SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1964 Johnson Visi Boms Sovit su THRE M ICHIG AN D AILY PAG Tfl E ~. . . . . . . . . *.*.*. .....*~. '... ~t*. *..-..'............ - I Parts of South Integrate in ..*:~...,. Not 1)1111. ~1 flu.: a ri TheoryIhul in Hps oStaebler DETROIT (/P)-With four days to go before Election Day Thes- day, Democrats speculated on President Lyndon B. Johnson's appear- ance in Detroit as a vote booster for the party's Michigan state ticket', including Neil Staebler's candidacy for governor. Republican Gov. George Romney programmed a radio station WXYZ tape recording for his reelection campaign and a staff meeting at his Detroit offices for the time that Johnson was to be in the MVotor City. Johnson's visit, Romney said in one of his strongest blasts at his Democratic opponent, Congresman Neil Staebler, "is the ----~'~last desperate gasp of a dying candidacy." Union Collaboration V oti g St rts The charge was one of three leveled at Staebler in a severe at- I l~grtack that lasted all day. Romney 11 M CK Poll bated Staebler for "brazenly ad- mitingwha Ihave been saying JACKONMis (/)-Te Ms- for years"-that the Democratic JAKsp , Freedo Democrtic Party par~ty has formed a coalition with oipne foredaof baloting Pt union leaders. dayne in dayc electinsgne tj He said Staebler's programns to show Negroes want a politica would force the state to adopt voice in this deep south state. a two per cent personal income An estimated 75 out-of-state tax. colegevolntersanda saffof Regarding the Romney attack. colegevolnters nd sanhe of Staebler said, "I'm more amused 200 civil rights workers lanhdthan anything else. One of the the protest vote. It marked the - secnd uchvot ina yar.Thetactics of the salesman when he lond a "feedom vote" last fall to attac e kother prson's prod- prior to the general election for uct. . "It's the tactic of desperation. governor. ,"If I hadn't visited Reuther, you Before the June primaries the could be sure Romney would say PDP organized through precinct, this was a sign of some aliena- county and state conventions to tion," Staebler added. select delegates to the Democratic 'Goldwater Supporters National Convention. The par ty, The last leg of Romney's 2% not legally recognized by Missis- day "blitz" of lower Michigan took sippi, maintained conventions and him through the state's southwest- mock elections' showed Negroes ern regio n-where state support want to take part in politics, for GOP presidential candidate Voting Blocks Barry Goldwater i's strongest. The FDP claims Negroes are Romney has refused to endorse blocked by systematic denials and Goldwater. but predicted a pos- double-standard voter tests for iesrnghngofheR whites and Negroes. pulican party -- no matter what Barbershops, cleaners, cafes and the outcome of the Nov. 3 elec- churches serve as polling places in tion. the mock election. A final tabu- A Goldwater victory, he said, lation will be aninounced Monday would obviously strengthen the on the eve of the Presidential elec- party. In the event of a loss, he tion. said "the reaction of the Republi- Khrushchev MOSCOW (A2)-A 40 page Soviet Communist Party document indi- cating a policy of de-Khrush- chevization is being distributed to Communist Party organizations in the Soviet Union to explain the truth behind the bland original announcement that Khrushchev asked uo retire from his jobs be- cause of deteriorating health. The document is secret, but foreign sources who saw it have informed newsmen and diplomats on the highlights. It blames the former Premier and party boss for virtually every- thing that xvent wrong in the 10 years he ran the Soviet Union. The accusations that downed Khrushchev range from unwise I f a r m and economic policies through mistakes In allowing the 1962 Cuban mnissile crisis to de- velop, from personal rudeness to Red Chinese leaders to a vague blame for immorality in Soviet society. Its 29 points go back to things sen e at the Unie Naios d r t -AssOciated Press BERILINERS VISIT BEHIND WALL FOR THE SECOND TIME SINCE THE BERLIN WALL was constructed three years ago, the Com- munists allowed West Berliners to visit relatives in East Berlin yesterday. The official East German News Agency ADN, reported that more than 20,000 West Berliners had passed through Commu- nist controls by nightfall. Under a new agreement signed by West Berlin officials and the East Ger- mans last month, there will be three more visiting periods within the next 12 months. The present period will last 14 days, to be followed by another over Christmas. WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: France Gives Soviet Union Credit CLARKSDALE, Miss. -- Schools in this segregationist Delta town opened last month with officials solemnly promising to obey a court order directing that first grade classes be integrated. But observ- ers see hardly a chance that Ne- groes - who .outnumber whites three to two here-will attend bi- racial classes this year or any- time soon, the Wall Street Journal reported recently. The court o r d e r accepted Charleston's "neighborhood" de- segregation plan on the basis that neither Negroes nor whites in in- tegrated grades would be allowed to transfer across cen school boundaries. Though this meant that about 50 white first-graders would be assigned to Negro schools in the fall, segregationist-minded Clarksdale whites met this chal- lenge. . They quickly formed segregated private schools in church annexes for the 50 youngsters. The re- sult: Clarksdale joins the growing list of Southern school districts which in theory have integrated buwhich in practice are still seg- Slow Integration Clarksdale helps illustrate why classroom i-ntegration in the South is moving at a slow rate despite new pressures from the recently passed Civil Rights Act and from. increasingly tough court rulings. While scores of Southern educa- tional systems are desegregating in name this fall, the fact is that not more than 2 per cent of the three million Negro students i'n 11 Southern states will be going to school with whites this fall - a decade after the Supreme Court ordered schools to desegregate "with all deliberate speed." Last year, only 1.2 per cent, or 34,000, of the South's Negro students attended mixed schools. This doesn't mean that Missis- sippi and other hard-core spots are completely avoiding classroom i'n- tegration. At Biloxi on the Gulf. Coast, 16 Negro first graders this fall became the first of their race to attend school with whites be- low the college level. But desegregation of a district, as Clarksdale shows, doesn't-mean that Negroes and whites will be I going to school together, or that all schools within a district are in- tegrated. Most school districts in the South desegregate only a -few schools a year and even then en- |rollment of Negroes in mixed schools is limited i'n one way or another. In some Southern areas, inte- gration is moving a little faster Some 800 Negroes are attending mixed schools in Atlanta, up from about 150 last yea. As limited as further school in- tegration will be this fall In the South, some people fear it Could bring new racial conflict. They point to Litle Rock, New'6tlean' and Clinton, Tenn., as eVideflce that school desegregation is one Of the most sensitive of the civil rights issues in Dixie and one that long has been linked to vrtoleit racial explosions. Lack of Violence Even so, SOuthern niOdetite. have been heartened by the rela- tive lack of violence associated with school integration so far this er Negosrgiste4 fo and Negro bystanders some dii. tance away from the school. Significantly, a group of. house. wives-both segregationists and moderates - calling themelves Mississippians for Public Edilca. tion, wants to keep the publi4 schools open, and is uithng white parents to send their children to school and accept the inevitable. A civil rights observer notes: "There's a good chance Missiasip. pi will come through this withot further violence. The trouble signs are not nearly as' omiinous as they were in Alabama last year." Many say there may be more peaceful school integration this year because there has been lees stirring up of racial flames frend Deep South governors. Last yeuar Alabama's George Wallace and Mississippi's Ro0ss Barnett took strong positions against schdol In- tegration. This year MIssissippi'a new governor, Paul Johnson, arnd Louisiana's Gay. John McKeithen have said only they consider the matter a problem for local school boards. show the contempt that the new. Soviet leaders felt for their long- ByTeAscae rs time boss. Disgust with his family B h soitdPes is also indicated by sharp com- PARIS--France and the Soviet ments on Khrushchev's pushing Union yesterday signed a new and his wife and children into im- larger five-year commercial agree- portant posts. ment providing for a controversial Granting the title of hero of seven-year credit for part of the the Soviet Union to President exports to the Soviet Union. Gamnal Abdel Nasser and Field Finance Minister Valery Gis- Marshal Abdel Hakim Amar of! card d'Estaing said the long-termn the United Arab Republic last Icredits were granted because Brit- May and promising $280 million amn, Italy and Japan had already in loans without consulting the broken the gentlemen's agreement trest of the Soviet government are of the industrial countries to grant among other complaints, only short terms to Communist Khrushchev was charged with icountries. unjustified firing of officials and The agreement was promulgated replacing them with unqualified on the theory that terms longer men, with creating confusion by than five years more closely re- split ting local party organizations semble foreign aid to the Coin- Into argicultural and industrial sec- munists than simple commercial tions, and with generally trying to trade. run the party at his personal in- The new agreement increases ~y itiative rather than through the, 60 per cent the commercial ex- "collective leadership" that his! changes of the previous five-year successors are now preaching, pact. French seven-year credits of Communist sources said Khrush- 1.78 billion francs ($356 million) chev has now asked to be relieved Iwill be extended for the sale of from his last official posts, his capital goods to the Russians. membership in the Communist * * leyville have threatened to turn the full fury of their revolt against American and Belgian citizens trapped behind rebel lines. Stanleyville's rebel radio -singled out Belgium and the United States as the two main supports of Con- golese Prime Minister Moise Tshombe in his battle against the revolt. There are 60 Americans and about 800 Belgians In the rebel zone. *r * * WASHINGTON - The- United States sharply condemned today the shooting down of an unarmed American C 123 transport plane by Cambodian border forces last week. Eight Americans were killed. * * * MOSCOW-The Soviet govern- ment confirmed yesterday that Mikhail Kharlamov, whom former Premier Khrushchev made boss of the country's radio and television, has been fired and replaced. Kharlamov had previously head- ed the Foreign Ministry's press department. Named to head the State Com- mittee for Radio Broadcasting and Television was Nikolai Mesyatsev, 44, formerly a department head of the Communist Party's Central Committee. *' * * WASHINGTON--Union spon- sorship of a television program supporting President Lyndon B. Johnson and former Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy does not give their opponents a claim for equal time free, the Federal Communi- cations Commission ruled yester- day. The ruling was asked on behalf of New York's station WNEW-TV, which would carry the program paid for by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union campaign committee. . The commission ruled that op- posing candidates would not be entitled to free time when a poli- tical committee or an organization such as here involved purchases time specifically on behalf of the candidates. The Freedom ballot lists Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson and Hu- bert Humphrey twice, as the 'Freedom Party" candidates and also the Democratic candidates. Goldwater and Miller are under thie GOP heading. Congressional Candidates Four Negroes, who were turned down as independent candidates by the state election commission, oppose Mississippi Congressional candidates for the FDP. Deoratic Natoa oveto the major fight of the conventon They contended the FDP dele- party, whil regular delegate ere not. Civil rights groups say there are *85,000 Negroes of voting age in the state and only 6.7 per cent or 28,500 are registered. Political Practice Lawrence Guyot, executive chairman of the FDP, termed the Freedom balloting a "protest vote."' He said "this is a grass roots workshop in political involvement for Negroes. "Our goal is to get local Negros interested in politics and to do as much for themselves and their fellow Negroes in staging this vote." Guyot said, the result of the election would be used to shape a challenge of committee assign- ments and seating of the Missis- sippi members of Congress. can party would be such that it would be strengthened" by the ef- 'forts of party members themselves. HikeDie Of f NEW YORK (A)--Talk of a steel price rise died down yesterday, ap- parently spiked by disapprovi'ng word from President Lyndon B. of steel leaders who have warmly argued for a boost recently, or has the President-and glowing profit reports-given them endur- ing pause? The Johnson point that steel profits, anemic two years ago, now .are swelling rapidly was under- scored Wednesday when Bethle- hem Steel Corp., the No. 2 pro- ducer, reported that July-Sep- tember earnings jumped 105 per cent from a year earlier, rising to $36.3 million or 76 cents a common share. For the first nine months of this year, profits climbed 58 per cent to $104.9 million, a seven- year high for such a period and more than the comnpany earned in all of 1963. Even so, Bethlehem chairman Edmund F. Martin said the nine- months margin-a 6.3 per cent re- turn on sales and 7.8 per cent on invested capital - wasn't good enough. Party Central Committee and the Supreme Soviet (Parliament). Ty sai h sent ltesof resignation to the two on the basis of a voluntary decision, since the positions-which he had held would be accepted. Foreign Communists are also being given an explanation of the charges that turned Khrush- chev's own proteges against him in a showdown vote of the party's Central Committee Oct. 14. LEOPOLDVILLE--Rebel leaders of the Communist-backed Con- golese People's Republic in Stan- 'Ii;'i BEA UTY SA LON 609 S. FOREST Call NO 8-8878 hr Evenings by Appointment ~ ---------- I COME ro C H IJRCH \Z)AB BAT H ON flhh ~III TAILORED COURSES FOR SPECIAL NEEDS Conversation--Comprehension-Composition FRENCH & GERMAN at all BEGINNING-REM~ PRIVATE TUTOR IN( I Register now IMME. ANNE-MARIE KERR - 663 levels ~EDIAL-DOCTORAL Gby group or individual for new courses Native language instructor -2108 / I . 4 3.98 Buy several of these popular sleep shirts now at a budget-wise pricei A E.i'.A . ,-ovn aA ,., l, rc ii e nn r m - I I UNIVERSITY LUTH ERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenow Avenue ( The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Stephen J. Stein, Vicar Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15: Services, Reforma- tion Sunday, with Holy Communion. Sunday at 11:15: Bible Study. Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta Supper. Sunday at 6:45: Talk on "Christianity and Science" by Dr. John J. Grebe, Director of Nuclear Research for the Dow Chenmical Company, Midland. Public cordially invited. Wednesday at 8:30: Chapel Assembly. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. Midweek Devotion. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division Phone 662-4097 SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. Breakfast at Canterbury House. 1 1:00 n.m.-Morning Prayer andi Sermon. 7:00 p m.-Evening Prayer and commentary. TUESDAY 9:15 a.m -Holy Communion. WEDN ES DAY 70a.m.-Holy Communion. 1 2:10 p.m.-Holy Communion. ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL 331 Thompson NO 3-0557 SUNDAY-Masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 12:30. MON DAY-SA TU RDAY-Masses at 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 12:00 and 5:00 p.m. WEDN ESDAY--7 :30 p.m.-Mother Perpetual Help Devotions. Confessions following. SATURDAY-Confessions: 3:30-5:00; 7:30- 9:00 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCI ENTIST 1 833 Wash tenaw Ave. For transportation call 662-4018. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2 110 a t* 2m.Sundy morning church service. 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2 to 6 years of age. A free reading room is maintained at 306 E. I meIvt ,,nan ,*niu amvit a.nrdena ne FIRST METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION At State and Huron Streets Phone NO 2.-4536 Hoover Rupert, Minister Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister - Jean Robe Bissell, Associate Campus Minister SUNDAY 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Worship Services, Dr. Henry Martin Loud Lectureship, "A Power to Save the World." 10:15 a.m.-Student Seminar, Pine Room. "Christian Faith and Politics: Comparison of Selected Platform 'Planks." 12:30 p.m.-Coffee Hour-oll graduate stu- dents, Wesley Lounge. 7:00 p m.-Worship and Program, Wesley Lounge. "Interdependence is a Christian Responsibility," Dr. A. Dudley Ward. TUESDAY 8:30 p.m.--Open House, Jean Bissell's apart- ment. Election night party. WEDN ES DAY 7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel, followed by breakfast in Pine Room. Out in time for 8:00 o.m. classes. 5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel. 6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads. Dinner, Pine Room. Mrs. Conorado Sd-ntos, Philippino short- termer, "Mission to Sarawak." ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 501 W. Liberty St. Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein, Fred Haltfreter, Pastors Worship Services-B8:30 and 11:15 o.m. Holy Communion - Second Sunday of each month. Church School & Adult Bible Closs-9:45 a.m. Holy Baptism-First S'znday of month. Nursery facilities during worship services and church school. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Woshtenaw Ave. Erwin A. Goede, Minister Church School & Services-9:30 & 11:00 o.m. Sermon Subject: "Man on a Tight Rope" Prof. Guy Palazzola, guest speaker Student Religious Liberals meet at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Forum meets at 8:00 p.m. Topic: "Ann Arbor's Proposed New Com- munity College" Prof. Raymond J. Young, speaker. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. NO 2-4466 Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm Brown, Virgil Janssen, John Weser SUNDAY Worship at 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12. Presbyterian Campus Center located at th. Church. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner State and Willidm Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister Services 9:30 arnd 11:15 dan LAYMEN'S SUNDAY-"The FoundatiOn of the Christian's Hope", Dr. A. G. Hansen. Church School, crib-9th grade, 9:30 & 11:15 -~m Student Guild, 802 Monroe, telephone 2-5189 BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 432 S. Fourth St. R'ev. E. R. Klaudt, Rev. A. C. Blzqr, & Rev. A. G. Hobervmehl, Pastors 9:30 ar'd 16 ~45 am.-Worshlp $ervkce 9:30 and 10 :4S a.m.-Church Schol 7:30 p.m.-Student Guild BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER 502 East Huron 663-9a76 SUN1DAY 9:45 o.rm. Cam-pus Discussion Class "Who Was Jesus" 11 :00 a.m. Worship-first Baptist Church 6:45 p.m. No meeting due to -the Retreat Paul W. Light .- Campus Minister James H. Middleton-Senior Minister DISCIPLES OF CHRIST MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 730 Tappan-662-4245 Russell M. Fuller.-Pcstor Sunday Worship-10:45 o.m. Monday: Buffet Luncheon at 12 Was The Week That Was." noon. That CAMPUS CENTER GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe-662-51 89 J. E. Edwards-Cmp~us Minister 7:00 p.m. Sunday - SemInar on HIstoric Christian Thought. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council - THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood Across from Ann Arbor High i