Viet Nam Regime Has New Trouble Students, Religious Factions Show Hostility to Civilian Government SAIGON W)- - Mushrooming opposition led Premier Tran Van Huong to beg South Viet Nam's people by radio last night for breath- ing space for his infant civilian government. He urged them to give the government a chance to rule before tearing it to pieces. Prospects of hostile demonstrations by student and religious fac- tions menaced the cabinet that took over only last Wednesday-with! the diplomatic blessing of the United States-from Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh's miiltary regime. Trouble could hit today or tomorrow. Students were expected to take to the streets this weekend in a demand for dissolution of the government. Buddhist and Roman Grad Influx Crowds Engine By JEFFREY GOODMAN While the University's enrollment was growing by more than 20 per cent over the past four years, the engineering college ex- panded by only five per cent. In fact, it now has one per cent fewer undergraduates than it did in 1960. Yet the engineering college faces academic problems Just as serious as those of most other units on campus. For graduate en- rollment there has continued to expand, and it will be at least four years before these students can be provided all the educational opportunities which the engineering faculty thinks they should have. Specifically, since 1960 graduate enrollment in engineering has increased by over 25 per cent; the percentage of the whole college for which graduates now account is more than 27, as' opposed to 23 per cent in 1960 and a current 25 per cent for grad- uate-professional enrollment in the whole University. No one is too sure why the undergraduate enrollment has not kept pace with the general explosion of high school seniors, but then the stability of this enrollment has been one of the few really comforting phenomena the college has had to face. Decrease In two of the years since 1960, for instance, undergraduate enrollment actually decreased - from 3110 in 1960 to 2870 in 1962. Only recently has it begun climbing again - to 3079 this year - and it is still not up to the 1960 total. As a result, the engineering college is perhaps one of the very few campus units which has close to an adequate supply of class- rooms and faculty for its undergraduates. Which leaves Associate Dean Glenn V. Edmonson far more concerned about the college's troublesome shortage of office space for faculty and graduates. Both these groups lose, Edmonson feels, if they cannot con- tinuously communicate with each other on an informal basis. With crowded offices for professors and no office or desk space for graduates within the classroom buildings, this kind of contact inevitably suffers. Edmonson attributes the growth of the graduate enrolment to changing conceptions of just where formal education should be terminated. In addition, he says, students are coming to feel that the time period between leaving school and acquiring pro- ductive work is too long without graduate training. Thus a larger number of people are pursuing advanced degrees in an effort to gain more specialized knowledge. Acute Shortage While the college is eager to provide this knowledge, the great- er attention which graduates require is making the lack of adequate space and staff increasingly acute. . Laboratory space in which faculty and graduates can pursue specific research, faculty office space for consultation and coun- selling, facilities where graduates can study in close proximity to their professors and research laboratories and enough faculty to give sufficient attention to students - all these are in short sup- ply according to Edmonson. "There is no single rank of faculty - from instructor to full professor - with an office for every man," he notes. "If he has to share his room with one or two others, the teacher has a harder time getting to know students on an individual basis, performing' his various academic duties and engaging in scholarly pursuits such as writing." "The academic progress of our graduate students requires a relatively large amount of time spent in tutorial-type confronta- tion and exchange with professors,' he says. Thus the college's overall teacher-student ratio - a relatively steady 1:16.7 - is deceiving, since many faculty spend a great deal of time working only or primarily with graduates. Time Problems "'T'hese faculty just cannot handle the same number of grad- uates as another teacher could ordinarily handle in an under- graduate classroom," he explains. Comparing salary costs for edu- ering School cating studnets on the different levels - a rough indication of the amount of time which must be invested in a student -- PhD candidates cost approximately six times what freshmen and sopho- mores do. What plans does the engineering college have for alleviating these shortages? Accordinge to Edmonson, more laboratory space is fairly hopeful, but it will be at least four years before any sig- nificant inroads are made in providing the needed graduate and faculty offices. Most of the buildings now scheduled for North Campus -- where the engineering college will eventually move all its opera- tions above the sophomore level - or already existing there - will be laboratories. Sometime this month, the college will move into the new Fluids Engineering II structure, also largely laboratory. Com- bined with the Automotive Engineering and Aeronautical buildings now existing this new facility will be an important.addition to space for research. The fluids and other buildings also include a small amount of office space, but nowhere near the amount needed. Faculty and graduate office shortages will not be decreased until a large office and classroom building designed in 1959 is con- structed. This massive structure would be the college's central facility on North Campus and would in fact shift the great majority of its activities to that location. Containing over a million and a quarter square feet, it would include space for offices, laboratories, class- rooms, design rooms, administration, lounges, a cafeteria, a li- brary, auditoriums and student activities. It is still, however, in the planning stage, and no starting date has been set. While this year's capital outlay request to the State Legislature asks for funds to prepare blueprints, "at the ear- liest we are four years away from the relief which this building will provide," Edmonson says. Until then, he feels, the college must make do with what it has and hope that not too much is lost in the way of education. GEN. NGUYEN KHANH Deny Report Of Move to Oust Halleck WASHINGTON (VP)-- Two top Republicans denied yesterday re- ports that they are involved in a move to oust Rep. Charles A. Hal- leck (R-Ind) as GOP floor leader. The two, Reps. Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich) and Melvin R. Laird (R-Wis), called for party unity and discounted talk of an anti- Halleck movement in the depleted ranks of House Republicans. Ford is chairman of the' House Republican conference which se- lects the party floor leader. He will be senior Republican on the appropriations committee in the next Congress. Laird ranks high on the GOP policy committee and was chair- man of the committee that drafted the Republican platform at the GOP National Convention in San Francisco. "I haven't been doing anything Catholic elements also expressed opposition but, according to some reports, agreed to hold off mass action for at least two weeks. Weaknesses Huong acknowledged that his government has some weaknesses, but called for unity and national discipline to save the nation from Communism. Other American officials talked informally with leaders of Viet- namese pressure groups in an ef- fort to get them to ease up on Huong's administration, to which are pinned U.S. hopes for stability in the war against the Communist Viet Cong. There was no indication that Huong would resign. He seemed to be digging in his heels, apparently with the assurance that at least the U.S.-backed armed forces were with him. Buddhist leader Thich Tam Chau was reported to have con- sulted with Khanh, who remains commander in chief of the armed forces, at Cape St. Jacques, a sea- side resort and regional military headquarters 40 miles southeast of Saigon. Criticism Criticism of the cabinet, made up of technicians rather than poli- ticians, spread among religious, student and political groupings and even the High National Coun- cil, the interim legislature that confirmed Huong in the premier- ship. Nguyen Xuan Chu q' as coun- cil chairman Thursday. He was miffed at the fact the council was not consulted on selection of the; new cabinet and complained that there is insufficient representa- tion of -political factions. About 500 members of the na- tional student union called at a noisy meeting for dissolution of the government. Speakers charged there are "former secret police- men, drunkards and Diemists"1 (followers of the late Ngo Dinh Diem) among the 15 ministers. The students were reported dis- pleased with Huong's announced policy of separating politics from the classrooms. Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iait6j VOL. LXXV, No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES U.S. May Cut Back Contributions to UN UNITED NATIONS 01)-The United States. indicated yesterday it may cut back voluntary contributions to the United Nations as long as the Soviet Union balks at paying. U. S. spurces said that the U. S. would not make its customary annual pledges to the UN special fund and the expanded program of UN technical assistance at a pledging conference Nov. 16. Diplomats generally interpreted the U. S. move as linked to the American attempt to force the Soviet Union to meet its dues for peacekeeping in the Congo and the Middle East. Because the Soviets are more than two years in arrears, the U. S. has vowed to try to strip them of their vote under a provision of the UN charter Criticism of Goldwater Grows, Sting Stage for Power Fight e.._... i about it," Laird said in a tele-,- phone interview from Wisconsin. New Unity "I am not making any campaign. A spokesman for the Roman It is being done by other people Catholic faction of the Rev. Hoang and I have discouraged it when Quyen said Catholics and Bud- I could. As far as I know there is dhists, often at odds in the last no leadership fight brewing in the 18 months, are prepared to unite House at this time. This isn't the against the government. Huong's time to get involved in a fight. statement that politics and reli- We have a big job cut out for us gion should be separated is open and first we must unite the to question. party." Both faiths are dissatisfied be- Reports cause Huong did not consult re- Prior to last Tuesday's election, ligious leaders in selecting the there were published reports that ministers, he said. SECRETARY-GENERAL THANT Laird was the choice of a group of Republicans interested in a change in leadership. Ford was " mentioned as a possible compro-Joigo mise candidate.; Ford said in an interview here he had heard the reports of aIn PlanningCelebration possible leadership contest but be- lieved there was no substantial basis for them. By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN "Certainly there has been no sentiment 'expressed to me along Charles W. Joiner, Chairman of the Sesquicentennial Commit- that line," he said. "We ought to tee and associate dean of the law school, is urging close co-operation maximize our efforts for unity in- between the Ann Arbor community and the University in planning stead of trying to tear the party the 150th anniversary celebrations for 1967. apart." "It is essential to the success of the Sesquicentennial that such Meeting a relationship exists," Edward Kennedy, Executive Secretary of the A group of moderate Republi- Committee noted Thursday cans known as the "Wednesday Declaring that "the city and the University must put their best Morning Club" met yesterday in d f o foot forward," Joiner pointed out at a recent Ann Arbor Chamber of when the assembly convenes Dec. 1. May Postpone The UN may postpone the meet- ing of its General Assembly to al- low the U. S. and Russia to settle their argument over the pay- ments. Secretary-General U Thant is currently polling delegations to see if there is general assent to this. Members of the U. S. delegation are spreading the word that the United States will not make any pledges until the debate over peacekeeping finances is resolved, sources said. They quoted American diplomats as having said that as long as peacekeeping costs are not fairly shared, the United States will not pay more than its specified share of UN activities. Financed Although most UN activities are financed by binding assassments, the two technical aid programs depend on voluntary contribu- tions. Previously the United states has put up $4 for every $10 pledg- ed by other nations. In 1963, the United States pledged up to $36.2 million for the special fund for pre-investment research and train- ing and up to $22.5 million, for the technical assistance program of fellowships and experts. U. S. diplomats contend they have the 80 per cent needed to strip the Soviets of their vote under Article 19 of the Charter.. -Associated Press CHINESE PREMIER CHO EN-LAI PARTICIPATES in wreath-laying ceremonies at the grave of Stalin in Moscow yesterday. Chou was less than enthusiastic later when S o v i e t Premier Leonid Brezhnev called for a world conference of Communist leaders to iron out problems within the movement. Chou Cold on Call for Meetingf MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Un- ion's new party leader appealed yesterday for unity of the world Communist movement, but Chi- nese premier Chou En-Lai failed to join in the applause for a call to a new conference of the world's Red leaders. Chou, on hand with a tough- minded Peking delegation for bol- shevik anniversary ,ceremonies cast a chill on proceedings even in advance of first party secre- tary Leonid Brezhnev's speech by paying homage at the grave of Joseph Stalin. Destalinization under Nikita Khrushchev had been a point of hot Peking-Mos- cow dispute. The Chinese premier sat direct- ly behind Brezhnev, virtually looking over his shoulder, while Khrushchev's successor as par- the price o2 uep. Bramford r,. Morse (R- Mass) to map a pro- gram for rebuilding the party. Morse said the matter of a lead- ship change did not come up but might be discussed at another meeting next week. Rep. John V. Lindsay (R-NY), who ran ahead of President Lyn., don B. Johnson in his ticket-split- ting Manhattan district, said the meeting of the moderates had been scheduled before the election. "Now that we have all been re- elected," Lindsay said, "we are among the people who will have to rebuild the party from the ashes." One of those who attended the meeting said privately the group was not interested in changing the leadership but hoped to present a united front if a fight developed. Johnson Nixes Europe Travel JOHNSON CITY, Tex. VP) - President Lyndon B. Johnson, re- laxing and working at his LBJ ranch, moved indirectly yesterday to scotch speculation that he or Commerce meeting several areas " where close co-operation is needed. He placed special emphasis on the need for a housing commis-' sion to assist visitors and partici- pants in the various celebrations in. finding suitable lodging facili- ties. More Publicity Joiner also urged the formation of a committee which would work to get the State Highway Depart- ment to designate the - locale of the celebrations for tourists. This committee would also get private groups to publicize the celebrations in their literature. Among Joiner's other sugges- tions were the formation of com- mittees to make Ann Arbor at- tractive as a tourist center, to act as host to visitors, and to give the Sesquicentennial local publicity. Committees have already been formed to write a history of the University, in prose and pictorial form; to handle exhibits, typo- graphy and insignia design, and to compose musical works in hon- or of the celebration. Economic Boon E RIGHTISTS RELA TED: Survey Analyzes 'Super Patriot' By ROBERT BENDELOW Do you think that there are many, or few, Communists in the government? In the schools? In the Republican and Democratic parties? If you answered yes to most of these questions, you might be a super patriot, said Mark Chesler and Richard Schmuck, both of the sociology department, in their lecture yesterday on Some Sociological Bases of Super Patriotism. The above and similar questions were used by the two men to determine the description of a super patriot, the member of a group such as the National Association for the Advancement of White People. All Types Such a person is not a psychotic or deranged. He is from any social and political level; there are as many young members as there are old. The individual member is most often a religious fundamentalist, comes from a rural background, and is an anti- hedonist. The group he belongs to most likely: -Takes conservative positions on socio-political issues; -has fervent nationalism and patriotism: "First, last, and always an American." a Dewey to the liberalism of a young, successful, Kennedy. Issues such as the race question have arisen to spur on the revolt. These groups are trying to overcome this revolt. According to Chesler and Schmuck, the members of the groups are practically stereotypes. They think that "a bunch of rotten liberals and socialists (are) in the Republican Party." They were, at the time of the survey, in favor of Barry Goldwater as the Republican nominee for President, and either George Wallace or Strom Thurmond for the Democratic nomination. Survey Results Chesler and Schmuck based their remarks on the results of a survey they ran last summer. A series of questions was put to the participants in the sur- vey, and the results tabulated: -60 per cent of the people surveyed said that UN participa- tion is not a good idea for the United States. -75 per cent of the super patriots would leave the UN if Red China was admitted; -70 per cent disapprove of the NAACP; -57 per cent feel that integration groups are Communist infiltrated; - ner cent sav that Farl Warren is definitely soft on Com- ty leader delivered an 80-min- ute review of Soviet domestic and foreign policies and noted that "there is an obvious need for a new international meeting of the fraternal parties." Target Khrushchev, prime target of the Chinese in the long dispute, also had wanted .a world Com- munist meeting, a project scorn- fully denounced by Peking. But against the background of Brezh- nev's words, the appeal this time had at least a note of concilia- tion. Chou, however, was the only one of the party leaders present from a dozen communist-ruled nations who withheld applause. Chou did applaud vigorously, however, when Brezhnev re- marked that all Communists have one common goal. In advance of the Kremlin meeting, Peking's broadcasts had called for unity against "imperialism headed by the United States." Anniversary The eve of the Bolshevik revo- lution anniversary is invariably an occasion for Soviet policy statements, as the anniversary it- self-today-is the occasion for a parade displaying Soviet might to Communist leaders gathered atop Lenin's Red Square tomb. Brezhnev discussed foreign poli- cy at length, and at times seemed to be trying to mollify his Chi- nese listeners. He reaffirmed Sov- iet support for Peking's claims to nationalist-held Formosa and vowed Soviet backing for Com- munist efforts in Viet Nam. 'See Conflict At Meeting In January By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Criticism of the conservative leadership of de- feated GOP candidate Sen. Barry Goldwater snowballed yesterday, with brickbats flying from all levels of the Republican hierarchy. Goldwater's backers were just as avid in defending him as skirmish- es broke out that could presage a full-fledged drive by Republican liberals and moderates to recap- ture control of the party which went to Goldwater at the San Francisco convention. The power struggle for control of the party will apparently get under wgy in full force when- Re- publican leaders meet after the first of the year in a high-level conference called by GOP Na- tional Chairman Dean Burch. Two state GOP leaders set the stage for the struggle yesterday as they demanded that .Burch, a hand-picked Goldwater man, step down from his job immediately. Suggests Nixon Wisconsin GOP Chairman Tal- bot Peterson suggested former Vice-President Richard M. Nixon for the job. Peterson said Gold- water's candidacy had carried to defeat a number of Republican hopefuls, including Wilbur Renk, the GOP Senate nominee in Wis- consin. From Rep. Delbert Latta (R- Ohio) came another proposed chairman: Ray Bliss,, the party chieftain in Ohio and an ac- knowledged "old pro." Burch replied that Intra-party bickering should stop, but prom- ised that he will call a high-level Republican National Committee meeting in January to discuss "all questions of interest to the party, including that of my chairman- ship." Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) went further in his. criticism yes- terday. He demanded that Gold. water himself step down as titular leader of the party, adding in a New York news conference that President Lyndon B. Johnson's landslide victory was a repudia- tion of what he called "radical views" of the GOP ticket. Rockefeller Speaks Javits echoed the sentiments expressed a day earlier by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Nixon had accused Rockefeller and other moderates of contributing to Goldwater's defeat by not endors. ing his candidacy. Rockefeller countered by responding that such endorsement would have dragged even more moderates down to de- feat, and that the only way for I