Seventy-Fifth Year - EDrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNmVERSITY OF MICIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIoNs o opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mic. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 ruth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FEIFFER P1104. CHPTER IN~ T016HT5 HOW'" r AND a t4I ga~ ! a OME YER"' SP6CIA1-IN) OVR AUPI- FAE- MR. R RNARD b1FRC- rNk)MER! PRHAR; W6 CAN) COAx IMuN P HREVTO V5 UJITH ONC O~FlIH6lftOR1r&A C6~~3~ A0J TAP DNE Y, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER ET'S EXPERI This seems nswer to the d tant to see vi participation it ing. The dilemma ment Council a ed, rot encoura pation, and it will change. On sure whether1 outlook would 1 were abolished. cerned with th luctant to tear ture. 'HERE SEEM ries about w absence of any -With the longer in the v interested in tl or in specific gether and ta action. Studen ances would no ',do it" mistak have to face c ly rather than ed "representat -The aboliti will be the en in University a meager focus currently inter rest of their co difference to mission to its ence students h istrators by de turn, will drift of touch with st WHI CH OF T tion of the The only way tc First, SGC's it out of existe that sch a What To Do with SGC: Try Living Without It [MENTALLY abolish SGC. March ballot by initiative petitions, would to be the most workable succeed). Its structure should be dis- lilemma facing those who mantled completely. Its administrative igorous, relevant student functions should go to administrators; n University policy-mak- its services in which student participa- tion is valuable, such as the membership is this: Student Govern- committee and tribunal, should be set up pparently has discourag- as autonomous organizations. aged, thiq sort of partici- Most important, there should be no seems unlikely that this provision made for a new student gov- the other hand, no one is ernment. No continuing study commit- the student-participation tee. No interim representative board. No be better or worse if SGC nothing. Everyone should simply sit Consequently, those con- back and see what happens. e student's voice are re- down the Council struc- IF THE FIRST THEORY is correct, broad student interest in the University will arise; the experiment will be a success. TO BE two general theo- If the second theory is correct, noth- rhat would happen in the ing will happen; at least the 50 cents of student government: each student's tuition now consumed by dead hand of SGC no SGC will be available for something vay, those students really worthwhile. he University as a whole, Or it might be that the student body problems, could get to- would find the vacuum intolerable and ke appropriate, dynamic demand that a new student government ts with ideas or griev- be set up. If-and only if-this proved t make the fatal "let SGC to be a genuine, broad-based, spontan- :e; administrators would eous demand, a new government should oncerned students direct- be established. Growing from a spon- deal with their halfheart- taneous movement, it undoubtedly would ives." have more life than tired old SGC. on of student government In short, the key to experimental abo- d of student participation lition is that it ,would be done without affairs. Lacking even this eliminating any possibility, including the for their concerns, the possibility of forming another student ested few will join the government. But while no doors would )ntemporaries in total in- be prematurely closed, none would be the University and sub- opened until a real need arose. rulings. Whatever influ- lave now will go to admin- AN OPEN-ENDED PROPOSAL such as fault; their decisions, in this may find little support in an farther and farther out over-organized institution where most tudent needs. people want to know the next five steps before they'll take the first. But this sort 'HESE-or what combina- of experiment seems the most viable al- two-will in fact occur? ternative to blundering along indefinite- find out is to try. ly with SGC. It may not work - but constituents should vote there's very little to lose. nce (there is little doubt -KENNETH WINTER nronosition put on the Managing Editor *VT5 66T HIM UP 06P, f39'{, PAYV 5 HIS 'i 6THA ' CO C LOV051Ok1fG ti' y ' LA1 fASTO$W (k) I JOMOROW iheErnd A FMO ~ "W WURF BOTH O5, VARbtlWJ6BULT WHAT DoQ5 IT MATTER?' WR roe,6TgOg MGAIN!' / W£ WF d6ffI/A7Ye Waf/il N Z'6f1 tJ' i AM AfA, i'7fA FOR A HW G Ca "ANP1 A5 A FONW'50RP5Rmr5c- (- TIM&G OUT FRNON rUMEKPOOM5 rO ~E3RMARP !5 HIS FORIACR o2mcwMGo PTNER, I, 5 ' G(&tZ VUR CHN !" 6I! 6/6K p GARGOYLE: Hard To Take Tyme for Time By ROGER RAPOPORT 'TROUBLE with "Tyme" JLwas that the magazine looked too much like a Gargoyle and not enough like Time. Excluding several good pieces, "Tyme," was, to borrow a phrase .from Sherman Silber's book review of "Superman," "A profound dis- appointment." Attempting to present Time's traditional - "completely honest, accurate and biased picture of all the news," the Gargoyle parody failed. * * * TO BEGIN WITH, a letter on the second page indicated a sub- scriber of 63 years was cancelling, which is a pretty neat trick since Time has only been around for 41 years. Leslie Fish's avant garde bath- room humor cartoon was cute. But what was funny about Her Johnson having a hysterectomy? Sure Johnson's proposed new book, "Sex and the Single Aide," was funny, but LBJ plucking daisy petals, reciting "He loves me he loves me not," was not. This essentially seems to be Gargoyle's problem. While coming across with some great satirical lines-"Perry Purplerock march- ing on Harley Hatchet's home de- manding nationalization of the steel industry"-much of the Garg was garbage. THE POP ART section was too close to reality, frankly we've seen wilder things by Salvador Dali. The ponderous medicine section did, however come across with a good definition of a psychiatrist's function. "He must create prob- lems, conflicts and intensities that had never before been fully realiz- ed by the patient." Probably the best piece in the magazine was "Take it in the Ear," aptly summing up the reason for the pierced ear fad, "it offers many advantages over previous crazes, for it not only costs a great deal more, but is also extremely painful." "Tyme" advises only the purest earrings, since "there is a constant danger whereby the entire and falls off." of infection- ear turns green * * * NONETHELESS a saving grace is found in the review of Super- man, where at least one Garg writer shows he can write a good satire. The review was good because it kept to Time style and had a basis in fact. For example, the comic's flat- ness is, "at times saved by an admittedly engaging plot struc- ture, particularly the Superman- Batman subplot to destroy Jimmy place in the last section. However other reviews are simply meaningless. The review of "Guzzle" by Austine Prejudice bears no relation to Time style or any book. * * * FOR SATIRE to be effective it must stick close to the truth and expand upon the absurdities of the situation. It is obvious that some of the Garg staff can write satire, but for the most part they probably couldn't come across with a good obituary. Incidentally the department of unintentional satire came across with a great ad. The Clairol "Ultra Smooth shaving cream" ad was hysterical - especially the check list. Ohe is left wondering, how- ever, what "under-stocking prickle" is. SETS RECORD: Goldwater Disillusion Loses New York State Trigon: What Must Be Must Be OBODY LIKES to go to the doctor. Shots, pills and various medicines are not likely to be pleasant. But, a trip to the doctor is necessary to cure a localized disease before it spreads throughout the body. The discomfort of the trip is con- sidered negligible in respect to the possi- ble harm-if the disease is left unchecked. Trigon is presenting a similar prob- lem to the Interfraternity Council Exec- utive Committee. It has been brought be- fore the committee on a charge of reli- gious discrimination in membership. The comhmittee, the judicial branch of the IFC, will rule on the case Nov. 24., IT IS'TOO BAD they must. Trigon has religious services, one of a few fraternities that do. As a result, Trigon seeks members who could partici- pate in the services. Commendable though the idea is, it does lead to dis- crimination on religious grounds. Therefore Trigon will be tried. Its serv- ices will, in effect, likely be ruled ille- gal, not in themselves, but because of the recruiting techniques they lead to. EXECUTIVE committee doesn't want to try the case. Members of the committee, along with various frater- nity presidents, have said that "it is a rotten shame" the case was brought up. Other fraternities, sources in IFC have said, practice much worse discrimination and get away with it because they have not been brought to the attention of the committee. But the Trigon case has and it must be tried. The executive committee was formed several years ago to review fraternity violations of University and fraternity rules, and to rule on them. Last year Student Government Council allowed the committee to review cases of member- ship violation, rather than bringing them to Joint Judiciary Council. However, should the committee be thought to falter in its so far excellent work, jurisdiction would be returned to Joint Judic. The fraternity system would be hurt, and Trigon would be no better off. A DOCTOR treats maladies when he finds them. However, he can only work on what he can see. While he heals a minor abrasion, major malignancies may fester inside. -ROBERT BENDELOW ONLY TWO Republican candi- dates for President have ever lost New York's huge suburban Westchester County. The first was Abraham Lincoln, the second is Barry Goldwater; and no one be- fore him ever managed to lose every one of New York's 62 coun- ties. Yet we can call Goldwater a loser only if we forget what he set out to do. He was distracted, as so many men before him have been, by a late onset of the illusion that he might be President of the United States. But when he began, he wanted nothing except to de- stroy the Eastern Republican es- tablishment. * * * CATO would have pelt his life fulfilled if he had done as much to Carthage as Barry Goldwater has done to Nelson Rockefeller's New York Republicans. The Gold- water people failed like a starving mob assaulting a bakery; Rocke- feller's people failed like a bank. The day before the election, New York and Kansas were the only states whose governor, two sena- tors and a majority of both houses were all Republicans. Now Ken- neth Keating has been turned out of the Senate; the Republicans have lost both wings of the state house; and Nelson Rockefeller, Goldwater's great fraternal enemy, must fight alone in Albany for his life. GOVERNOR SCRANTON did, of course, keep the Pennsylvanik Party in a condition minimally fit for habitation. We hear that Sen- ator Goldwater now proposes to assay their mistakes. There is very likely a fugitive hart of him which interrupts this interior scrutiny to say over and over again; "If I had only spent two more days m Pennsylvania, who knows; I might have taken Hugh Scott down with me too." -Murray Kempton The New Republic EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM: Patience with New 'Art Form' Waxes Wanes At the Cinema Guild HAVE PATIENCE, my dear. This is an experimental film program and we must be open-minded about the new horizons these searching young film-makers are opening up for our jaded and often unresponsive eyes. You must realize how important these people are to the cinema. Remember, the cinema can be an "art form" if handled properly, which, of course, is never done at that "dream factory"-that conveyor belt of celluloid called Hollywood. Have patience, my dear. These young and thoughtful men are creating the "new cinema" and discovering a new vocabulary that will make the medium really exciting. For instance, take this first film, "Blonde Cobra." The crassness that blares over the transitor radios placed in the middle of the audience has a deep meaning and a profound significance to those . . . well, uh, meandering images on the screen. Why, even the absence of a picture for more than half the time is highly relevant to the message the film-maker is trying to get across or the feeling he is trying to engender or the fact he is trying ... * * * * SEE DEAR, patience pays. This film is' colorful. "Twice a Man" is precisely edited and it would take a fool to think it is devoid of meaning. It is the advanced technique-the unique and novel vocabu- lary-that Mr. Markopoulos is advancing that is so important. And remember, it won an award at the Brussel's Film Festival a few years ago and who are we to doubt its value. Yes, this film I feel for. See dear, patience pays again. This film has the poetic thrust of life, the documentary realism, the ache for people that is charming and ingratiating. Nothing is beyond Rudy Burckhard's "Under the Brooklyn Bridge." He will go into a sleazy bar in the slums luring the local demolition workers' lunch break and he will shoot the vacant streets and the factory workers leaving for home through the dingy alley door and the poor children swimming sans bathing suits under the bridge in the dirty East River as the barges pass by and people just walking and the beautiful-ugliness of it all and ... oh, it is so moving, my dear. HAVE PATIENCE, my dear. The "Blue and Orange" film is cute and amusing, isn't it? And the special effects are wonderful. This film shows how important the inanimate object is to the cinema and how it can be infused with life with techniques thoroughly indigenous to the cinema. Disney does the same thing with his cartons and his wild-life dramas. Of course, they are often not about inanimate objects, but unhuman creatures, personified. Isn't it all so clever, my dear. The moral tone is just right-light and gingery-and the music is spry and its is so, easy to immerse yourself in the images of the balls jumping and playing in that junk yard. Dear, on the way home, let's pick up some bouncing balls just like those, for the lids and . . . come on dear. What are you waiting for? The show is over. -Michael Juliar 'NOTORIOUS' Historic Quality Saves Early Hitchcock .Film At the Cinema Guild "iNOTORIOUS*" it is not. Rather, it is a love story set against a background of intrigue and counter-espionage; typical of the late 1940's in which it was produced.s Cary Grant gives a somewhat inexperienced performance as the suave young intelligence agent who has all the answers-and the beau- tiful girl. In some ways, his style is stilted and to a contemporary audience it seems "unnatural." However, this is balanced by Ingrid Bergman's more "romantic" portrayal of the hard, sophisticated party- girl who agrees to risk her life for her country and the man 'she loves. Claude Rains gives an undistinguished performance as the "villain," a German underground agent who is the third "angle" in the inevitable love triangle. *. * * * ADDED TO the disadvantages of a trite plot and merely adequate performances, is the "slickness" of production techniques which may be a bit too much for contemporary audiences to swallow. For in- stance, the photography is blurred to achieve a dream-like quality. At times this becomes almost nauseous. The action is set in the "romantic far-away" of Brazil. Costumes and settings are elaborate almost to the point of breaching good taste. It must be said at this point, however, that such practices were not limited to this film. They were the rule of style during the late 1940's, and as such cannot be held against "Notorious" in particular. THIS "HISTORIC" quality on the other hand, makes the film valuable. It exhibits many of the techniques which Hitchcock has per- fected and still uses even in his latest film, "Marnie." For instance, there are prolonged close-ups which capture the subtleties of expression 9tdee°;R}txtsiy9 't^S'{.,"yy ypAM"" 2 i'_ t t t i y, Jd . ". r ' :u"~72? "Mon! , rt.T 'A '~'ik':.; {'a A o , ' .,:.." w wT S4L {rNj NW+nf t { } t vt t x !ry a .a .. SPx s ',~i , ." " L ,.1@3 . i Wti l '!.",."" .tf ' ' "i .1wA +,F "..e '. a.. +d°,.; .. d°t. wi ."r t±;r s" rty, ett1"4.. . ... ,: ; r fywel.r> R"k 7gt" spR. ye; i I . rVyl ^ .pp, r 't sr , 4 I d n Sb a i eSfi 4 151 Iy ;E . . ^ro7' Y F; : P1 { i TrJrk 71,7 Why High Rent Is Necessary APARTMENT BUILDERS are justified if they soak students for all they're worth. And, if students are sufficiently aware of their housing alternatives, the University has no right to interfere to H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director BILL BULLARD......................Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY........... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE......Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND............Associate Sports Editor insure that they are "getting their mon- ey's worth." Granted: because of the demand for independent housing, apartment builders are able to construct apartments of less than ideal design and still pass them off on students at high rental rates, mak- ing, it would seem, "exorbitant" profits. BUT THE LARGE profits are needed to draw out more capital to build more apartments. There is a dearth of apartments now, and, unless more capi- tal becomes available for apartment construction, the problem will become more severe in the future. T&a.1cr vhgivh dhnnsld h enough anart- .4 t '-.r. 7 Y. }yy fjl t. G: H.14. S1 ' a}t p . +,; .;rt 7 t 5h 1 ,sty :"d' i G y 't;<'ii ? 1}.v .'f6 5 1 4: JF7 i* n " ) n '1: "e ta S~ ad.vt '= el .9Ffh'f l