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November 01, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-01

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Purdue .......26 Ohio State .....21 Michigan State 22 Notre Dame ...40 Nebraska .... .
Illinois........14 Iowa ........19 Wisconsin..... 6 Navy ......... 0 Missouri ......

9 Georgia Tech..21 Texas......... 7 Stanford ...' .10
0 Duke ......... 8 So.Methodist.. 0 Oregon ....... 8


Polls Unanimous:
Heavy LBJ Win
Goldwater Conceeds Five States
But Says He Has Chance in Others
NEW YORK--An Associated Press survey of national presiden-
tial polls yesterday showed them pointing unanimously to a victory
for President Lyndon B. Johnson in next Tuesday's election.
But GOP Sen. Barry Goldwater, while conceding five states, in-
dicated he thinks the Republican ticket stands a good chance in all
the rest.
Most of the presidential polls show Johnson likely to gather
one of the highest vote totals in the century - possibly beating
Franklin D. Roosevelt's 60.8 per cent of 1936.
Finale of Campaign
Goldwater's view of 'his prospects was learned yesterday as he
neared the finale of his campaign against Johnson. Goldwater, it

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,r r
Rules Face
Collegiate Press Service
seems headed for some changes
in the next four years, regardless
of the outcome of Tuesday's pres-
idential election.
In September c a m p a i g n
speeches; Sen. Barry Goldwater
(R-Ariz.) promised that "Republi-
cans will end the draft altogether,
and as soon as possible." President
Lyndon B. Johnson has confined
himself to promises of re-evalua-
tion, but he, too, seems on a
course that will lead to revisions.
Right now, a 30-man civilian-
military team is at work on a
comprehensive one-year review of
the selective service system. Their
study, initiated by Johnson, will
be completed in April and could be
a prelude to new policies on man-
power procurement for the armed
There have been two main prob-
lems with the draft, as critics
ranging from Wisconsin's Sen.
Gaylord Nelson to Goldwater
agree - unfairness of selection
procedures and an oversupply ,of
potential manpower.
Only 48 per cent of the 18-26-
year-old men who form the cur-
rent "draft pool" now -,erve in the
armed forces. '
The proportion of eligible men
who are drafted has declined be-
cause the population, and conse-
quently the draft pool, have con-
tinued to grow while miitary
manpower needs have remained
relatively constant - about 2.7
million men.
By 1967, the current 10.6 mil-
lion-man pool is expected to reach
21.4 million, although the size of
the armed forces will not change.
Sizeable numbers of eligible
men are deferred or exempted
from the draft for reasons includ-
ing marriage, fatherhood, defense
or educational employment (in-
cluding student status) and Peace
Corps service. Despite increasing
deferrals, there are still more than
enough men available to meet the
average annual draft calls of
90,000 men.
Because of the deferrals, "all
too often, draft calls discrimin-
ate against many of the poor and
less-well-educated-against those
who cannot afford the various
escape hatches now open," Gold-
water has charged.
Along similar lines, Nelson has
charged that the oversupply of
men has "corrupted the system to
favor those who can afford to
stay in college until they ar3 26,
those who marry early, men with
criminal records or moral short-
comings, those who are mentally
or physically below standards ...
and those whose employers will
claim they are essential."

-dwas learned, thinks he will wi
California's 40 electoral votes
hopes the GOP ticket will sur-
prise pollsters who forecast a lop.
sided loss in New York and think
the same thing could happen it
He argued the Republican tick-
et can be counted out only ir
Massachusetts, Rhode Island
Connecticut, Hawaii and Alaska
These states have 33 electora:
votes among them. It takes 27(
to put a man in the White House
thGoldwater has said it will take
sthe biggest political upset of th
century ,to beat Johnson - anc
repeatedly forecasts he will do it
Loss in Arizona
Yet none of the polls to date-
including one in Arizona, Gold-
water's home state - showed the
Republican candidate leading.
A semifinal poll by George Gal-
lup, director of the American In-
stitute of Public Opinion, gave
Johnson 64 per cent and de-
scribed this as an "unprecedented
The most recent nationwide fig-
ures by pollster Louis Harris gave
Johnson 60 per cent, Goldwater 34
per cent, with six per cent unde-
In another national survey, the
"popcorn poll" showed Johnson
leading Goldwater by 78 to 22
per cent.
49 Out of 50
Newsweek magazine reported
that a poll of 50 Washington cor-
respondents "representing all me-
d;a" showed 49 predicting vc-
t ry for Jchnson. Their tut , con-
sensu gave Johnson 454 elecoral
votes to 84 for Goldwater.
1Allster Samuel Lubb ', sum-
marizing his nationwide findings,
said earlier this week that "Next
Tuesday's voting should bring
landslide victory for Johnson."
The Chicago Sun-Times poll
forecast a 62.6 per cent edge for
Johnson among Illinois voters.
The figures indicated a majority
of more than one million votes
for Johnson if there is a 90 per
cent turnout of voters.
A New York Daily News poll
gave Johnson a 75.3 per cent mar-
gin. In Texas, Johnson held 61
per cent of farmers' votes. In Cal-
ifornia Goldwater has 42 per cent,
Johnson 58 per cent, and in Ohio
a three-newspaper poll indicates
Johnson will win by 60 per cent of
the popular vote.
But Goldwater said his pros-
pects have improved in the last
week of campaigning. He pre-
-Continuation o1 a reported
California upsurge which suppos-
edly has given him 48 per cent
that state's votes;
-A surprise showing in New
York state, where he said he might
win if Democratic voting in the
city could be cut by three to five
per cent;
-Victory in Ohio and Illinois,
with Pennsylvania a tossup;
-A possible win in Texas due
to recent gains;
-Tossups in Florida and

: GroupProposes Institute
For Study of Religion
A commission appointed last fall to study religion in the
University's curriculum has recommended establishing an in-
stitute for advanced study of religion.
The institute should have three functions, the commission
-To carry out research in the study of religion;
-To assist in the planning and development of University
curriculum on religious subjects:
-To serve as a liaison agency on religious matters, both
among University divisions and departments and between ther
University and other institu-
'U' Responsibility
The commission was named
last fall by Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns "toconsider the respon-
siblity of the University" for .
courses on religious subjects.
Chaired by Prof. William L.
Schlatter of the business >
school, it submitted its report
this summer.f
The report estimates that
the establishment and opera- ....
Lion of the proposed religious
institute would cost about
$150,000 a year for the first
dew years of operation. Funds
for the institute could be so-
licited from interested founda-r
Lions, business concerns andr
The report also suggests in- V
corporating the soliciting of funds for the institute into the
multi-million dollar fund drive now being planned for the Uni-
versity's sesquicentennial celebration.
Heyns noted recently that the final list of organizations'
which will receive money from the fund drive has not been
compiled. He indicated, however, that the proposed institute
is being considered for inclusion into the campaign.
The religious commission's report includes a general criti-
cism of the University's. present curriculum in religion. It de-
plores the "failure" of the University to "study religion suffi-"
ciently to enable it to receive the same scholarly treatmenti
accorded other academic fields."'
The commission charges the University is deficient on >
courses in modern Western religions. "It is a curious fact that
See ASK, Page 2
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Lashes at

Kelley Rule
On 'Guard'
LANSING (M)-Republican Gov.
George Romney accused Demo-
crats of playing politics yesterday
with the National Guard scandal
he announced 24 days ago.
Democratic Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley charged Romney acted
illegally in dismissing the state
guard's three top officers Oc. 8
after a report showed apparent
irregularities in guard operations.
Romney replied that he had
acted on the advice of members of
Kelley's staff.
The governor said Kelley's an-
nouncement was a political act,
timed to come just before Tues-
day's election. And he said it
could have real political reper-
R omney's opponent, Rep Neil
Staebler, said he "can't conceive
of a governor acting without con-
sulting with his chief advisor."
Staebler added that the Guard
scandal should not be a political
issue. He said he didn't know
whether Kelley's statement would
affect the election.
Kelley's accusation came close
behind the release of a poll taken
by the strike-idled Detroit News.
IL showed Romney leading Staeb-
ler by 48 per cent to 44, with seven
per cent undecided and one per
cent favoring Albert Cleago, can-
didate of the all-Negro Freedom
Now Party.
The poll also showed that Ne-
gro support for Romney has skid-
ded from 34 per cent last July
to 12 per cent this month.
Last July, when the firs: News
poll was completed, Ronney had
50 per cent, Staebler 15 per cent
and five per cent were undecided.
The Freedom Now Party was not
organ:zed until after the firs: poll
was taken.
The polls showed that state
voters favor President Lyndon B.
Johnson three to one over Sen.
Barry Goldwater.

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-President Lyndon
B. Johnson brought his campaign
to a climax last night when he
told an enthusiastic audience in
Madison Square Garden he is go-
ing to win Tuesday because the
people believe his opponent's "ex-
tremism in the pursuit of the
Presidency is an unpardonable
At the same time, Republican
Sen. Barry Goldwater made his
final presidential campaign bid
in the South as he denounced the
1964 Civil Rights Act as "unfair
discrimination in the private af-
fairs of men."
Government must "insure free-
dom of association," the GOP
candidate told a cheering crowd in
Columbia, South Carolina.
"But it cannot and should not
insure association itself. That is
a matter of the heart and con-
"Of course," he declared, "gov-
ernment should not discriminate
among citizens on irrelevant
grounds such as color, creed or
religion, and no political leader
believes it should.
"No person," Goldwater assert-
ed, "whether government or pri-
vate citizen, should violate the
rights of some in order to further
the rights of others."
"Freedom to associate is a
double freedom or it is nothing
at all," he said.
In Phoenix, Goldwater termed
as "strange, distorted minds"
those that would unilaterally dis-
arm the country, saying that to
keep the peace, the United States
had to be strong militarily.
The President said he is ending
"a campaign which will see the
American people choose the lead-
ership of the Democratic party."
Johnson bitterly assailed Gold-
water as a man dedicated to "ex-
treme ideas." He said, without
naming him, that the GOP nom-
inee was not a true "conservative"

but only a "radical" who had re-
sorted to "smears and scandal",
because he and his runningamate,
New York Rep. William E. Miller,
"found out that the American
people would overwhelmingly re-
ject their ideas and their pro-
"They ran smack into the good
sense of the American people," he
Goldwater's main theme was
civil rights, but he fired at John-
son for wanting "more and more
control over your lives."

Both vice-presidential candi-
dates predicated victory for their
tirkets. In Los Angeles, Minnesota
Sen. Hubert Humphrey said he
and Johnson will carry the elec-
tion ir. at least 40 states.
He lashed out earlier at Gold-
water for taking a "callous and
immoral scrap heap approach" to
the plight of America's aged.
Miler, in Philadelphia, said in
his last campaign speech that "we
got a real chance to win." He said
the GOP campaign had been "a
crusade for the preservation of

Johnson Sees Victory Tuesday;
Goldwater Assails Rights Bill

- .

Legislative Hopes Depend
On Congressional Elections
WASHINGTON (P)-The next President's chances of seeing his
legislative program enacted-to say nothing of scores of political
careers, new and seasoned-ride with the. voters' choice Tuesday of
a new Congress.
All 435 seats in the House and 35 of the Senate's 100 are to be
filled. Mathematically, the odds are against the Republicans taking
over the majority in either cham-

Candidates Split over Aid to Eduction

ber. But both parties are predict-
ing increases in their present
The two parties' more sober pre-
dictions of Senate gains just about
offset each other. Prospects are
for the Senate to remain firmly
controlled by the Democrats. The
division at present is 66 Demo-
crats, 34 Republicans.
In terms of legislation, the shift
of a relative handful of seats in
the House could be even more
vital. It is in this chamber, where
the Democratic majority is not as
effective in practice as it looks in
numbers, that Presidents John F.
Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson
had most trouble putting their
programs across.
A modest pickup of votes by
Democrats could break the dam
for a number of key measures
whichJohnson, if, elected, is sure
to push. A similar gain by Repub-
lican would strengthen the brak-
ing power effectively used by a
GOP - Southern Democrat coali-
But it would appear that only a
political earthquake could shake
loose the 41 seats the Republicans
would have to pick up in order to
gain control. Republican spokes-
men have talked privately of win-
ning 10 to 15 more seats. Demo-
crats talk of gains in the same
range, but say a Johnson landslide
could bring many more.
A gain of about 15 seats could
be highly important to the Demo-
crats, if they retain the presi-
dency. Although the outgoing
Congress was divided 257 to 178
in favor of the Democrats, the
Republican - Southern Democrat
coalition and other occasional
Democratic defections on particu-
lar issues produced cliff-hanger
Moreover, these figures do not
reflect the decisions not to bring
up some legislation at all because
head counts showed they lacked a
few votes for approval. The next
Congress' action on the Appa-
lachia program, establishment of
a department of urban affairs,
health care for the aged, housing
and farm bills and further school
aid might all hang on a shift of

Four Killed i n
Mortar Attack
on Viet Base
United States servicemen were
killed and six B-57 bombers de-
stroyed in the wake of a Viet
Cong attack on the Bien Hoa Air-
port near Saigon early this morn-
The Defense Department said
Communist guerrillas lobbed some
100 mortar shells into the air-
field area.
President Lyndon B. Johnson
has scheduled a meeting for this
afternoon in Washington to re-
view the situation.
U.S. military officials in Saigon
said artillery and planes from
Bien Hoa struck back at the Viet
Cong mortars, but there were no
indications that the retaliatory
move was successful.
The attack was called the most
destructive Viet Cong maneuver
against any American installation
in the history of the war.
In addition to the four fatali-
ties, 20 American soldiers were in-
jured and eight other B-57's were
damaged. Two propeller - driven
fighter bombers and a helicopter
were also destroyed.
The huge attack seemed planned
to coincide with South Viet Nam's
National Day, the first anniver-
sary of the overthrow of the Diem
regime, which was to be celebrated
Police reported that Viet Cong
terrorists were likely to try some
bombing in Saigon during the day.
Maximum security preparations
were in effect.
White House aides said the
attack could not be considered
"a severe setback" in the Viet-
namese war, but added it might be
an important development in the
Johnson will meet with Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk, Secre-
tary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara and other top administra-
shun officials.

Goldwater Fears
Help for Schools
EDITOR'S NOTE: As in most oth-
er areas of theacurrent cam-
paign, the two major contenders
have taken almost totally oppo-
site positions on the financing of
higher education. Both men have
taken stands flowing naturally from
their differing orientations towards
the role of the federal government
in society. Here is a report on the
votes and major statements of the
candidates and their running-mates.
Collegiate Press Service
Sen. Barry Goldwater's position
on education is in line with his
general opposition to federal ac-
tion in what he calls "local af-
"Federal intervention in educa-
tion," he says, "is unconstitu-
tional." The quotation from "Con-
science of a Conservative" seems
to be representative of his phil-
osophy. He has voted against every
program to increase federal in-
volvement in higher education for

the past 10 years.
Arguing that "federal aid to ed-
ucation inevitably means federal
control of education," he voted
last year against the five-year $1.2
billion "bricks and mortar" col-
lege construction bill and also in
1963 opposed President John F.
Kennedy's $5 billion omnibus aid-
to-education bill.
In 1960, in "Conscience of a,
Conservative," he said:
-"The function of our schools
is not to educate, or elevate, socie-
ty, but rather to educate individ-
uals and to equip them with the
knowledge that will enable them
to take care of society's needs ..."
Writing early this year about the
goals of education, Goldwater call-
ed for "the broadest possible op-
portunity for every individual, in
line with his talents; the highest
possible quality, from elementary
grades to graduate school; and the
greatest possible free choice." But,
he continued, "federal aid is not
the way" to reach these goals.

Johnson Favors ;
Federal Support
Collegiate Press Service
President Lyndon B. Johnson
has strongly favored federal aid to
public education, and has sup-
ported a wide-ranging array of!
legislative programs providing that
Increased educational opportu-
nities have been given a major-
if not dominant-role in the Pres-
ident's War on Poverty, and in
his other programs aimed at build-
ing "The Great Society."
As a congressman and a sena-
tor, Johnson voted for five of
six major federal aid to education
acts, including the $50 million Per-
manent School Lunch Program
(1946), the $300 million Education-
al Finance Act (1949), the Na-
tional Defense Education Act
Johnson strongly supported the
$1.2 billion Higher Education ActI

and a three year extension and ex-
pansion of the National Defense
Education Act. Both programs
were pas:ed by the last Congress.
The act calls for a five year
program of federal grants and
loans for the construction of class-
rooms, laboratories, and libraries
at both public and private schools.
More Buildings
More specifically, it provides
funds for the construction of ad-
ditional classrooms for several
hundred thousand students, addi-
tional graduate schools and facili-
ties at 10 to 20 "major academic
centers," additional technical in-
stitutes, and 25-30 new public
community colleges during the
year of the program.
The NDEA extension continues
the present program under which
students can obtain long-term low
interest loans for college expenses
from the government, increases
the amount of money available for
the program, raises the ceiling on
the amount any one student can

Michigan Blanks Northwestern, 35-0

Contributing Sports Editor
Michigan's football team, in the words of its head coach, Bump
Elliott, "put it all together" as it whitewashed the Northwestern
Wildcats yesterday, 35-0.
The victory;brought Michigan's season record to 5-1 and its Big
Ten record to 3-1, good enough for third place behind Ohio State and
Michigan amassed 336 yards on the ground and 117 through the
air in a game which saw Elliott start to empty his bench late in the
third quarter.
A touchdown with only 25 seconds left in the first half gave the
Wolverines the big psychological lift which carried them through the
contest. The Wolverines went 80 yards in 14 yards on that drive to
post an impressive 21-0 lead over the Wildcats at halftime.
Senior quarterback Bob Timberlake started the drive rolling
around right end for 17 yards. After two unsuccessful pass attempts,
fullback Dave Fisher powered up the middle on a big third-down play
for 15 yards and a Michigan first down at the Michigan 49-yard line.
A grabbing-the-face-mask penalty against Northwestern, follow-
ing a six-yard loss on an attempted pass, brought Michigan into

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