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November 12, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-12

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Draft Scandal Major Sees Unity


Draft Scandal, Major Flooding sees enity
Plague New Viet Nam Regime In Bolivia

U.S., USSR Deadlocked in UN

SAIGON (I)-A draft scandal
showed up yesterday among flood
relief, political and other prob-
lems besetting South Viet Nam.
Police sources said they uncov-
ered a ring, involving officials in
the former government of Maj.
Gen. Nguyen Khanh, that has sold
exemption papers to Vietnamese
youths conscripted for military
service against the Communist
Viet Cong.,
The price for avoidance of du-,
ty in the U.S.-advised armed forc-
es, they said, ranged from the
equivalent of $750 to $1500. That,
would be too high for peasants,
but within the means of wealthy
Press Investigation'
The police reported one man is
under arrest. They said they in-
tend to press the investigation de-
spite a pbssibility of efforts from
high places to sweep it under the
Draft boards speeded up their,
work recently after a -long lull.
Teams of military and civilian po-
lice are stopping youths for
checks of identity and draft reg-

istration cards and sometimes are
inducting them on the spot.
All branches of the armed serv-
ices need more men. While the
United States has built up its
supporting forces to more than
21,000 men, at only half their
authorized strength. One goal is
to bring the regular army up to
215,000 by the year end.
Flood Disaster
The war went on even in flood-
ed central Viet Nam, where U.S.
and Vietnamese relief and rescue
teams struggled through Viet
Conzg sniper fire and foul weath-
er to alleviate the disaster.
A U.S. military spokesman -
cautioning that the figures might
be exaggerated--said floods rush-
ing through mountain valleys in
the last few days are reported to
have drowned 1100 civilians and
driven 150,000 from their homes.
Refugees poured into the main
coastal cities. It was estimated
that 36,000 or more are in Da
Nang, a South China sea port and
military base 380 miles northeast
of Saigon.

In Saigon, dissident student
leaders pressed their demands for
a reorganization of Premier Tran
Van Huong's week-old civilian
government. A dozen surround-
ed him at a state reception in
Gia Long Palace, saying they lik-
ed him but couldn't stand some of
his ministers.
Huong, a former school teach-
er, told the students that all
complaints are under study. But
flood relief has priority for the
time being, he said. The students
clearly were not satisfied. They
have threatened to defy Huong's
ban on demonstrations if their
demands are not answered by Fri-
day afternoon.
The 12 youths were among in-
vited guests at a reception given

LA PAZ, Bolivia (R)-Gen. Rene
Barriento said yesterday most po-
litical parties have agreed to sur-
render their arms to prevent fur-
ther violence in Bolivia.
"This is an important step for-
ward in the understanding we
have achieved with the parties,"
the President of the military jun-
ta said in an interview.
"We are gradually strengthen-
ing a working alliance with the
political forces toward realizing
our aim of national unity."
Civilian groups, including pea-
sants, students and miners be-
longing to different parties, have
had weapons for years. Their
stocks were increased by loot-
ing arsenals during last week's
military revolt that ousted Presi-
dent Victor Paz Estenssoro.

By The Associated Press
President Lyndon B. Johnson
has expressedwillingness to re-
solve the deadlock over UN fi-
nances "in tny number of pos-
sible ways" consistent with the
UN charter. But from all indi-
cations, the basic positions of
the U.S. and Russia in the feud
over payment of UN dues re-
mains unchanged.
The President's chief delegate,
Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson,
gave Johnson's position in a let-
ter to the Nigerian UN ambassa-
dor, Chief O. S. Adebo, made
public yesterday.
The Soviet Union is two years
behind in UN dudes because of re-
fusal to pay assessments amount-
ing to roughly $52 million to
support UN operations in the
Congo and the Middle East.
Charter Penalty
Article 19 of the UN Charter
says any member two years be-
hind cannot vote in the Gen-
ral Assembly. The USSR could
avoid being the full two years
behind by paying only $5,793,331
of their total assessments.
Others two years behind are
the Ukraine, Bylorussia, Czecho-

eral U Thant. Afterward Feder
enko told reporters not to "hav
any illusions" that the Soviet Un
ion would depart from the state
ment of last Saturday reiteratin
its refusal to pay for Congo an
Middle East peacekeeping.
According to Stevenson, th
U.S. is willing to strengthen th
Council's primary role in peace
keeping, without derogating fro
the Assembly's power of assess
ment. It favors assessing peace
would "take more fully into
keeping costs in a way that woul
"take more fully into account" t
views of the chief financial co
Stevenson said that "as far
the United States is concerne
the current financial difficulti
can be settled in anynumber
possible ways consistent with t
He did not elaborate. The United
States has always argued that i
would be "consistent with th
charter" for the Russians to for-
feit their vote if they did not pay.
But it has also said it is flexible
as to the method of payment, be-
cause "the only vitally essential
ingredient in any solution is that
the funds be made available to
the United Nations."
Stevenson's letter was the first
announced response to Nigeria's
letter which was sent Wednes-
day to Johnson, French President
Charles De Gaulle, Soviet Pre-
mier Alexei I. Kosygin and Brit-
ish Prime Minister Harold Wil-
son, asking that their govern-
ments get together on- the issue.

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by Chief of State Phan Khac SuuTentative Backing
in honor of his predecessor, Maj.1 ; .All political parties except Paz's
Gen. Duong Van Minh. Minh was PREMIER HUONG Nationalist Revolutionary Move-
scheduled to leave today on a ment and the Communists gave
good will tour to Hawaii, Formosa, groupings and even the High Na- the military junta tentative back-
Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. tional Council, the interim legis- ing in a meeting Tuesday night.
Criticism of the cabinet, made lature that confirmed Huong in Barientos said some parties gave
up of technicians rather than poli- the premiership. outright agreement to surrender
ticians, has recently spread among arms to the government. Obvi-
Nguyen Xuan Chu quit as coun- ously this did not include Paz's
religious, student and political cil chairman last week. He was party, whose People's Militia
.... *...,...,...,.......... miffed at the fact the council was fought for Paz to the last. i
not consulted on selection of the "Other parties have not yet
new cabinet and complained that cmethroparties avre notyetd
Uthere is insufficient representa-ros a
tionof oliicalfacion. ;"but the general trend is in that
JL E T NAboofouti00mmbersof the na- dPar~tyl'eaders, however, were
tional studen ion called re- keeping a watchful eye on the
ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- cently at a noisy meeting for dis- military regime. Their backing is'
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please solution of t h e government. essential to keep Bolivia at peace.*
sign interview schedules posted at 128-H
West Engrg. for appointments with the Speakers charged there are "for- Rests on Promises
following: mer secret policemen, drunkards "If the junta keeps its prom-
and Diemists" (followers of the ises, everything should be all
MON. NOV.rp. Beloit Wis. BSMS: ME late Ngo Dinh Diem) among the right," said Juan Lechin, a pow-
BS: EE. R & D, Des., Sales Trng Prog. 15 ministers. The students were erful leftist leader whose tin
Cook Paint & Varnish Co., Detroit reported displeased with Huong's miners in the south rose against
Research Dept. BS, MS and Prof: ChE. announced policy of separating Paz last month. "But if the prom-
BS-MS: Mat'Is. and Chem. Can consider politics from the classrooms. ises are not kept, we wi fight
non-citizens if becoming a U.S. citizen. ssaentkpt ewl ih
R and D. New Unity again."
R.C. Mahon Co., Warren, Mich. BS: The promises include calling
IE and ME. Dec. grads. Can consider
non-citizens If becoming a U.s. citizen A spokesman for the Roman free elections within six months
R and D, Des. and Sales for ME's, Catholic faction of the Rev. Hoang to a year to name a civilian gov-

(Continued from Page 2)
Student Government Approval of the
foilowing student-sponsored events be-
comes effective 24 hours after the pub-
lication of this notice. All publicity
for these events must be withheld until]
the approval has become effective.
Approval request forms for student-
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Economic Society, .Speech by Dr.i
John M. Montias, Nov. 12, 4 p.m.. MPR .
Astronomical Colloquium: Sat., Nov.
14, 2:30 p.m., McMath-Hulbert Observ-1
atory, Lake Angelus. Dr. Richard G.
Teske, Dept of Astronomy, will speak
on "Preliminary Results from a Dou-
ble-Pass Solar Spectograph."
Attention Seniors and Grad Students:
The McGraw-Hill Engineering Digest,:
edited for engineering students, is con-s
ducting a Seniors Program and the
U-M Engrg. School has been selected.:
Seniors and Grad students can ob-]
tain an application blank for a free
one-year subscription to this digest
from the Engrg. Placement Service, orI
frodm your departmental office.
December 19, 19647
To be held at 2 p.m.. in Hill Audi-
torium. Exercises will conclude about
4 p.m. All graduates of the summer
session of 1964 and graduates as of:
December 1964 may attend.
Reception for graduates, their rela-
tives and friends in Michigan League
Ballroom at 4 p.m. Please enter League
at west entrance.
Tickets: Four to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
x!ised and registered student organisa-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 BBB.
American Society for Public Adminis-
tration - Discussion on "Sensitivity
Training"-The Application of Social
Psychology to Admin. Organization,
November 13, 1964, 4 p.m., Graduate
Outing Room, Rackham.
The Christian Science Organization,
Meeting, Thursday, Nov. 13, 1964, 7:30
p.m., Room 528 D, Student Activities

slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Ro-
mania, Bolivia and Yemen. France
will be two years behind Jan. 1
if it continues refusing to pay
Congo assessments.
The United States has insisted
that the penalty in the Charter be
applied. The. Soviet Union has
hinted that if that happens it will
quit the United Nations. Both the
Soviet Union and France hold
that Assembly peacekeeping as-
sessments are illegal, on grounds
that the Security Council has sole
authority over peacekeeping.
A Firm Stand
Late yesterday, Soviet Ambas-
sador Nikolai T. Federenko talked
for an hour with Secretary Gen-

'Dec. 7, to 1 p.m., Sat., Dec. 19. Diplo-
Bldg., except on Sat., Dec. 12, when
office will be closed. Sat., Dec. 19,of-
fice will be open from 9 to 1 p.m.
Academic Costume: May be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Ave.Orders should be placed imme-
Assembly for Graduates: At 1 p.m.
in Naturfal Science Auditorium. Mar-
shals will direct graduates to proper
Programs: To be distributed at Hill,
Candidates who qualify for a doc-
toral degree from the Graduate School
TION EXERCISES will be presented
a hood by the University. Hoods given
during the ceremony are all Doctor
of Philosophy hoods. Those receiving a
doctor's degree other than the PhD
may exchange the PhD hood for the
appropriate one after the ceremony.
Such exchange may be made in Room
1139 Natural Science Bldg. during the
half hour after the recessional march,
or in Room 2564 Administration Bldg.
on the following Monday morning.
Placement E
The Dearborn Press, Dearborn, Mich.
-Reporter-editor. Immed. opening for
male Journ. grad or near BA for
sports & school beat. Exper. not re-
Mfgr's Duplicating Equipment, De-
troit Area-male grads for sales trng.
program. Bkgd. in Engrg., Systems &,
math helpful but not req.
John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works,
Waterloo, Iowa-Management Develop-
er, MA in vocational counseling or re-
lated area, bkgd. In psych., between
30 & 40 yrs. Exper. in industry or
teaching pref.
* a «




Prod. for IE's.
Northern Natural Gas Co., Omaha,
Neb., ES: ChE, EE, IE and ME. Can
consider non-citizens ifbecoming a
U.S. citizen. Dev.
Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, Tex.
All degrees: ChE, EE, ME and Met. Men
and Women. R and D, Des. and Prod.
U.S. Gov't. General Services Admin.,.
Nationwide. All Degrees: CE, EE, EM,
IE and ME and Arch. MS: Constr'n,
Pub. Wks. Admin., Sanitary, Commun'n
Sci. Men and Women. Des. and Mgmt.
MON. and TUES. NOV. 16-17
Bendix Corp. All divisions. All de-
grees: EE and ME: MS-Phd: Instrum'n.
BS: ChE. PhD: AE and Astro., Meteor.
and Ocean. Dev. and Des.
Boeing Co., Seattle, Wichita, Phila.,
and New Orleans. All degrees: AE and
Astro., ChE, CE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME,
Met. Prof: Applied Mech. MS-PhD: In-I
strumen's. MS: Constr'n. BS-MS: Naval
and Marine-outstanding students. BS:
E Math., E Physics and Sci. Engrg. R
and D, Des. and Prod.
Union Carbide Corp-Ph.D. Recruiting
N. Y., N. J., W. Va., Ill., Ind. and Ohio.
PhD: AE, ChE, EE, EM, Met. and Nu-
clear. Can consider non-citizens. R and
D, Prod, and Mkt.-Res.
NASA-Lewis Research Center, Ohio
locations. All degrees: AE and Astro.,
ChE,EE, EM, R and D, Mat's., ME,
Met., Physics and Math. MS-PhD: In-
strum'n and Nuclear. BS: E Math, E
Physics and Sci. Engrg. Men and Wom-
en. R and D.

Quyen said Catholics and Bud-
dhists, often at odds in the last
18 months, are prepared to unite
against the government. Huong's
statement that politics and reli-
gion should be separated is open
to question.
Both faiths are dissatisfied be-
cause Huong did not consult re-
ligious leaders in selecting the
ministers, he said.

Parties giving the junta some
form of backing range from
Lechin's Revolutionary Party of
the Nationalist Left to the right-
ist Bolivian Socialist Falange, the
nation's two largest parties.
It remains to be seen whether
the various parties will return all
their weapons, Lechin's tin min-
ers, for example, are heavily


4:10 p.m.

Frieze Building

Arena Theatre

World News
By The Associated Press
of steelworkers employed by 11
major steel firms will meet in New
York City next Monday and Tues-
day to discuss union problems in
a prelude to new contract talks.
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
and Yugoslavia yesterday signed a
$300-million trade agreement for
next year, the Soviet News Agency
Tass reported.
They also made agreement on
a $250-million Soviet order for 78
Yugoslav-built ships for delivery
in 1966-70.
VIENTIANE, Laos-An army
communique said yesterday there
have been strong Pathet Lao at-
tacks against the government
army's forward positions about
six miles north of Tha Thom, a
strategically important town in
North Central Laos.
The communique issued by the
chief of staff of the national army
said the government, troops are
firmly defending themselves a few
miles from their original positions.
A Special Report:
A Final Tribute By Adlai Stevenson
Harry Golden * Joseph Alsop * Art
Buchwald *U Thant *James Reston
by Hubert H. Humphrey
Over 30 rewarding articles includ-
ing features by James Baldwin, Bob
Hope, Cindy Adams and Sidney
(Look for these highlights next month)






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Do you want to find out about
jobs in Europe? Come to Summer
Placement Service and sign up for
interviews to be held Nov. 23 & 24.
Manpower, Inc., 205 E. Liberty -
Survey Work, campus area, men with
8-12 hrs. avail. Nov. 18. Earn up to
$15.60. Must have good vision, legible
handwriting & be able to work out-
doors. Apply at Manpower, Inc.

Make appt at Bureau of Appoints.,
3200 SAB. _
MON. NOV. 16
U.S. Gov't. Housing and Home Finance
Agcy., Calif., Puerto Rico, D.C., NYC,
Phila., Ga., Ill., Texas. BS-MS: CE. MS:
Constr'u and Sanitary. Men and Wom-

Skimmers of soft,
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Wafer-thin heels,
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Colors for every
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* * *

International Students Association,
Petitioning for Administrative Vice-
President, Petitions may be obtained
in the ISA Office, 2521 Student Activi-
ties Building until they are due on
November 20, 1964.
Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 12
Novembre, lejeudi, 3 to 5 p.m., 3050
Frieze Building.
Near East Studies Club, Lecture on
Kuwait, Nov. 12, 1964, 8 p.m., Room 1,
Lane Hall.
University of Michigan Amateur Ra-
dio Club, Meeting, Nov. 12, 1964, 7 p.m.,
4505 East Engineering.
W.A.A. Folk Dance Club, Folk dance
with instruction suitable for begin-
ners 'Friday, November 13, 1964, 8 to
10:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Building.
*" v -


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