Katona Cites Economic Views By ROBERT JOHNSTON Revision and reconsideration o many traditional economic theor ies is called for in "The Mas Consumption Society," a new boo] by Prof. George Katona of the Survey Research Center. Katona maintains that the mas consumption society is a "uniqu phenomenon in human history" b3 virtue of three major features: -"Not a few individuals, - bu the majority of families are able through their affluence to replac P f, 4 Sto Eai s took over as Prime Minister to- day, retained the old cabinet and pledged his government to take the rad of cooperation with the West. He said Japan would seek to play a key role in the stabili- zation of Asia. In a statemient to the nation after being sworn in at the palace of Emperor Hirohito, Sato de- clared: "With a rise in Japan's inter- national ,position, the attitude of our country is having a great ef- fect on world politics. Therefore, the future role of Japan is to cooperate with high- ly developed Western nations for the realization of world welfare and particularly to make the ut- Inost efforts for the stabilization of public welfare in Asia." Economist Considered a conservative econ- omist, he promised to settle the economic problems of Japan. Sa- to, 63, was a critic of the eco- nomic policies of his predecessor, the ailing Hayato Ikeda. He ex- pressed belief that Ikeda's drive to double national Income in 10 years was too high-powered an harmful to the economy. u The Sato cabinet, which carries over the members of Ikeda's cabi- net except for two minor posts, was selected by the new prime minister within hours after his election by the Diet (Parliament). Younger Brother . In the minor change n the cabinet lineup, Tomisaburo Hash- imoto, former chairman of the uling Liberal-Democratic Party's Public Relations Committee, re- placed Zenko Suzuki as Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Masami Takasuji was named Chief of the Cabinet Legislative Bureau re- placing Shuzo Hayashi. Sato is the former Finance Min- ister and younger brother of for- er Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi'. and enlarge their stock of con- f sumer goods"; Fluctuations and Growth s -Economic fluctuations and k economic growth "now depend to e a. large extent on the consumer"; and -"In our economy, consumer demand is no longer a function of y money alone but is influenced and sometimes determined by consum- ers' willingness to buy," which e necessitates a study of "consumer e psychology." "Economic growth is notnassur- ed by the availability of natural resources or of capital or even the prevalence of entrepreneurial dispositions. Sociocultural norms and personality traits that are conducive to risk taking and pro- fit making are of importance, but in a mass consumption society consumer aspirations represent an additional important determinant of economic growth. 'Triggers Hard Work' "Rising incomes are the motor that triggers hard work, the striv- ing for advancement, and the de- sire for more of the good things of life. What is needed is the con- fident expectation of rising in- comes as well as of reasonably stable prices. "Government policy for the well- being of the people must go be- yond the economic area into the areas of physical and mental health, education and social wel- fare. However, all these other areas of concern can best be pro- vided for if the economy is sound- ly based on a large, optimistic mass of consumers constantly seeking to improve their way of life." Katona, however, does not see business as strictly dependent on consumer influence. What is im- portant, he says, is the interplay of psychological and economic forces between consumers andf businessmen and between con-i sumers and the American econ- omy. It is these forces that "The Mass Consumption Society" ex- plores, drawing upon the extensive studies of the Survey ResearchI Center.k Insights Citedt Several important insights gain-t ed from these studies are cited:k "The recognition that in our pres-t ent American society consumer in-e vestment is an economic factor toz be considered side by side with government and business invest- ment, and the introduction into the economic picture of the con- cept of the consumers' willingness to buy." This is a considerable departure from economic theories that have disregarded investment by con- sumers, considering only their consumption, and further failed to take psychological factors ons the part of consumers and busi-! nessmen into account. Consumer psychology, then, has come into its own as a field of r study directly related to the func- tioning of the American economy. Consumption as a variable de- pendent solely on income wasd found to be a deficient explana-t tion. "The consumer is frequentlyL in a position to do something about his income, and the majorF Yi e Sir iauP ~~Iait Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1964 EIGHT PAGES * 00 0 0 Hig CortCuba Has Antiaircraft Rockets Reaffirms JuryRuling Capable of Downin -2Planes PROF. GEORGE KATONA factor that detemines his action is represented by his perceived needs." 'Motivational Patterns' Proceeding from his studies of consumers to those connected with the businessman, Katona says that the real "motivational pattern" for business investment, a major segment of the economy, "is great- ly different from the pattern ac- cording to which it is considered legitimate business policy to charge whatever the market can bear." In fact, Katona says that the mixture of social and profit busi- ness motivations is such that it is business investment which has been largely responsible for many infamous fluctuations in the busi- ness cycle. It is the consumers, he says, who exert stabilizing in- fluences on the economy. Far from being "an unruly rabble on which order must be imposed from the outside, a variety of powerful fea- tures were found to be inherent in consumer thinking which coun- teract excesses and exert a stabil- izing influence on the economy." As Katona points out, the goal1 he is striving for has not yetj been reached. A full-fledged1 theory of the sensible and dis- criminating consumer and of the behavioral dynamics which govern the arousal or changed attitudes, expectations and aspirations hasj not yet emerged."1 Probe LSAf Expansion By SHIRLEY ROSICKt i J !f 4 f 1 1 i i ki f E r 7 t t f r WASHINGTON OP)-The Su-' preme Court put into effect yes- terday a justice's statement of 14 years ago that juries must be selected without any regar d to color-Negroes cannot be inten- tionly included or excluded. The tribunal did so in refusing to hear an appeal from a lower federal court ruling that Louisiana violated the rights of Woodman J. Collins, a Negro. The grand jury that indicted Collins for rap- ing a white woman was selected: from a panel of 20 with sixf Negroes purposely included. In a relatively light day of de- cisions the court agreed to rule on the constitutionality of the federal law which bars Commun- ists from serving as officials of= labor unions. Note Refusal The justices noted also their refusal to rush a decision on thef most important case heard so fari this term-the one testing the new civil rights law's public ac- commodations section. Moreton Rolleston Jr., operator of and attorney for the Heart of Atlanta Motel, had asked for a: ruling before last week's elections. The justice department and Jus- tice Hugo L. Black also had called for speedy action, but the court took until yesterday to give it's "no" answer.r The tribunal, which has often made clear its belief that Negroes cannot be systematically excluded from juries, made no comment in refusing unanimously to hear. Louisiana's appeal from a ruling< that Negroes may not be purpose- fully included. Let Ruling Stand This let stand a ruling by the U.S. Circuit Court in New Orleans which relied in large part on a comment in a 1950 decision by Justice Stanley F. Reed, now re- tired. In that decision barring ex- clusion of Negroes from juries, he} said: "An accused is entitled to have, charges against him considered by a jury in the selection of which there has beenneither inclusion ' nor exclusion because of race. Yesterday's decision leaves the way open for Louisiana to impanel another grand jury and retry Col- lins, who remains in the state penitentiary at Angolda. Louisiana Atty. Gen. Jack Gre- million asked the high court: How could a constitutional jury be formed if members of various races are not intentionally in- cluded in the list from which members of various races are not JO ntentionally included in the list- from which jurors are to be drawn by lot? The U.S. Circuit Court, in dis- By PHYLLIS KOCH Regent Carl Brablec of Rose- ville sets no limit on the growth of the University. "I have no fear whatsoever of University' size," Brablec said. "It would be provincial to think that student enrollment should be some limited figure," he continued. "There could be a geographical limit, but we're fortunate in having vast hold- ings of land." Brablec presented this view in an interview regarding the role of the Regents in Univer- sity affairs. Student enrollment this year is 29,103 and will be up 1800 next year, but Brablec thinks that even "50,000 is not an as- tronomical figure." "A University of such dimen- sions must be viewed differently though," he added. "Adequate housing and faculty must be provided and the student must still be identified with smaller units." Brablec upheld the merits of a large educational center like the University. "We can't set up another one in the state which provides the opportuni- ties it does," he observed. The major challenge to such a uni- versity is to maintain "little- ness within the bigness." "The student must feel an identity within this larger structure," he said. Brablec also defends strongly the right of the out-of-state student to be here. "The stu- dent body is better when a cross-section of students is ad- mitted," he said. He feels that the in - state --out - state ratio should be maintained to a de- gree where "student co-mingl- ing with varied cultural and regional experiences can exist." But Brablec feels however that the Michigan taxpayer is being over-taxed for non-resi- dents. "We must recognize that the Michigan taxpayer should be protected and these factors should be kept within due bounds." He hopes for no more tuition raises, though "we must retain good faculty and facilities and therefore we need money. It is indispensable that we coitin- ually improve the image of the University with Universty fi- nances," he added. In opposing a tuition hike, Brablec concurs with Regent William Cudlip of Detroit who noted in an interview last week that he did not want to see any further raise in tuition. Concerning the role of stu- dent government in University life, Brablec feels that students should have "all the responsi- bility and latitude here which they can manage purposefully." However, he continued, student interest cannot be forced. "There will always be apathy in student government as there is in larger national government," he noted. In regard to his role as a Regent, Brablec said "the usual hackneyed but truthful view is that of developing policy." The Regents are "constant recipi- ents of unique information from all through the state," he noted. The people of Mich- igan have direct access to the Regents who interpret Univer- sity policy to the general pub- lic, he said. His concern for the Regents' responsibility of d e v e 1 o p i n g policy echoes Regent Cudlip's view of the Regent as a "policy- maker." Both Regents are deep- ly concerned with their respon- sibility in the public domain to the people of Michigan who elected them. Brablec further sees his role in a legislative and judicial ca- pacity. "We must continually apply our judgment-to alterna- tive policies presented to us," he noted. A Regent since 1957, he said "it takes quite a bit of service to realize the workings of the University." The Regent never gets to know as many people as he would like to, he said. Brablec became a Regent pri- marily because he "wanted to associate more closely with the University community." But be- Brablec Sees U' Expansion REGENT BRABLEC ing a "hand-shaker" is not his mission; "others have that function," he said. Brablec sees the appointment of the University President as "the most important assign- iment that the Regents per- form." The Regents will be considering the appointment of a new President in the next few years, since University President Harlan Hatcher will take retirement furlow in 1967. Brablec cited these qualities as the most important consid- erations: "a good administrator, a scholarly leader and one who has the capacity to inspire." The Regents will consider those within the University as well as without, he said. Democratic Regent Brablec has been superintendent of schools in Roseville since 1947. He is also president of the met- ropolitan region of the Mich- igan Association of School Ad- ministrators and a member of state educational commissions appointed by former Govs. Frank Murphy and G. Mennen Williams. A University . graduate, he also attended Eastern Michigan University and Michigan State University. He is married and a past Rotary president. S udents of the literary college; steering committee last night ex- pressed the feeling that the Uni- versity must radically alter teach- ing methods if it intends to ex-a pand according to present pre-t dictions.r The use of television and the in- stitution of a tutorial system werea discussed as possible alternativesl to the present lecture, recitation, laboratory set-up. Committee members reasonedr that the only way to educate in-c creasing numbers 'of students un-f der present methods would be tor hire more faculty. They concludedc that such a move would presentr a definite problem, since it is dif- icult to acquire qualified stafff members even under present en-b rollment conditions. Soviets Hold 'Final Word' On Their Use WASHINGTON (M)-The Castro government of Cuba now has anti-aircraft rockets capable of shooting down United States U-2 reconnaissance planes but evident- ly is restrained from using them by an agreement with Russia, U.S. officials said yesterday. Officials said that to the best of their knowledge control of sur- face-to-air missile sites installed by the Soviet Union in 1962 ac- tually passed to Castro's mili- tary forces several months ago. Fidel Castro said Cuba was pre- pared to shoot down United States U-2 reconnaissance planes unless some legal means could be found to end the surveillance flights. Soviet military advisors in Cuba were known to have been train- ing Cuban officers and men to operate the very modern anti-air- craft missile installation for a year or more and the trained men were progressively moved into the base operations. Soviet Forces Meanwhile the Soviet military force in Cuba, estimated by U.S. officials to have numbered more than 22,000 troops at the time of the nuclear missile crisis in Oc- tober 1962, has been rather stead- ily reduced. State department press officer Robert J. McCloskey told a news conference yeesterday that, "cur- rent information from all sources indicates that no more than a few thousand Soviet military advisers and technicians remain there." McClosley said he could not give a precise number nor define a "few thousand." He reported the Soviets are scattered around Cuba at various points and "do not con- stitute a military force," even though military men can always be used in combaat if necessary. State Department officials said they would stand on McCloskey's statement of a few thousand So- viets still in Cuba. However, it was learned that the figure now commonly used in informed Washington quarters is about 2,500 officers and men. It was learned also that there have been no substantial withdrawals of Soviet personnel since last June. This indicates a levelling of the Soviet force as an advisory mission at about 2,500. Castro Interview Renewed interest in the Cuban situation developed as a result of a Castro interview published Sun- day by the New York Times. In the interview Castro asserted his armed forces control the surface- to-air missiles (SAMS) which the Soviet military installed at 24 bases as part of the nuclear mis- sile buildup in Cuba in the sum- mer of 1962. McCloskey said the statements made by Castro in the interview "are consistent with our infor- mation." He said that he was not able to spell out the degree of control which the Cubans physic- ally have over the SAMS. There might be some Soviet personnel in key positions as SAM sites or at the command center for the system. Officials said also that a Cas- tro statement that he was com- mitted by agreement with the Soviets to try to end the U-2 flights by a peaceful means in- stead of shooting at the planes also seems reasonable. They pointed out that the Soviet Un- Viets Bombard own Soldiers SAIGON (R ) - South Vietna- mese mortar fire, attempting to bomb a suspected Viet Cong en- campment, yesterday landed in- stead on a South Vietnamese patrol which was aided by the United States. It killed three offi- cers, including a U.S. Army cap- tain. trh ,nainun t~h 9.9 It t, c d h tI a ....iii:";...~.c ;:'sma.,. :,r.,...<2: k.. SS az..,......,7... ii.im. -, ..~samiM## W~in~~ milli:-,.. t. J L c.* )HNSON HAS KIND WORDS: Senators Urge End of GOP Strife I Ikeda resigned because of '-ie captain wasne s American to die in combat in Viet health reasons after four years Nam over the last three years. in office. He is undergoing treat- Reliable sources said the 60- ment at the national cancer cen- Rman patrol caled for the mortar ter. for a throat tumor. fire after laying in ambush for Same Policies Communist guerrillas near Duc Sato is expected to carry over Hoa, about 18 miles northwest of most of Ikeda's policies domestic- Saigon. At least one round of the ally and abroad, but he is con- misdirected barrage fell on the sidered by political observers more patrol. strongly anti-communist than his The political pot still boiled in predecessor and consequently will Saigon. Former political prisoners be more tough in dealing with of the defunct Ngo Dinh regime Cimmunist nations. circulated a petition demanding Although Japan's foreign policy that the new civilian government, is based on a strong alliance with formed only last Wednesday, step Washington, Communist Chinia's down. They called for retirement recent explosion of a nuclear de- of Chief of State Phan Khac Suu vice has led to new pressures for and Premier Tran Van Huong to a re-examination of relations make way for younger, more with Peking. active men. The committee agreed with agreeing, said the conscious tak- their advisor, Dean James H. Rob- ing into account of race or color ertson of the literary college, who as the basis for jury selection said the group should be more would have "an opposite and concerned with investigating the somewhat paradoxical effect" of "really live issues that stem from denying a defendant equal pro- a steadily increasing enrollment." tection. It said Negroes on the jury Some committee members argu- might be too conscious of this as- ed the idea that the use of tele- pect to properly vote for acquittal vision for large lectures would of a member of their race. free many faculty members who A hearing on the law barring could then be utilized to lead Communists from serving as labor smaller discussion groups. union officials was brought to the In some instances, lectures high court by the justice depart- might be taped for use from year ment. The department appealed to year. One committee member from a decision by the U.S. Cir- even envisioned nationwide trans- cuit Court in San Francisco that mission of lectures. the law is an invalid restraint on The committee also discussed constitutional freedom of associa- instituting a tutorial system, in tion. which students would pursue in- That decision overturned a con- dividual study under sponsorship viction of Archie Brown who was of faculty members. Independent sentenced to six months in jail on reading and research papers, a charge of serving as a member along with personal discussions of the executive board of San with professors would replace the Francisco local 10 of the Inter- traditional, highly organized struc- national Longshoremen's a n d ture of lectures and class discus- Warehousemen's Union while a sions. member of the Communist Party. WASHINGTON OP)-Three Re- ference he thinks it premature to publican senators urged yesterday discuss the future of Republican a cease-fire in the intraparty ver- Chairman Dean Burch. bal warfare being waged by some An Associated Press survey of party leaders in the wake of lastI state GOP leaders turned up quite week's election defeat. a few who think Burch-and the man who chose him, Sen. Barry "It's time for some soul-search- Goldwater of Arizona-should re- ing and calm, collective thought linquish leadership of the Repub- about the party's future," said lican Party. Goldwater, as presi- Sen. J. Caleb Boggs (R-Del) . dential nominee, carried only six Echoing him in separate inter- states. views were Sen. Bourke Hicken- But Boggs came to Burch's de- looper (R-Iowa) and Jack Miller fense yesterday, calling him "an (R-Iowa). able and fine person who did a Meanwhile, President Lyndon dedicated job." As for replacing B. Johnson had some kind words him, Boggs said he though Burch for the Republican members of would want to do "what is best his cabinet, and predicted that for the party . . .once he is as- a GOP "on a constructive course" sured it is the collective judg- will play a major role in national ment of the party." life. Cooling-Off Period Premature Hickenlooper and Miller sug- And in another development, gested a cooling-off period before Michigan's Gov. George Romney any reorganization effort is made. -who survived the Democratic "We're not going to improve our landslide for Johnson to win a situation by cutting each other second term-told a news con- up," Miller said. Boggs said it might be a good idea for Republicans to hold a charter conference similar to one held at Mackinac Island, Mich., f "T f during the war. Press predicted a bigger role in{ the party for former Vice-Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon, the presi- dential nominee in 1960. Asked last week if he would be willing to be GOP national chair- man, Nixon said he would not seek the job and would not en- courage anyone to push him for it. ASSEMBLY, LEAGUE, PANHEL: Housing Panels Consider Fun PRIME MINISTER WILSON T 71 "_ T1 7 ,r 4 . C y * ! I -- - - -t, -.- - - . By LAUREN BAHR and CAROL HASKILL A housing unit should serve an educational function as well as providing a place to eat, sleep and study was the general con- clusion reached by the three housing panels held last Sunday. Assembly Association, The League and Panhellenic Association co-sponsored the forums to discuss the various types of housing that are available to women at the University. The attendance at all three forums was rather small and con- sisted predominantly or sorority girls although the forum was directed primarily at girls living in residence halls who must make n. h ,,,ho+ b-mA rk f h ina h ixish for next var. Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Ed- = kekd'min's policy has been to try to. keep the Cuban situation quiet. I01Living thtSs ward W. Brooke proposed a GOP Lt R t Iconvention in 1965 to draft a new Paigtemsiestscm pat ltom roe er o P riment ' oto and a tendency to turn inward on the part of the ocuats*h refused to support Goldwater, could create ade agerosstaion, Jane Feinberg, '65, said a residence hall doesn't make demands won a decisive re-election victory LODNc~-Nn a orit difCasroger ocrou utisn ~on the individual. It is up to the individual girl to develop both in the face of Johnson's landslide leiLOrsDO--iearaartae threatrowr to ootydowntAmeia contacts and interestsithBaSaestwk. dash from Scotland to London surveillance planes. individualicurchawas Not Available fo last night to try to save their gov- Modern Weapons A large dorm makes no specific demands on the idviulyet Brhwsntaalbefrerment from possible defeat in The SAMS are considered very' offers numerous activities which are available if a girl wishes to comment on any of these develop- its first big parliamentary battle modern defense weapons against take advantage of them. This is also true of a small dorm, although ments. aantteCnevtvs h icat hyaerpre Many of the state RepublicanaantteCosraietohe airran f2hey esepoe not to as great an extent, she said. laessree yteAscae For two hours the legislators- t aearneo 5mlsIt "A girl must feel a sense of responsibility to the house and -- waiting to fly to London to takethskanteyreet-eig a sooriy cn dvelp ths t a uchgreter egre tan dom,"part in a crucial vote on a motion missiles so that they are consid- a.+ soity anb deVNrvel on th to4a mcnre f.a YPCter egree ta tTa rm"k rS tle yteCosraivsciicznIrd ul apbeo dsryn I ~~v R lktr ~cttI~I bythe onsrvaive criiciingf erd fllycapble f dstryin asa. mana