SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREM SATU1WAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1964 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF THREiW .. a a a:. .w.asava:, ;... F, Any Soviet Dues ilSa ti sfy, U.S Stevenson Announces Position on Settlement of UN Payments Dispute UNITED NATIONS (M)-Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson said yesterday the United States will be satisfied with payments by the Soviet Union "inany form" as a means of resolving the dispute over peacekeeping assessments. He said the payments could be made without prejudice to the legal position of the Soviet Union "or anyone else." Stevenson made the statement to reporters after a 35-minute private talk with Secretary-General U Thant dealing with the forth- coming session of the General Assembly and the dispute over peace- keeping assessments. There has been no word that Thant is advancing any solution of his own, but the Secretary-General has been kept informed of private Propose New Education Taxes Layoff Hits Thousands at Ford Plants DETROIT (P)-Blaming a parts shortage which it. attributed to strikes in four key plants, Ford Motor Co. laid off 33,500 workers yesterday and forecast the possible shutdown of all its auto-making operations by next weekend. At the same time, Ford an- nounced that it had agreed to a request of the United Auto Work- ers Union for a meeting next Thursday of their top negotiating committees. The layoffs brought to 57,600 the number idled at Ford plants in eight states, with 24,100 of them on strike.I The UAW called out its workers in nine Ford plants a week ago in! support of local-level demands be- ing made for inclusion in at-the- plant agreements which supple- ment the company-union national! contract. Ford and the UAW reached ac- cord on a new three-year-national contract Sept. 18. diplomatic negotiations aimed at avoiding a U.S.-Soviet confronta- tion on the day the Assembly opens-Dec. 1. The dispute involved application of Article 19 of the UN Charter, which says any member two years in arrears on dues shall lose its Assembly vote. The Soviet Union and France, which will be two years in arrears on Congo assessments on Jan. 1, argue that the assessments are il- legal because they were approved by the General Assembly instead of the Security Council, and Ar- ticle 19 does not apply. Stevenson did not go into detail on the setting up of a voluntary fund into which payments could be made, but U.S. sources said "we have been pushing the idea." This would enable the Soviet Union, France and others in ar- rears to make payments that could be accepted by the United Nations and used for whittling down the debt caused by the peacekeeping operations. The Soviet Union owes a total of $52.6 million for Congo and the Middle East. They could get out of the two-year column by paying a little less than $6 million. U.S. sources said the United States would consider the peacekeeping bill satisfied if they paid the en- tire sum into any kind of a fund. JOHNSON, DIAZ ORDAZ END TALKS PRESIDENT JOHNSON AND PRESIDENT-ELECT Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico discussed Cuba and a sweep of other subjects yesterday, then concluded what was described as an enormously help- ful conference. No changes appear likely in the American policy of trying to isolate Fidel Castro and Communist Cuba from the rest of the hemisphere or in the Mexican policy of continuing to maintain diplomatic relations with Cuba. Diplomatic sources said all the emphasis was on a friendly interchange of views and improved understanding. There could be no real negotiations on anything, since Diaz Ordaz doesen't take office until Dec. 1. Moscow Visit Leaves Red Split Unsolved MOSCOW (P)-Chou En-Lai had Secretary Brezhnev and new Pre- The Chinese visit marked the LANSING (R)-Local property taxes no longer can support Mich- igan's growing educational needs, a legislative committee was told Thursday. The alternatives presented to the interim legislative committee on excise taxes ranged from a statewide income tax with funds earmarked for the aid fund to lo- cally levied excise taxes on gaso- line, cigaret-es, intangibles, in- comes or sales. "State school aid does not even attempt to provide the minimum revenue to operate the schools," Mary Ellen Riordan, president of the Detroit Federation of Teach- ers, said, adding that school dis- tricts are restricted to property taxes alone for the necessary addi- tional funds." Refuse Funds Voters who have control over no other taxes are taking it out on school millage and bond issues, she said, defeating them at the polls. Local school districts are strapped with insufficient taxing power, Henry Linne of Grosse Pointe, president of the Michigan Federation of Teachers, said. "Education in Michigan needs a great deal more money," he said, "and the only adequate way to meet this need is through a state income tax-a significant portion of which should go back to the schools." Taxing Plans Alternatives, however, could in- clude provisions for levying the farewell talk with Soviet leaders yesterday that seemed to have no curative influence on the Soviet- Chinese split. Chou's eight-day visit did noth- ing that informed observers could see to resolve the bitter dispute between Moscow and Peking that has fractured the whole Commu- nist world. Chou and his delegation of ex- perts talked with the new Soviet leaders headed by Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei N. Kosygin "in a frank, comradely atmosphere," a com- munique said. Maintain Stand Instead, the Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda reiter- ated policies, such as peaceful co- existence with the United States, that are denounced by Peking. Throughout Chou's visit the Kremlin leaders voiced policies' once upheld by Nikita Khrushchev and savagely attacked by China. Only procedural results were re- ported from the talks, and these were denied by some sources. Unconfirmed reports from some Communists said Chou and Brezh- nev agreed to hold more talks in Peking early next year. In the' meanwhile, the sources said, the Kremlin would postpone a meet- ing it scheduled for Dec. 15 to pre- pare a world Communist Confer- ence in mid-1965. China had denounced both the preparatory meeting and confer- ence as Soviet efforts to split 'he Communist movement. The Krem- lin insisted they were to bring unity. Harden Split Non-Communist sources here tended to agree with China that the sessions were likely to make formal the existing split if the two sides continued on their col- lision course. Since the ouster of Khrushchev Oct. 14, the new Communist First mier Kosygin have indicated they still intended to hold the meetings. While reports of the postpone- ment and the arrangement for a Peking meeting were denied by some Communists, nothing official has been announced. first discussions of the Moscow- Peking dispute between the prin- cipals since an attempt to solve it broke down here in July 1963. Mikhael S. Suslov chief party the- orist, was the leader of the Soviet team in the 1963 talks. tax at the intermediate school dis- trict level, with redistribution to the local boards; a local-level sales tax, if the state sales tax was re- duced correspondingly, or an in- come tax imposed by local school boards. Roy Stephens, president of the Detroit Board of Education, told the legislators his group wanted to see collection and distribution Must Reject Top Quality Applicants WASHINGTON (P)-Despite the rapid growth of state universities thousands of young people are be- ing turned away because of the great increase in applicants. The University of Illinois, with an enrollment of 34,500 refused 5,000 qualified applicants this fall. The University of Massachusetts could only accommodate 2,600of the 10,000 who applied for the freshman class. The University of Arizona enrolled only 2,500 of its 14,000 out-of-state applicants. "Even if someone walked up to- day and gave the University of Il- linois all the money it needed for expansion, we couldn't do very much about it until 1968. It takes that long to build the facilities and find the faculty members we need," Dr. David D. Henry, presi- dent of the University of Illinois, said at a news conference Tuesday. Dr. John W. Lederle, president of the University of Massachu- setts, said the public in Massachu- setts was just realizing the neces- sity of increased expenditure for public higher education. Massa- chusetts, he said, ranks ninth in the nation in per-capita income, but 50th in support of public higher education. Money is but one of.the prob- lems brought by enrollment in- creases. "We have a constant problem finding enough faculty members," Dr. Henry said. "Then there are the problems of class- room space, library facilities, hous- ing .and even expanding commu- nity services such as police and fire protection, the location of shopping centers, and the like." The news conference on the en- rollment problem was held while university leaders were attending a Washington meeting of the As- sociation of State Universities and Land-grand Colleges. Ainii.S si: . "'":"rai }: /.vti ..........a...:... of taxes remain at the local level to reinforce local government. A committee of school board representatives from Wayne, Oak- land and Macomb counties rec- ommended authorizing local dis- tricts to federate on a county-wide basis-or throughout several coun- ties for the purpose of levying taxes. Wide Choice The voters of the federation should be allowed to decide on other taxes on items such as cig- arettes, liquor, incomes, intan- gibles, motor vehicles, property transfers, public utilities and sales, he said. John' Francis, intermediate su- perintendent for the Shiawassee County Board of Education, how- ever, said he did not favor levy- ing taxes on the intermediate school district level or by federa- tion. INSTANT MILDNESS yours with YELLO- BOLE WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: Pope Paul Donates Crown to Poor By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY-Pope Paul VI, in a symbolic gesture of help for the poor of the world, yesterday donated his own jewel-studded gold and silver beehive crown to those who suffer misery and hun- ger. Vatican officials said the three- tiered crown probably will be given to a Roman Catholic charity or- ganization for use in a fund-rais- ing effort. The eventual purchaser probably will give it to a church since it is a consecrated object, and church officials are not likely to allow a jeweler to break it up. * * SASEBO, Japan - Riot police braced for possible violence from anti-American demonstrators yes- terday in the final hours of a three-day port call by the U.S. nu- clear submarine Seadragon, the first of its powerful breed to visit Japan. The Seadragon was scheduled to put to sea midnight Friday for an unannounced destination. Leftist prestige had suffered from the fact that organized pro- tests launched on the Seadragon's arrival at the U.S. Naval Base here Thursday failed to come up to predictions of Communist and Socialist sponsors. This led Japa- nese officers guarding the base to speculate a bigger show might be in the offing. .,* * WASHINGTON-More than 500 Communist Pathet Lao troops have defected in Laos to the neu- tralist government forces since last July, U.S. officials reported yester- day. This favorable turn in the trend of the low-level war in Laos is attributed mainly to the daily strikes of American-supplied T28 planes flown by the Royal Laos Air Force. * * * WASHINGTON - The Space Agency announced today the first successful tracking of a satellite by a Laser beam-a concentrated ray of light. Scientists have hit the satellite, Explorer 22, with Laser beams at least 10 times in the past month and are optimistic about possible use of light beams in space work. The time required for the Laser beam to reach the satellite arid return can be used to measure distance. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that at the 600-mile distance to Explorer 22, such measurements are accurate to within 10 feet. SANTIAGO-Two secretaries of ex-dictator Juan D. Peron of Ar- gentina left Chile yesterday on the demand of the government. Chile said they were unwelcome because their presence does not help the good relations this nation enjoys with neighboring Argen- tina. ,, i ' .E t Leave this brochure where your dad can see it. Want to spend 45 fascinating days touring the continent? Leave BOAC's brochure where it'll do the most good. You won't be sorry. It's a chance not just to see Europe, but to get to know it. A chance to meet students and teachers of other countries. A chance to visit the museums and art galleries you've always read about. A chance to hear great music, and see great ballet. A chance to talk to people-to find out how they live, and think, and feel about things. It's also a chance to relax and get a tan (the tour includes sunny places as well as cultural ones). How much'does the whole wonderful holiday cost? $1099.30* from New York. If dad thinks that figure is a little high, remind him that you'll be away all of 45 days and that the price is all-inclusive. *Price based on economy air fare and double occupancy in hotels. .: '"- #>S.:^,;e; .. i- : cS:;.:..;,. r::' ;:,'"' '7''~t r'. m m 1 . : " c ,""c._,":: !x'd ::.t. ,~c: r& .z . t *.:.t ... n :..c..*' ....'.. It could get you: European tour. ---------- 1 British Overseas Airways Corporation Dept. $E-178 530 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10036 IPlease send me your free brochure describ- ing all of BOAC's 1965 student tousAn don't limpit it to the 45-day trip. Just send it soon. Dad's been in such a good mood lately. Name -- I IStreet.___ City State... -- Zip Code I Phone Number . 4My Travel ATcent a free All over the world BOAC takes good care of you AND 80A.C-(UM'ARD SEVIGES OPERATED FOR BOAC-GNARD 8 OAC .t b : . : i .> .. a t'./ . " s .:.4 "$. ... .. .... . . :"::.. ... . . .. , is All payments due{ Michigan Daily for SUBSCRIPTIONSf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Charges must be paid by Nov. 19th or credits will be withheld by the University. _._........_..._. . " A l: : S er?", I ?: 'r,: i E ;:",}: :}:; i'i { f : f N:;: ' s it ?sti r.'ti r,:; ,.: r r {":: :'} ..r. T , i tY .ti}} T:' i'f r. A : ti 2. r Z;.B r.',i; :%ti :.. ..... .......... .......... h1't ' OPEN HOUSE NEW SKI EQUIPMENT 5-_ i JL and SKI CLOTHES SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 12-5 Free Cider and Donuts for all (Free Door Prizes-Register at Door or send in name and address) r- ._ . N- Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $6.95 No matter what you smoke you'll like Yello-Bole. The new formula, honey lining insures Instant Mild- ness; protects the imported briar bowl-so completely, it's guaran- teed against burn out for life. Why not change your smoking habits the easy way - the Yello-Bole way. $2.50 to $6.95. Spartan Checker Thorn $2.50 $3.50 $4.95 Official Pipes New York World's Fair Free Booklet tells how to smoke a pipe; shows shapes, write: YELLO-BOLE PIPES, INC., N.Y. 22, N.Y., Dept. 100. By the makers of KAYWOODIE Tee & 'kt 445 S. State NO 2-7307 :xccz : v.. s -v: r + :r.:" mt's::: : ds: : 5":<..... ." :? ?s .'jl r ," Y"t %r'',2M" ' _ i { zyc#'t?$' .a"' s . r.E '}: y.,, "M 'ft^T,..i?::: fg,': PiK;. S Tom. i:ti : r"l":iax ..4::>:2 ra ..: .'v,. ::L :!:;:}.. .: .}".i:::: }ii::t,.:::-.;-}.v.. '. I . . f:;ir ?}"X*} 'if ::v:{LV:'ti'ry::;-":r,"f ;".:' :h..:.P". :6A'.: v'p:, n;{:r:T ? ;;t}r."v[t'.: ).. .:.rrK.. 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