SUNDAY, NOVEMSM 9, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE THRE I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRET~ ;, - FOOD SHORTAGE: India Population Problems Stall Economy By CONRAD FINK chase a six-month supply of wheat Associated Press Staff Writer on world markets. NEW DELHI;-Standing before Too Many People kings, princes and premiers at the The harsh reality is that In- Cairo Nonaligned Nations Confer- dia's population is increasing fast- ence this month, Indian Prime er than its economic growth. In- Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri de- stead of moving ahead, the na- clared his nation is technically tion's economy as a whole is slip- capable of producing nuclear ping backward. weapons. America has spent tremendous Returning home a few days la- sums in India-almost $6 billion ter, Shastri gathered his worried since 1956-and is shipping in cabinet ministers to discuss the 600,000 tons of wheat a month. nation's food crisis and learned Even this expensive aid effort there was not enough sugar, bread hsn't been enough to guarantee and milk for the 21 / million resi- #food for all. Russia has emphasiz- dents of his already-hungry capi- ed flashy assistance projects on tal. businesslike terms, leaving Wash- The nonaligned leaders got a ington and a few other Western The onalgnedleadrs gt acapitals holdingthcolybg picture of great technical advance- Wit hdicn the costly bag. in ment in India. The cabinet min-' With discontent widespread in iters were advised to eat raw IIndia and food demonstrations unprocessed sugar to set an exw breaking out, the political imph- npoescations are enormous. ample. Key Disparity Vast, sprawling India, though These contradictory events i1- militarily weak, is the key to the lustrate a tremendous gulf-it is East-West power balance in Asia. apparent that while India dreams Only India has the manpower to of steel mills, jet fighters and come close to countering the 700 transistor radios, India cannot feed millions of Communist China. itself The food facts are these: And India, "the world's largest -India's population, now about democracy," serves as a testing 480 million, is growing by 10-12 ground for America's argument million annually. that newly independent, under- World Copies U.S. Peace Corps By The Associated Press program launched by President That's one reason why it's good In the beginning there were Lyndon B. Johnson).j that we are not a government or- grumbles that it might be noth- Six others-Afghanistan, Boli- ganization. The suspicion is grad- ing more than an elaborate boon- via, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, ually dying away, but still the doggle, a way to dodge military Philippines and Thailand - have Arab countries seldom ask us for service or a way to see the world announced such programs but they any aid." with Uncle Sam footing the bill. are not functioning yet. The ideal volunteer in most But the Peace Corps - now With so many nations now en- countries, including the United more than three and a half years gaged in such programs-foreign States, is considered to be the old-quickly overcame the early as well as domestic-it might seem young college graduate. The Brit- fears and survived the onslaughts that a member of Norway's Det ish, Australian and New Zealand to become one of the most popu- Norske Fredkorps (35 members groups tend to use "school lead- lar American ventures abroad. now on two years duty in Ugan- ers," that is, sudents who have The greatest testimony to its da) could easily bump into some- completed secondary school but acceptance, perhaps, lies in the one from West Germany's Deut- have not yet entered a university. way it has been used as a model scher Entwicklungsdienst (14 now by many other nations, who have on a slum clearance project in affectionately embraced the Peace Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika) or Corps idea. the Danish Mellemfolkeligt Sam- A Rose Is a Rose virke (42 volunteers in nine Af-, rican and Asian countries).- Shorter Training For many European countries, older and experienced persons are given preference. Thus the train- ing period can be much shorter than the one set up by the U.S., whih ha h a. 112 k wpl trii -Daily-Philip Sherman -Production of foodgrains, sta- ple of all India diets, has been stagnant for three years and probably will remain stagnant for a while. -- Only continued emergency, shipments of United States wheat will ward off starvation. Even if India spent every bit of available, foreign exchange it could not pur- developed nations can work out their problems through democrat- ic government. Many undecided nations of Asia and Africa, not at all convinced there is inherent goodness in de- mocracy, are watching both Com-I CAN TECHNOLOGY OVERCOME A SOARING POPULATION and an inadequate food supply? This is the problem faced by India today as explemplified by the picture above. A rising population en- larged due to improvements in health and sanitation techniques is making an increasingly heavier demand on a fixed amount of agricultural acreage. The United States and other countries are try- ing to help India solve this problem. The names vary-Det Norske Fredkorps, Deutscher Entwick- lungsdienst, Corp European des Volontaires de la Paix, Mellem- folkeligt Samvirke, Jongeren Vri- jwilligers Programma, Association Francaise des Volontaires du Pro- gres-but they all have one thing in common: a kindship to the United States Peace Corps. Like their American counter- parts, Australians, Canadians, Danes, Frenchmen, West Germans, Dutch, New Zealanders, Norweg- ians, Swiss and British are bus- ily at work in backward areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. They are sent forth by nations having national service volunteer overseas programs models some- what along the lines of the U.S. Peace Corps. More in Planning Also having such programs on the planning boards although not yet in operation are Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Israel, Sweden, and even little Lichtenstein. There are domestic-type corps, designed to operate within the borders of individual countries, al- ready functioning in Chile, El Sal- vador, India, Kenya, Korea, North- ern Rhodesia, Ethiopia, Nyasa- land, Pakistan, Peru, Tanganyi- ka, Viet Nam and the United States (through the anti-poverty Not Overlapping But there is no duplication of wi cnas a w riin effort or service, according to the program, followed by three weeks' International Secretariat for Vol- orientation in the host country. unteer Service, which functions The West German group which in Washington as a sort of clear- went to Tanganyika was made up ing house. of skilled workers and technicians, The ISVS is housed in the Peace requiring relatively little prior Corps Bldg. and the American training. Corps has been model, test tube Money plays a role in the and midwife for many of the oth- length of training, since many for- ers. Much of its experience has eign corps operate on small budg- been channeled through ISVS to ets. Another result is that there other nations attempting such is virtually no on-the-scene ad- programs. ministrative supervision of per- There are differences, however. sonnel, as compared with the U.S. The British Voluntary Service program. The American system is Overseas and similar volunteer to have a Peace Corps represen- groups in Belgium, Holland, West tative, a doctor and a secretary in Germany, Denmark, Norway and each country where American Sweden are products of private corpsmen are at work. enterprise, rather than govern- When U.S. corpsmen finish their mental agencies. However, most two-year service they receive i get official help in meeting costs. readjustment allowance of $1600. Colonial Image British volunteers, for example, The British, for example, have get $420 and Norway's Fredkorps volunteers in more than 50 coun- veterans receive $850. West Ger- tries and one of the VSO execu- man volunteers receive pocket tives, Michael Adams, says it had money on the job and $50 a month the initial problem of trying tQ put into a savings account at home live down the image of Britain's for them. The Dutch volunteers colonial past. get a clothing allowance of about "Some of the newer countries $180, less than $20 pocket money are very suspicious of our inten- during training, and a resettle- tions. They think the British are ment allowance on returning from coming back under another hat, assignment. I National Roundup By The Associated Press TOLEDO - A firm deadlock' over the issue of manning the' presses threatened yesterday to prove a major stumbling block in effort to end a 116-day-old strike against Detroit's two daily news-' papers.' Walter Maggilio, director of fed- eral mediation activity, told news- men that the publishers and the pressmen's union appeared to be "in the area of agreement" on all issues except the number of men needed to man the presses. * * * , WASHINGTON - President Lyndon B. Johnson has asked' Douglas Dillon to remain indef- initely as Secretary of the Treas- ury, informed sources said yester- day. During the presidential election campaign, Dillon said he still con- sidered himself a liberal Republi- can but openly attacked policies recommended by Republican nom- inee Sen. Barry Goldwater. * * * MIAMI--An unofficial morator- ium on anti-Castro forays into Cuba, in effect for months, may end soon, say Cuban exile leaders.. Some of the raiders were be- lieved waiting for a clearer picture of the situation between the Soviet Union's new regime and the Cas- tro government in Cuba. The last exile attack was a Sept. 13 shell- ing of a Spanish freighter. LECTURES On LOVE, SEX and MARRIAGE Nov. 14 and Nov. 21 10 a.m.-12 noon Call Planned Parenthood Clinic 663-3306 munist China and India. The na- tion that advances fastest may serve as the model for other coun- tries that want refrigerators, ra- dios and food. Setback If India falters or seeks solu- tions by turning to authoritarian- ism-Communist, conservative or military-America's cause would suffer a stunning blow. At the moment, things have not deteriorated that far. The In- dian people have survived many crises through the centuries and things have a way of happening slowly in India. But it is clear that an acute crisis exists and that the final answer lies in how long the hu- man misery of the countryside will stay bottled up. The government, entangled in a maze of bureaucra- cy, needs time. Farm Priority Prime Minister Shastri, recog- nizing this involves gearing a new approach to agriculture-even if it means sacrificing the policy of "industry now, food later" that flourished under former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Over- coming the imbalance in econom- ic development which occurred during the Nehru era is, in fact, a major part of India's newly an- nounced fourth five-year economic plan. Money spent on agriculture is to be increased initially from 13.3 per cent of the total to 15.4 per cent.- Funds allocated for educa- tion and health will be increased from 11 to 16 per cent. Funds for power, transport and United States until at least 1971, industry will drop from 61.2 to 55 when, says Food Minister Chi- per cent, as now stands. dambaram Subramaniam, enough Projects Underway grain should be produced locally. Agriculture would have gotten But will U.S. generosity last even more in preliminary plan- that long? ning if it were not that greater, The question is asked by Indian rapid shift in emphasis would officials aware that American doom many industrial projects grain surpluses are dwindling. now under way. Some industrial India realizes America's "food projects such as fertilizer plants for peace" program developed aft- are essential for eventual agri- er-not before - huge surpluses cultural progress. clogged every grain elevator in After the fourth plan begins, in the midwest. The Soviet Union itself is forced to buy grain abroad and couldn't help much. India is diplomatically at odds with most its neighbors, including Communist China and Pakistan. Caaada nnd Australia, both small nations, have shown they would rather sell wheat for hard currency. No other nation has anywhere near the resources to make a dent in India's needs. Though India is thus boxed in, Washington has not attempted to squeeze out political concessions in return for wheat. Washington seems to feel an economically vi- able India, safely within democ- racy's camp, will be ample re- ward. April, 1966, there will be further quiet shifts of money and resources to strictly agricultural projects. Moves in this direction already have created political problems for Prime Minister Shastri. Com- munists, and orthodox Marxists within his own Congress Party charge he is betraying the Nehru dream. Birth Control There remainis the task of con- vincing a largely illiterate popu- lation to cut the size of families and introduce modern farming methods. So far, government birth-con- trol programs have not made much headway. The Indian peasant con- siders a large number of sons as social security. And he much prefers farming with a water buf- falo and stick plow, just as his forefathers did for centuries. India, unlike Communist China or the Soviet Union, cannot open new farm land-there is none. Each of the 350 million acres avail- able is heavily, if inefficiently, farmed. Dependence India's food problem, then, boils down to heavy dependence on the American diplomats trying to keep the grain coming often are frustrated as the Indian govern- rent makes moves like a recent arms deal with Moscow. Where, the diplomats ask, will India turn if Congress gets angry and the American grain is cut off? I Whether the plan will work yet to be seen. THE TNSIAN YOUR YEARBOOK $5.50 NOW (BUT THE PRICE WILL GO UP THE BEGINNING OF 2nd SEMESTER) * Order it from the treasurer of your living unit or send this coupon to our offices in the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard. . Enclosed find $5.50 (check or money order payable to the r MICHIGANENSIAN) for one 1965 MICHIGANENSIAN. We cannot bill you later. A receipt will be sent when your order r comes in. r r I r N ANN ARBOR ADDRFSSs N r r _h.okma dayheNi hewrd -- - ---M- - -- r " r r r r r r ____ ____ ___w is rr. t I f . 4. ire a "o con MASS MEETING of the ULLR SKI CLUB Monday, November 9 8:00 p.m. UNION BALLROOM Movies, Instruction, Refreshments, Trips EVERYONE WELCOME WOLVERINE CLUB HO11LIDAY FLIGHTS to $ fUh50 Round NEW YORK Trip THANKSGIVING... XMAS ... Leave Nov. 25 Leave Dec. 22 Return Nov. 29 Return Jan. 3 CALL 663-6412-includes bus from Union and return I I - - - - - - - - - - i{ r STUDENT TRAVEL COMMITTEE OF THE MICHIGAN UNION presents Charter (Jet)Airf light to EUROPE MASS MEETING I I I