SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE a.aMVa 1IE 'l L { Al1J.V PAGE THRET ,1 Soviet Chief s Pled ge Hard" Line on China By The Associated Press MOSCOW-Pravda yesterday pledged support of key tenets of former Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's policies on Red China and assured Russians there would be a better life for the average man, with no return to police rule in the Soviet Union. The main organ of the Central Committee also promised to con- tinue a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West and to work for Split-Ticket Voters To Affect State Elections Huong Asks YDiscipline in Viet Struggle SAIGON (P) - The High Na- tional Council confirmed Tran } Van Huong as premier last night, and the new chief of state called for discipline, sacrifice and belt- tightening in South Viet Nam's war against Communism. Americans said they were im- pressed by his display of tough- ness. Confirmation of the 61-year-old leader took place in a brief, formal session of the 16-member council, which took over the government from Premier Nguyen Khanh's military regime. Huong, former mayor of Saigon, is a civilian. In his first public speech since being elected by the council, Huong vowed to crack down on what he called the degradation of youth and to clean up government. He said his regime would revital- ize the nation's efforts in the war against Communism. He vowed to break up a thriving black market and to halt injus- tices he said are being carried out by local officials. He said he be- lieved politics should be kept out of religion, apparently a reference to past problems steeming from Buddhist-Roman Catholic rivalry. Huong said that to "defeat the Communists and bring welfare to r the people, we. should . . . square our shoulders with the armed forces to achieve victory. We must improve and clean up government machinery, simplifying adminis- trative procedure and cleaning up red tape, giving local officials enough power to solve emergency problems." Council Views Catholic Birth Control Stand VATICAN CITY (A) - Roman Catholic teaching on birth control underwent searching examination yesterday on two separate fronts, but it may be years before any firm decisions are announced. In the Vatican Ecumenical Council of the past two days, cardinals and bishops, many of them prominent progressives, have risen to question the centuries-old Roman Catholic teaching on mar-, ital sex and birth control. In this week's council debate which ended yesterday, several cardinals and prelates questioned the very validity of the Church's birth control teaching, suggesting that conjugal love was necessary for the spiritual well being of the married couple and should not be considered simply from the view- point of procreation. The Church now officially op- poses the entire concept of birth control, except for the rhythm system, but a 1951 speech by Pope Pius XII is often cited as provid- ing the conditions under which it can be used. Pius said "serious motives" of a medical, economic or social nature might "exempt" a couple from the "positive and obligatory carrying out of the (sex) act." But he added it was wrong "to avoid habitually the fecundity (child bearing) of the union .. . while at the same time continuing to satisfy fully their sensuality." A council drafting commission must take the recent debate into account in revising a draft schema on the Church in the modern world. The commission expects to complete its work in 1966. 0"the improvement and develop- ment of relations with all capital- ist countries." That would obviously mean, first of all, with the United States. Without mentioning Khrush- chev by name, the newspaper praised many of the achievements -especially in space, agriculture and industry-made while he was the Soviet Union's leader. Attack Chinese For the first time since Khrush- chev's ouster, Pravda returned to an attack on the Chinese Com- munists-without naming them- and repeated the call for an inter- national Communist congress on the problem, a Khrushchev pro- ject bitterly opposed by the Chinese. Pravda attacked "chauvinism and petty bourgeois adventurism . opportunism and dogmatic or revisionist distortion of theory" -all epithets hurled at Peking leaders at the height of the Soviet- Chinese dispute. Thesoutspoken defense of the Soviet ideological position appear- ed certain to aggravate the dis- pute, which has been in a state of truce since Khrushchev lost power Oct. 14. New Leadership The front-page editorial was the first word to the Soviet reader of what he can expect under the new leadership of First Commun- ist Party Secretary Leonid Brezh- nev and Premier Alexei Kosygin. The paper said the party's leadership "regards as the most important task the improvement of the principles of socialist de- mocracy, strict observation of socialist legality, eradication of any violations of law and order. "The transition to Communism spells the utmost development of the freedom of the personality and the rights of Soviet citizens." This was a clear pledge not to return to the terror of Stalin's day. Under these new conditions, the paper said, the country's planning must "give the necessary scope for independent economic activity of enterprises, for the continuous growth of the creative initiative of the working people." "As the material standards of the Soviet people rise, they be- come more exacting as to the quality of goods. The 'take what- ever you are offered' principle, a survival of bygone times, is no longer in vogue. What the people want is not any textiles, any clothes or footwear, or furniture, but good, fashionable, attractive goods." By DICK BARNES Associated Press Staff Writer DETROIT (/P)-An election cam- paign washed by some of the most unpredictable cross-currents in Michigan history goes to the vot- ers Tuesday for decisions on Pres- ident, governor, United States senator and hundreds of lesser offices, including the entire state legislature. Will large numbers of voters split their ballots? Is it national or state decisions that are responsible for Michigan's economic progress? Do many persons think the civil rights movement has gone too far too fast? Can a governor win reelection if he won't support his party's presidential candidate? Questionsj These are just a few of the questions that could be directly or indirectly answered when the Michigan electorate chooses: Between Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson and Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz). -B e t w e e n Republican Gov. George Romney and U. S. Rep. Neil Staebler. -Between U.S. Sen. Philip Hart and long-time Republican worker Mrs. Elly Peterson. -Nineteen congressmen for the House in Washington. -A redistricted legislature of 35 senators and 110 representa- tives. -A new State Board of Educa- tion to formulate broad education policy and recommend appropria- tion amounts for the state's 10 higher education institutions. -A new State Court of Appeals to remove some of the Supreme Court's workload. -Certain higher education pol- icy-makers. -Hundreds of local and county officials ranging from mayors to drain commissioners. -Between the present party ticket ballot form and the pro- posed office-block, or Massachu- setts, ballot. Johnson Favored Johnson is an overwhelming favorite to capture Michigan's 21 electoral' votes. Goldwater stal- warts stoutly insist the Arizona Republican can win, but most ob- servers give Johnson a probable margin ranging from 300,000 to 750,000 votes. Some zealous Democrats even put the margin at one million votes out of an expected turnout of around 3.3 million. Romney is in a far closer race to win another two-year term. He held a powerful lead in the sum- mer sampling, but Democrats claim they've pulled up to virtu- ally even. The governor nevertheless re- mains confident--and so does Staebler. Democrats peg inuch of their gubernatorial hopes on the ability of Johnson to carry Staebler home, via the party ticket level - by which one motion casts ballots for all candidates of one party. Democrats claim that if Johnson' wins by 750,000, Romney could not find enough split tickets to win. But history indicates he could- barely. In 1956 President Eisenhower, a Republican, carried Michigan by 353,700 votes while Gov. G. Men- nen Williams, a Democrat, won reelection by 290,000. That meant at least 23 per cent of the ballots were split. That much split this year would take in 759,000 ballots - if the turnout is 3.3 million. Progress The gubernatorial race 'has cen- tered on the question: "Who is responsible for Michigan's prog- ress?" Romney says state decisions during his two years in office have "restored Michigan's good name " He points to an improvement in the state general fund from $85 million in the red to $57 million in the black. "In the past 21 months, we've solved more problems, made more progress and made more prepara- tion.for future progress than any other state inthe union," Rom- ney has said again and again in his campaign. Staebler maintains that the na- tional economy, not state decisions, have brought prosperity to Michi- gan. He says nuisance taxes en- acted five months before Romney took office account for the treas- ury surplus. Identification Staebler has also tried to link Romney with Goldwater, although the governor has refused to en- dorse the senator. Staebler asks for votes for the "entire Demo- cratic team." Romney ignores the presidential contest. Staebler's plan is to get back half of the 20 to 22 per cent of Democrats who voted for Romney in 1962 when he unseated Gov. John Swainson by about 80,000 votes. Romney, however, says he is running stronger among Negroes and factory workers than two years ago and also expects to in- crease the narrow margin he poll- ed in the Upper Peninsula his first time out. Staebler says he should run far ahead of Swainson's suburban vote. Swainson was -hurt in that area two years ago when he vetoed a bill which would have knocked out city income taxes, which can be collected from suburbanites working in the city. No Endorsement Discussions with Republicans in Michigan indicate that Romney will lose only a handful of votes from Republicans who are irate at his lack of endorsement for Goldwater. Southwestern Michi- gan would be the most likely area for any such loss. Both candidates have put extra emphasis into Wayne County cam- paigning because of the Detroit newspaper strike. Romney carried 39 per cent of the county in 1962. A Republican who polls less than 35 per cent there usually loses. One factor not expected to af- fect the gubernatorial race is so- called white backlash-but it might appear in other contests. Romney and Staebler are both. strong advocates of civil rights and nondiscrimination. But such. areas as Hamtramck and Dear- born could swing more toward Goldwater than expected if back- lash materializes. Homeowners Legislative races in the Detroit area could also be affected by back lash. Detroit voters approved in the primary election a so-called homeowners' r i g h t s ordinance which civil rights supporters call a license to discriminate in pro- perty transactions. Sen. Hart, a one-term Democrat, is strongly favored over Mrs.' Peterson, with the expected John- son victory likely to help keep the margin comfortable. Mrs. Peterson has campaigned in all 83 counties, claiming that "Phil is a nice guy, but he's in- effectual." Hart goes solidly dawn the line with the record of the Kennedy-Johnson administration. FCC Rejects ; GOP Bid AgainI WASHINGTON AP)-The Fed- eral Communications Commissionk yesterday for the second time de-i nied Sen. Barry Goldwater equali time on radio and television toE answer President Lyndon B. John= son's Oct. 18 address to the nation. i The 5-1 decision represents the fourth denial the Republican party has encountered in its efforts to reply to John on free time. An FCC statement said the networks had not abused "considerable dis- cretion which they have in this area." Mrs. Peterson, former chairman of Republican National Committee women's activities branch, would seemingly have to pick up a dis- proportionate share of the female vote to win. But she did upset two men in the September primary, becoming the first Michigan wom- an ever nominated for the U.S. Senate by a major party. House Delegates Redistricting could bring on significant change in Michigan's delegation to the U. S. House of Representatives., The present lineup is 10-8 for the Republicans with one hereto- fore-Republican vacancy, but sev- eral reshuffled districts in popu- lous areas could swing the final pattern either way. To hold their present edge,. Republicans must win the close races. Four of the new districts have no incumbent. In three, the Demo- cratic candidate is a present state- wide office-holder whose job was switched from elective to appoin- tive under the new state con- stitution. These Democratic candidates are H i g h w a y Commissioner John Mackie, favored in the 7th; Treas- urer Sanford Brown, underdog in the 8th and Auditor General Billie Farnum, evenly-matched in the 19th. Legislature The redistricted legislature is expected to swing toward the Democrats. Republicans controlled the 1963-64 House by 58-52 and the Senate 23-11. Observers see about a six-to-10 seat Democratic House edge this time, with ;a dead heat possible in the enlarged Sen-I ate. At least 47 per cent of the legis- lature-19 senators and 46 repre- sentatives-will be newcomers. Re- apportionment helped contrihute to the primary election downfall of 35 incumbents, and others quit without bothering to run in the primary. For the first time in Michigan history, lieutenant governor nom- inees will run as a ticket with gub- ernatorial candidates. If Romney wins, the lieutenant governor will be Sen. William Milliken of Tra- verse City. If Staebler wins, it will be former State Solicitor Gen- eral Robert Derengoski. Two incumbent Democrats, Sec- retary of State James Hare and Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, are fav- ored to repeat. Hare seeks his sixth term against House Speaker Allison Green. Kelley faces former Van Buren County Prosecutor Meyer Warshawsky. Board of Education The eight-member board of edu- cation and three-district court of appeals have been established un- der the new constitution. Pairs of board members will be elected for terms of 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Nominees are running for specific seats. Hereafter, all terms will be for eight years. Six candidates are running in each court district. Each winner will gain a 10-year term, the run- ner-up 'an 8-year term and the third-placer a six-year term. Here- after, all terms will be for six years. Two Michigan State University trustees and two Wayne State University governors will also be elected to fill eight-year terms. The Massachusetts ballot ques- tion goes to the electorate because Democrats secured 330,000 signa- tures to force a referendum after Republican legislators approved the new ballot form. The fate of this measure is one big question mark. Democrats have campaigned against it but seem- ingly have made little dent outside union halls. Republicans haven't touched the issue. One poll indicated that nearly half the voters didn't know what the question, labelled Propo- sition 1, is all about. A yes vote approves the Massa- chusetts ballot, under which a vot- er cannot vote a straight party ticket. A no vote would keep the present system, under which the voter can vote for each office separately or pull the party lever. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION INDIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION LEAGUE, UNION Present: Ae Ira 4aem: INDIA " Of Its Role In Today's World? Discussion: Dr. Rhoads Murphey 7:30 p.m. Mon., ov. 2 Multi-Purpose Room-UGL I " Of Its Cultural Character? Discussion: 7:30 p.m. Wed., Nov. 4 Multi-Purpose Room-UGL I * Of Its People On Campus? Banquet by Indian Students Association Sat., Nov.7-7:00 p.m.-Uniorv Ballroom Indian Students $2.50 Others $3.00 ALL ARE WELCOME _ ___ i I President Hatcher speaks on the subject: "The President and the Student Look at the University's Future" An open question and answer period follows. I, GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe MONDAY, NOV. 2 LUNCHEON DISCUSSION with Gilbert Bursley 25c I KAYSER® HOSIERY i" I 11 I JK'atliaru'te Sh etie123 c . .. ' 9 - '°531 t ;' ° r, .Z .FJ tit' a of Ann Arbor 209 EAST LIBERTY I d5 ti r es 4r. Ok -to ,the o e' est in the v e V n a S Tom, ru 1' 1 I Ih -, C" C'C4. 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