Trail -Election
Americans go to the polls today to elect their President.
All political indicators point to a victory for President
Lyndon B. Johnson. Most analysts are now preoccupied with the
question of the extent of the President's expected victory rather
than who the victor will be.
Supporters of Sen. Barry Goldwater point to Harry Truman's
upset victory in 1948 as evidence that victory for their candidaate
is still not impossible. In that year all the polls and most of
the political "experts" conceded the election to Republican can-
didate Thomas Dewey weeks before the election.
Harris, Gallup Favor Johnson
However, this year the polls give President Johnson a lead
of almost double that which Dewey held over Truman. The final
Harris and Gallup Polls both show the President with 64 per cent
of the vote to 36 per cent for Goldwater.
Earlier in the campaign, Goldwater strategists announced
that they intended to win by sweeping the solid South and
adding the key states of Ohio, Illinois, California and Texts. It
is now predicted that the Arizona senator can do no better than
split even in the South, and polls show him far behind in all
of the four key states. In fact, Goldwater seems certain of carry-
ing only two states, Alabama and Mississippi, although he is rated
as having a good chance in several other states. Louisiana, South
Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, South Dakota ,and
Wyoming are all seen as very close.
Plethora of Officeholders
In addition to the Presidency, Americans will elect a plethora
of officeholders on the national, state and local levels.
In the Senate, where the Democrats currently have a 66-34
majority, 35 Senate seats are at stake. The House will re-elect all
435 of its' members, and its is predicted the Democrats will
slightly improve upon their present 254-176 advantage. The GOP
is given its best chance of picking up seats in the gubernatorial
races where 18 of the 25 seats at stake are currently held by
Democrats. All told, 34 of the 50 states now have Democratic
The margin of Johnson's expected victory is likely to deter-
mine the outcome of several nationally important senatorial and
gubernatorial races.-
Michigan's Economic Progress
MICHIGAN: Gov. George Romney is facing a stiff challenge
from his Democratic opponent, Congressman-at-large Neil
Staebler of Ann Arbor. Romney has campaigned on the platform
of the economic progress Michigan has achieved under his
administration. Staebler has tried to force Romney into either
declaring his support or opposition to Sen. Goldwater. Romney
has resisted, claiming he "accepts" the decision of the Republican
convention but does not "endorse" it. Democrats are hoping that
a Johnson landslide will carry Staebler in with the President.
Sen. Philip Hart (Dem.) is expected to have little trouble
in defeating his opponent Elly Peterson. Mrs. Peterson has never
held public office before and is almost unknown in the state.
She has been greatly hurt by lack of exposure in Detroit caused
by the newspaper strike:
Murphy vs. Salinger
CALIFORNIA: At stake in California is the Senate seat of
Democratic incumbent Pierre Salinger. Running a hard race
against the former presidential press secretary is Republican
George Murphy, a former movie star.
Murphy is using to good advantage the charge that Salinger
is a carpetbagger. In addition, because of Salinger's strong op-
position to Proposition 14, a state constitutional amendment to
Sir iAau
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
To Resut
Organization =
Challenge, a student organiza-
tion which was deactivated four
semester ago, is in the process
of reorganization in order to pre-
sent the campus with a speaker
program on the "Challenge of b
Communist China." 4w
The program, which will be
held next semester, will consist of
frequent lectures given by experts
in the field, supplemented by dis-
cussion, groups and a weekend- KIG AU 0
long symposium. Challenge "at- KIGSU
tempts to present the complete brother, Crown
spectrum of views on every top- Radio Mecca. S
ic," according to its 1960 consti- desert kingdonm
tution. days.
Lectures will deal with United
States policy toward CommunistS .E
China, past, present and future, UI .
Cinese history and anthropology,
contemporary economic condi-
tions, Sino-Soviet relations, and F i a
international relations. The pro-
gram will conclude with a sym-
posium on the advisability of DAMASCUS,
changing United States policy to- Bedouin warrior
ward China, king of oil-rich
Growing Audience Idethroned his broi
The spokesman of the organi- Faisal, 60, ha
zation, William Cummings, '65, Saud failed in an
and David Hewson, '65, hope to struggle in Februa
have an audience that will grow Saud's remov
with the speakers, becoming more Middle East fors
informed through the semester.
The lectures will occur at two-
week intervals with the discussion Ci T ]To
groups coming between them. C t
The discussion groups will be'o r
chaired by graduate students who On D r
are interested in' the problems of
~Communist China and United P o o a
States involvement with it, and r p s
undergraduate students from the,
political science department. A proposal toc
t addition to discussion groups of the city's camp
Chalengehopes to inspire some area to a by-glaw
independent undergraduate re- on today~s ballot.
search cocrig Communist Promoters of t.
China,. ocenn John C. Stegema
Depth and Vigor the Bell Tower
Challenge was originally orga- James A. Orr, vic
nized in 1960 "to explore signifi- general managerc
cant issues with depth and vigor" er.
according to its constitution. It If the proposal
was patterned after a similar permit the mane
group at Yale which has since motel to apply to
died. Iislature for a spe
In its four active semesters on cense for their pr
campus Challenge put 'on four Tower Plaza.
programs such as the one being The beverage sea
currently planned by the .revived iPies only to hot
group. The programs concerned The state law n
nuclear armament, the newly lishments serving
emerging nations, civil liberties, be within 500 fee
and higher education. tional institution
The organization had planned ed by the license.
programs dealing with campus The existing B
morality and the challenge of* which is to becom
higher education but had failed million Tower Pla
because both the student response feet of the Univer
and the leadership were poor. If the voters d
________________the dry-line boun
1 rr ~ ' change would be
.J ohnson Fakes area bounded byt
and Huron.
Freedom Vote" building was ann
LEFT) OF SAUDI ARABIA was dethroned by his
n Prince Faisal (right) yesterday, according to
Saud's removal as absolute monarch of the oil-rich
had been expected in the Middle East for several
Removed As King,;
fAssumes Throne
Syria (JPI) - Crown Prince Faisal, reform-minded
who opposes lavish royal spending, was proclaimed
Saudi Arabia yesterday in a move that summarily
ther, ailing King Saud.
as been virtual ruler of the desert Arab kingdom since
n attempt to oust him as prime minister in a power
val as absolute monarch had been expected in the,
'All Pr'omise
To Comply
This Week
Blamed for Tardy
Membership Clauses I
Ten fraternities and three soror-
ities on campus failed to meet
last Saturday's deadline for re-
submitting t h e i r membership
statements to Student Govern-
ment Council's Membership Com-
mittee, according to Sharon Al-
brecht, '65, of the committee.
However, most of the delin-
quent houses have indicated they
will turn in their statements by
the end of the week, she said.
A few houses mentioned that
their national chapters had just
completed new constitutions, and
that they would be unable to re-
submit their membership state-
ments until the new documents
arrive in the mail, Miss Albrecht
said. However, these houses have
indicated that they will cooper-
ate fully with the Membership
Committee, she added.
"The tardiness of the houses
involved was primarily due to
their misunderstanding of what
membership information the com-
mittee was looking for," Miss Al-
brecht commented. "However, a
couple of the houses indicated
that they had just received per-
mission from their nationals to
submit the membership mater-
ial, and have not as yet had the
time to complete their state-
The Membership Committee will
meet on Thursday to validate all.
)f the statements and to decide
what action they will take against
anv house which does not follow
Sig Chi Injures Four
In SMPedgeRaid
House Presidents Deny Incident
Occurred Between Two Fraternities
A Sigma Alpha Mu pledge raid on Sigma Chi fraternity Saturday
night resulted in a brawl which sent four SAM pledges to the hospital.
Sources reported that the incident began when the pledges were
sent to the Sigma Chi house and told to get a certain picture from
it as a part of a scavenger hunt.
(Traditionally, the SAM actives call the Sig Chi house to inform
them that the pledges are coming. When the pledges arrive, the Sig
Chis usually put up some resistance, then give the object to the
pledges and let them go.)
This time, the sources said, the pledges met with violence from
the Sig Chis.
Fraternity Presidents Frederick Lambert, '66, of Sigma Chi and:
Robert Pincus, '66, of Sigma Alpha Mu, denied last night that any
incident involving the two houses took place. Pincus said he had been
unaware of any SAM pledges being taken to the hospital. He suggest-,
ed that the injuries had resulted
from a rough football scrimmage I
'or horseplay in the quadrangle. on
Different Explanation C
Lambert acknowledged t h a t
there was a disturbance at the
Sigma Chi house Saturday but ex- By JULIE FITZGERALD
1A.inP itdriff, e tl H caid that .
piue eL uiertlu n e y. Fit
visitors from Wayne State Uni- A witness' complaint on Ann
versity were in the house, when Arbor's housing situation brought
some "wrestling" began. The WSU sympathy but no new action from
students were asked to leave, Lam- City Council at last night's meet-
bert said. ing.
But several sources independ- "We sympathize with you but
ently gave the following account of we ymeth iztionsyuch
Saturday night's events: we have other' organizations such
The pledges were told to collect as the Welfare Committee and the
things from various locations. The
actives said that at Sigma Chi
they could simply walk in at
about 2 a.m., take the object.
After Several Attempts.
The SAM pledges were told that,
at worst the Sig Chis would lock
arms to prevent them from get-
ting out. After several attempts,
the pledges were told, the Sig Chis
would let them go..
But this time the Sig Chis ap-
parently had been drinking and
were in high spirits after the foot-
ball team's victory that day. When
the pledges charged their line, the
Sig Chis began throwing fists and.
elbows at them.
The Sig Chis easily overpower-s
ed the pledges and began throwing;
them around. Some pledges were { .'
herded into a pile and surrounded!
by several Sigs, while another
jumped from a piano onto them.
When the pledges escaped, four
were injured seriously enough
that they had to go to the hos-
pital. Injuries included a displaced>
jaw, a slight concussion and a
broken nose.
The pledges who remained un- THIS IS PART OF T. C. WALK
injured moved on to the next stop, was recently evicted. The apartii
Delta Gamma sorority. Police rec- if conditions are not remedied. H
ords show that some of them were .
caught trying to raid that soror- night on his situation and on the
ity for their next prize. that plague many of Ann Arbor'si
outlaw fair housing legislation, Murphy is picking up strong
backlash support that crosses party lines. Murphy is uncommitted
on the issue.
Because of the unpredictability of California politics and
the fact that Salinger has had difficulty pinning Murphy to
Goldwater's tail, the race is rated close.
Goldwater May Hurt Percy
ILLINOIS: Moderate Republican Charles. Percy is pitted
against incumbent Democratic Governor Otto Kerner. A massive
Phi Kappa Tau 'fraternity will run an information service
tonight for those who want to follow their candidates without
watching TV all night. The group will monitor all the networks
to provide information on the various races. Its phones are,
665-9687, 665-9852 and 761-2330.
Goldwater defeat is expected to drag Percy down, but very few
percentage points will separate the two gubernatorial candidates.
Kerner is aided by the traditionally effective machine of
Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley, unity in the Democratic Party
and the fact that he has been a fairly good governor.
Dynamism, youth and a successful business career with Bell
& Howell are Percy's main assets. Drawbacks to the Percy can-
didacy are a divided Republican Party and the lack of issues
to use against Kerner.
For the first time in Illinois history the state legislature's
lower house is being elected at-large. Look for the results next
A Very Close Race
NEW YORK: The outcome of the race between Robert Ken-
nedy (Dem.) and Kenneth Keating (Rep.) is so doubtful that
most analysts refuse to make a prediction, although final polls
have given Kennedy a slight lead.
Kennedy will have to overcome defections from traditional
Democratic groups such as liberal intellectuals, organized labor
(particularly the Teamsters Union) and Jews if he is to win. He
must rely on his personal popularity with the public as a whole
in order to counter these losses.
Keating, a liberal, who has refused to support his party's
presidential candidate, must pick up votes from liberals while
not losing conservative Republicans.
Keating has accused Kennedy of being a "carpetbagger"
who cynically wants to use New York as a stepping-stone to
the presidency. Kennedy, who until he was nominated in Septem-
ber was a Massachusetts resident, has countered by attacking
Keating's record as less liberal than the senator is now admitting.
Young Gains Support
OHIO: The Republicans one "safe" Senate seat is now rated
marginal. Two weeks ago the election of Congressman-at-large
Robert Taft, Jr., was considered certain, both because of his
name and because of the powerful Republican organization of
Ray Bliss. ,Since then incumbent Democratic Senator Stephen
Young, who was swept in on the 1958 Right-to-Work issue, has
gained support as Johnson's potential margin of victory has risen.
Taft's chances are still rated at better than even, but if
Johnson's margin is more than 500,000 votes, he will be in real
Also in danger of defeat is Congressman Oliver Bolton (Rep.),
who is running for Taft's at-large seat against Democrat Robert
A Feud in Texas
TEXAS: Republican senatorial candidate George Bush is given
an excellent chance of unseating Democratic Senator Ralph Yar-
See ELECTION, Page 3
i- Hears Complaint
Ann Arbor Human Relations Cduncil agreed to hear Mrs.
Commission set up to handle cases Berla on the recommendation of
such as these," Mayor Cecil O. Democratic Councilwoman Mrs.
Creal said. Eunice Burns who cited a report
The witness, T. C. Walker, was on the housing situation she had
brought before council by Mrs. received from Mrs. Berla.
Nancy Berla of Housing Oppor- Mrs. Berla told council of the
tunities Made Equal to illustrate problems of substandard housing
the seriousness of Ann Arbor's and of finding homes for evicted
housing problem. families.
Walker, Mrs. Berla's witness,
said he was unable to find suit-
able housing at a price he could
He said he had been recently
evicted from the apartment in
which he had lived since 1960. He
added he had been under a doc-
' tor's care and had been unable
to work since that time.
Higher Rent
Walker said he found a home
outside the city but that it wasn't
much better than his previous
apartment and he couldn't afford
any higher rent.
Creal said he realized the lack
of low-cost housing in the city
and the substandard housing
problem. He said he would refer
the case to David Cowley, direc-
tor of the HRC. None of the
other council members comment-
several days.
change a portion
us-enclosing dry
ss liquor zone is
the proposal are
an, president of
Inn, Inc., and
ice-president and
of the Bell Tow-
passes, it would
iagement of the
o the state Leg-
ecial class B li-
rojected 16-story
rving licence ap-
tels and motels.
ow says estab-
liquor may not
et of an educa-
unless exempt-
ell Tower Hotel
ne part of the $2
aza is within 500
ecide to change
ndaries, the only'
to exclude that
North University
f the high-rise
pounced recently
re are reports that the 62-year-old
*monarch, w h o s e spending of
American oil royalties threatened
the nation's financial stability,
had become gravely ill.
Treated in U.S.
He had been treated in the
United States and Switzerland in
recent years for a stomach ulcer,
high blood pressure, and general
The shakeup in the Saudi mon- through on its promise to resub-
archy, established in 1926 by the mit by then.
"Lion of the Desert, King Ibn Miss Albrecht said that any fra-j
Saud," was broadcast by Radio ternity or sorority which fails to
Mecca. The decision to dethrone refile a statement could be re-j
Saud and proclaim Faisal king ferred to the SGC membershipI
was approved by the Saudi cabinet tribunal for disciplinary aqtion.
and advisory council meeting un- According to Miss Albrecht, the
der the deputy prime minister, committee will take no actioni
Prince Amir Khalid Ibn Abd Al- against those houses which missed
Aziz, Mecca radio said. the deadline for "acceptable rea-
It added that they had before sons," and which promise to com-
them a letter from all the mem- ply "in good faith" with the com-
bers of the royal family to the mittee in the future.
members of the Ulema, a council The fraternities that missed the
of Moslem religious leaders. The Saturday deadline are: Alpha' Ep-
letter proposed Saud's removal. ilon Pi. Alpha Tau Omega, Evans
Vow of Loyalty Scholars, Kanpa Alpha Psi, Phi
There were reports also that Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Faisal was reluctant to accept the Sigma Kapya, Sigma Phi (which
throne because of a vow of loyaltydT submitted yesterday), Theta Chi
to Saud that he had given his and Trigon. The tardy sororitiesj
father, Ibn Saud, just before the are Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Phit
latter's death in 1953. Epsilon and Sigma Kaopa.I
However, these reports said that The "misunderstandings" claim-
Faisal agreed apparently because ed by the affiliates varied. Ac-
Saud's health was deteriorating so cording to Miss Albrecht several
that there were fears he might houses said that their statements
not survive. Faisal is said to have were delayed because their presi-
acted to avoid a power struggle dents were out of town. Others
among various factions in the said that they were never even
event of the death of the monarch. notified to refile their member-
Saud and Faisal, the eldest of ship clauses.
-Daily-John Pollock
ER'S apartment from which he
rient building will be torn down
le spoke before City Council last
substandard housing conditions
Mrs. Berla said HOME works
with evicted families in trying to
find them a place to live but that
the families usually end up going
from one substandard housing sit-
uation to another because they
cannot afford to pay higher rents.
She said 25 families presently
are seeking aid from HOME in
finding better housing.
Murphy Says Indiat Avoids Militarism
India is a great power but does not choose to act as one because
of its own ideas of the power role, Rhoads Murphy of the geography
department said last night in the Multipurpose Room of the UGLI.
His lecture on the role of India in today's world was sponsored by
the International Students Association.
Murphy said that India claims the status of a great power be-
cause of its size, population, geographical location and economic
potential. However, he pointed out, India has declined to play the
role of a military power.
Murphy said a major reason for this attitude is the unique type
of nationalism of India. He explained that nationalism is essentially
a negative concept because it implies not only the superiority of one
n r'.,ra, an vpr +hn,. hniih ,len the inferiorito nf nothe nntries
This policy is termed non-alignment, Murphy pointed out that
this does not mean India is neutral. According to the Indian way
of thought, neutralism means that one does not care about issues
in question. India does care and has become concerned with world
peace, Murphy said.
India believes that the way to preserve world order is to remain
outside political blocs, and to maintain her policy of non-alignment.
Murphy felt that "India's voice in this role carries more weight than
if it were speaking as a great political and military power that it
could become."
The policy of non-alignment has suffered a few setbacks, Murphy
said, but none of sufficient impact to invalidate the theory. Its biggest
test was the Chinese invasion that surprised the country. However,
the moral commitment to the theory of non-violence prevailed.