WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREIR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1964 TUE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIIREJ~ Bolivian Government VIET NAM WAR: Latest Shelling Changes Little Threatened as- Military Join LA PAZ UP)-A Bolivian army regiment and air force trainees revolted in LP. Paz yesterday, mili- tary uprisings were reported spreading in the interior and rebel broadcasts called on President Vic- tor Paz Estenssoro to resign. His turbulent regime appeared threat- ened. In a broadcast from Cochabam- ba, 350 road miles southeast of La Paz, Vice-President Rene Bar- rientos said he too would resign if Paz ,Estenssoro would quit and turn over power to a military junta. Barrientos appeared to be the leader of the uprising. He broke with the president last month and went to Cochabamba. Political quarters viewed the sit- uation as extremely grave for the rowing Revolt By MALCOLM W. BROWNE Associated Press Staff Writer SAIGON, Viet Nam-Despite the Communist shelling of the Bien Hoa Air Base, the formation of a new government in Saigon and the presidential election in the United States, little change in the on villages and supply points used by the Viet Cong outside South Viet Nam. Radio Hanoi complains of these raids and has charged that American planes have bomb- ed several border villages in North Viet Nam in recentnweeks. This is likely to continue. I government of Paz Estenssoro and would not rule out the possibility that he would fall. In a radio broadcast, the president blamed the uprisings on Communist plot- ters and ambitious army officers and declared he would not falter in defending the nation against them. Again The Ingavi regiment and the air force technical school in La Paz, which rose in rebellion in the early morning hours but surrend- ered after two hours, were report- ed to have rebelled again. Barrientos declared the rebel- lion would triumph and denounc- ed what he called the massacre of students and rebellious tin miners last week. It was for this reason that Cochabamba is in revolt, he said. Even in La Paz, there were re- ports that military groups were organizing to support Barrien- tos, an air force general. Talk of a military revolt has circulated in recent months. Ar- my circles have said only a mili- tary regime can govern a nation faced with a sea of economic and political troubles. They insisted Paz Estenssoro's regime has lost its steam. Immediate Action Armed civilian militia and police turned out as soon as the govern- ment {radio announced the In- gavi regiment of La Paz had risen up and seized the chief of the armed forces. He was then re- leased by the rebels with the un- derstanding he would go to gov- ernment palace and ask the presi- dent to resign, informants said. Instead, militia and police sur- rounded the rebel regiment, which agreed to surrender if no soldiers were arrested. The air force tech- nical school joined the Ingavi regiment in its two-hour uprising, informants said. In all, about a dozen junior regimental officers were detained, these sources added. pattern of war in South Viet Nam In any case, U.S. Ambassador seems likely. Maxwell D. Taylor is known to Recent developments have led feel that South Vietnamese forces to widespread speculation that the should not be encouraged to war might be broadened into Com- "march North" until the politi- munist North Viet Nam soon after cal situation in Saigon is straight- the United States election. But ened out. signs here do not support this Hard To Stop view. i Bien Hoa shellings and a possible retaliatory air raid against some North Vietnamese installation would be comparing apples with bananas. Most of the Viet Cong's men are recruited locally and most of their arms are captured from American supply lines. U.S. Ammo The 81 mm mortar shells that killed four Americans, wounded 72 and destroyed or damaged 27 air- craft at the Bien Hoa base Sun- day were identified as American ammunition, possibly part of that supplied to the French army for the Indochina war. Taylor is understood to feel that the present pattern of reaction to the Viet Cong is the correct ap- proach, despite failures suffered in the past three years. The fail- ures are attributed to political in- stability in Saigon and .poor exe- cution. The official hope is that these flaws will be rectified. CHIEF JUSTICE KAVANAGH Court Voids 'Closing Lawy By The Associated Press LANSING-Michigan's weekend closing law was struck down unanimously Monday by the state Supreme Court. But the eight jus- tices disagreed on just why the law was unconstitutional. The two-year-old law required most merchants to close one day a week-either Saturday or Sun- day. It delegated to county boards of supervisors the power of set- ting criminal penalties, and per- mitted each county board to ex- empt its county completely from the law. Justices Paul L. Adams, Eugene Local U.S. leaders here believe that the war in South Viet Nam is fundamentally a local war sup- ported in secondary ways by Com- munist powers outside. While at- tacks on supply routes and bases outside South Viet Nam would be useful, they believe, the war bas- ically will be won or lost within the borders of South Viet Nam. For several months the United States has quietly probed the sit- uation, with a few actual raids Detroit Strike Talks Slated WASHINGTON ()-New nego- tiations in the Detroit newspaper strike were scheduled by the Fed- There is a general belief here that, even if all the Viet Cong's external supply lines could be cut, the war would continue. It might be years before the block- ade began to hurt the Red guer- rillas seriously. U.S. officials believe that try- ing to establish a direct relation- ship, for example, between the you needn't bother reading, t his British ]Laborites Propose Sweeping Social Reforms LONDON (P)-British Prime Minister Harold Wilson's new Labor government announced yesterday a sweeping program of social change. Then Wilson opened a turbulent policy debate that brought a Con- servative motion condemning him. The motion, which amounts to a censure, assailed the prime min- ister for calling a "parliamentary leper" the Conservative who once defeated the new foreign secretary, Patrick Gordon Walker. The tu- mult broke out after Queen Elizabeth II had read the traditional TOMORROW ONLY in ANN ARBOR The Original Graphic Art of aKollwitz, Cha gall, Baskin, Picasso, Hill, Paone, Wells, and many others 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Michigan Union, Room 3B to e meaa ad ... 0 World News Roundup By The Associated Press SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-Ro- berto Sanchez Vilella yesterday was elected governor of this Unit- ed States island commonwealth to succeed Luis Munoz Marin, who is retiring after 16 years in of- fice. Sanchez, a civil engineer and Munoz' closest aide for two dec- ades, was the governor's hand- picked choice. s * s NAIROBI, Kenya-The House >f Representatives approved by 101 votes to 20 yesterday a bill to nake Kenya a republic on the first anniversary of independence Dec. 12. The bill must be passed by the Senate where the opposi- tion is stronger. JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's gov- ernment survived three motions of no-confidence in Parliament! yesterday. The opposition motions accus- ed the government of failure in handling a dispute over German scientists working for Egypt, al- leging they are helping Egypt's arms program. JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi Negroes gave overwhelming sup- port to the Johnson-Humphrey Democratic ticket in a mock state- wide election held by the Free- dom Democratic Party. Final tallies yesterday showed 59,663 votes for Johnson to 14 for Republican Sen. Barry Gold- water. The election was conduct- ed at more than 200 polling places in 61 counties. RAWALPINDI, Pakistan - I Twelve persons have been killed in fresh clashes on the Kashmir cease-fire line, a Pakistan govern- ment statement said yesterday. Pakistan claimed the Indians shot first. speech to Parliament outlining a Laborite program including state action to take over the steel in- dustry and urban building land. First Debate In the first full-scale debate, of Britain's 43rd Parliament, Wil- son recalled that Gordon Walker had been beaten in Britain's Oct. 15 election by a Conservative, P. H. S. Griffiths. Laborites accused Griffiths of fanning racial ha- treds. The electoral district of Smethwick, near Birmingham, has many colored immigrants. Wilson asserted the. Smethwick result would "leave a lasting brand of shame on the Conservative Party." He called upon Sir Alec Douglas-Home, former prime min- ister, to disown Griffiths. Despite his margin of only five votes in the 630-member House of Commons, Wilson's catalogue of 20 bills was featured by sev- eral other controversial measures. Topping them are laws attacking monopolies and mergers, requir- ing big firms to disclose the mon- ey they pay to political parties, curbing rents and real estate prices and abolition of the death penalty. The Conservatives an- nounced they will fight this pro- gram. Liberal Views The nine-member Liberal Party in Parliament, while praising La- bor's program of social reform, rapped Wilson for jeopardizing his positive measures "by push- ing ahead with his irrelevant plans to renationalize the steel indus- try." Britain's steel industry was na- tionalized by Clement Attlee's La- bor government in 1951-but it was freed again by Sir Winston Churchill's Conservatives in 1953. Amendment Trouble F. Black and Theodore Souris Paz Estenssoro has been in trou- voided the law on two counts: ble ever since he had the consti- -Requiring businesses to close tution amended to permit him to "is not a valid and proper exercise run for a second successive term by the Legislature of its police last May. Other political parties btw egs,"and boycotted the election and his powers," and own National Revolutionary Move- -The delegation of powers to ment was badly split. the counties is unconstitutional. , The president in September exiled 34 political leaders and put the nation under virtual military rule. This in turn led to student antigovernment demonstrations, and disaffection spread to the tin mining interior. There, left- ist-led tin miners raised the flag of rebellion but order was report- ed restored by last weekend. Chief Justice Thomas Kavanagh and Justices Harry F. Kelly and Otis M. Smith agreed on the sec- ond point but not on the first. The remaining two justices, Michael D. O'Hara and John R. Dethmers, said enforcement of the law would be "ludicrously impos- sible and farcical." T , ...M.. < ,,,,, s , t : a, f , :. # t. " r fia.. Come down and see our spiffy new sign, and our new record collection! I.. N FOR mui /P417 WCBN I I/Ph.0 II LISTE US ON E. Liberty 662-0675 I - r I i