T 94c S"fr~ioan Pat VOL. LXXV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 SECTION 7 A WIDE OPEN WORLD Student ublicatiions By EDWARD HERSTEIN other sometime necessities of life or finding out who's who and events, reports of activities of the Editorial Director are being offered by local realtors what's what in the University's campus's many student social and THE WORLD of student pub- and fellow students. Chances are many social organizations. For this political organizations, interviews lic at the University is a that he will also be using it as a there is the campus yearbook, the with top University administrators big one-big even for a student frequent-though perhaps not al- Michiganensian. concerning academic policy; future who never sets foot inside the Stu- ways pleasant-topic of conversa- Or his taste may run more to- University building plans, changes dent Publications Bldg., and some- tion. ward humor. If so, he will want the or proposed changes in regulations times an almost all-encompassing Gargoyle, the campus humor mag- concerning student affairs, reviews world for a student who does. A COUPLE of months into the azine. Written entirely by students. of movies and stage productions in For student publications play a vi- school year, the new student it hits both campus and national the campus area, and editorial com- tal role on campus, serving not will be buying a Student Directory topics. ment on just about every subject only students but the faculty, ad- -or frequently borrowing that of that can be commented upon fill ministration and entire University a friend-for the directory is often BUT THIS IS ONLY the very the pages of The Daily throughout community. the only source of the addresses beginning of the world of stu- the year. The incoming freshman has his and telephone numbers of fellow dent publications. The student in- But all this is still little com- first contact with student publica- students. And on a campus so large terested in state, national and world pared to what the world of student tions in this freshman edition of that someone may not come across news will find The Daily gives publications can be if a student The. Daily. Whenhe arrives in Ann a person he knows for years, such issues of substance coverage com- chooses to join it. The student who Arbor in the fall, he will find a source is a good deal more than parable to that of the best metro- spends five hours a week on one of The Daily to be an important source a mere convenience. politan newspaper. The Daily has these enterprises is going to learn a of information about the campus, As the year and then years con- frequently won the Overseas Press great deal that he wouldn't learn the state, the nation and the tinue, the student may be interest- Club award for the best coverage otherwise about the campus, pub- world. Whether he subscribes, reads ed in sampling the best of campus of international affairs of any col- lishing and, probably, people. The it in his house lounge, or talks student literature. So that he can lege paper, and has occasionally student who becomes an editor of as to an acquaintance who has read it, get published himself, see what his scooped the entire state on an im- student publication and spends 70 he will find that he is using The peers are turning out or just have portant story from the capital in hours a week putting it out while Daily to find out what is on at something to read, he may decide to Lansing. still a full-time student, is going the neighborhood movies, when and buy one or more of the several The student who has more than to learn an entirely different- where plays, lectures and special annual issues of Generation. In each a passing interest in what is hap- and, say those who have experienc- campus events will be, what the issue he will find poetry, short pening on campus will find The ed it, vastly rewarding-way of various student organizations whose stories and essays-often including a Daily to be the best and sometimes life. actions will often directly affect contribution or two by a distin- only source for information. Such him are up to, whether or not a guished faculty member. articles as the coverage of major THE WORLD of student publi- tuition increase is around the cor- He may also be interested in lectures on campus, the research cations at the University is a ner and what apartments, hi-fi preserving memories of the campus findings of a University professor, big one--and all the doors to that outfits, bicycles and all sorts of or having pictures of his' friends professorial comment on current world stand wide open. * ::::%2~. ~ .'" ., *.:' ***** ~ r 4 $ ' r:i : : C : { : ; i t ," j ? } : . 4 } ; : " : v . ,'x , vf ,r . . : r " . . .v. .f~:} ; "v r ; <:? {'': ii3r t ::;r ". ;1 ;,; r~ rff } .;:.:r ; . ...t.iv} Y .f -Daly--jams Rb