Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNVERSITY OF MICniG UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUDUCa-tIOM ".Remember When Hallowe'en Was A One-Day Affair?" TODAY AND TOMORROW: A dninistration Handles British Questions Well Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST.,, ANN ARwOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS Pxopm: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN KENNY University Trades Education For Legislative Dollars THE UNIVERSITY is evolving, by con- venience and intent, into a highly-lo- catized institution with a massive in- state enrollment. Since there is little fi- nancial incentive to reverse this trend, it can be expected to continue. Only the most constituent-oriented leg- islator or in-bred administrator can ig- nore what is happening. The University is selling its education more and more to state students and, in return, the Leg- islature pours out more and more dol- lars. And like a used car, while the institu- tion makes its exterior more alluring, its inner fiber is damaged. In an institution whose function is to educate and stimu- late, ideas lose their thrust when they are sifted by minds developed in the same local environment and prejudices. LOCALISM COULD NOT be farther from the University's 150-year tradition: a heredity which has been fostered by federal and state cooperation. It is the pride of the nation's educa- tional system, nationally and internation- ally acclaimed, drawing on a select fac- ulty and diverse student body from 50 states and a host of foreign countries. On the other hand, the University is the bulwark of a massive state-supported ed- ucation system, awarded the largest state appropriation, granted full constitutional status and integrally tied by location and predilection to the citizens of Michigan. FROM THIS DUAL STATUS emerges a crisis of identity: while the institu- tion stresses its national orientation, its educational fruits are borne only by state residents. This was confirmed last week when the registrar announced the latest enrollment statistics, showing there were only 27 out-of-staters in every 100 students. To this statement was attached an even more ominous footnote. Officials said that for the first time "qualified" out-of- state students were rejected from every school and college at the University. WERE THIS A SINGLE occurrence; the high resident percentage might quick- ly be blotted from memory. But when the figures show that this is the sixth year where the percentage has increased, some re-evaluation is called for. Officials try to camouflage the in- state, out-of-state ratio issue by saying that they have no set policy, re-evaluat- ing it on a yearly basis. THE IRONICAL, even paradoxical, as- pect of the growing "favoritism" is that it is ignored at the administrative level when something other than students is sought. When University recruiters search for football talent, they stress the Univer- sity's national image and scour the coun- try. The result is a football roster which this year contains an equal distribution of in-state and out-of-state residents. When officials seek contributions, they offer alumni the same "national" image. The University is about to launch a mas- sive fund drive which will ferret out the old grands and tell them that the cam- pus at Ann Arbor is still the great na- tional and international center it was years ago. BUT THE UNIVERSITY must stop fool- ing itself. The educational purpose of this institution is being short-changed. There is no need to re-hash the advan- tages of cross-fertilization gained from a diverse student body. Nor is it necessary to recount the achievements of alumni across the world who flourished (and who made the University flourish) by submitting and hearing other viewpoints. On the basis of past reputation, the 'University may continue to cram its classrooms with the best faculty drawn from worldwide sources. It may find, on, the basis of objective criteria, a brilliant student body taken entirely from the high schools of Michigan. But this combination will not mesh ef- fectively. Knowledge, even when gleaned from the widest possible sources, cannot expand when it falls on six students from one city and four more from one of its suburbs in the same classroom. THE UNIVERSITY must come to grips with itself and with the Legislature on a policy to reduce the in-state flow. The valuable concept of a cosmopoli- tan university must not be pushed aside by the lure of the dollar. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM By WALTER LIPPMANN WHILE THE general rule has been to avoid letting foreign policy become entangled in this vicious campaign, the appearance of the new government in Great Britain raised question which re- quired an immediate response in Washington. The first was the British mone- tary crisis which has been build- ing up for some months and would have had to be dealt with by drastic measures whichever party won the election. The other great matter has been what to do about the nuclear problem within the NATO alliance. In both matters the administra- tion has acted promptly and, it seems to me, wisely in that it has put the need for order and sta- bility ahead of its preconceptions and its previous commitments. * * * THE BRITISH have had mone- tary troubles since the first world war destroyed their great inter- national creditor position. After the second world war the crises became chronic. Britain has not been able except at intervals to earn enough by her exports to pay for her imports. The certain consequence of this deficit in the British balance of payments would, if strong measures were not taken, be a flight from the pound ster- ling and a drain on the British gold reserves which would result in a new round of currency de- valuation and world-wide finan- cial instability. In previous crises of this sort, the remedy used was to throttle demand at home by tightening bank credit and other deflation- ary measures. The remedy chosen by Harold Wilson is to discourage imports by imposing a surcharge on imports and to stimulate ex- ports by tax incentives at home. The Wilson remedy runs against the ideology of free trade. But it is meant to be temporary, and if it works the Wilson government will have the time to inaugurate the program for the modernization of British industry, which is the only lasting cure for Britain's financial troubles. The alterna- tive, which would be to deflate and bring about unemployment and capital idleness, is in the modern world as unsound econom- ically as it is politically suicidal. The Treasury and the State Department, which have been kept fully informed from London, have accepted the British measures gracefully and cordially, as is fit- ting in dealing with a tried and trusted friend. * * * THE OTHER MATTER on which the administration has had to take a decision arises out of the complicated confusion about nu- clear weapons within the NATO alliance. There is the great Ameri- can nuclear deterrent, which is at least 90 per cent of all the nuclear forces in the West. There is General de Gaulle's small nu- clear force. There is Britain's small nuclear force. And there is the yearning of the West Ger- mans, so it is assumed in some of the recesses of the State Depart- ment, for some contact with the nuclear weapons which by treaty they are solemnly forbidden to possess. And so, a number of thinkers ELECTION PREDICTIONS: Important Contests in Illinois Faculty Committees Are. . . if. Bad TWO WEEKS AGO Prof. Marvin Fel- heim, writing in the faculty series for The Daily, decried the proliferation of committees to solve University problems. "Where in the picture is there a place for the emotional and intellectual com- mitments without which there can be no teaching, no learning, no true scholar- ship?" he asked. The Research Policy Subcommittee of the University Senate has a solution. "To facilitate broad faculty participation in the creation of new research centers and institutes," it called yesterday for the appointment of "ad hoc faculty commit- tees to investigate the purposes in estab- lishing such units." Not just one but several committees. As Felheim said, "We don't lead and plan, we react." Are 'these committees really going to solve the problem or are they part of it? -R. JOHNSTON .Good IF INDEED THE FACULTY is ever to "lead and plan" instead of just react- ing to events, it must rise from its col- lective behind and assume a place in the decision-making process in this Univer- sity. In the matter of establishing new re- search centers and institutes, faculty members will have no choice but to. react -always futilely-if they are not repre- sented in the setting up of such units. And the futility of their reaction - the faculty members' lack of both influence where vehicles of faculty influence have not existed previously is in itself justifica- tion for their establishment. THE DANGERS, of course, lie in the possibility that faculty will stop with such committees. For while the fact that these committees would be new justifies their existence, it does not necessarily ensure that the committees will do as much as might be done. It does not en- sure that they will generate Prof. Fel- heim's "emotional and intellectual com- mitments without which there can be no teaching, no learning, no true scholar- ship." At this point the burden rests, natural- ly, with the members of the committees. They must have the will to be as com- mitted, as emotional as they can. Only to the extent that they are bothersome to the research administrators will they do this. The pessimistic view seems to be that the members could not even do this, since the committee form is somehow inher- ently ineffective. THEY WILL SAY, for instance, that the faculty can only lead and plan if it alone is given authority to set up new centers and institutes. Granted, full au- thority would be better than partial au- thority. If you can get it. And if you can't (or if, as is the case here, it wouldn't be desirable), does it then follow that partial authority must not be granted simply because it is partial? But the most important point is that the committees proposed will not nec- essarily be ineffective. While the re- search office can always, of course, ig- nore their recommendations, they would be authorized to speak on all the possi- ble issues involved in new research units. By CAL SKINNER, JR. and HAROLD WOLMAN IF PRESENT TRENDS continue, both President Johnson and Governor Otto Kerner will carry Illinois, according to the usually reliable Chicago Sun-Times straw poll. Although Kerner is expected to trail Johnson by some ten per- centage points, the President's coattails should be long enough to pull the lackluster incumbent back in for another four years. This will also sweep away the Presidential dreams of challenger Charles H. Percy, the business- man's businessman. In what is probably the most important electoral contest in the country for Republicans outside of the Presidency itself, moderate Republicans across the country will be watching to see if their wing of the party is to enjoy a comeback in the heart of Gold- water country or if their hopes for recapture of the party will suffer a decided setback. IRONCALLY the fate of mod- erate Republicans' aspirations lies in the hands of their factional enemy, Sen. Barry Goldwater. They have done all that man can do in an election to boost Percy's chances of victory. The outcome of the guberna- torial race depends on how much Percy support a drowning Gold- water will drag down with him on November third. Have Percy and his followers been pyramiding their political resources for the past sixteen months to no avail? Running for his first elective office, Percy and his photogenic family set out on the county fair circuit the summer before last to gain a political base from which to win the April Republican pri- mary. He made headway in mak- ing his name familiar, but Secre- tary of State Charles F. Carpen- tier had what seemed an insur- mountable advantage: his name appeared on every Illinois driver's license. Combined with the some 3000 patronage workers he com- manded, the Percy volunteers just didn't seem to have a chance. * * * AS THE DEADLINE for filing for the primary drew near, Car- pentier stepped out because of a heart attack. This left Percy as the only major candidate until the Old Guard rushed in with William Scott, 36-year-old State Treasurer-a Goldwaterite all the way-to beat down "the represen- tative of the Eastern Establish- ment." Carpentier threw his sup- port to Percy and it was all over. Percy won 2-1. Meanwhile, because most of the energy of the Goldwater support- ers was diverted to Scott's cam- paign, Goldwater polled a dis- appointing 47 per cent of all Re- publican primary ballots cast. * * * EVEN THOUGH the Democrats had no contests, the turn out in their primary was surprisingly high. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats of Illinois are East St. Louis makes a formidable opponent for any state-wide can- didate. Added to this is the tra- ditional increment awarded all in- cumbants by downstaters. With the defections generated by Gold- water's candidacy, the problem be- comes monumental. * * * AND GOLDWATER'S candidacy is exactly the issue that is hurt- ing Percy most. In accordance with his pre-primary promise, Percy voted with the majority of the Illinois delegation for Gold- water at the Republican conven- tion, which was led by Senator Everett Dirksen. Kerner is now making political hay among the moderate Republican grass roots, charging that Percy deserted his moral duty by supporting Gold- water. Percy responds by charging that Kerner is a mere appendage of the Daley dinosaur-the tail end to be exact. Besides his positive, "Mr. Clean" image, Percy has but one other issue going for him. Although Kerner's administration has been quite honest compared with recent Republican administrations, dur- ing the past three weeks Theordore Issacs, Kerner's campaign mana- ger and closest aide, has been charged with conflict of interest. The only way in which Percy might pull out a victory is if the Issacs case should develop into a scandal, implementing Kerner in some way other than mere associ- ation-an unlikely situation. In the meantime, however, the Mar- shall Field papers and the Tribune have been giving the issue much more coverage than it deserves. Sources close to the scene believe this slanting of the news may be producing a "swmpathy vote" for the Governor, perhaps explaining Kerner's rising support. Thus, a minor scandal may be rebounding to Kerner's advantage. " * * IN ADDITION, Kerner has been having better luck convincing the Illinois electorate that "a vote for Percy is a vote for Goldwater." Campaigning in this manner is the only way that Kerner stands a chance of getting elected, for although he has done nothing wrong; he has very few outstand- ing achievements to point to. His mental health program is good and he has attracted new industry to Illinois, but he does not have the dynamism that his opponent exudes. Like most other Demo- cratic candidates this year, he must depend on Johnson's help and the anti-Goldwater vote. in the State Department dreamed up a scheme, known as MLF, which stands for "multilateral force." They sold the scheme part- ly, but not wholly to President John Kennedy. When President Lyndon Johnson took over, he in- herited the MLF as part of the Kennedy program. The only country in NATO which has been willing to let itself be seriously interested in the scheme has been West Germany. France will have none of it. Brit- ain has always been opposed, though possibly a conservative government might reluctantly have been drawn into it. The Italian government hates to say yes and wishes it dared say no. T H I S MISCONCEIVED and misbegotten scheme has been evaded and avoided in Europe since it was first put forward. But during the past few months it has become disturbing both to relations between East and West and to the solidarity of the NATO alliance itself. Its overzealous sup- porters at the intermediate levels of the administration decided they could secure the agreement of a reluctant Britain by winning the support of the Germans, the Dutch and possibly the Italians. The British would then come in because they would not liketo be left out in the cold. SomeGer- mans, most unwisely, were tempted by the mirage of replacing Britain as the closest ally of the United States. Butwhen it appeared from Bonn that within the NATO al- liance there might be formed an inner alliance between Germany and the United States, the idea had to be disavowed from Wash- ington. For a special German- American alliance in nuclear weapons would make a shambles of NATO and chaos of Western relations with Eastern Europe. The advent of the Wilson gov- ernment has coincided with the realization in the upper levels of the administration that there was nothing to be gained by pushing and that a pause for reflection would be refreshing. The new British foreign secretary, Gordon Walker, came to Washington this week, and he seems to have had no difficulty In persuading the administration to agree that the working out of a satisfactory solu- tion of the problems of nuclear power and command is something that requires time, and that there is no emergency which requires a crash solution. THUS, the channels of com- munication between London and Washington are open, which is a good augury for the days to come. (c) 194, The Washington Post Co. LETTERS: Sororty Finances5 To the Editor: FOUL,MR. EDITOR! As finan- cial advisor to one of the soror- ities attacked in your October 15 article on Phi Mu's lamented de- parture, I am moved to protest. The long range financial health of the chapter is my particular re- sponsibility and hence I feel qual- ified to state that no one has "reported financial difficulties" to Miss Wickins because there are none. Our budget is balanced, our credit is good, and charges to the members have not been increased. True, Miss Wickins states in her October 21 letter that "all the sororities on this campus are currently financially solvent" but she doesn't explain how she came to be mistaken the previous week. Buried in seven paragraphs of phi- losophy in the letters column her retraction, if it was so intended, hardly counteracts the damage done by the original front page misstatement. In these instances The Daily quite properly reported what the reporter was told. True, the facts were not checked with the groups involved, but it was reasonable to assume that Miss Wickins was informed on sorority matters. FOR THE OCTOBER 20 article, however, I must hold The Daily responsible. Two groups chose, for reasons I do not fully understand, to bare their financial souls to The Daily. The third group is therefore smeared because they "refused to release any figures." By implication, there must be something to hide. Whatever hap- pened to the ancient theory that the burden of proof is on the accuser? Kappa Delta is a private organi- zation. We value highly the in- dividual freedoms which are part of our American heritage. One of those freedoms is the right of privacy. Our private financial business is fully reported to the University and to our banker, both of whom have a legitimate interest anrd tenth, of wrhom resect ouri i I I 4 I 4 'L'AV VENTURA': Revises Viewers' Expectations WE HAVE BEEN conditioned by a cinema that retains es- sential features of traditional dra- matic and narrative forms, that takes its cues from the well-made play and novel. As a result, first exposure to Antonioni's art left a taste of innovation. Character was not revealed in the action, if ac- tion is defined in terms of plot and denouement, conflict, climax and resolution. "L'Avventura" compelled us to re-educate our expectations. Plot becomes less important than char- acter. Character is revealed, not in terms of a horizontal move- ment in the action, but in a ver- tical accretion of detail and meta- phor. IT IS FOUR YEARS since "L'Avventura" was hissed at Can- nes and then awarded a consola- tion prize for the "beauty of its images." We have had a chance to see the second and third films of Antonioni's trilogy, and "Il Grido," an earlier film, finally has been distributed in this coun- try. When one re-examines "L'Av- ventura," then, the taste of in- novation is less intense; the ap- propriate set of expectations has been established. Initial convic- tion that this film is a genuine masterpiece is only confirmed. It should now be possible to discuss "L'Avventura" with less attention to the audacity of its innovation, with less emphasis on Antonioni's re-casting of cinema- tic language. The genius of "L'Av- A group of wealthy Romans- including Sandro, an architect, Anna, his lover, and Claudia, her best friend, go on a yachting trip in the South. Anna disappears from the party. The rest of the picture takes up the search, as Sandro's love de-crystallizes and Claudia finds herself becoming more and more involved with him. In terms of the surface action, "the adventure" is a search for Anna. And such a search does in- volve action in a literal sense. The important thing to note, however, is Sandro's inability to engage in this action. His interest in Claudia, as in the poule at the end of the film, is easily aroused-and the search becomes something quite different. It is in this sense that a narrative technique shorn of plot, shorn of resolution in terms of surface action, is perfectly ap- propriate. *-, * MORE SPECIFICALLY, Sandro is incapable of creative action. Late in the film a member of the group calls him a romantic. This term registers, not because Sandro might be in the garden waiting for dawn, but in a more pejorative sense. Antonioni comments on his characters in terms of an aesthetic scale: a member of the yachting party clumsily drops an antique objet d'art;a seventeen year old painter seduces a middle-aged cliche in the midst of his can- vasses-ludicrous, but pointed. Agrair,,+ a.ha~rnknrnf thh;~ EACH SEQUENCE in "L'Avven- tura" is a recapitulation of this kind of comment. Another ex- ample: Sandro walks, looking at the architecture of Noto. He no- tices a student copying a design on one of the buildings. When the boy leaves his drawing for a mo- ment, Sandro absently swings his key chain and knocks over a bottle of ink, ruining the drawing. The boy protests, Sandro asks him how old he is: "Twenty-three? When I was twenty-three I looked for fights too. And I looked harder than you." Faced with the reality of another's creative action, San- dro's only resource is destruction. The adventure of the title, then, is not the search, nor is it San- dro's adventure. Claudia com- ments at one point that her childhood was reasonable-that is, "poor." It is interesting to note that Antonioni is a Marxist, if only because "L'Avventura" is so emphatically non-Marxist The adventure below the surface action can be characterized as spiritual. It is marked by a broad- ening of Claudia's moral perspec- tive as she is exposed to the malaise of an age. She has a fine sensibility-providing the only genuinely lyrical moments of the film. THE DEPICTION of Claudia is more convincing than the suggest- ed explanation of her authenticity. And this is true of the film as a whole. Antonioni does not need