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November 04, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-04

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4:00 A.M.


Sr i au


4:00 A.M.

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom















A campaign directed at "all Americans" gained re-
election for President' Lyndon B. Johnson. His first full
term in the White House will carry on this theme,
University observers predict.
Since the assassination of President John F. Ken-
nedy, Johnson has been working with the Kennedy
cabinet. Now that he has been elected, he is expected
to make changes in the new cabinet.
According to Prof. Ferrel Heady of the political
science department, director of the Institute of Public
Administration, Johnson will "give special recognition
to some Southerners in the cabinet," as part of an
attempt to make the South an integral part of his

Saunders is known for his relatively liberal stand on
civil rights.
After his cabinet is filled, and the Congress meets,
Johnson is expected to attempt to have a number of
programs initiated including Medicare.
This is likely to be the major item of Johnson's
legislative program, according to Prof. Norman C.
Thomas of the political science department.
Heady added that an extension of the War on
Poverty, especially in Appalachian redevelopment, will
be called for. Johnson's other programs in the area
of domestic policy include the Hart-Udall proposals to
preserve untouched wilderness areas and an attempt
to provide tax exemptions for college students' expenses.
These amount to a continuation, with some extension,
of domestic policy.
Further legislation, Thomas observed, is expected to
favor business.

o Continue
"Wewill be in for a period of more vigorous eco-
nomic growth than we have had for several years,"
Prof. Paul McCracken of the business administration
school said. Even though the Johnson administration is
expected to reduce this year's federal budget by $500
million, the nation's capital investment rate is expected
to increase by 10-12 per cent in 1965.
McCracken foresees a more rapid labor force in-
crease. "We will regain the ability to operate at full
employment," he continued.
In the long run, he expects the nation's rate of
economic growth from 1963-1970 to be 50 per cent
higher than the 1953-1963 rate. In the short run,
McCracken expects there will be a rise df some five
per cent in business activity this year. "This growth
rate could carry all the way through to the end of
See JOHNSON, Page 8

EVEN BEFORE the campaign,
officially got underway, Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson was
outlining the "Great Society" to
potential voters. Here he ad-
dresses the University's May

Heady particularly mentioned Gov. Carl
of Georgia as a likely choice for a cabinet



Ticket-Splitting Gives Democrats
Incumbent Big Lead Leading in,
DemlocratsTop Current Holdings, Legislature
Take 20 of 25 Seats Nationally

hem s ain In
Both Hose
Go u
jC I
By The Associated Press
Democrats scored major gains in the House and picked
up a few Senate seats yesterday as President Lyndon B. John-
son's 'coattails helped them score numerous upsets across the
nation. One of the upsets, if fragmentary returns prove cor-
rect, may be in the local U.S. House race. Michigan's juniorf
senator, meanwhile, easily won re-election over his Republi-
can opponent.,

Garners History's
Largest Plurality
Goldwater Loses Four Key States;
Runs Strongly Only in Deep South
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Running powerfully everywhere but in
the deep South, Lyndon B. Johnson last night won the Pesi-
dency in his own right, defeating Sen. Barry Goldwater by the
greatest popular landslide in history.
As of 3:30 a.m., Johnson had captured some 62 per cent
of the nation's popular vote, shattering the 60.8 per cent rec-
ord set by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936.
The popular vote totals, state totals, and electoral vote
totals (270 needed to win) with 84 per cent of the nation's
votes counted: Popular vote: Johnson, 36,007,935; Goldwater,
22,382,226. States: Johnson, 44; Goldwater, 6. Electoral votes:
Johnson, 486; Goldwater, 52.
While his vote percentage set a record, Johnson did not
capture a record number of, states. Alf Landon won only
two states in. 1936; Goldwater managed to salvage five
Southern states plus his home-
Astate of Arizona.
Goldwater's aides announced LATE
early this morning that the de-
feated GOP nominee will have RETURNS
no statements-and make no con-
cessions-until 10 a.m. today. As of 3:45 a.m. here are the
jIn an early morning victory returns of the presidential race
statement, Johnson called his popular vote: Johnson, 36,635,-
landslide a. "mandate for unity- 598; Goldwater, 23,143,649. Elec-
we will have a government with toral-votehtotalsrremained the
no special interests. I hope we can same as they were at 330 a.m.
keep the confidence of the people At 4 a.m., Democratic Wes-
of America." ton Vivian stield a leaes-
Goldwater's campaign strategy aproximately 1000 votes over
I had been to carry all the South,aprxmtl100oesvr
part of the Middle West and West incumbent Rep. George Meader
' and part of New Englands in the race for the local Con-
Lost Key States greional seat. CBS News had
The traegy nclded ourkey declared Vivian the winner,
The strategy included four keyI________
states-the two Western states of
California and Texas, and the U fJold
two Midwestern states of Illinois EM o
and Ohio. Goldwater lost all four
of these states by at least a 3-2 h
margin. In addition, helost the Te h
em state with the exception of
his home state of Arizona, and all By LAURENCE KIRSlHBAUM
of New England.
Only in the South, where his E a s t e r n Michigan University
conservatism and his vote against yesterday declared its intention to
. the civil rights law had appeal, remain predominantly the institu-
1 did Goldwater make any impres- tion for teacher education which
sive showing. it has been since its founding in
He took Alabama, Louisiana, 1849.
Mississippi and South Carolina- In a major policy statement ac-
the four states that bolted the cepted unanimously by its eight-
Democratic Party in 1948 to sup- man governing board, the school
port states rights presidential can- accepted a faculty plan "t'con-
didate Sen. Strom Thurmond. tinue a strong teacher education
Goldwater also captured Georgia. program," but pledged to expand
Unprecedented and diversify its curriculum in
s Johnson's capture of the six- other areas.
state region of New England was The policy statement was pre-
unprecedented. He had been ex- sented by the eight-man;wEMU
pected to take Maine, Massachu- Board of Regents in answer to a
setts, Connecticut and Rhode Is- report issued last year by the
l land. But Vermont fell into the North Central Association of Col-
Democratic column for the first leges and Secondary Schools. This
time in the 110-year history of the report, recommended that EMU,
Democratic Party, and New Hamp- state Its goals since becoming a
shire voted for a Democratfor university in January, 1963.
the first time in history. Formerly, the school was one of
Johnson completely swept the four "normal" colleges established
East. He beat Goldwater in every by the state Legislature to instruct
district of New York state, run- students "in the art of teaching."
- ning up a total plurality of almost Back Survey
3 million. Yesterday's statement said that
The following states went. to the decision to continue as a
. Goldwater: Alabama (10), Arizona teacher-education institution was
See JOHNSON, Page 8 See EMU, Page 2

By The Associated Press

iut epui cans
Win Local aces



LANSING-Unprecedented ticket-splitting by Michigan
voters yesterday returned Republican Gov. George RomneyT
to the statehouse, destroying Democrat Neil Staebler's hopes Democrats appeared to have
of sharing in President Lyndon B. Johnson's 2-1 sweep of takenwrong majorities yesterday
the sate.in both the state House and Sen-
the state. ate, though the two local races
Romney's re-election, aided by heavy support from nor- probably went to Repubcans.
mnally Democratic Wayne County, catapulted him to a posi- seated in he HoBursley currentl
tion of potential leadership of the nationally-weakened Re- cratic opponent William F. Dan-
___-- -______ publican organization. nemiller by about 6000 votes at
At 3:15 a.m., with 3,890 of 5,21113 a.m. in the battle for the Sen-
precincts reporting, Gov. George ate's 18th District.
Romney led with 1,378,558 votes With approximately 53 of the
} Zto Neil Staebler's 1,120,508. district's 95 precincts reporting,
rats W nb Romney, in a victory statement the vote totals were 24,297 for
before a crowd at his Statler-Hil- Bursley, 18,739 for Dannemiller.
at ton headquarters, pledged the con- In the 53rd House district, Mar-
usetts Ballot tinued advancement of the state. vin L. Esch led his Democratic
The governor also stressed the opponent Elbert J. Coudron 9494
iated Press importance of rising above par- to 8596, a 900-vote margin.
tisan "smallness" and petty bick- Twenty-four of the 25 precincts

State Demoe
Kill Massach

DETROIT-Michigan Democrat;
Philip A. Hart coasted to re-
election to the U.S. Senate, de-
feating his Republican opponent
Elly Peterson by a margin of al-
most two-one. Mrs. Peterson con-
ceded at 11:30 p.m. last night.
Nationally, the Associated Presss
credited the Democrats with vic-
tory in 26 of the 35 Senate races
at 3:30 a.m., with two seats still
in doubt. Of the questionable
races, the Democrats led in Ne-
vada and the Republicans in
The Democrats are assured their
present 66-34 Senate majority.
and, depending on the Nevada and
Pennsylvania races, can gain two
additional seats.
In the Michigan race, Hart led
Mrs. Peterson 1,607,422 - 841,716
with 74 per cent of the vote
tabulated. Freedom Now Party
candidate Ernest Smith had ac-
cumulated 3,051 votes at this
Hart still trailed President
Johnson's Michigan vote total by
approximately 100,000.
LBJ Helped
Hart attributed his victory to
"the tremendous popular appro-
val" of the Kennedy-Johnson ad-
In her concession statement,
Mrs. Peterson blamed her defeat
See U.S. SENATE, Page 8

By The Assoc

Democrat Weston Vivian this
morning seemed headed for a
startling upset victory over incum-
bent Republican George Meader in
the second district race for the
United States House of Repre-
With 171 of 1208 precincts re-
porting, Vivian held a lead of
1,377 votes over his GOP opponent
The totals were 64,443 for Vivian
and 63,066 for Meader.
Across the nation Democrats
picked up House seats in many
traditionally Republican voting
districts. The Johnson landslide
aided the Democratic Party add-
ing approximately 30 seats to its
present sizeable majority in the
House. The new lineup gives the
Democrats approximately 280 seats
in , the congressional body com-
pared to about 155 for the GOP.
Liberal Democratic candidates
for the House defeated conserva-
tive Republicans in s e v e r a.
staunch GOP districts across the
nation. In Maine's second dis-
t r ic t, Democrat William D
Hathaway edged favored Republi-
can Kenneth P. MacLeod.
Strongly liberal Democrat An-
drew Jacobs, Jr., defeated Gold-
water Republican Donald A. Tab-
bert in Indiana's 11th district
filling the seat vacated by ultra-
conservative' Rep. Donald C
See U.S. HOUSE, Page 8


LANSING-The Democrats swept a host of state offices yesterday
and climaxed their success with a resounding defeat of the "Massa-
chusetts Ballot" which sought to prevent straight party balloting in
future elections.
With more than 40 per cent of the vote recorded, Democrats were
assured victories in the attorney general, secretary of state and
_education board races.
The voters also elected a nine-
Local Citizens member State Court of Appeals,
chosen on a non-partisan basis.
Approve New The "Massachusetts Ballot" ref-
erendum, if approved, would have
grouped candidates according to
D Linew office rather than under party
By LEONARD PRATT, It was heading towards defeat
JULIE FITZGERALD, with 557,013 "no" votes against
JULIEDFITZGERLD PO253,137 "yes" votes.
and DONALD FLIPPO Against 'Ballot'
Early, this morning, Ann Arbor Democrats had opposed the use
voters appeared to have approved of the Massachusetts Ballot on the
proposed dry line changes by a grounds that it would "disenfran-
narrow1 margin. chise" voters. They initiated a pe-
At 1:30 a.m. the proposal, tition drive which placed the issue
which would seriously reduce the ballot after a Republican-
area included in the city's "dry dominated legislature this spring
avoted the ballot's adoption.
island," had been approved by a In the attorney gen1eral race, in-
452-vote margin. Tabulated votes cumbent Democrat Frank Kelley
from 20 of 25 precincts showedcubnDeortFakKly
8,r36 citizenhaded t soap- swamped the Republican challeng-
8,836 citizens had voted to - er, Meyer Warshawsky.
prove the change, while 8,384 op- Another incumbent, Democratic
posed it. ' Secretary of State James Hare
Under the new law, the area in gained his sixth term in that posi-
Ann Arbor in which liquor-by- tion.
the-glass sales are prohibited will Hare had amassed 853,470 votes
be limited by Ann and North to 375,654 for his Republican op-
University Streets on the north, ponent, Allison Green, the for-
by State St. and Forest Ave. on mer speaker of the state House.
the east and by Granger St. on In the contests for seats on the
the south. Division St. has been new state Board of Education the
retained as the western boundary Democrats parlayed the "front-
of the island. lash" of a Johnson landslide into,
The tentative approval signal- an eight-man sweep.

parties to work together in a spirit
of cooperation.
Staebler conceded defeat at 2:25
Earlier, Staebler had postponed
"indefinitely" a scheduled press
conference and anticipated con-
cession due to an alleged 12 per
cent discrepancy in the tabulation
of the Wayne County vote. It was
subsequently announced the mat-
ter had been "straightened" and
that even with the error, Romney
still held the edge.
Earlier in the evening, Staebler
told reporters that the four-
month - old D e t r o i t newspaper
See GOVERNORS', Page 8

Won 10
Statewide totals at 2:30 a.m.,
however, indicated that Demo-
crats had won 10 and were leading
for 15 of the Senate's 38 seats.
Republicans had won in at least 3
districts and led in another 10.
The present Senate is-and tra-
ditionally has been-dominated by
the GOP. But itsacurrent makeup
-11 Democrats and 23 Republi-
cans-may be reversed if Demo-
crats, take over 25 seats to at
least 12 for the Republicans.
The House will also probably be
overturned. Presently, it has a
52-58 Democrat-Republican split.

ering, calling upon persons of all I had reported.

3 ;

GOP Moderai
The candidacy of Senator Barry Goldwater has fulfilled the
worst expectations of moderate Republicans.
Not only have prominent moderates like Charles Percy, Illinois
gubernatorial candidate and Sen. Kenneth Keating of New York
been dragged down to 'defeat by Goldwater, but an impressive num-
ber of conservative Republicans have met their defeat because of

t es' Worst Fears Materialize

Before the election, the Arizona conservative announced that
he would consider it a victory for the conservative cause if he
polled as much as 45 per cent of the presidential vote. He has not
come close to this mark. A wide-open fight to fill the leadership
vacuum of the prostrate Republican Party is likely to follow, but
with Barry Goldwater electorally discredited, the conservative side
of this battle will be hard pressed to find someone to unite behind.
Democratic Struggle


association with the Arizona senator. Paralleling this expected Republican bloodbath is a projected
Complementing the Goldwater drag are the Johnson coattails. struggle within the Democratic Party. Ironically, Johnson has called
Despite ticket-splitting of monumental proportions, it appears that into existence what will develop as his major opponent-Robert F.
Johnson has pulled into office such Democratic office-seekers as Kennedy. With power bases in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland
incumbent Gov. Otto Kerner of Illinois and Robert Kennedy, New and Indiana, the Kennedy clan is back in the business of President-
York senatorial aspirant. ( making.
GOP Leaders Wb+hw wthov mwill hallnoa the Johnsnn-Humnhrev wing in

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