PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAETW.HEMCH.NAL MORE DETAILS TO SENIORS: Honors Council To Push Public RelationsI Citizens' Group Suggests Closing of Jones School v'- By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The Honors 'Council will wage a stepped-up infcrriation cam- paign this year aimed at drawing more top-rank high school sen- iors into the 1965 freshman class. The campaign is geared to pointing up the advantages of the University and its honors pro- gram. Information will be dissem- inated through a new booklet, co- ordination with high school coun- selors and direct personal contact with potential honors students. The director of the Honors Council, Prof. Otto Graf of the German department, has appoint- ed Prof. Adon A. Gordus of the ,hemistry department to assist him with the information project. The admissions office is also in- creasing high school liaison. It has appointed a high school rela- tions counselor who will work with secondary school officials and the Honors Council.' Good News The guiding philosophy behind the information program "is to tell the number of good things about the University which we take ' for granted," Prof. Gordus explains. durrently, the Honors Council distributes only a small brochure, accompanied by a letter, to pros- B -- I Also the Student NEW bicycle headquarters., pective honors students. Nearly all of these pupils are already ac- cepted by the University. The campaign will not seek to overrepresent the merits of the University, "nor will we try to coerce students into coming here," Prof. Gordus asserts. The impetus for this program has been provided in the past few years by the example of other, universities. Michigan State Uni- versity's quantity of bulletins, bro- ::hures and personal contacts have spurred both Honors and admis- sions officials here to re-examine their public relations efforts. Scanned Competition During the past year, Prof. Gor-- dus chaired an Honors Council subcommittee which . probed the publicity and scholarship programs at other institutions. Correlating these studies with feedback from high school. prin- cipals, Prof. Gordus comments that one factor is obvious: "We aren't known." But both men staunchly deny any attempts at "direct recruit- ment" or "academic pitchman- ship," labels which University of- ficials have been accused of pin- ning on Michigan State Univer- sity. The Whole Truth False pretenses will be delib- erately avoided. One way is by personal diplomacy. "Our empha- sis is on what the University and the honors program offer the stu- dent personally," Prof. Graf stresses. PROF. ADON A. GORDUS Both men hope to utilize alum- ni and current honors students to supplement campus interviews in creating. personal ties with the high schoolers. Prof. Gordus feels that Michi- gal. State -has been much more energetic in giving its potential en- rollees a feeling for the institu- tion. He cited MSU dinners in major American cities which in- troduce the students to officers and professors. "If we can just get them to Ann Arbor to see the campus and talk with us--they'll come here in the fall," Prof. Gordus says. A citizens' committee this sum- mer asked that Ann Arbor's Jones Elementary School be closed to correct "racial imbalance." The group asked that Its 200 students-over three fourths of them Negro-be transported to other city schools.' Its recommendation, now under consideration by the local board of education, received support from most of the 300 people who attended an open meeting called to discuss the problem. Supporters of the plan made two claims: -Children attending the school receive a poor education. Various citizens at the open meeting men- tioned "incompetent" teachers, low academic records achieved by their children, racial prejudice and one Jones teacher's rejection of a child the teacher termed "in- capable of learning." -Jones is a case of "de facto segregation." The local unit of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People con- tended that "in a society domin- ated by white people, the welfare of Negro children forced to live and learn in a segregated environ- ment will be adversely affected . Nothing short of full integration as equals can reach into the hearts and minds of Negro youngsters in a way which will repair the dam- age segregation has already done to their sense of personal dignity and their motivation to succeed' and develop their capacities." A spokesman for the Washtenaw County Conservatives, George F. COFDS: It's Hairstyling Galore! FOR THE HOLIDAYSt! No appointment needed Custom Styling by Experts The Dascola Barbers Lemble, delivered a statement against closing 'of the school. He said the closing is "a most radical departure from normal procedure" and would involve "damaging" psychological effects upon chil- dren who would attend schools outside their neighborhoods. One citizen lauded the neighbor- hood school concept and claimed that closing Jones school would destroy the identification and loyalty which close-by school af- ford. But a second citizen thought it would be beneficial to break down neighborhood lines in order to achieve city-wide integration. Other advocates of closing men- tioned related economic factors- high rents in Ann Arbor and the inability of Negroes to move out of the Jones district. TWO ISSUES: Potential Conflicts Face SGC The Jefferson Falls SHOWN HERE IN ITS BETTER days-which ended in July-the Jefferson Apartment Bldg. at Jefferson and Maynard Streets is being torn down. By next summer the area between West Quad and the SAB will be a Welcome recreation area for students on the West side of campus. Student Government C o u n c i 1 this fall faces two possible con- flicts with the Office of Student Affairs. In one controversy, a student cooperative organization which re- cently applied to Student Govern- ment Council for recognition faces an administrative roadblock if SGC does choose to recognize it., Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis announced that if Student Government Coun. cil votes to recognize "Students for Cooperative Enterprise," he will be forced to put a "stay of action" on the move. A postcard ballot has not yet produced conclusive results. Halt Recognition This would halt recognition pending a review by the Commit- tee on Referral - a student-fac- ulty-administrative board which. can recommend approval or veto of SGC actions, when Lewis seeks their advice. Lewis said that the organiza- tion, which was founded to push t4 M .- - - - . Read and Use, I Michigan Daily Classifieds the Co-op book store, intends to assist a "cooperative mercantile organization." A Regents' policy statement has forbidden the Uni- versity to give "special advant- ages"--such as those which go with recognition-to, cooperatives.' The president, Sarah Mahler, '65, indicated that the group has tentative plans to appeal Lewis' ruling to the Regents. Calendaring In the second controversy, the Office of Student Affairs has asked Student Government Coun- cil to clarify the procedures in- volved in scheduling apd approv- ing student-sponsored events. Requesting the clarification, John Feldkamp of the OSA said recently he believes SGC does not understand that it has the final, say in approving events. But in the meantime, Feldkamp is informing all student organiza- tions with events planned for the fall that SGC still has to approvel them. . The confusion stems from the fact that before an organization can put on an event, it must go through a two-step process - scheduling and approval. First, the event must be assigned a date which doesn't conflict with other student events or vacation periods. Second, it must be .approved for . . ., its purpose, planning and fi- nances. 'Ambiguous' Last December, Council set up a University Calendaring Commit- tee in most ambiguous terms, Feldkamp reports after a thorough perusal of SGC minutes. T h e student-faculty-adminis- trator committee, according to Feldkamp's interpretation, appears to have been empowered to carry out "scheduling" functions - as- signing time, place and date to student as well as non-student events. He feels that SGC retained the power to carry out "approval" functions. Thus, the sponsoring group would have to go to both calendar- ing committee and Council before its event would become official. But Feldkamp explained re- cently ,that SGC members don't seem to understand these proced- ures. Apparently, some questions exist as to whether the calendar- ing committee does not both '"schedule" and "approve." I - .! Near Michigan Theatre .,. :.:: / 4 00010- A .{J C w1ecome to .} t ., :. - . : ,. ,; J The Student USED I I THE STORE WITH Bicycle Headquarters from 1995 _ l . :: s' EVERYTHING FROM BEAUTIFUL BASICS TO OFF-BEAT FANTASIES I '9 A America's most complete campus apparel shop, ready to clue you in on the do's and don't, the pros and protocol of college fashion life. Jacob- son's is the store that's famous for fashion-favorite names . . . makers you've come to know and depend upon as national symbols of quality and good taste . . . names you knew at home--waiting for you at Jacobson's, your away-from-home headquarters for college-right fash- ions from head to foot. Pinn. + o lminpnh'nn'c ~ vurfirs+ enmriu S n s naa-all the FOR YOUR CON YENI ENCE For the convenience of students wishing to order telephone service this fall, Michigan Bell's Business Office will remain open all day on Saturday, August 29. This is in addition t our regular hours of 8 to 5 Mondays through Fridays. Due to .the high seasonal demand for { !tHhI i IT I .