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November 07, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-07

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UAW Strikes Key Ford Plants

Salary Rate
Of Teachers t:. .

DETROIT (P) - Ford Motor struck units, said the "main is-
Co., booming along, with record sues are overtime, job posting
sales and production, suffered a and so on." He said the members
staggering blow yesterday as the were "very enthusiastic. They
United Auto Workers Union struck don't want to live with these is-
n' ino kf ~ n1lf- ; tA fn cknhn " n noo1

tue eyPlums.
The strikes came over failure to
settle local-level contracts which
supplement the national labor
agreement reached Sept. 18.
The at-the-plant contracts gen-3
erally cover working 'conditions,
seniority and overtime provisions
and the like.I
The ;walkout by some 25,000
UAW members shut down four as-
sembly plants, two stamping
plants and three parts manufac-
turing plants.
A Ford spokesman said the
strikes at the assembly plants cut
the company's auto production-
about 10,000 per day--by 16 per
cent. Truck production, rated at
1,800 daily, was slashed 34 per
And, the spokesman said, if theI
strikes continue at the parts plant'
other auto assembly plants would
be affected in time.
Strikes Unnecessary
Malcolm L. Denise, a Ford vice
president and chief negotiator,
said "The strikes called this morn-
ing against plants of Ford Motor
Co. are completely unnecessary.
We have worked diligently with,
the UAW, on both the national!
and local levels, to settle hundreds
of unresolved issues - many of
which should not even be on the
bargaining table.
"In most of these local nego-
tiations which have failed to pro-
duce settlements, the union is
seeking concessions from the com-
pany that would restrict its right
to manage the plants efficiently,"
he said.
Ken Bannon, the UAW Ford de-Y
partment director, said "in every
instance where an unresolved is-'
sue has prevented a settlement,
a settlement on that question has
been reached at another plant,...
This is the greatest disappoint-
ment I have had in my long ex-
perience dealing with Ford."
Bannon said, the company1
agreed to a formula for regulat-n
ing overtime at Cleveland this t
morning and refused to agree toy
an identical formula in Chicago.
Both are stamping plants and
both have identical operations, he
Kenneth McDonald, union planta
chairman at Ypsilanti, one of the,

sues or anotner tnree years."
At the Chicago Heights plants,
a union source said the dispute
was over washup and relief time,
seniority and overtime assign-1
Normal Output
General Motors Corp., mean-
while, had returned to nearly nor-,

mal output after a month-long ing over production rates. Other-
national strike and subsequent lo- wise the AMC pact was complete.
cal strikes. GM's production loss The national contracts are vir- n D
was estimated at nearly half a tually parallel except that AMC
million and its October sales were gives workers extra vacations if
down 52 per cent from October of profits are high enough and Ford NEW YORK (1) - Growing un-
1963. and GM grant contingent Christ- rest among teachers over salary
Chrysler Corp. has completely mas bonuses.i disputes has cropped up in widely
wrapped up both its national con- Otherwise, the contracts include separated areas and walkouts are
tract and local agreements with ' more and better insurance bene- threatened in Georgia, Oklahoma,
the UAW. fits, greatly improved retirement Kentucky and Louisiana.
American Motors Corp. faced no benefits, longer vacations and In the northwest Georgia coun-
strike threats and reportedly was more relief time on the assembly ty of Catoosa, citizens have formed
near agreement on contract word- lines. a club to raise funds to keep the
||| l5ublic schools open in the face
F of a threatened walkout by teach-
Nineteen teachers walked out
earlier this week, forcing one high
..school to close. The 196 teachers
at the other schools in the county
have voted to walk out Nov. 25
unless provisions are made to pay'
Y X :.f them.

t :.:., ,, .

-Associated Press
POPE PAUL VI (SEATED AT EXTREME RIGHT) yesterday attended the V a t ie a n Ecumenical
Council in St. Peter's Basilica. It was the first working session} of the council attended by a Pontif


-Associated Press
WORKERS AT A FORD MOTOR CO. ASSEMBLY PLANT in suburban Wayne left work yesterday
morning after negotiations failed for contract terms on the local level. At least nine of the 11 Ford
plants around the country lacking agreements had been struck at yesterday's 10 a.m. deadline. Other
plants that had settled grievances continued to work.
Venezutpla Cuts Bolivian Ties

Georgia was not alone in noting
teacher dissatisfaction.
One Day Holiday
Teachers in two Oklahoma
school districts voted to take a
one-day holiday Monday. About
600 teachers in Midwest City, an
Oklahoma City suburb, voted for
a protest walkout and Tulsa's
2,500 teachers also plan a "pro-
fessional holiday."
Both holidays - spokesmen
said they were not strikes - were
called to express disappointment
over failure in Tuesday's election
of four school proposals, including
one to increase teacher salaries,
The Oklahoma education asso-
ciation called an emergency meet-
ing of its executive committee to
consider the teachers' action.
There were suggestions that a
special legislative session might
be called.
A strike was under way in
Louisville, Ky., protesting 'the re-
jection Tuesday of a referendum
proposal for higher school taxes.
Louisville Walkout
One hundred forty teachers
walked out of the Louisville school
system Thursday. In addition,
1700 students walked out in pro-
The striking teachers have
drawn up a list of demands, in-
cluding a pay boost of $1,500 -
or five times what the tax in-
crease would have given them.
These demands have been en-
dorsed by the Louisville Educa-
tion Association, which represents
about two-thirds of the city's
1,892 teachers. The association
plans a bigger walkout one day
next week to dramatize its de-,
In Louisiana, teachers are ask-
ing $1,000 a year salary hike. Gov.
John J. McKeithen has offered
$500 now and the balance when
more money is available.
In New Orleans, 562 teachers
favored a walkout.

since it convened in 1962.
Council iews MissionWorK

Rv Tht Acnihr it oc


y e so SCa ed Pres
visited the ecumenical council yes-1
terday and opened its important
debate on the Roman Catholic1
Church's philosophy and methods
of missionary work.1
The pontiff told the prelates he
hoped "that all the church bef
missionary, that even the indi-
vidual believers-as much as pos-0
sible-become missionaries in spir-
it and word."c
In a gesture said to symbolize
his support of the concept of papal
power shared with bishops in gov-
erning the church, the Pope took
a place in the middle of 12 cardi-
nals presiding over the council.
He thus sat with them instead of
on his own throne above and be-
McDonald To
Face Contest
PITTSBURGH (A) - The first
real threat to David J. McDon-
ald's 12-year leadership of the
United Steelworkers of America,
AFL-CIO, developed yesterday as
Secretary-Treasurer I. W. Abel
announced his candidacy for presi-
The showdown between McDon-
ald, who is seeking re-election, and
Abel will come next Feb. 12 when
the million-member union chooses
officers for four-year terms.
McDonald, 61, was opposed for
the first and only time in 1957 by
Donald C. Rarick, a mill hand
from nearby McKeesport, Pa., but
was re-elected easily.

hind their dais. bay Nov. 28 he said he would go
In a brief speech, Pope Paul as a missionary to honor mission-
praised the document on mission- aries.
ary activities, saying he expected A member of the commission
it to win easy approval. But he that helped draw up the mission-
added there was need fox' "further ary schema said after the session
improvements." that missionary activities never re-
The Pope recently has been ceive the financial support they
placing stress on the missionary need. The schema states that "the
function of the church. When he laity must provide for the mis-
announced last month that he sions their own contribution of
would attend the international eu- prayer, sacrifice and material as-
charistic council opening in Bom- sistance."
Wishes You a Happy Halloween

w Viia

World News
By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS - Thousands of
angry demonstrators paraded the
main streets of Damascus yester-
day as a long feud between Syria's
ruling Baath party and Iraqi
President Abdel Salam Aref took
a turn for the worse. The dem-
onstrators waved placards de-
nouncing Aref as a traitor.
The march was sponsored by1
Syria's Federation of Labor trade,
* * *
golese army said yesterday it has
recaptured Kindu, the town where
13 Italian airmen were massacred
in 1961 by rioting Congolese sol-
Kindu was the last rebel strong-
hold on the road to the rebel cap-
ital of Stanleyville, about 250
miles to the north. Military ob-
servers here regard it as one of
the keys to the rebellion.
*~ * *
WASHINGTON - Still incom-
plete returns show that more than
69.3 million Americans-a record
--voted last Tuesday. But about
200,000 of them didn't vote for
President. The latest unofficial
presidential returns, from 174,-
519 of the nation's 175,843 pre-
cincts, gave Johnson 42,328,350
votes to Goldwater's 26,640,178.
* * *
largest and heaviest satellite ever
launched from this space center
soared into orbit early yesterday.
Almost immediately it began
sending back data on radiation 300
to 600 miles above the earth.


CARACAS - Venezuela broke
diplomatic relations with Bolivia
last night, saying it does not recog-
nize the military junta that over-
threw the government of President
Victor Paz Estenssoro in midweek.
The Venezuelan foreign minis-
try said Ambassador Edmundo
Gibirin will leave La Paz as soon
as the Bolivian junta grants safe
conduct to the six Bolivians who
sought asylum in the Venezuelan'
The junta had no immediate
reply to the Venezuelan action, but
appeared in complete control of
La Paz after the bloody revolt that
toppled one president and eased
out a second within 24 hours.
U.S.-trained Gen. Rene Bar-
rientos, 47, emerged from three
days of shooting as strongman of
the new regime, in this turbulent
nountain land. He took over the
presidency from Army Gen. Alf-
redo Obando Thursday, a day
after they had combined forces to
kick out iron-fisted President
Victor Paz Estenssoro. Paz fled to
exile in Peru.
Calm returned to La Paz, Coc-
habamba and other main cities
resterday after some 50 persons
vere reported killed and nearly
200 wounded in four days of fight-
.ng. Most of the victims were
nembers of the militia who back-
ed Paz and put up last-ditch re-
istance against the victorious
The military junta junked the
constitution that had permitted
?az to succeed himself as presi-
dent, but kept reforms that had
nce made him the idol of Bo-

vote to everyone over 21.
The decrees moreover proclaim-
ed, that the army should stay out
of politics.
The atmosphere still was tense
in La Paz, however. Steel-helmet-
ed, heavily armed army patrols
roamed the cobblestones of the
ancient capital, perched at 12,000
feet in the Andes.
But the feeling was that the
army - backed Barrientos regime
was firmly in command. "The jun-
ta seems well in control and the
general situation looks improved,"
a U.S. source said.
The junta is operating actually
as a military administration with
Barrientos as president of the Re-
public and the other 15 members
handling all the cabinet jobs.
Barrientos has promised to call
elections as soon as feasible. The
regime probably will be strength-
ened by the expected return of
Bolivia's ex-President H e r m a n
Siles Zuazo, a popular, well liked
leader, from exile in Uruguay.
Both Barrientos, himself a pop-
Nov. 14 and Nov. 21
0 a.m.-12 noon
Planned Parenthood Clinic

ular figure, and Siles were former
associates of Paz in the 1952 revo-
lution that catapulted their Na-
tional Revolutionary Movement in-
to power.
But most of the top leaders
broke with Paz as he tried to make
his regime a one-man show.
Unrest simmered for months and
finally exploded this week in the
open revolt by the army,-students,
tin-mine workers and all political
parties except Paz's own.
The revolt snowballed. Paz de-
cided he was through and hur-
riedly flew with his family and
some top aides to Lima. Some 200
of his stauncher supporters, in-
cluding most of his cabinet min-
isters, sought refuge at Latin
American embassies.




Your favorite hits in the famed Ferrante
& Teicher style. You chose them. Now
watch them become the hits of an age.
Your age. People's Choice: your choice
today. Stereo UAS6385 and Monaural UAL3385

The one to watch:

livian workers.
It issued decrees abolishing the
political police, but retained such
Paz measures as nationalization
of the tin mines and agrarian and
education reforms. The junta also
continued provisions giving the


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