WHAT'S IN STORE FOR THE NEXT FOUR? See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom :4Iait1I CLOUDY High-60 Low-48 Showers and cooler in the afternoon VOL. LXXV, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES f Panhel Tables Rush Vote It's True--Johnson Outdoes Roosevelt By CAROL HASKILL ' Panhellenic President's Council yesterday decided to postpone un- til next week a vote on a motion that would initiate a system of unstructured mixers in spring rush. Unstructured mixers, according to a study committee which in- vestigated the sorority rushing system, are designed to improve the general quality of the rushing procedures. The committee noted that the unstructured system would permit a girl to visit houses divided into five districts. While shehwould still ultimately visit all the houses, she would only be required to visit the houses in one district each night. More Relaxed According to proponents of the motion this procedure would re- sult in a more informal and re- laxed atmosphere, for a girl could stay at a house long enough to Board Delays Decision On 18-Story Apartment Ann Arbor's Housing Appeals Board yesterday postponed a decision on whether the partially built apartment house at the corner of Forest St. and South University should be allowed. a nine foot variance on the required setback distance. This would allow the building to be built only ten feet from the property line rather than the prescribed 19 feet. The decision was get acquainted with some of the actives. It would also eliminate the need to walk long distances in cold weather since the houses would be districted close together. Bari Telfer, '65, chairman of the rush study committee of Panhel,' said there is something wrong with both the structure and the image of rush. "We wanted all the houses to appear equal, but this is a fal- lacy. Mixers are hurting the sys- tem," she said. According to Miss Telfer girls have always been able to skip, houses anyway, and the idea of; the new program is not to force fattendance. Promotes Superficiality She criticized the present mixer, structure, saying, "people who; were leary about rushing and the sorority system in general because of its artificiality had their sus- picions confirmed by the artifi- ciality of mixers and subsequently dropped out of rush." Much consideration was given to the smaller houses in discussing' this proposal. Susan Groehn, '65, president of Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, said the proposed restructur- ing "wouldn't help us or hinder us-we would do it to suit the three houses in trouble." By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The record- shattering victory of President Lyndon B. Johnson was confirmed yesterday as the final vote totals poured in from the nation's 170,- 000 precincts. With 98 per cent of those pre- cincts reporting, Johnson had amassed 61.3 per cent of the popular vote for a total of 41,- 688,418. Barry Goldwater totaled 26,269,391. seat in Montana, defeating Demo- crat Roland Renne; and Republi- can Warren P. Knowles unseated Democratic incumbent John W. Reynolds in Wisconsin.- In United States Senator races which also went undecided until yesterday, Democratic incumbent Howard Cannon defeated Repub- lican Paul Lexalt in Nevada, and Democratic incumbent Stephen Young edged Republican Robert Taft Jr. toral votes. There are 270 re- quired for election. The Johnson landslide, reported as 62 per cent in yesterday's Daily, finally settled at 61.3 per cent, surpassing the 1936 record of Franklin Roosevelt of 60.8 per cent. For the United States House of Representatives district three vot- 4ers elected Democrat Paul H. Todd, defeating incumbent Re- publican August Johansen. In the eighth district, Repub- ilcan Rep. James Harvey defeated Democrat Sanford Brown. And in the 11th district, Democrat Ray- mond Clevenger ousted incumbent Republican Rep. Victor Knox. In the Michigan state sena- torial elections the following were elected: George S. Fitzgerald (D), Charles N. Youngblood, Jr. (D), Raymond D. Dzendzel (D), Mich- ael J. O'Brien (D), Stanley No- vak (D), Craig (D), Edward J. Robinson (D), Terry L. Troutt (D), Paul M. Chandler (R), San- der M. Levin (D), Robert R. Hu- ber (R), Carl W. O'Brien (D), Haskell L. Nichols (R), Roger Johnson (D), Garry E. Brown (R), Charles O. Zollar (R), Harold James Volkema (R), S. Don Potter (R), Gerald R. Dunn (D), Frank D. Beadle (R), Garland Lane (D), Emil Lockwood (R), Robert Van- der Laan (R), Milton Zaagman (R), Jan B. Vanderpleeg (D), Jer- ome T. Hart (D), John R. Ireland (D), - Vander Jagt (R), A. M. Schneider (D), and Joseph S. Mack (D). The new state Court of Appeals winners in the second district were Thomas Kavanaugh of Bir- mingham, Louis D. McGregor and Francis O'Brien of Ann Arbor. The final totals for the United States Senate show 28 Democrats were elected with 40 holdovers giving a total of 67. Seven Repub- licans were elected with 25 hold- overs giving a total of 32. Fifty- one seats constitute a majority, In the House of Representatives 292 Democrats were elected and 138 Republicans. A majority is at least 218 seats. Seventeen Democratic governors were elected with 16 holdovers while the Republicans elected only eight with nine holdovers. Volpe Wins When the final totals are com- In gubernatorial races which piled today, they will show John- were not decided until yesterday son carried 44 states and the Dis- morning, Republican candidate trict of Columbia for a total of John A. Volpe defeated Democrat 486 electoral votes. Goldwater won Francis X. Ballotti in Massa- six states -Alabama, Arizona chusetts; Republican Tim Bab- Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi cock retained the state house and South Carolina-for 52 elec- Vivian Upsets Meader in House Race Washtenaw JOHN FELDKAMP IFC Set To Investigate Pledge 'Raid' By DONALD FLIPPO The reported fracas between Sigma Alpha Mu and Sigma Chi that occurred last Saturday will definitely come before the Inter- fraternity Executive Committee meeting next Tuesday night, John C. Feldkamp, assistant to the di- rector of student activities and organizations, said last night. Feldkamp explained there were two possible charges that could be levied against SAM: 1) physi- cal mistreatment of pledges and 2) participating in a unified pledge activity which resulted in public disfavor toward the fraternity sys- tem and damaged the house or members of the fraternity. Sigma Chi could be charged with disorderly conduct and drink- ing liquor in the fraternity house. On Probation SAM was found guilty of physi- cal mistreatment of pledges only two years ago and Sigma Chi was penalized last spring -for disorderly conduct. Both are still on proba- tion. Feldkamp said that he had talk- ed with Robert Pincus, '66, SAM president, and Frederick Lambert, '66, Sig Chi president and that, both have been requested to sub- mit a report to him by tomorrow. The reports will be forwarded to the IFC executive committee meeting, he said. He also inter- viewed and asked for a report from the pledge class president. Scavenger Hunt On Monday night both Pincus and Lambert denied that any- thing happened between SAM and Sig Chi. Pincus said that a scaven- ger hunt had been planned for' the pledges, but the fraternity was unable to get enough clues distributed throughout the cam- pus to make it worthwhile, so it was called off early in the even- ing. When Pincus was asked to ex- plain why several SAM pledges were apprehended by Ann Arbor police at Delta Gamma sorority early Sunday. morning, he said that there was a small party at the SAM house, but not all of the pledges could get dates in time so they probably wanted to have some fun on their own. Pledges Injured Pincus also denied knowing of any SAM pledges taken to Health Service as a result of the reported -'postponed until next Monday, when the board will meet at 2 p.m. in a closed session. Attorneys for the Ann Arbor Property Owner's Association pre- sented a case against it on the grounds it violates state and local building codes. The law states that if a wall of a proposed building faces any property line and contains win- dows, the building cannot be built within 19 feet of the line. It was implied by the drawings that the wall was to have win- dows, but when the Department of Building a n d Engineering Safety reviewed them, this was overlooked, and the ten-foot dis- tance was permitted.- The error was not discovered until after construction had be- gun; some $600,000 had been in- vested before the permit was re- voked. The footings were unusual- ly heavy and expensive because of the height of the 18-story build- ing. The law was passed in 1917 to insure that the lower floors of a building would get enough light and air. If the building were built next to the property line and an- other built on the adjoining prop- erty also next to the property line, then the lower floors would not be able to get sunlight and air, creat- ing a health hazard.' The constructors contended that 10 feet was sufficient and were asking for a nine foot variance from the board. SGC Studies 'Grievances' Student Government Council last night approved the reports and recommendations of five of its 13 grievance committees. The five will eventually be included in the omnibus grievance package which Co'uncil will finally submit to the administration. The committees reporting last night were: communication (be- tween the student body and the University), residence hall over- crowding, central campus housing, off-campus housing and library over-crowding. The committees stressed that the University should work closely with representatives of the student body in formulating policies on housing and study facilities. County Gives l Decisive Vote'N ii a y She was referring to Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Omicron Pi and; Kappa Delta who are reportedly having membership problems. Unfair Impression Kay Farnell, '65, president of AOPi, said that the rushees got an unfair impression of their house (which has about 40 girls), when coming from a house twice as large. Since mixing procedure By JOHN BRYANT Political newcomer Weston Viv- ian has scored one of the major upsets of this year's election by defeating incumbent Republican Congressman George Meader. Hke was seeking a seventh-term in Paz B olivia Government _ 1 H c t1C7 wi t requires the actives to greet the Congress. girls as a group, the size of the With two precincts yet to re- house becomes very noticeable. port, Vivian had an edge of almost She also attacked the "hash" 2000 votes over his Republican group that forms among the opponent, who, while not formally rushees after they leave a house, conceding, admitted that there is creating "rumors" and "unfair little chance that he will be re- accusations" about the sorority. turned to Washington. Anne Smith, '65, Panhel public Vivian piled up a 5000 vote mar- relations chairman, seemed to feel gin in Monroe County and carried that things couldn't get much Washtenaw County by 1500 votes worse and that the new motion to counter the expected Meader would be better than nothing. voting strength in more rural Many Drop-Outs parts of the district, which has She said that after mixers there not sent a Democrat to Congress was a large percentage of drop- since 1932. i Hopes for State Funds Raised i Illy 11GY 1111G By ROGER RAPOPORT Sweeping Democratic victories in state races may mean more money for Michigan's tax-supported uni- versities. have an easier time being consid- ered." William Romano (D. Warren), re-elected to the state Senate countered, "I don't think that there is that much difference in That was the sentiment expressed the philosophy of the two parties yesterday by newly-elected mem- on education." bers of the State Board of Edu- 'U' Too Large cation. However, several Demo- Romano said that if surplus cratic legislators took a "wait funds were available, education and see" attitude because of the would get its share. "I think the more than 75 per cent turnover in University and Michigan State the two state houses. University are both too large to- J i , Revolt Topples outs at their house. Vivian laid his victory to three A spokesman for ZTA echoed factors: local dissatisfaction with this sentiment: "We have done so Meader, voter turnouts generated poorly in the past few years that by the presidential race and an we can't do any worse." enthusiastic volunteer organiza- "This proposal is not specifically tion. aimed at solving the problems of "The mixed success of Republi- a single house or group of houses can and Democratic candidates but rather at improving the over- throughout the district, with many all quality of rush, for both affil- people voting for President Lyn- iates and rushees," Panhellenic don B. Johnson, Gov. George Rom- President Ann Wickins, '65, said. ney and myself, indicates that the A Panhellenic representative of victory was more than a case of Phi Sigma Sigma noted that "her riding in on the President's coat- house was really scared" because tails," he said. of its relatively distant location. His opponent disagreed. She opposed the new plan, say- "There isn't any doubt but that ig sthat a largeper cent of the othenational race affectedthe present pledge class "went be- outcome in my district," Meader cause they had to." Although said yesterday. This effect was Panhel has scheduled buses to especially noticeable in Monroe transport rushees, she said that and Washtenaw counties, where most of the girls won't avail Johnson rolled up impressive ma- themselves of the opportunity to jorities. visit her house. Meader's vote against this year's Panhellenic President Ann Wick- civil rights bill had been an issue ens, '65, said the proposal was both in the general election and undertaken with careful study in the primary fight. and the rush committee felt that The effects of the primary fight it was the best possible solution itself my have been more signifi- to the present problem. cant, Meader said. "Although I She cautioned the presidents to don't think the primary had too approach the question with open much effect, there were some minds, saying that "it was not pretty nasty things said about me conceived by some thoughtless that could have influenced some' person to destroy the sororities." people." t l I This spring, a Republican legis- lature passed, after defeating sev- eral moves to slash, a record $131 million appropriation for the 10 state-supported colleges and universities. The University re- ceived $44 million of that amount. Ask More Money The schools are requesting over $175 million for next year-and their chances of getting it report- edly improved since the citizens elected a Democratic legislature Tuesday. According to two of the new state board of edducation mem- bers the Democrats can be ex- pected to press for a big increase in appropriations although a Re- publican governor must sign the publican governor must sift the requests first.' Liberal Toward Edudeation Democrat Thomas Brennan of day. I'd like to see more com- munuity colleges," he said. Pointing out the state's $571 million surplus, newly elected board of edudcation member, Dr. Peter Oppenwall (R.-Grand Rap- ids), feels education has a good chance for a sizeable increase. Democrats Favor Education Commenting on the democratic margin, he said, "The Democrats have always fought much harder for education than the Republi- cans." However, he added, "Be- cause of the huge turnover in the legislature, it is very diffi- cult to predict exactly what the future of appropriations for edu- cation will be." In Ann Arbor, re-elected Re- publican Representative Gilbert E. Bursley pointed out last night that he felt the Democratic vic- tory would not bring out a sweeping increase in educational appropriations. The present revenue structure of the state strictly limits the amot the state strictly limits the amount of money available. Until the tax structure is changed the appropriations committee will not have a great deal of latiture in educational appropriations." Bursley added that he felt "there is a good chance the increase in appropriations for education will be "at least as large as this year's $25 million boost." The revised board of education was set up by the new constitu- tion with power to advise the Legislature on the schools' fi- nances. Hatcher Revives Tradition, Holds Convocation Today By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM f~rnon enrurtL t, wi cv wua txxLW WasiUnstable For Months' Revolution Keyed to Economic Problems Of Tin Nationalization LA PAZ, Bolivia (IP)-An army revolt toppled the 12-year regime of President Victor Paz Estenssoro yesterday. He fled with family and aides to Peru,, leaving the reins of power in the hands of a military junta. The junta head, armed forces commander Gen. Alfredo Obando Candia, told the nation after the 24-hour uprising: "I have assumed the responsibility of the govern- ment to form a military junta that will take charge as of now." Fighting contniued in La Paz after Paz fled. Air force plans at- tacked buildings occupied by the police and there were reports that seven persons were killed and 50 injured. Join in Attacks Students and workers joined in ground attacks on the buildings. The planes also strafed Paz' mili- tia gathered on a hill near the capital. As the news of Paz' overthrow flashed through the city Bolivians ran into the streets shouting "viva the army." This was a far cry from 1952; when Paz rode to power on the crest of a popular uprising that threw out a military junta. But for the past few months, his government has been quite shaky. He lost popular support last spring when he had the constitu- tion changed so he could run for a second consecutive four-year term last May. Claims Plot In September, Paz claimed he had uncovered a plot to assassin- ate him and sent 34 political leaders into exile. At that time he imposed martial law, establishing a virtual military dictatorship. Without mentioning martial law, Bolivian leaders said the 'mil- itary control would be maintained until constitutional law could be resumed. Then, last month Bolivia's vice- president, Rene Barrientos, broke with Paz and led a group of mili- tary rebels to Cochambra, 350 road miles south of La Paz. They objected to his several clashes with rebellious students and miners and demanded his resignation. Paz blamed Barrientos for his overthrow and charged that, in some manner, Barrientos would make himself president. The oust- ed leader was interviewed after his arrival in Lima yesterday. Begin Skirmishes The rebels began light skirmish- es in the city early this week and took over in a quick 24-hour assault ending yesterday. The militia had backed Paz throughout and with the national urosse Pointe, wno won a tou year term to the State Board of University President Harb Education, said last night "I feel dating back 40 years when he the Democratic Party has a tradi- the future and growth of the U tional record of being more liber- th e and gohofthe al twoard education. I would cer- T s convocatin, tainly expect that increased ap- Burton in the early 1920's, will propriations for education would Hall. President Hatcher will Ian Hatcher will dust off a tradition meets with students tonight to discuss Jniversity. last held by 'President Marion Leroy begin at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture deliver a brief address describing to ...J. .............f ............11"J:.1..................1:":J::::J.:.:.::. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........,.,*.*.* . . . .. ....*.,*.*.,............*....* Cudlip Opposes Tuition Hike for 'U Students By PHYLLIS KOCH Here's one Republican vote against a tuition hike. Regent William B. Cudlip of Detroit doesn't want to see any further rise in tuition; "There is a limit on the amount a stu- dent should have to pay," he says. In the past, Democratic Regents have tended to be more vocal in opposing tuition hikes than Republicans. Cudlip, while agreeing with them, maintains that free education is unreal- istic: "It is something to hope for but not to expect soon." Cudlip offered this view in an interview regarding the role of the Regents in University af- fairs. Cites Threat Cudlip sees the greatest threat threat to the University as the increasing growth, accompan- ied by the need for increased fi- nancial support and qualified fanni, Cudlip thinks that small resi- dential colleges are the best way to handle this increasing growth. Intimate units of this type, similar to those at Cambridge and Oxford, would give the larger university , a more per- sonal aspect, he explains. Good Step Cudlip feels a good interme- diate step to the residential college has been made in the 3600 new housing units pro- posed for 1966, which will be "intimate", focusing on com- mon interests of the students. In viewing the over-all struc- ture of the University, Cudlip said that "the University's pri- mary obligation is to the stu- dents of Michigan." However, he sees a benefit in maintaining a national and in- ternational environment on campus. For this reason, Cud- lip feels that the present per rnt.+f ng i+_r fi+t, a r ad - cr In his role as a Regent, Cud- lip views himself in the ca- pacity of a "policy-maker." He compares the University to a "business corporation with the Board of Regents similar to a Board of Directors responsible to the stockholders." similar- ly, he continues, the Regents are responsible to the people of Michigan, who elected them to see that the University is "well run." Cudlip feels that the Re- gents should be in direct con- tact with the administration in making the basic policy de- cisions of the University. The Regents' contact with faculty and students, however, should be indirect he observes. The major policy decisions "should come to them through the ad- ministrative officers." "It would be bad if the Regents were meddling in the smaller admin- istrative and academic details nf the TTniverity .iuh details the world," he stresses. Cudlip's concern for the qual- ity of education, in Michigan marked his campaign as a Re- gental candidate in March, paign to the support of the 1963. Cudlip tied his cam- newly proposed state constitu- tion, citing it as "one of the necessary first steps toward im- proved statewide edducation." He stressed its education ar- ticle and tax provisions as the primary means for aiding high- er education. The new constitu- tion's state board of edducation "will be able to coordinate all the edudcational facilities of the state," he said in 1963. "It's more flexible tax structure will benefit the University and oth- er state schools," he told citi- zens. Cudlip, a gradudate of the Law School, was a delegate to tion from Wayne County's 13th district and served as chair- man of its committee on style students what they and their suc- cessors can expect as the Univer- sity grows while striving to main- tain its academic excellence. Studeint Questions Following his speech, expected to last 20 minutes, the floor will be opened to student questions transmitted by means of a roving microphone system. In holding what he hopes will be the first of several student assemblies, President Hatcher has expressed his interest in fostering communication between the ad- ministration and the students. The format for the address was developed by a student committee chairednby Interfraternity Council President Lawrence Lossing, '65. In choosing the growth theme, it sought to enable President Hatch- er to present a speech with both appeal and significance. The President hase been criti- cized by some students for "poor" communication with the rest of the University community. Presi- dent Hatcher has maintained, however, that he is always willing to meet and discuss student ideas. Current Address He currently addresses the freshman class at the beginning .t L . L .. r..« L . . ... . REGENT WILLIAM CUDLIP the purpose of bringing con- troversial issues before the proper authorities. "Students shoi1 k a nert in recom- filisi listii