FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1964 THE MICHiGAN DAiLY PAGE THREJ~ France, Germany Cash Openly Ove LitoVTrf xepin CULTURAL LINKS INSUFFICIENT: Upheavals Mark Arab Relationships By The Associated Press CAIRO - A common language and religion link the Arab na- By The Associated Press BRUSSELS - In a clash with West Germany, France insisted yesterday on doubling the list of items to be exempt from 50 per cent tariff cuts on industrial goods when the Kennedy Round of talks opens Monday in Geneva. The dispute came at a meeting of European Common Market economics ministers. The plan to cut tariffs designed to free the flows of world trade' was one of the late President John I F. Kennedy's proposals, hence the discussions are named after him. "The French want to exclude some 33 per cent of the trade in products subject to tariffs," a West German official said. The European Common Market commission was attempting to save the negotiations from a dead.- lock. The joint list of products prepared by the executive com- mission for the six countries covers 12 per cent of trade with non-member countries on items subject to tariff. The ministers agreed at last to ask the commission to try to work on a compromise bringing the list of excluded products to 19 per cent. West Germany said even this would be too long. . The Netherlands economics minister, J. Andriessen, com- plained there was little move- ment toward any concessions but the Dutch were willing to give and a .Italia Angrd "Both thea gre French and the Ger- mans refuse all compromise at present," the Italian delegate, Am- bassador Antonio Venturine said. "'We too have products to add to the original list but are willing to come to a compromise." France and West Germany al- ready are embroiled within the six-nation Market because Ger- many refuses to lower grain prices in the line with the other nations. The problem arises because Ger- many's farm prices, supported by government subsidy, are higher than those in France, Paris has insisted that Bonn reduce the prices, at least part way, and has indicated that it might withdraw from the Common Mar'ket's activi- ties if there is no settlement. The market is trying to get to- gether before it meets with the United States and other major world traders in Geneva. The traders have agreed to say what items they are willing to see the tariff cut 50 per cent and what items they want to see exempt. The items to be left out are de- tailed by each participant in a "list of exceptions" deposited in Geneva with the organization called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - GATT. Member Nation The Common Market must get agreement on a list from its mem- ber nations -- France, West Ger- many, Italy, Belgium and Luxem- bourg. tions of the world. But this does The efforts of the Common not prevent political upheavals in .Market's decision makers have individual nations under the im- been spurred by reports, attribut- pact of internal stresses. ed to high United States officials, Thirteen nations belong to the mndicating that Washington will Aa ege-teUie rb withhold 'astonishingly few" tmsRepublic, Algeria, Libya, Sudan, from the tariff cut. ~ A basic list of 210 items has been prepared by the Common Market Executive Commission. It would exempt from tariff cuts 12 per cent of the total Market im- ports that now bear tariffs. This figure would rise to 40 per cent if other items proposed by five of the members were add- ed to the commission list.- While the United States is ex- pected to accept the present 12 per cent list as a basis for nego- tiations, a 40 per cent cut is de- scribed as out of the question. Against Additions West Germany argued yester- day against additions to the com- mission's list. Germany as the community's biggest industrial exporter, has the biggest stake in a successful Kennedy Round. 30-40 per cent of trade from the tariff slash," a high Bonn official said-. In these circumstances the West Germans would in effect be making the Common Market ask for a postponement of the Nov. 16 deadline, hoping they could get a better break in an end-of- the-year package deal now shap- ing. Mo~roccou and . TuniIadI in fica; Iraq Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait and Yemen, in the Middle East outside the African continent., All have their problems as they try to reconcile their individual aspirations with the common goals of the Arab League. Assumes Throne , Crown Prince Faisal has as- sumed the throne in oil-rich Saudi Arabia, in a move expected in the Arab world but bound to have repercussions outside that feudal- istic kingdom. royalists. United Nations efforts to resolve the problem met with failure. The shakeup in Saudi Arabia might speed settlement. A new civil regime has displaced the military government in Su- dan, the largest country in Africa. Sir El Khatim El Khalifa has pro- claimed a policy of neutralism, but the former dictator-president, Ibrahim Abbeud, remains as com- mander-in-chief of the army, re- garded as a pro-Western force. Algeria, which proclaims also a policy of neutrality, has been hav- ing its troubles with rebels. It has under arrest Ferhat Ab- bas, the former president of the National Assembly, as well as oth- er leaders who played a role in the winning of independence from France. Ben Bella Challenge But there is no apparent chal- lenge to the rule of President Ben Bella, who is on friendly rela- tions with the Chinese Commun- ists and the Cuban regime of Fi- del Castro. Despite its internal difficulties, Yemen is battling the British- supported South Arabia Federa- tion. In this, Yemen has the sup- port of the Arab League nations,, which bring constant pressure on Britain at the United Nations on the issue. Dspite a United Nations Secur- ity Council call for efforts to reach a peaceu soution of the po- clashes between Yemenl and Brit- ish patrols along the border of Aden, which Yemen claims is part I of its territory. Despite individual differences the Arab League is united in oppo- sition to Israel. The biggest issue right now is Israel's project for diverting waters of the Jordan river to irrigate the Negev desert. At the summit conference of Arab nations in Alexandria in September It was decided to go ahead with projects in Syria and [Lebanon that would also tap the Jordan waters before they reach Israel. The Arabs moved cautiously in view of Israel's declaration that any significant Interference with ~the water supply would be regard- ed as equivalent to a military at- tack. Israel has complained to the United Nations that decisions tak- en at Alexandria were aimed at liquidating Israel as a state. The Arabs accused Israel of distorting the decisions taken at the Alex- andria meeting, but they have not relented in their bitter denuncia- tion of Israel -- tIlus far only amounting to a war of words. i China Issue Tops UN Agenda UNITED NATIONS (I) -- The 1964 United Nations General As- sembly will produce the first mneet- ings of the foreign ministers of the newly revamped Big Four. The Assembly's 19th annual ses- sion which is scheduled to open Dec. 1 and close March 5 will also provide the first big sounding board for international opinion On Comnmunist China's new role as a nuclear power. The new governments of the Soviet Union and Britain and the continuing governments of the By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY--A qualified source said yesterday a phrase clearing Jews of any implication of deicide (God-killing) in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has been restored to the Vatican Ecu- menical Council's Declaration on JThe phrase is expected to be voted upon next week, though promulgation is not likely before 1965 or 1966. A member of the Vatican's Christian Unity Secretariat com- mented: "I think it is much stronger than even the first draft of two years ago." This news followed action by the council in accepting a much- criticized schema on nuns and religious orders for voting without revision by a commission. LONDON-Prime Minister Hiar-- old Wilson intends to ask Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson's support for a vast new system of interna- tional credit, British informants reported last night. The plan being shaped up by the Labor government alms at staving off what Wilson sees as the peril of a world slump. The Wilson initiative for im- proved world fiscal cooperation is shaping up at a critical moment in Britain's own economic situa- tion. Soon after taking of fice in mid-October the Labor govern- ment slapped a 15 per cent sur- avert the peri of a pound sterlin United States and France are all sending their foreign ministers. United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk is coming up from Washington Nov. 30 to stay ten or 12 days and talk with other ministers in New York for the session. The Assembly's general policy debate, in which foreign ministers participate, is tentatively set to open Dec. 3. The United States has put it- self down to speak second in the general debate, right after Bra- zil, Dec. 3. President Lyndon B. Johnson may arrive later. He told Secre- tary-General U Thant in Wash- ington last August he would like to attend the Assembly if the voters kept him in office. The British say their new prime minister, Harold Wilson, will at- tend the Assembly "if he is in- vited." He and Johnson both seem more likely to show up in Jan- uary than in December. As gov-- ernment leaders, they can speak when they like. Debate Communist China By request of Cambodia backed by some African countries, the Assembly will debate whether to seat Communist China in place of Nationalist China. The debate is sure to produce a lot of talk about the atomic ex- plosion the Chinese Communists set off Oct. 16. The explosion will be used as an argument both for and against taking the Chinese Reds in. It seems unlikely to change more than a few votes, if it changes any. Other factors-big-power pres-. sure, diplomatic activity by the two Chinese governmnents and the entry of new members with fixed policies into the United Nations- probably will reduce the margin against the Communists from last year's 31 votes to 12 votes or less. But the change will not be big enough to bring them in. 92 Items on Agenda The Chinese issue is one of 92 items on the Assembly's agenda. Communist China is sure to be mentioned in the debates on some of the other items. The Philippines, El Salvador and Nicaragua are getting the Assembly to debate charges that Communist China violates human rights in Tibet. India is pushing the subject of checking the spread of nuclear weapons, Faisal and the brother he de- posed, the ailing King Saud, have been at odds for a long time. The new king is described as reform- minded, and wanting to spend the country's vast oil income for building schools, roads and com- dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic reached agreement at the recent Arab summit meeting in Alexandria in September to try and settle their differences over Yemen. Over 20,000 Nasser has at least 20,000 tiroops in Yemen in support of the re- publican regime. Saudi Arabia has been supporting the ousted g reet wintor warml in our ple-ined f~ 2 & L..~ COrdUroy U storm COat Leather-piped ad lined with lightweigh nylon-orioni acrylic pile...our water-repellent warmer with a great colljar that converts into a hood. White o r g reen. 8-6 sizes. 45.0 A nnouncing Marilyn Mark's Wig Salon, center. Weyboffer bopgquality Ann Arbor's complete fashion wig hair goods and a price range that To Our Patrons . .. FILECCA BROS WILL BE CLOSED next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Novemb er 1,17, an i 7d 18 1117 SOUTH UN IVERSITY N EW . .. 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