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November 11, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-11

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SThg Aidhijan Baity

Union Explains Rockwell Financial Arrangements

Where Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEwS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Passage of Proposition 14:
Tyranny of the Majority
ON ELECION DAY, Californians ap- for its constitutionality in court. Of
proved by a two-to-one margin Propo- course individuals will claim that they
sition 14. This proposition stipulates should be able to rent their property to
that any property owner can "decline anyone they want. Yet, on the other
to sell, lease or rent residential real hand, members of various ethnic groups
property to any person as he chooses." will claim that they are entitled to the
The passage of Propositian 14 repealed dignity of being able to rent the same
the Rumford Act of 1963 which made it living quarters as their fellow man.
illegal for a property owner to base trans- The question arises of whether a gov-
actions on race, religion, or creed. ernment has the obligation or even the
Apparently discrimination in America right to intervene on the behalf of min-
is not limited to the South. Rather, the ority groups if the majority condones a
approval of Proposition 14 documents the measure.
permeation of discriminatory beliefs
throughout our society. II IS. LEGITIMATE to say that in a
democracy the majority should prevail.
THIS SORT OF discrimination is not However, thde United States is not a
new to the West Coast, the breed- democracy in its purest form; rather it
ing ground for such organizations as the is a constitutional or limited democracy.
Sons and Daughters of the Golden West Through an intricate system of checks
and the John Birch Society. The history aund balances the power of any given
of discrimination against Asiatics there, element in our society is restricted. Just
notably during World War II when 110,- as trranny by a minority is not tolerated,
000 Japanese were imprisoned in what the courts must prevent the tyranny of
Supreme Court Justice Roberts called the majority as exemplified by the pas-
"concentration camps" is infamous. sage of Proposition 14.
Proposition 14 will probably be tested -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
Welcome Johnson's Victory


To the Editor:
T HE UNION would like to
answer Mr. Rapoport's editorial
of last Friday. Mr. Rapoport re-
lates that Dr. Fred Schwartz,
president of a group known as
t h e Christian Anti - Communist
Crusade, passed on information
regarding George Lincoln Rock-
well's financial support.
The editorial quotes Dr. Sch-
wartz as saying: "Rockwell re-
plied: 'The universities back me,'
and proceeded to rattle off a list
of universities whose speaking
fees are keeping the American
Nazi Party alive." The editorial
ends with the faintly-dramatic,
"We are one."
The fact is that we were not
one. Our financial arrangements
with Rockwell included only trav-
eling expenses: no accommodation
expenses, no incidentials, and def-
initely no speaking fee. We would
have been more than happy to
have given Mr. Rapoport this in-
formation if he had taken the
trouble to contact us before writ-
ing his article.
-John W. Warren, '66
Special Projects Committee
Michigan Union
EDITOR'S NOTE: What Rockwell
meant when he said, "we are one
of his university backers," is open
to conjecture. However, to some ex-
tent traveling expenses help to keep
Rockwell and the American Nazi
Party alive.-R.R.
Brother Program
To the Editor:
J WAS VERY SORRY to read in
in the Nov. 3 Daily that the
Union is consideringtdropping its
International Brother Program.
I participated in this program last
year, and made many good friends
through it. I found my "brother"
to be a very interesting person,
and gained many new insights
from him. All in all, I found the
program to be worth every bit of
the time that I put into it.
The Union states that they are
considering dropping the program
because of apathy on the part of
United States students. To some
extent this is true. Many students
never heard of the program, and
most of those who did just were
not interested. But I would sug-
gest that the Union use those
people who did show an interest.
* * K
I SIGNED UP for the program
early in the year. After about two
weeks, during which time I re-
ceived nothing from the Union. I
went back to check on why I had
not been contacted. While there I
filled out another form and was
told that I would definitely be
contacted within a week. It has
been nearly a month since my last
visit and I have still heard no-
There may be apathy among
United States students, but the
Union is not helping matters by
ignoring or losing applications
from interested students.
-Dennis R. Braddock, '67
To the Editor:
IF PEOPLE would realize that
sororities are merely smaller
housing unts-not elite social
groups-there would be no prob-
lem of any house having to go
off campus. Unfortunately, indi-
vidual houses and the sorority
system as a whole havetacquired
a stigma through publicity.
Each year many girls go
through rush with no intention
of pledging, merely bent on get-
ting a closer look at such a con

troversial subject, and end up
being some of the strongest ad-
vocates of the system. They find
that a house has the advantages
of an apartment in that girls mu-
tually choose their own living
companions. But there is an ad-
vantage of size in the larger num-
ber of girls with whom one can
exchange ideas and broaden her
Moreover, such a living unit is
in reality a pooling of resources
for purposes of efficiency. Col-
lectively, small amounts of money
from each individual pay the
wages of a cook and provide nour-
ishing, tastily prepared food,
saving time for the individual
members to do other things. Fur-
thermore, here is an opportunity
for individuals to develop and
contribute their talents. Some
play guitars and sing for enter-
tainment and relaxation. Schol-
astically, some act as tutors-
and a look at the statistics shows
that the overall average for af-
filiated women is considerably
higher than that of unaffiliated.
Economically speaking, this
type of housing unit offers other
advantages. Some cut hair, somA
make minor clothing repairs or
do major overhaul jobs, either
free of charge or for nominal
fees, and thereby contribute fur-
ther to domestic tranquility.
Others are aesthetically or cul-
turally oriented, and act as stimu-
lants and teachers. In this res-
pect the sororities encourage the
members to be well-rounded indi-
viduals, and if this all-over de-
velopment makes them seem sim-
ilar to one-another, is this a
negative quality?
COLLEGE is a time of discov-
ery of powers, of contemplation
and evaluation of self. Living
alone in apartments or in iso-
lated singles or doubles of large
dorms encourages one to be
more introspective. This is bene-
ficial to a- certain extent, but
harmful when carried to such
degrees that the person feels con-
tinually depressed and alone in a
world void of love or purpose.
Suicides are virtually non-ex-
istent in such housing units where
people are brought out of their
own self-centered worlds and en-
couraged to help and be con-
cerned about one another.
In short, smaller housing units
including scholarship houses, co-
ops, smaller, more personal dorms
and sororities and fraternities all

serve the same purpose and offer
similar opportunities. Unfortun-
ately, the significance of the
Greek letters, originally intended
merely to differentiate among
some of the different housing
units--not stigmatize and set
apart the entire Greek system-
has been twisted and contorted
and publicized as a plague to in-
dividuality and personal identity
and set aside as markers to so-
cially stratify the campus.
* * *
THIS need not be. Everybody
has the ability to make friends.
If the names were taken away,
and each group rushed without
any identity to a particular
house, and with numerically equal
forces, there is a good chance
that the units would take in equal
numbers of new members.
If during rush period next se-
mester, other women's housing
units besides sororities could have
open houses and freshmen could
be free to meet and talk with the
members and discuss with the in-
dividuals what each unit has to
offer, they could decide and
evaluate freely and rationally,
then the sorority system would
not be set aside as a snob group,
but rather would be merely an-
other type of housing unit, all of
which are established for com-
mon ends-development and op-
timal welfare of the individual.
Mary Jane Spencer, '66
To the Editor:
TODAY I survived another Poli-
tical Science 100 lecture; I am
finally convinced that the lecture
system is not the appropriate way
to teach-at least this course.
I don't know what the original
purpose of lectures was in the
educational scheme, but I'm sure
whatever it was, my poli sci lec-
ture today didn't come anywhere
near fulfilling that purpose. The
professor talked at the 700 or so
students for fifty minutes, seem-
ingly as fast as he could. He even
made a jocose remark in the
middle of his talkathon to the
effect that maybe hercould set
.some sort of record for material
covered in a single class period.
This is ridiculous, unnecessary and
FIRST, a lecture should not be
delivered so fast that the students
have no time at all to consider

"I- A ~Fellow Vim oTook le LMintig
W here The Albatrosses Were"



and weigh what is being said while
it is being said.
Secondly, a main function of a
lecturer is to clarify some point
that he sees he is not getting
across to the students, by pre-
senting an example that would
perhaps clarify his statements.
This lecturer, on the other hand,
couldn't have known if he was
getting through, because the stu-
dents didn't have time too look up
from their notebooks for even. a
moment. Perhaps the lecturer need
not even cover material that would
be on tests, but rather give the
students some perspective on the
material by drawing on his own
greater knowledge of the subject.
FINALLY, the bulk of this lec-
ture was covered in the texts as-
signed for the course, and con-
sisted mostly of dates and facts.
I wonder if it wouldn't save time
for both the lecturer and the
students if lectures, such as this

one, which are loaded with facts
that the professor presumably
wants to emphasize, couldn't more
simply be mimeographed and pass-
ed out in the recitation sections.
In this way the lectures could
be reserved for further explana-
tions of difficult ideas or prin-
ciples that could be difficult to
understand simply from reading
them in a textbook. Or, in a course
like Poli Sci 100, where there are
really very few such sticky ideas,
perhaps the lecture could be dis-
pensed with entirely.
I'm sure most of the students
wouldn'tmind not having to go
and sit through the lectures twice
a week,, risking writer's cramp at
every turn, and the lecturer could
also probably put his time to
better use, perhaps giving a real
lecture to a higher level course
where it could conceivably do some

BILTHOVEN - "United States policies
that concern Europe are in better
hands with Johnson."
This opinion voiced by one local Dutch
newspaperman best represents the gen-
eral European reaction to the Johnson
victory in the presidential election. Satis-
faction, relief and regained confidence
in the U.S. consituency were most rep-
resentative of opinions voiced on the day
after the election.
This campaign and election were given
very conscientious coverage for the Euro-
pean public. Television and radio pur-
posely went out of their way to bring
facts and faces closer to more Europeans
than ever before. From the New Ham-
shire primary to the Hawaii election re-
turns, these media did an admirable job
of bringing and interpreting the U.S.
election news to the European public.
REASONS FOR THIS special interest
were manifold. Mainly, of course, the
Kennedy legacy of grief persists in Euro-
ope. The tremendous sympathies which
the former President had on this con-
tinent were not readily transferred to the
new President; but through his clear
stand on equal rights and through his
generally successful continuance of Ken-
nedy foreign policy, President Johnson
has earned the respect of the European
When Senator Goldwater started to
make inroads into the heretofore respect-
ed system of democracy (which was the
way most Europeans interpreted the out-
come of the Republican party conven-
tion), observers here began to doubt the
U.S. constituency. As I could measure
from a random sample of "men-on-the-
street" I took in the city of Utrecht, some
people were actually scared to death by
the possibility of a Goldwater win. His
stand on "brinkmanship," among other
well-known Goldwater campaign pledges,
had a particularly negative influence on
many older Europeans, for whom war
is still much more real than it is to
most Americans.
PEACE, and the search for peace, is in-
deed a central problem for many of
the Dutch political laymen. This is also
the point onwhich most critical com-
ments about President Johnson and his
foreign policy hinge. His Southeast Asian
policy of a hold-out against Communist
guerrilla forces has come under heavy
attack from European observers. Not only
do the French insist on neutralization,
but also unofficial Dutch, British and
German voices try to make Washington
realize how futile such a hold-out is.
One aspect involved in the Southeast
Asian dispute has received little publicity,
Managing Editor Editorial Director

but nevertheless succeeded in shocking
a few Europeans. It could not be under-
stood how foreign warfare can be made
dependent upon the outcome of a presi-
dential election while there is actually a
war going on.
It is reasoned that if Johnson would
have pulled out of South Viet Nam dur-
ing the last few months instead of re-
maining there for political reasons, the
Hoa incident could have been eliminated.
Thereby American lives could have been
saved; as it was, they apparently died for
a lost cause. It is inexplainable to Euro-
peans that lives must be sacrificed for
a campaign.
ONE UGLY ASPECT of the campaign
which received much publicity in the
U.S. was practically unnoticed here. The
Jenkins case, like most other "cases,"
was received stoically in Europe. It caus-
ed some shudders because a complete
election turnabout seemed possible, but
then it was quickly forgotten.
Part of the reason for such nearly in-
different reaction was that Johnson's
personality has always suggested to Euro-
peans a shrewd and skillful politician,
rather than a statesman such as Presi-
dent Kennedy. Thus, a certain amount
of financial give-and-take was expected
of him, thereby attracting such specula-
tors as Bobby Baker. The jump from
there to moral laxity was no wider.
Nevertheless,the incident was regretted.
THERE IS SOME regret also for the
fate of the GOP. Back in July, a
British newsman commented to me that
he had no fears whatsoever for Johnson,
but many for a healthy opposition. Es-
pecially in Europe, where one-party rule
at its worst is still in living memory and
where most countries have governments
with not one, but two, three or four
major opposition parties to reckon with,
a complete Democratic take-over seems
highly undesirable.
The Michigan gubernatorial result drew
comment in Holland. In fact, the rebuild-
ing of the opposition party along moder-
ate lines is seen to have started with the
victory statement of Governor Romney. It
is hoped that he, along with Governor
Rockefeller of New York, Governor
Scranton of Pennsylvania and other
party moderates will bring the GOP back
by 1968 to what was for Europeans the
respectable level of 1960 by 1968.
THE OUTLOOK for Europe-U.S. rela-
tions under a renewed Johnson ad-
ministration is moderately encouraging.
Johnson has yet to prove his complete
effectiveness in such relations. From the
Dutch side, it is hoped that Johnson
will now set out to re-tie the loosening
bonds of NATO. It is also hoped that the
new administration will show enough
flexibility to make the upcoming Ken-
nedy round of tariff negotiations a real
bargaining session.

Thomas Capi, 167

Dnof Conservative Defeat

jOW BAD a beating did Re-
publicans take last week? One
indication lies in the results of
congressional elections across the
country, in which Democrats
gained 47 seats from Republican
incumbents while giving up only
nine, seven of them in the South.
However, Democrats gained in
more than increased party repre-
sentation, for the frequency of
Republican defeats increased in
proportion to the conservatism of
the individual congressman, with
the probable effect that adminis-
tration programs will have much
clearer sailing in the House next
* * *
IN ITS LAST ISSUE before the
election, the National Review com-
piled a list of all Republican con-

gressmen, arranging them by the
number of times they had sup-
ported the Kennedy-Johnson pro-
grams. The list ranged from Rep.
Seymour Halpern (R-New York)
who voted 34 times for the "lib-
eral" administration bills to a
group of 24 Republicans who fail-
ed to contribute a single vote of
An analysis of election results
in light of this liberal-conserva-
tive arrangement is startling. Ele-
ven of the 24 conservatives men-
tioned above were defeated in bids
for re-election-a 45 per cent mor-
tality rate. In the next most con-
servative grouping, 35 per cent
were defeated. The two-vote group
lost 21 per cent, the three and
four-vote groups 33 per cent each,
and the five-vote group 18 per

A STUDY of the rating sheet of
Americans for Constitutional Ac-
tion confirms the conservative de-
feat. The ACA rating gives 100
points for a "perfect" conservative
voting record and no points for a
completely non-conservative rec-
ord. I
The average rating for all con-
gressmen defeated in bids for re-
election was 79.7. When the non-
Southern vote is considered alone,
the figure rises to 85, and, with
the removal of the two defeated
Northern Democrats (in Idaho
and California), the figure stands
at 87. By comparison, re-elected
Republicans had an average rat-
ing of 81.7.
While the difference between
the ratings of elected and defeat-
ed Republicans (6.3 points) may
not seem overly significant, it
does represent the high conserva-
tism of those defeated. That the
remaining GOP representatives
still have a relatively high rating
only serves to indicate how diffi-
cult it is to effect radical changes

in strength under the present gov-
ernmental system. A good many
arch-conservatives hold seats in
almost totally impenetrable Re-
publican bastions, such as the
districts of Michigan Congress-
men Hutchinson, Cederberg and
Griffin. .
THE ACA RATING of the re-
elected Congressmen was 40.3, a
seemingly high figure for a House
with a supposedly overwhelming
Democratic majority. However,
this figure does not include the
39 newly elected Democrats.
Thus a liberal House seems to
be in store for the next two years.
Whether it makes any progress
will depend less on whether the
roll-call majorities are large
enough, than on other factors such
as re-organization of the commit-
tee structure with the possible
abolition of the seniority system
(as has been proposed by some
Democrats) and whether the
House leadership and the White
House are able to coordinate their
legislative efforts.

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A Table of Contents
Can Save a Professor
Collegiate Press Service
CAMBRIDGE-Two hundred Harvard students staged an angry rally
recently to protest the dismissal of several popular young in-
Harvard refused all comment, claiming that Pusey was tied up in
negotiations for purchase of the Boston Red Sox and could not be
Thedcontroversy swirls around four teachers in the History of
Religions Department who have published little.
ONE, AN ASSISTANT professor, taught a popular course in early
Christianity, but wrote nothing. On mild days, he habitually shepherded
his class to a small mountain for his lecture.
Departmental officials charged that the lectures were given in an
unscholarly manner and amounted to little more than sermonizing.
The faculty was also concerned about the professor's dubious' parentage.
When questioned, the professor said only, "They know not what
they do."
Another instructor, a bearded expert in Jewish theology, has com-
posed only ten sentences while at Harvard. Even these, the department
charges, were written by someone else.
The faculty also dismissed one of the department's more prolific
members, whose work includes 95 theses. The department had com-
plained that nailing the theses to the instructor's office door did not




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