n dergrads Remain Core of 'U,' Hatcher Says By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM University Presidenit Harlan Hatcher last night reassured un- dergraduates that they remain the core of an institution seeking to stimulate 'them through its di- versity, not frustrate them with its impersonality. Declaring his interest in the future of undergraduate education here, the President promised that this University will work in the next decade to solve the problems of large-scale housing and edu- cation by catering more to the individual. He spoke at the first of his student convocations. The session was marred by a sparse turnout of 150 students but enthusiastically endorsed by student leaders and administrators who were there. Proposals, Prospects Reading a prepared text for the first half hour and then answer- ing questions for over an hour, the President outlined several pro- posals and prospects for the un- dergraduate: -He called for the appointment of a "blue ribbon" committee of Ann Arbor citizens to study the University's relation with the community in the field of stu- dent housing; -He predicted that experiments in small-unit education, as repre- est answer of the question period sented by the residential college, Idefending the current in-state will open up new approaches to and out-of-state proportions. education, including less emphasis "It isn't just the percentage, it's n rrtin rlacrn naira Greek' Chapters A iven More Time By DAVID BLOCK Student Government Council's Membership Committee decided yesterday that undergraduate social fraternities and sororities which had not as yet resubmitted their membership statements-due last Saturday-will have ten additional days to comply. If individual houses have still not turned in their statements by the end of this time period, the committee will refer them to the Membership Tribunal for disciplinary action, William Burns, '65, chairman of the committee, said. In addition, committee member Judith Smith, '66, revealed that 77 other student groups also failed to refile copies of the membership on routine classroom procedur es and more reliance upon individual effort'' -He vowed the University will maintain its cosmopolitan nature by sticking closely to current in- state and out-of-state ratios; -He briefly expressed the Uni- versity's concern on a number of; vital issues ranging from the lim- its of growth to the influence of research. Undergrad Not Forgotten In the speech, President Hatcher promised the gathering that the undergraduate does "not belong to the category of forgotten men. He is not on 'borrowed time'." This attitude of being lost is understandable, the President ex- plained, because the complex Uni- versity has left undergraduates "bewildered, overwhelmed, frus- trated or uninformed as to what their University is all about and where they fit into such a compli- cated organization of learning." Despite the seemingly endless quantity of IQ ratings, IBM cards, mechanized tests and credit hours, the President said, this University remains committed to educating through its "great minds and great teachers." This policy is reflected in the stress on excellence in teaching, the mix," he said, pointing to the nationally-ranked University of, California at Berkeley, which has only 10 per cent non-state resi- dents. However, he was quick to warn that a further drop in the cur- rent 27 per cent proportion of out- of-staters here "would be a great cause for alarm. I don't expect it will happen." Backing up his reassurances to the undergraduate with concrete proposals, the President said he will appoint the "blue ribbon" housing commission. 12,000 in Residence Halls He explained that while 12,000 students reside in campus resi- dence halls, some 9,000 live in private homes and apartments in Ann Arbor.The remainder inhabit fraternity and sorority houses or commute from other areas. The pressure of growing enroll- ment has brought new apartments into use and attracted "new pri- vate ventures like the (18-story), high-rise structure on South Uni- versity," the President said. This trend "raises anew the question of the relationships be- tween the University and Ann Ar- bor as a city and community, and between the University and pri- vate landlords as owners and rent- ers of accommodations." Geared to Undergrads The idea of a student assembly to discuss University problems de- veloped last spring. At that time, the President announced his in- tention to gear the convocation to the undergraduate, appointing a student committee to work out the format. It agreed with the President that last night's assembly should center on what the undergraduate can expect in the next decade. Among the administrators in attendance, Vice - President f o r Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns commended the President for pro- viding "the opportunity to receive s t u d e n t feedback on crucial issues." He and Interfraternity Council President Lawrence Loss- ing, '65, who chaired the student planning group, both expressed disappointment at the size of the turnout. -Daily-Robert Sheffield STUDENTS HAD AN OPPORTUNITY last night to ask questions of University President Harlan Hatcher, 'far right, as the President held the first of two student convocations he plans for this year. Serving as emcee for the convocation was Interfraternity President Lawrence Lossing, '65, with Stu- dent Government Council member Thomas Smithson, '65, holding the microphone for audience ques- tioners. f LY I selection clauses contained with- he observed. "In marked contrast in their constitutions or charters. to many prominent universities, lan Tlksl,-The 77 included 35 recognized we have assembled here people student organizations, ten honor who are, by and large, interested societies, 13 recognition societies, in teaching and eager to do it two professional societies and 17 well." professional fraternities. Question Period Notified in Past The President devoted his long- WASHINGTON (R) -- The na- Miss Smith said all these groups tion's top foreign policy strategists were notified in the past of the are planning quick post-election committee's request. However,P rospct what can be done to restore fading member of e committee, unity among the European alles. had received their last notifica- haSecarranged for separatemeo as long ago as last year. Shero w S in ings during the coming weekend many of these organizations have with two foreign ministers from changed their addresses this year, E u r o p e, and Undersecretary I and the committee has had diffi- WASHINGTON )-The pros- George W. Ball will meet with a' culty locating them. pect of a fight for control of the third in Berlin next week. According to Burns, the com- Republican Party sharpened yes- Rusk will confer with Joseph mittee will send a letter to each terday as post mortems mounted Luns of the Netherlands tomorrow undergraduate fraternity and sor- in the wake of the GOP'S thump- and Belgium's Paul Henri Spaak ority which has not yet resubmit- ing defeat Tuesday. on Monday. Both European foreign ted its statement. The letter will Former President Dwight D. policy chiefs are highly respected advise the houses of the additional Eisenhower told a news confer-, veterans of the international 10-day period and will inform ence that a false image of the' scene. Their importance, Wash- them of the disciplinary conse- Republican Party as one which is ington specialists believe, far ex- quences they face if they fail to indifferent to the common man ceeds the dimensions of their comply. "has confused so many of our cit. countries. i Miss Smith said that as of last zens and led them to think of itI Schroeder night only five houses still had las a political doctrine designed Ball, a diplomatic troubleshooter failed to turn in their statements primarily for the rich and privi since 1961, will meet with Gerhard and that she expected two of them leged." Schroeder, West German foreign to submit today.H minister, at the annual German- The 77 other groups will also H.said party men lvess must cn- American conference on Atlantic receive letters from the committee sult amogem problems being' held in Berlin this requesting immediate action on this image. year-Nov. 12-15. t h e i r membership statements. He said former Vice-President He will also probably talk with They will also probably be given Richard M. Nixon "would play West German Chancellor Ludwig a 10-day period in which to turn a great part in unifying the Erhard in Bonn, but the State them in, Miss Smith added. party." Department provided no confirma- Still Problems e Eisenhower called for a period tion of this. Diplomatic sources Burns said that although he ex- of consultation among party lead- said the chancellor has arranged pects all the undergraduate affili- ers to discuss an image which to meet Nov. 16 with the Ameri-. ates to turn in their statements, "has confused so many of our can contingent to the Berlin con- he thinks that the committee still citizens and led them to think of cance contingenstonthehBrlinmcon ference., faces problems n the coming the party as a political doctrine Rusk's talks in Washington and "eeks. He indicated that many of designed primarily for the rich Ball's meetings with German the statements already turned in and privileged." Ball'sare inadequate in content. leaders have more-than-usual sig- The committee, in accordance Eisenhower said Republicans nificance in this period of grow-| with SGC's most recent set of or- can make a comeback in the 1966 ing crisis within the alliance, offi- ganization rules, requested frater- House and Senate races. The par- cials said. A thorough, wide-rang- nities and sororities to submit ty must represent, henceforth, a ing exchange of views is expected. actual quotations of their respec- wide spectrum of political think- Could Be Crucial tive clauses concerning member- Unifiers Needed The talks come in the wake of ship selection. Nixon said the party needs uni- the American 'election, following Burns said that many houses, hiers, id thencalned the. Washington visit of Patrick inrly m nnnc,. r.,,+~; +i~a'U~o~ir~r~rn '~jd+ f P~'rib~ ~fier..., not dividers, and then called U*AS. T hIAS*~b yuA. V AJ* ,* U~ A J f 1 J Sit"I j' Seventy-Four Years of Editorial F+reedom ti1 VOL. LXXV, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1964 EIGHT PAGES _._ a X 1 J I A ' / i 1 t f Fight for Republicani committee and present chairman Dean Burch has received several messages of backing from com- mittee members since Tuesday's, election. Governors' Meeting Meanwhile, Gov. Robert Smylie of Idaho, chairman of the Re- publican Governors Association, called for a new chairman of the Republican National Com- PartyConflict TakingForm In State Body By The Associated Press DETROIT-Two new political giants in the state yesterday pre- pared for their first face-to-face meeting next January. While talk of the 1968 presiden- tial nomination and Republican rebuilding flutters around Michi- gan Gov. George Romney, he faces a home-state challenge that could make or break his national fu- ture before he even considers it. Romney, who won overwhelming reelection Tuesday despite a Mich- igan landslide for President Lyn- don B. Johnson and found him- self at the fore of GOP survivors, also found himself confronted with a state legislature nearly two- thirds Democratic in each house -a parring shift from the Re- publican majorities of Romney's first term. And the Democrats were al- ready thinking of mapping out a strategy. More than 40 state leaders proposed forming a special advisory board to meet the party's expanded responsibilities in the legislature. The group, called together by defeated gubernatorial candidate Neil Staebler, met in a two-hour, closed-door session. "The board would be a neces- sary step in developing close .com- munications between our leaders at the local level and the Demo- cratic legislators in Lansing and See DEMOCRATS, Page 3 Control i. Ranks Chu -.(hnrmnin IRp~-uo*n~ n mittee. He nominated outgoing , A --«' -Ui4vUX1 -!15.. 127. Gov. John Anderson of Kansas. But a spokesman for the Re- publican National Committee said Chairman Dean Burch-with theR otest Over full backing of Sen. Goldwater -has no intention of quitting the post he assumed last June when Goldwater won the GOP presi- -* * UT dential nomination. MIsaictans. istortans Smylie also said he will call a meeting of the GOP governors in early December-a proposal that To flonor 'i uth' Fete met with warm response from most of the Republican govern- ors around the nation. By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Included in those was Michi- gan Gov. George Romney, who Names of the composers and, the historians who have been earlier in the day had sent his commissioned by the University to write and compose works honoring own suggestion of such a meeting its 150th anniversary-in 1967-were released yesterday by the Broadening, Unifying Sesquicentennial Committee. ronydengrmUnid "BnProf. Roger Sessions, professor of music at the University of lieve a meeting of Republican California, and Ross Finney, composer in residence at the Univer- governors in first half of Decem- sity, will compose the musical works. ber would be an extremely use- Prof. Howard H. Peckham, of the history department, and ful thing in determining how we director of the Clements Library, will write a history of the 'University, can contribute- as a group toward and F. Clever Bald, director of the University Historical Collections, broadening and unifying the par- will supervise the preparation of ty and conducting state admini- a pictorial history. , strations that will reflect credit Sessions' piece, probably a con- M ariner U.S.'S on party. certo, and Finney's composition, a It was plain that topic number major work for symphony orches- First 1 on the governors' agenda would tra and large chorus, will be play- bth yh i isl be the future course of the party ed 'in the various Sesquicentennial e -a course many of the governors celebrations. ProbeFalls believe should be less conserva- William Revelli, director of the tive than that charted by Gold- Universiy Bands and professor of CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A) - water, wind instruments, said Sessions Senate Republican Ieader Ever- and Finney are "among the most America's first attempt to launch ett M. Dirksen of Illinois had an- important and profound compos- a spacecraft to Mars failed yes- other view. He told a newsman ers on the contemporary scene." terday because of problems with that "Everybody will come out The Boston Symphony Orches- both the booster rocket and the of his corner with a lot of ideas. tra played Sessions' first sym- Mariner 3 payload. Now, I intend to stand still. I in- phony in 1927. Since then, his A twin spacecraft, Mariner 4, tend to do a lot of thinking and works have been performed by was being readied for a second try get a new perspective." leading orchestras throughout the later this month. Pennsylvania's Gov. William world. . Emergency measures failed to Scranton, Goldwater's last-min- Finney, a member of the Uni- revive the stricken spacecraft last ute challenger for the nomination, versity faculty since 1948, received night as it raced, through space. said the first big task of the Re- the Pulitzer Prize for music in The National Aeronautics and publican Party is to wipe out the 1937. He has also received two Space Administration announced "impression that it is opposed or Guggenheim Fellowships and two more than nine hours after indifferent to so-called ethnic or awards from the Academy of Arts launching that there was no minority groups." and Letters. chance of completing the mission He declined to say whether Peckham is on the editorial successfully. President Lyndon B. Johnson's board of American Heritage. His The final blow came when Mar- massive victory on Tuesday was books include "Pontiac and the iner 3's batteries gave out because a "repudiation" of Goldwater's Indian Uprising," "Captured by of lack of power from the sun. conservative philosophies or the Indians," "The War for Independ- Four solar panels designed to col- current GOP national leadership. ence" and "The Colonial Wars." lect the power failed to deploy as Gordon Walker, Britain's new for- eign' secretary, and prior to the meeting of NATO ministers in Paris in December, a conference which could be crucial for the 15- year-old alliance. Officials said they have no word to confirm earlier reports that President Lyndon B. Johnson planned to send Vice-President-; Elect Hubert H. Humphrey to Europe to see what can be done to heal Atlantic alliance dissension. Humphrey himself, returning from a meeting with Johnson in Texas, told reporters he had "no assignment to go overseas." He did indicate, however, that he would confer with Rusk on the whole world situation. Viet Nam Council iargeiy due to pressure from their national chapters, have failed to do this. The committee will meet next Thursday to rule on the adequacy of the statements turned in and to decide what to do with those that are insufficient. The membership selection claus- es have been solicited by SGC under a mandate it received last year to investigate affiliates to see that they were not using racial or religious criteria in pledging new members. The policy of requiring member- ship statements has been criticized on the grounds that the state- ments are meaningless, since a house can smiply say it does not discriminate while it continues to do so in practice. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York the principal divider in Sen. Barry Goldwater's unsuc- cessful bid for the presidency. He also said Goldwater "can play an important part" in unify- ing the Republican Party. The first steps should be taken at a national committee meeting in January, with all factions airing their views, he said. Goldwater said Wednesday he intends to retainhleadership of the party which he won at the national convention last June. And in response to clamor for a new national chairman, a Re- publican spokesman noted that the chairman is named by the, R 11i7 111 Hits Regime, On Various procedures Complains of Choice Process for Cabinet, Few Political Groups SAIGON (P')-The chairman of South Viet Nam's High National Council, Nguyen Xuan Chu, re- signed yesterday in protest of the makeup and method of appoint- ment of South Viet Nam's new- civilian cabinet. Repercussions could be serious, according to var- ious political observers: Chu voiced his complaints to chief of state Phan Khac Suu a political ally from the days when both were opposing the adminis- tration of President Ngo Dinh Diem. Chu was reported to have made two points about the 15-man gov- ernment which Premier Tran Van Huong took over recently from Major General Nguyen Khanh's military regime --The High National Council should have been consulted in se- lection of governmental ministers, even though the new provisional constitution does not require such consultation; -Too few political elements are represented in the cabinet, which therefore "will not have the confidence of the people." More Natives Chu is understood to feel more men of North Vietnamese birth should have been installed. In fact, five of the 15 cabinet mem- bers are North Vietnamese, leaders among the .thousands of refugees who have fled Communist rule. Many in the nation may share Chu's views. He was the second chairman of the High National Council, which was formed as 17- man agency in September to over- see the transition to civilian gov- ernmentand to act as an interim legislature. The first chairman was Suu. The council elected him chief of state Oct. 24 to succeed Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh. Some Buddhists are also known to be dissatisfied with the new government on the grounds that several of its ministers were offi- cials in the Diem regime, which was destroyed in a coup last November.' But Thich Tri Quang, ranking' leader of Vietnamese Buddhism, was quoted by Saigon newspapers as denying that Buddhists are planning a n y new upheaval. Quang led a Buddhist insurrection against Diem in 1963. He coordi- BUT NO RED SPEAKERS: Schwarz Urges Mandatory Communism Course By ROGER RAPOPORT Leaders of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade yesterday urged that a course in Communism be mandatory for all college students and that known Communists not be permitted to speak at universities., At a press conference in the Michigan Union, Crusade President Dr. Fred C. Schwartz said that "if you were studying vice in the classroom, would you invite the madam of the local brothel to speak?" Herbert Philbrick, former FBI counterspy, author of "I Led Three Lives" and a Crusade lecturer and Mrs. Janet Greene, new music director of the organization, appeared with Schwarz. 'New Dimension' Mrs. Greene sang various songs which, according to Schwarz, are "a new dimension-the first time folksinging has been used Tapp, chairman of the Bank of America, helping to organize anti- Communism schools throughout the nation. Schwarz began with a short explanation of the word extremism -"an adjective that is meaningless until it is applied to something." Philbrick, who will discuss the topic "Should Known Communists be Allowed to Speak on College Campuses?" last night said Com- munists are currently exploiting the civil rights movement. Russia: 'Thermonuclear Adventurists' In answer to one question, Schwarz gave a new interpretation of the Sino-Soviet rift. He described Russia as the "thermonuclear adventurists who could drop the bomb." China, on the other hand, "has the bomb as a show of strength," but "they won't use it," he said. Phiibrick elaborated later on the possibility of thermonuclear war. He said that "nothing von could do would get the Communists to planned after the vehicle was kick- ed into space. They remained fold- ed like butterfly wings against the side of 'the spacecraft. A tracking station at Johannes- burg, South Africa, sent emergency radio signals in an effort to un- hinge the panels, but all efforts failed. The batteries had only a few hours life on their own and they eventually expired. The spacecraft continued to fly silently, except for a tracking beacon, in an highly elliptical orbit about the earth. Even if the panels had deployed, there were other things that prob- ably would have spoiled the launching. Tracking data indicated that the second stage of the Atlas- Agena D rocket shut down about four seconds prematurely when it reignited its engine a second time to shove Mariner 3 into space. The re-start of a modified model of