PAGE EIGHT THE MICHlIGAN TfAT '[X7T, T17 TLZ C'Yx'f A!T uT^IvTv.namv. v% t wnn--A a\a.L 11ra a ' Sa a 1\k .m ,t U.a 1J1 VVD)N1!S.AY, NOVEMBER 4~K , 1964 4 'UI PROFESSORS' PREDICTIONS: Johnson To Continue A 'All American' Presidency (Continued from Page 1) 1965." Along with this general econom- ic increase, there might be a "slight tendency for the price level to rise because of 'increased de- mand and wage adjustment," Mc- Cracken said. Regarding the general posture of the Johnson administration toward business, he said, "I ex- pect Johnson to espouse some fed- eral programs that Goldwater con- servatives would not support. But the general orientation of the Johnson administration will be centrist. I assume that the John- son administration will not move very far in the direction of specific controls (either price controls or wage controls, for example). Another spur to the economy would come in the form of tax cuts. "The next tax break could be a rationalization of the present excise tax structure." McCracken said there might be a possibility of periodic tax reductions that would tend to stimulate business. -Daily-Algis Kaupas BALMY DAY YIELDS LONG LINES TEMPERATURES IN THE HIGH 60'S greeted Ann Arbor residents yesterday as they waited at the Hoover St. polling place to vote for national, state and local officials. Lines formed as early as 1 a.m. and many voters reported waiting 45 minutes to over an hour to cast their ballot. Many re- turned home after seeing the long lines. The city clerk's office predicted an 85 per cent turnout of the city's 33,807 registered voters; this year there are nearly 5000 more registered voters than in 1960. "The national consensus seems to be that they are needed." Foreign Policy Prior to the election, Sen. Barry Goldwater charged that Johnson lacked a definite foreign policy. Professors Thomas and Harold Jacobson of the political science department predicted that in the future his actions will be more clear-cut and forceful. They said relations with Europe will play a large part in the ac- tivities of. the Johnson adminis- tration, but the problem of a divided Germany will not be per- manently settled wikhin the next four years. Relations with the Soviet Union will largely depend on the suc- cessor to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, while Britain's new Labor government probably will favor closer ties with the United States, they commented. Germany In Germany, Thomas indicated, the most likely occurrence is a freezing of the 'present boundries of the divided country. Heady pre- dicted that "Germany most likely will limp along with temporary divisions." No major United States concessions are foreseen. Though ultimately there needs to be re- unification, the terms of settle- ment are still in question. "It is essentially a German ques- tion; there is not too much the United States can do about it," Prof. Stephen Tonsor of the his- tory department, commented. Ton- sor and Heady agreed that any settlement depends on the atti- tudes of the new Soviet regime. U.S. policy will hinge on the fact that "Johnson thinks that the Soviet government has chang- States might fight for a "two members. Heady predicted that ed in its hostility towards the Chinas" compromise, but "Red no action on any "Atlantic com- United States, Jacobson explained. China would most likely replace munity" proposals will be taken He predicted the new Soviet gov- Nationalist China on the Security unless Johnson has a very large ernment will continue Khrush- Council." majority in Congress. chev's policy of peaceful co-exist- The Johnson administration un- The election is sure to have its ence, thus remaining favorable doubtedly will try to seek further effects on the two major parties. toward future agreements on arms nuclear arms con .rol. Heady pre- The Wall Street Journal said re- limitations and trade. dicted there might be another cenly that Johnson will attempt Red China attempt to get Red China to sign to represent the Democratic Party The professors generally agreed the presently existing nuclear test as the party for everyone. The that the policy of the United ban treay. "This might be the Journal predicted that a large States government on Red China thing that would lessen U.S. op- Johnson victory would strengthen is bound to change within the position to its admission to the the party throughout the country. next few years. That Red China United Nations." Because of Goldwater's. poor will be admitted to the United He said this would ,be the type showing, he is likely to lose con- Nations in the next four years is of evidence the United Slates trol of the Republican Party. agreed upon as probable by both would need to show that the Red Heady predicted that he will im- Thomas and Heady. 'Chinese could act in good faith. mediately begin to lose his actual "I can't see the United States However, he noted that "China influence eventually to be follow- taking the initiative on this, but will want to improve her nuclear ed by the loss of his titular posi- the United States might reconcile technology" and hence might con- tion as head of the party. itself to losing the fight," Heady tinue to balk at any treaty. said. He added that the United Atlantic Alliance? A great deal of talk has been U S ,- gon o botsmesrto nn i .4 4 4 Leuls tive Results military Atlantic Alliance-an eco- nomic community based on much the same plan as the present European Common Market. There seem to be many shades of opin Con tests I ROMNEY AN EXCEPTION: Goldwater Loss Hurts GOP Candidates (Continued from Page 1) In the South, states which have gone Democratic regularly since Reconstruction went for Gold- water. Georgia, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Louisiana and South Caro- lina all gave their electoral votes to the Republican candidate. Governors' Elections (Continued from Page 1) strike had "definitely hurt" his campaign, which was '.based on a refutation of the Romney claim that he had saved Michigan from a financial crisis." At the same time, GOP con- gressmen were winning unprece- dented victories in these states. In Alabama, five of the eight U, S. House members are now Republi- cans, a Republican in Mississippi unseated a long-term Democratic representative, and a similar event occurred in Georgia. In each case, a conservative southern Demo- crat was unseated by a conserva- tive southern Republican. However, in these Southern states which have gone Republi- can in recent presidential elec- tions, such as Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia and Ten- nessee, as well as the border states of Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Missouri and Okla- homa, the Republican candidate was soundly defeated. In addition, Republican senators, congressmen onr rmrrnre t ifhd rifn, in Party has spelled defeat for not only Goldwater, but for state-wide Republican candidates as well. This desertion of the Negro vote leaves the Republican Party in a painful dilemma. It is likely that Republican moderates and liberals will spend a good part of their time in the next four years attempting to bring Negroes back into the; GOP fold. On the other hand, the most- publicized, yet most elusive issue in the campaign, white reaction' to the Negro revolution, failed to materialize as a significant deter- minant of the election except pos- sibly in California. There Senator Pierre Salinger's strong opposition to state Proposition 14, which in- validated fair housing laws, may have been instrumental in engi- neering George Murphy's upset victory. trend, if it continues, will be to lessen greatly the power of the South in national affairs, for it will mean that Southern members no longer will be able to accumu- late the long seniority which has entitled them to chairmanships of important committees. ion on this issue. (Continued from Page 1) Tonsor does not see that such (Continued from Page 1) an alliance would be at all feas-.Bruce. In the state's ninth dis Latest returns revealed, however ible in the near future. "Internal trict old-line conservative Rep. that Democrats were elected in strains between French and Ger- Earl Wilson lost his bid for re- 23 districts and leading in 45-a man agriculture seem to be veak- ilton D total of 68--while Republicans ening the Common Market at the were elected in four and leading present time. There seems to be In Mississippis fourth district in 23-a total of 27. a real conflict of interest between heavily favored Democratic in- France and Germany." cumbent Rep. Arthur Winstead As of 3:30 a.m. today, the As Thomas and Tonsor agree that was upset by Republican Pren- sociated Press had announced the European Economic Commun- tiss Walker. In Alabama the Gold- winners in the following state ity can survive only if France is water tide proved too much for Senate races (winning candidate willing to make concessions, favored Democratic incumbent in each district is listed first):gThomas added that the United Rep. Kenneth A. Roberts who was ToandhyhFt+3rd District States would not be able to enter ousted by Republican Glenn An- Stanley F. Rozycki (D) any such alliance unless France drews. Charles A. Grady (R) made these concessions. France Republican incumbents failed to 4th District would have to admit England into gain reelection in several House Coleman A. Young (D) the Common Market, and this contests. In New York's 39th dis- Edward L. McDermott (R) would make the entry of the U.S. trict favored Rep. John R. Pillion 5th District likely or at least more feasible. was defeated by Democrat-Liberal Bernard F. O'Brien Jr. (D) Other Ways Richard D. McArthur. Democrat William L. Magill (R) McCracken said that there are Joseph P. Vigarito ousted Rep. 6th District avenues open to this country out- James D. Weaver in Pennsylvan- Basil W. Brown (D) side the expansion of the Com- ia's 24th district, and heavily fa- Ross C. Richardson (R) mon Market. He mentioned that vored Republican Robert T. Mc- 11th District the United States might find it Loskey lost to Democrat Gale JEr. McDaule () useful to expand the Organization Schisler in Illinois' ninth district. Edward J. O'Donnell (R) for Economic Co-Operation and As of 3:30 a.m. foday, the fol- 18th Disrict I Development of which the United lowing Michigan Congressional Gilbert E. Bursley (R) States and Canada are presently races had been decided (in each William F. Dannemiller (D) I district thinnr's U.S. Senate Races: Nationwide Returns (Continued from Page 1) Thomas P. Gill (D) on the Johnson landslide. MAINE: D During the campaign she had Edmund S. Muskie (x) (D) charged Hart with failing to rep- Clifford G. McIntire (R) resent the state effectively, claim- MARYLAND: R ing that he has represented only Joseph D. Tydings (D) i and governors meT wi n eieaL inm{ -- J-£ one segment of the population. 1J. Glenn Beall (x) (R) Nationwide, 25 governorships hssaesGetScey these states. Great Society I ake no-ihgnrc, MASSACHUSETTS:D were at stake. Democrats early D nakynnMcia ae wereat- tak. Deocrts erly This situation can partly be ex- The net result of the election in Inakyn -MhinrcMA ACUET:D this morning appeared to have . New York Democrat Robert Ken- Edward M. Kennedy (x) (D) topped their present 18-7 margin, plained by the increased Negro terms of future congressional poli- nedy defeated Republican incum- Howard Whitmore, Jr., (R) dei.tregistration in the non-deep South tics is probable support for the MICHKIGANK:domtyhI with gubernatorial victories d-and Border states.' In many of President's "G r e a t Society" - bent Kennet Kting by an un- MCIA:D Glared or expected in 20 states. these states, Negroes hold or will whatever that may be. The con- expected 3,158,114 to 2,658,952, Philip Hart (x) (D) Here is a state-by-state run- soon hold te ,balance of power, servative coalition of midwest Re- wi h 88 per cent of the vote in. Mrs. Elly Peterson (R) down of the governors' races. The and this year, the ,candidacy of r publicans and right-wing southern Although Kennedy had been ac-, Ernest C. Smith (Freedom Now number after each state indicates an Ghidyar he cadidacyrof pumocas adigh southe cused of being a 'carpetbagger, Party) thelegthofter; he eter olSen. Goldwater has called forth IDemocrats which has plagued'h eevdtesrn ptt tha of term; the letter fol- an almost monolithic Democratic Democratic Presidents for so long, he received the strong upstate MINNESOTA: D lowing they incute ty vote on the part of this minority is seriously weakened. et, awhich was expected to go to Eugene J. McCarthy (x) (D) group In the midwest, conservative Keating, a liberal who refused to Wheelock Whitney (R) As of 3:30 a.m. today, the Asso- group.olwaer A Press r:epo.tedy the Allowig ' Negro Forces Republican House members have support Goldwater. William Braatz (Indust. Govt.) ces as deirded (winers name The Negro has also deserted the been replaced with Democratic lib- Conservative Party candidate Everett E. Luoma (Soc.-Wkrs.) races as decided (winners name Republican Party in the North, erals and moderates. In the South, Henry Paolucci's small vote total in ech sateis lstedfirt) :' 1was insignificant because the race MISSISSIPPI: D in each state is listed first): where-except for Gov. Romney conservative Republicans have re- sJohn C. Stennis (x) (D) ARIZONA (2 years) R in Michigan - the addition of a placed conservative Democrats in bet Kense MISSOURI: D Sam Goddard (D} not close.MISU :D Sam Goddard (D) huge Negro vote to the Democratic several states. The effect of this C Stuart Symington (x) (D) Richard Kleindiest (R) Clfri In California, another key race Jean Paul Bradshaw (R) ARKANSAS (2'years) D T Orval Faubus (x) (D) where the Democratic candidate MN TdN) D char edwe h bingaeadaeMike Mansfield (x) (D) Winthrop Rockefeller (R) wasgcharged wi g a "carpet- DELAWARE (2 years) Dbagger," Republican candidate ;Alex Bl1ewett (R) D NEBRASKA: R C eLWArE (D George Murphy, a former enter- ' Roman L. Hruska (x) (R) Chaids P Buckso (R) tamer, upset Democratic incum- D LOId . s an D bent-by appointment after Sen. Raymond W. Arndt (D) FLOR (2 years Clair Engle's death-Pierre Salin- NEW JERSEY: D Haydon Burns (D) H er, 'y Harrison A. Williams, , (x (D) (R) :" ;:<:: " :: ":>::,;,;,;. .<:< < ;; <:; er, by 2,165,614 to 1,991,983 w t Charles Holley ()wt ILLINOIS (4 years) D .......;65 per cent of the vote ...,:.:.5tcounted. BradM hne R OttoKemner::(D) In Ohio, Republican candidate Albert Ronis (Soc.-Lab.) Charles H. Percy (R) Robert Taft was winning his Sen- INDIANA (4 years) D Hate bid with 1,432,063 votes to Jol P. Poeschel (Conservi) Roger D. Branigin (D) 1,330,903 for his opponent, Demo- o V NEW MEXICO: r Richard O. Ristine (R) . crat Sen. Stephen Young. Joseph M. ontonya D) IOWA (2 years) D Taft is a magic name in Ohio' Edsen . Montonya (D) Harold E. Hughes (x) (D) but Johnson's coattails almost n E Yce K: R) Evan Hultman (R) carried in Young for a second NEW Ke Rd R Robert D. Dilley (Conserv) term. Taft was a Goldwater sup- Kenneth B. Keating (x) (R) KANSAS (2 years) R porter.HerPouci(nsv) William H. Avery (R) Pennsylvania John Emanuel (Soc.-Lab Harry G. Wiles (D) Pennsylvania's Republican Sen- NORTH DAKOTA: D Kenneth L. Myers (Conserv) ator Hugh Scott had a 56,000-vote H. E. Livermore (Prohi) lead on his Democratic opponent, Quentin N. Burdick (x) (D) MICHIGAN (2 years) R SEN.-ELECT KENNEDY SEN. KENNETH KEATING Genevieve Blatt, with 91 per cent Thomas S. Kleppe (R) George Romney (x) (R) ~- of the vote tabulated. Scott, who r OHIO: D Neil Staebler (D) managed Scranton's unsuccessful Robert Taft, Jr. (R) Albert Cleage Jr. (Freedom Now) C presidential bid, has been in a Stephen M. Young (x) (D) MISSOURI-(4 years) D i C ~ fyprecarious political position be- OLHM Warren E. Hearnes (D) , Ei/ cause of Goldwater's candidacy. (term ending Jan. 3, 1967): D Ethan Shepley (R) In Oklahoma, with 99 per cent Bred R. Harris (D) NEBRASKA (2 years) D 1 of the vote in, Oklahoma's Demo- ud Wilkinson (R) Frank M. Morrison (x) (D) ArAtru ncandidate, Fred Harris, won PENNSYLVANIA: R Dwight W. Burney (R) the Senate seat with 456,156 votes Hugh D. Scott (x) (R) NEW HAMPSHIRE -(2 years) D to Republican Bud Wilkinson's Miss Genevieve Blatt (D) John W. King (x) (D) (Continued from Page 1) I Republicans also took the office 437,984. A former Oklahoma Uni- RHODE ISLAND: D John Pillsbury (R) Construction of the high-rise of drain 'commissioner, with John versity football coach, Wilkinson's John O. Pastore (x) (D) NEW MEXICO (2 years) D building was announced recently H. Flook (R) with 10,834 votes, chances for victory had been con- Ronald R. Lagueux (R) JNEk M ICO (x) year) D aniding was aobgn nne ecenly. leading Richard E. Nash (D) with sidered good. TNESE ohD Merle Tucker (R) 7,340. They captured the county Texas Albert Gore (x) (D) NORTH CAROLINA (4 years) D Stegeman and Orr emphasized surveyor post, Herbert S. Hicks In Texas, Liberal Democrat in- Dan Kuykendall (R) Dan K. Moore (D) that the passage of the proposal (R) 10,707, defeating Edward L. cumbent Sen. Ralph Yarborough (term ending Jan. 3, 1967) Robert L. Gavin (R) would not permit the establish- Jones (D), 7,442. easily defeated Republican candi- Ross Bass (D) NORTH DAKOTA (2 years) D ment of taverns or bars in the date George Bush, 1,228,341 to Howard Baker, Jr. (R) William L. Guy .(x) (D) campus area. They said local and Massachusetts Ballot proposal was 949,611, with 84 per cent of the Melvin Morgan (Ind.) Donald Halcrow (R) state laws prohibit this. Mnsahusess ot roposltas vote counted. Dissension between TEXAS: D RHODE ISLAND (2 years) R rin the process of defeat, thus con- Y a r b o r o u g h and conservative Ralph Yarborough (x) (D) RHODE SLAND(2 yers) R County returns, running unop- forming to statewide trends. AsDeortcGvJhnCnalGogeBs(R John H. Chafee (x) (R) posed, Circuit Court, Judge Wil- of 12:30 a m 6,208 county voters ced reictions John Connally George Bush (R) Edward P. Gallogly (D) .,am F. Ager, Jr., had accumulated had voted for the proposal to es- cuer th at os UTAH:wD(Const.) SOUTH DAKOTA (2 years) R a total vote of 9,365. Unopposed tablish the ballot and 8,073 had conquer the Senate post. UTAH: D Nils A.,Boe (R) Probate Judge John W. Conlin Here is the nationwide Senate Frank E. Moss (x) (D) John F. Lindley (D) had a total vote of 9,770. picture as of 3:30 a.m. today. The Ernest L. Wilkinson (R) TEXAS (2 years) D labl George A. Petersen, Republican letter after each state name in- VERMONT: R John B. Connally (x) (D) The partial returns availhe at incumbent for the office of county dicates the party affiliation of the Winston L. Prouty (x) (R-Ind.) Jack Crichton (R) 12:30 a.m. indicated that the Re- suetfor thexofce faoung incumbent; an (x) after a candi- Frederick J. Fayette (D) Joc)n C.r iams (Cost publicans have captured all but sheriff, was unexpectedly falling John C. Williams (Const)the cuty o rapidly behind. His Democratic date's name indicates that he is VIRGINIA: D UTAH (4 years) R one of the partisan county offices. dvsryDugsJ.Hryhothe incumbent. Harry F. Byrd (x) (D) UTAH (4 (a) RFor prosecuting attorney, William adversary, Douglas J. Harvey, who The Associated Press announced Richard A. May (R) Malice L.RMlch () Delhey (R) with 10.079 votes led led by almost 1000 votes at, 12:30 ThAsoitdPesanucdRhrd.My() Mitchell Melich (R) D ette (D) with a.m., received unusually heavy the following races as decided Milaon L. Green (Ind.) VERMONT (2 years) D Vanzetti M. Hamilton (D) with support in Ypsilanti city elections. (winner's name in each race is J. B. Brayman (Ind.) Philip H. Hoff (x) (D) 7,382. For the office of sheriff listed first) : Willie T. Wright (Ind.) Ralph A. Foote (R-Independent) the Democratic candidate Doug- Although Ypsilanti city is tra- ARIZONA: R Robert E. Poole, Jr., (Ind.) WASHINGTON (4 years) D las J. Harvey had received 9,- ditionaly a Democratic area, many Paul Fannin (R) James W. Respess (Ind.) Daniel J. Evans (R) 479 votes, placing him ahead of Democrats expected Republican Roy Elson (D) WASHINGTON: D Albert D. Rosellini (x) (D) the Republican candidate George Petersen to be victorious. The CALIFORNIA: D Henry M. Jackson (x) (D) Henry Killman (Soc-Lab) A. Peterson, with 8,490 votes. strong Republican support Peter- George Murphy (R) Lloyd J. Andrews (R) IIIVQT 17TPImlA ra -,. n I For the office of county clerk, sen needed from Ann Arbor did Pierre Salinger (x) (D) WEST VIRGINIA: D 26th District John T. Bowman (D) I Donald Brown (R) 27th District William Romano (D) Homer W. Hazel on (R) * * * As of 3:30 a.m., the following races remained undecided: 1st District George S. Fitzgerald (D) Albert J. Thorburn (R) 2nd District Charles N. Youngblood Jr. (D) f Herbert O. Steiger (R) 7th District Raymond D. Dzendzel (D) Billy Shuttleworth (R)} 8th District Michael J. O'Brien (D) Samuel Koch (R) 9'h District Stanley Novak (D) Ellis J. Bonner (R) 10th District George Hart (D) Albert S. Coriaty ((R) 12th District Edward J. Robinson (D) Douglas B. Thomas (R) 13th District Terry L. Troutt (D) Gerald B. Fincke (R) 14th District James McCarthy (D) ; Paul M. Chandler (R) 15th District Sander M. Levin (D) George W. Kuhn (R) 16th Districtk 'DonaldJ. Oberholtzer (D) Robert J. Huber (R) 17th District Carl W. O'Brien (D) Lynn D. Allen (R) 19th District Harold L. Archer (D) Haskell L. Nichols (R) 20th District Roger Johnson (D) Edgar B. Lincoln (R) 21st District Neil Vande Vord Jr. (D) Garry E. Brown (R) 22nd District Louis S. Danley (D) Charles O. Zollar (R) 23rd District Charles C. Wickett (D) Harold James Volkema (R) 24th District George Griffiths (D) S. Don Potter (R) 25th District Gerald R. Dunn (D) Gordon Rockwell (R) 28th District David J. Wright Jr. (D) Frank D. Beadle (R) 29th Distri t Garland Lane (D) j Loren M. Herfurth (R' 30th District Joseph H. Hurka Jr. (D) Emil Lockwood (R4 31st DistrictE Richard W. Blake (D) Robert Vander Laan (R)j 32nd District John L. Weeber (D) Milton Zaagman (R) 33rd District Jan B. Vanderploeg (D) Oscar W. Bouwsma (R) 34th Dis rict pears first)- I Miassachusetts 1st District John Conyers (D) Roberti Blackwell (R) Ballot, Boards 4th District Rep. Fdward Hutchinson (R) Of Education Russell Holcomb IR O 5th District Rep. Gerald Ford (R) (Continued from Page 1) William Reamon (D) For Two Years: Donald M. D. 6th District Thurber of Grosse Pointe, 463,- Rep. Charles Chamberlain 'R) 572; Leon Fill of Huntington Boyd Benedict (D) Woods, 437,866. 7th District The figures on the losing Re- John Mackie (D) publicans were not available, al- Claude Sadler (R) though the Democratic majorities ( 9th District w e r e reported running more Rep: Robert Griffin (R) than 2-1. Daniel Griffen (D) n Revised Board 10'h District The revised state board was es- Rep. Elford Cederberg (R) tablished by the new constitution Hubert Evans (D) with vague powers including the 12th District supervision of secondary education Rep. James O'Hara (D) and co-ordination of the finances Robert Powell (R) of higher education. 13th District University officials had hoped Rep. Charles Diggs Jr. (D) for victories by candidates from Bruce WatsonL(R) both parties to create a bi-partisan 14JlDistrict board. Among th'e prominent Re- Rep. Lucien Nedzi (D) publicans who were defeated were George Bashara (R) Alvin Bentley of Owosso, financial 15th District chairman of the governor's "blue William Ford, (D) ribbon" higher education commit- John Fellrath, Jr., (R) tee; James F. O'Neil, a member of 16th District the old state board; and Robert Rep. John Dingell (D) Briggs of Jackson, a former vice- Raymond Leonard (R) president for business and finance 17th District sat theUniversity. Rep. Martha Griffiths (D) Of the winners, Thurber is a William Harrington (R) former Regent of the University. 18 h District Governing Board Winners Rep. William Broomfield (R) The voters also elected Demo- Frank Sierawski (D) crats to serve on the governing 19th District boards of Michigan State and Billie Farnum, (D) Wayne State Universities. The Richard Kuh (R) University had no seats up for * * election, although there is one The following races rema vacancy, left by Regent William undecided: K. McInally's death. 2nd District For WSU, the voters selected Weston Vivian (D) Grosse Pointe Democrat William Rep. George Meader (R) Hall, a bank executive who once 3rd District headed the Detroit Urban League, Paul H. Todd (D) and Wyandotte Democrat Ben- Rep. August Johansen (R) jamin Rose, a retired businessman. 8th District They defeated an incumbent, Rep. James Harvey (R) Detroit Republican Charles Ger- Sanford Brown (D) shenson and Detroit Republican j 11th District Wilber Brucker, the son of a for- Raymond Clevenger (D) mer state governor. Rep. Victor Knox (R) The 20% totals were: Hall, 398,- p ined 981; Rose, 387,012; Gershenson, 178,674 and Brucker, 136,202. MSU Trustees For Michigan State, the citizens chose Bay City Democrat Clair White, a high school teacher, and Flint Democrat Frank Hartman. They defeated two incumbents who were appointed last year, Re- publicans John Pingel and Paul Bagwell of Grosse Pointe. The 20% totals were: Hartman, 399,589; White, 383,071; Bagwell, 1 147,127 and Pingel, 124,242. The new State Court of Appeals winners were: 1st District: T. John Lesinski of Detroit; John D. Watts of Detroit, and John Gillis of Grosse Pointe. 2 n d District: Thomas Kavanagh of Birming- ham; Timothy Quinn of Caro, and Francis O'Brien of Ann Arbor. 3r Disi nohnFiittp. h iora ld f Johnson In By Landslide (Continued from Page 1) (5), Georgia (12), Louisiana (10), Mississippi (7), South Carolina (8). Total: six states, 52 electoral votes. These states gave their electoral votes to Johnson: Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), California (40), Colorado (6), Connecticut (8), Delaware (3), Florida (14), Ha- waii (4), Idaho (4), Illinois (26), Indiana (13), Iowa (9), Kansas (7), Kentucky (9), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (14), Michigan (21), Minnesota (10) Missouri (12). Mrontana, (4) I