
but less and less by students.
These predictions seem plausi-
ble for two reasons: 1) Students
are becoming more and more ma-
ture. Already having built floats
and sponsored dances in high
school, they no longer find such
activities particularly exciting. 2)
Student - affairs administrators,
whose cooperation may be essen-
tial to saving an organization, will
look with much less favor on the
non-educational activities than on
those which contribute to the
learning process..
* * *
TWO MAJOR organizations will
attempt to join forces as the
men's campus center, the Michi-
gan Union, continues to move

Amid an Unprecedented Enrollment Boom,
The University Will Turn Introspective

closer to a full-fledged merger with
the Women's League. At the same
time, both organizations may move
out from under the control of
students. This has already hap-
pened to some extent in the Un-
ion, and the new North Campus
student-faculty center, now under
construction, apparently will be-
come reality without any student
participation whatsoever. On Cen-
tral Campus, we can ultimately
expect to see a merged "co-edu-
cational union" which will be little
more than' a complex student-
activities group working within a
co-educational Union building no
longer run by students but by pro-'
Outside the permanent student
organizations, 'University students
will make news in 1964-65 through
thei political activities, with em-
phasis on racial issues.
Much of this activity will fo-
cus, not on the University, but on
other people in Ann Arbor -
mainly businessmen and landlordr
--allegedly practicing some -sore
of racial discrimination. The lib-
eral political groups, always the
most active, also will stress peace
and poverty issues. And the as-,
cendancy of Barry Goldwater may
give new life to such conserva-
tive groups as ,he Young Ameri-
cans for Freedom.
BY FAR THE MOST encourag-
ing trend this year will be the
trend toward deeper and more
genuine questioning-by adminis-
trators, faculty members and even
students-of the fundamental pur-
poses and methods of the Uni-
versity. And better yet, there
seems to be an unprecedented'
propensity to go beyond mere talk,
to take action to improve the
quality of University education. For
example: '
-The literary college will con-
tinue planning its new residential
college. This will be a small, self-
contained liberal-arts college, lo-
cated near the U'niversity cam-
pus, aimed at incorporating both
the benefits of a small college and
the, opportunities of a large uni-
versity. And more: within its walls.
a young and vigorous faculty will
work to implement the newest and
most radical educational innova-
tions. It should be an, exciting
1964-65 will be a year of re-
search and planning for the new
college. Its founding fathers are
currently examining other at-
tempts at educational innovation
--successful and otherwise - to
find new ideas toadopt and, un-
successful ideas to avoid. The
residential college may admit its
first students in September, 1965
but if its leaders decide to wait for
a brand-new building-as they
probably will-opening day will
be postponed until at least 1967.
, * * *
assembled a high-level University
committee to look to the Univer-
sity's future. Composed,. of the
deans of the schools and colleges
plus key administrators, this group
is trying to assemble a detailed
picture of what the University
should be in 1968 and in 1975,'
and to decide what it must do.to
get there. They too are working in
secret. But there already has been
one leak (tentative enrollment
projections, estimating the Uni-
versity's 1975 student population
at around 47,500), and we can ex-
pect, with or without the group's

consent, to hear about more of
its speculations this year
- On another administrative
level,,the, University's largest
teaching division also will unMider-
take some soul-Pearching. The it-
erary college last spring united 11
top faculty members ii-a° "Cm teeoLogRng a«new
"Committee on Long-Range Poli-
cy and Planning." This group will
explore such weighty questions as
the fate of liberal education in
a world of specialization, the prob-
'lems and possibilities resultig
from expansion and the need for
new organizational plans (one pos-
sibility: chopping the whole col-
lege into small residential col-
4' * *.
-AT THE SAME TIME, the lit-
erary college's faculty again will
scrutinize the college's distribi-
tionrequirements, the regulations
which compel students to take a
certain number of courses In each
of several fields of study. The
idea behind them is to broaden
students' horizons by forcing them
into contact with div rse° areas
of knowledge. The problem is that
this attempt to force-feed liberal
education generates more 'resent-
ment than enthusiasm: students
become more concerned with "get-
ting the requirements, out of the
way'' than with learning.
The faculty modified distribu-
tion requirements only two years
ago, but the changes merely re-
modeled the dilemma. This roun 1
of debates promises more dramatic
results, for the literary college's
curriculum committee has suggest-
ed that the college must start by
deciding between two basically dif-
ferent alternatives:
1) It can abandon the idea of
trying to force a liberal education
on everyone, and instead let each
department set its own require-
ments. Given the self-centeredness
aind professionalism of most de-
partments, this would be a giant
step toward even greater special-
ization for undergraduates.
2) If it wants to retain the goal
of a broad, liberal education, it
must put such a program under
the college-wide control of educa-
tors dedicated to breadth rather
than specialization. There leaders
would plan a true liberal-arts cur-
riculum to replace the potpourri of
specialized courses which students
now are pushed' through in the
name of liberal education.
With these- alternatives - and
the innumerable others which will
arise - the debate promises to be
.'Long .and inltere atin . 'B ut aAin,
unfortunately, it wilbeheld ost-
ly behind closed doors.3okntbytee ctrl ~oi;
* * *
3ions, notably the education school
pharmacy college and architec-
ture and 'design college, also will
be in various stages of introspec-
tion. These schools' goals - the
training of professionals in var-
/ ous disciplines-aret more easily
defined, so their self-studies will
be less revolutionary than those
in the literary college. Neverthe-
less, they too can.'be, expected
to have significant impacts on the
schools' curricula.
All of these re-evaluations-par-
ticularly those concerned with lib-
eral education-are long overdue.
compared to okher centers of'high-
/er education, the University does a
fine job of educating Its students.
Compared to what it could and
should be doing, it falls far short.
Perhaps the sort of ,people who
initiated these studies can bring
it closer to the ideal.
As one observer put .it, "this is
a great university, only because
there are enough people here with
the sensitivity and intelligence to
realize that It isn't." .

TheDaily' Open Editoria P
e al S Uen E 110r131 ae

sity regulations designed only to"
preserve law and order-never to
shelter the student from the con-
sequences of his own decisions.
The new vice-president will have
to cotninue the transition from
"in loco parentis" to student free-
dom-a transition which seems to
be inherently bumpy..
. . * * *
AS THE NATION flashily pre-
pares to select, its next president,
the University will quietly begin
to look for its next chief execu-
tive-in a manner much more
discreet but in many ways no less
political. At this point, even to
mention the question is highly in-
decorous, and University officials
will do all they can to see to it
that the public knows nothing
whatsoever about the selection
process until it's all over. But al-
ready the rumor mill is in oper-
ation, and within the next year
interested individuals and groups
will begin--in private, of course-
to choose up sides and plan their
The man within the University
most generally rumored to have
"the inside track" is Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Roger
W. Heyns. A man popular with
many faculty members, Heyns is
credited by many with pumping
new .ideas and new life into the
upper administration since he as-
sumed the vice-presidency in 1962.
But five of the nine presidents
in the University's history came to
the presidency from other institu-
tions, and some feel it's better for
a president to start out with the
sort of clean slate only an out-
sider can have. The game, in short,
has hardly started.
University, the faculty, will press'
its quest for a stronger voice in
University policy' circles. After a
series of discussions starting this
fall, it will-probably by next
ipring-rebuild its representative
structure. Chanegs are it will es-
tablish some version of a proposed
"representativeassembly." As cur-
rently envisioned, the group would
be composed of 65 elected mem-
bers and would speak for the fac-
ulty on University-wide issues.
(For a more detailed analysis of
this problem, eee the "Education
and Research" section.)
Whether or not this shake-up
will arouse the faculty from its
civic lethargy remains to, be seen.
Some professors feel the new struc-
ture will be an inherently better
vehicle for faculty opinion. Oth-
ers hope that simply the idea of
having a brand-new organization
will stir faculty members' inter-

WITHIN THE BOUNDS of the libel laws
and the reaches of the imagination,
anything may appear on The Daily's edi-
torial page.
Our editorial policy is to have no edi-
torial policy: each editorial presents the
observations, judgments and opinions of
its writer -and of him alone. Occasionally,
two editorials will appear side by side
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GwIRTZMAN .............. Personnel Director
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY ...........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE .....Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........Assistant Aditorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
BILL BULLARD ...... ........... Sports Editor
TOM ROWLAND ......... Associate Sports Editor
GARY WINER.... ...Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ......Contributing Sports Editor
Business Stafff
'JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
JAY GAMPEL ...........Associate Business Manager'
JUDY GOLDSTEIN ............... inance Manager
BARBARA JOHNSTON ......... ..Personnel Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER ......... Advertising Manager
RUTH SCHEMNITZ : n.. . .. Systems Manager
.INiOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Sue Crawford,

presenting diametrically opposed views on
the same issue.
Once in a great while an editorial will
appear signed simply "The Senior Edi-
tors." The views expressed in it are shared
by the seniors unanimously; it is almost
always concerned with an issue they con-
sider to be of greatest importance to the
campus. Nonetheless, an editorial by an-
other staff member completely disagree-
ing with the seniors may appear on they
same day..
Letters and guest editorials express-
ing all views on all issues are welcomed
by The Daily, and again their point of
view is not a criterion for publication.
HOWEVER, in the letters column as
with staff editorials, the freedom to
express any view is not the license to
have printed anything at all. The Daily's
editorial director has the responsibility
to see that everything on the editorial
page meets a high standard of clarity,
logic and writing quality. At times when
there is a surplus of editorial copy, the
editorial director's judgment of the im-
portance of the articles lie has available
is also a factor.

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