PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3 194 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY sVY iV V1 1JV'i Li r , Finishes Distribution Of 'U' NDEA Loans TRANSFER TO APARTMENTS: IQC Asks Quad Contract Release ACROSS CAMPUS: 'U' Magazine Names Editorial Board By JUDITH WARREN Seven hundred and one thous- and dollars in loans, the full amount available to the Univer- sity this year, has been distributed to students through the auspices Call Studies Secondary Social life, athletics and extra- curricular activities are considered more important by college fresh- men than academics according to a survey of 13,000 students enter- ing colleges. Dr. Henry Chauncey, president of the Educational Testing Serv- ice, said recently that 50.8 per cent of the students who partici- pated in the survey indicated that their major interests in college are social life, extra-curricular activi- ties, athletic, forming new friend- ships and carrying on "college traditions." Vocational goals were given top priority by 26.5 per cent of the students, while the pursuit of ideas and the cultivation of intellect was deemed of prime importancel by only 18.5 per cent of the fresh- men. However, Dr. Chauncey noted sharp differences between the var- ious colleges used for the survey. For example, at one state teachers college, 64 per cent of the students listed social interests as uppermost, twenty-one per cent gave priority to vocational train- ing and 12 per cent to the aca- demic side of campus life. The others were described as "non- conformist." On the other hand, at a liberal arts college, 47 per cent of the students were most interested in academic pursuits and 31 per cent were listed as "noncomformists," fifteen per cent named social ac- tivities first and 7 per cent singled out vocational preparation as their major goal. At an engineering school 48 per cent were most interested in pre- paring for a vocation, 34 per cent in participating in social activities and 14 per cent in learning phase and two per cent were noncon- formists. of the National Defense Educa- tion Act. This year's expanded NDEA program has provided loans aver- aging about $600 each for both graduate and undergraduate stu- dents, Assistant Director of Fi- nancial Aids Karl D. Streit ex- plained. Under the act, under- graduates are eligible for $1000 a year while graduate students can receive $2500 annually. Based on Need "Need is still the pirmary de- terminant in distributing the money," he added.' Expansion of the program this year has led to the relaxation of some restrictions for eligibility. In the past, the loans have been limited to prospective teachers and students studying mathematics, science and modern languages. Although candidates for a mas- ter's degree in education still have top priority among the graduate students, the list of priority areas has been expanded this year. "Another change has been made in academic requirements. 2.0 Average Required "Previously an overall academic average of 2.5 was required in order to be eligible for a loan,"; Streiff said. "Now a 2.0 is accept- able." The Office of Financial Aid will start taking applications for next year in January. There are no restrictions on the use of the money given out through the NDEA program. How- ever the Office of Financial Aid does distribute the loans carefully. Arrangement for Repaying The student who borrows money through the program can repay as; much as he can afford, without interest, until one year after he graduates. He then has 10 more years to repay the remainder at three per cent interest.I This year, Congress extended the original NDTA program for an additional three years and By JOHN MEREDITH visiting regulations. Markley Hall .Qli President John Lossing, '66, pro- Inter - Quadrangle Council last posed that women be allowed in night unanimously passed a mo- the men's dormitory rooms at any, tion requesting that upperclass- time between 6:30 a.m. and men be allowed to leave the quad- women's closing at the discretion rangles and move into apartments of the staff. without forfeiting their residence Eadie however, led opposition to hall deposit. the council's taking a stand in The arrangement would be sim- favor of a change in visiting ilar to one recently approved by policy. t h e administration permitting "I have talked with members of pledges of sophomore standing to the administration and such a break contract and move into their plan has no chance of being ac- fraternities. cepted," he commented. A new editorial board for the Michigan Quarterly Review, a magazine published by the Uni- versity, has been announced by Prof. Sheridan Baker of the Eng- lish department, who was appoint- ed editor last summer. The new board will consist of Professors Marston Bates of the zoology de- partment, Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics department, Ot- to Laporte of the physics depart- ment, Allan Seager of the English department and Austin Warren of the English department. IQC PRESIDENT EADIE "I feel that this move would be another step in the direction of relieving dorm crowding," IQC President John Eadie, '65, said. Eadie emphasized, however, that such measures can provide only temporary relief. "I anticipate that 1200 addi- tional students will be admitted to the residence halls before Burs- ley Hall, a new dormitory to be constructed on North Campus, will be completed in the fall of 1967," he said. "More drastic action must be taken if suitable living conditions during the next two years are to be provided." 'I. , J r' I Officials Cite Irregularity in Athletics Poicy The magazine has been consid- p r "' erably reorganized, Baker said. It i e No e will widen the lines of the old Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Re- view to become a truly national P a ymagazine, including the best in */ articles and book reviews of gen- eral intellectual interest in all The typical American's affilia- fields, and the best of current tion to his political party is nearly poetry and fiction. as stable as the affiliation to his * * religion, Prof. Warren E. Miller Prof. James K. Pollock of the of the political science depart- political science department is co- ment said recently. author of "Source Materials on Miller, a program director in the Government and Politics of the Survey Research Center of the Germany." The 404-page book, University Institute for Social Re- published by Wahr's Book Store, search, told members of the Ann was written by Pollock and Prof. Arbor Civic Club that long-term John C. Lane of the University of national election studies by his Buffalo. organization reveal "striking par- * * allels between the ties offered Associate Dean Charles Joiner of by religion and political parties." the Law School attended the Cen- University, Providence, Rhode Ls- land. Joiner is chairman of the University Central Sesquicenten- nial Committee. * * * Prof. Richard H. Tilly of the economics department was honor- ed early in September at a meet- ing of the Economic History As- sociation held in Madison, Wiscon- son. He was named rPipient of the Edwin F. Gay Memor al Prize in Economic History, au arded every other year "for the best unpublished manuscript in the general field of economic history." The prize was $1,500 and the award also provides for publica- tion of the manuscript. * * * An exhibition, "Publications of the Kelsey Museum," is currently on display on the first floor of the Kelsey Museum. The publications shown in the exhibit deal with material in the collections of the museum and related material in the General Library. All are rep- resentative of Egypt in the Graeco- Roman and early Coptic periods. * * * More than 200 members of the 11th Annual Hospital Financial Management Conference meeting here have honored Associate Di- rector Ernest C. Laetz of Univer- sity Hospital for his leadership throughout the history of the or- ganization. * * * SATURDAY, OCT. 31 j 5 and 9 p.m.-The PTP will present the APA in George Ber- nard Shaw's "Man and Superman" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild presents Michelangelo Antonioni's "L'avventura" in Architecture Aud. SUNDAY, NOV. 1 3 and 8 p.m.-The PTP will pre- sent the APA in Brendan Behan's "The Hostage" in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. 4:15 p.m. -- Robert Noehren, University organist, will give a public concert in Hill Aud. PROF. SHERIDAN BAKER In line with this, the council University of California officials established several committees to admitted that they committed investigate possible solutions to "errors in judgment" when several the overcrowding problem. Areas freshman athletes with obvious to be studied include permitting academic defeciencies were offer- junior women to live outside of ed admission under a special en- University owned and affiliated trance policy. housing, not allowing Ann Arbor An investigation of the admis- residents to live in the dorms and sion procedures was conducted by dropping the requirement that University of California admin- freshman men stay in the resi istrators to answer the charge of dence halls. radio station KGO that 23 fresh- The council also postponed sev- man athletes were admitted to eral motions that considered the the university despite their sub- possibility of liberalizing women's standard academic performances in high school. Seniors Request The investigating committee re- ported that the athletes were ad- mitted to the university under a GiftSu gestions provision set by a "master plan" which allows the admission of two The Senior Board, which con- per cent of the freshman class sists of the officers of the in- under special procedures outside dividual colleges, has requested, tennial Convocation of Cornell University recently at Ithaca, New York. He represented the Univer- sity in the formal academic pro- gram marking the inauguration of the year-long commemoration of the 100th anriversary of the sign- ing of Cornell's charter. Joiner is chairman of the University's Cen- tral Sesquicentennial Committee. * * * The swimming section of the Faculty Women's Club will again offer swim lessons. Swim lessons for 1964-65 opened Sept. 30 and will continue through Nov. 18. Classes will meet from 10-11 a.m. at the Women's Pool on Forest Ave. Registration fee for the swim lessons is $5.50. Predicts Great Student Influx The nation's college and univer- sity enrollment may increase one- half million students this year for a total figure that will approach five million; Garland Parker, reg- istrar at the University of Cin- cinnati, predicted recently. Parker based this opinion on enrollmentbreports of about 600 institutions. "The freshman count will show the largest percentage increase of this decade and may be as much as 15 per cent or more," Parker commented. "The increase-decrease pattern in both freshman and full-time students suggests not only that many of the small liberal arts colleges couldn't accommodate more students but also the con- tinued drift of a higher propor- tion of students into the large public and private schools," Park- er noted. 1 *I I i .........!...%%%<.1 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TVt'tWit1i1N form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two tlmrs on Request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organiz.ation notices are not accepted for publication. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 j Day Calendar Football - U-M vs. Northwestern: Michigan Stadium, 1:30 p.m. School of Music Degree Recital-Paul Spicuzza, pianist: Recital Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for George Hen-1 ry Hempel, Business. Administration; thesis: "The Postwar Quality of Muni- cipal Bonds," Sat., Oct. 31, 816 School of Business Administration, at 9 a.m. Chairman, C. J. Pilcher. Doctoral Examination for Arthur{ Thomas Storey, Physiology; thesis: "A Functional Analysis of Laryngeal Sens- ory Units in the Cat," Sat., Oct. 31, 4017 E. Med. Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, L. T. Rutledge. General INotices Box Office in the Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg., opens Mon., Nov. 2, for ticket purchases for "The Imaginary Invalid," by Moliere-translation by the English actor-author Miles Malleson. The seventeenth century French classic is produced by the University of Mich- igan Players of the Dept. of Speech. The play will run Nov. 4-7, with cur- tain time 8 p.m. Box office hours will be 12:30-5 p.m. daily until Nov. 2, when they will be extended to 8 p.m. through Nov. 7. Tickets also avail- able by mailing orders to: University of Michigan Players, Dept. of Speech, Ann Arbor. Prices are $1.50 and 1.00 for the Wed. and Thurs. performances; 1.75 and 1.25 for Fri. and Sat. The next U-M Players production following "Invalid" in Trueblood Aud. will be the premiere of Carl Oglesby's OThe Peacemaker," playing Dec. 2-5. Women's Research Club: Will meet at I I i l 1 I j i appropriated increased funds for the basic requirements. that seniors submit suggestions * the program. The extension act However, the report added that for a class gift to either board Associate Dean Charles Joiner provides $163.3 million dollars for there clearly are deficiences in the president James Bronner, '65, (805 of the Law School represented the the fiscal year 1965, which is an records of some of the 23 fresh- Hubbard or LSA president Jon University at a bicentennial con- increase of $28.3 million above man athletes admitted by special Davis, '65, (814 Church). The re.. vocation held recently at Brown the amount previously available, action which "are more than we quest is an attempt to increase PROF. WARREN MILLER There are similar increases for would ordinarily view as minor." communication between the board fiscal years 1966, 1967 and 1968, "There obviously have been and the student body, which board First of all, Miller said, the providing $179.3 million, $190 mil- some errors in judgment, by uni- members feel has been lacking in average person is born into hisD ev ises Ivew lion and $195 million respectively, versity officials," it continued, the past. religion or party. Development of critical views takes place in the ............................affiliates...C..nseling. A id affliaeswith one of the major, O FfIC IsLihULhempajties.or Columbia College uses a process The unique national studies called "freshman screening" to conducted by Survey Research keep its students out of academic . Center since 1952 show that there difficulties. .. ..................................:.............:.:.:::::;,::::.:,.:::r:::..::}:: ::.:is litisilreal movement between When a freshman seems to be 8 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 2, in the West Moines, Iowa-Pharmaceutical Sales. De- Arbor, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Akron- party affiliations, Miller said, ,having trouble with his studies, Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. gree in Biol., Chem., Lib. Arts, or All Degrees: IE. Can consider non-citi- adding that "one has to go to I everyone who has established Miss Irene Hess will speak on "Survey Pharm. Male, 22-35 for immed, open- zens for temp. practical training or if religion to find a tie more stable." some sort of relationship with the Sampling for Social Research," ing in sales in Mich. Travel during becoming a citizen of U.S. R. & D. & He quoted statistics which show student is asked to attend a week, sales exper. helpful but not nec- Des. N.S.F. Graduate Fellows currently on essary. NOV. 4 (p.m.)- that percentage strength of Demo- screening include professors, coun- first year of two-year tenures were Michigan Employment Security Com- DeSoto Chemical Coatings, Inc., Chi- cratic, Republican and indepen- selors, admissions officers, coaches mailed renewal application material mission, Detroit-Economic Analysts - cago-BS-MS: ChE. R. & D. dent affiliation among voters is and college deans. from the Graduate Fellowship Office. BA with bkgd. in Econ., statistics, or'NOV. 4-6- vunchanged from 1952 to A picture of the student is pro- This preliminary application must be math. 1 yr. exper. in labor mkt. or East man Kodak Co.-BS-MS: ChEmEE, in Washington by Nov. 16. Any N.S.F. econ. analysis or mktg. research. Male IE,ME, Che..-(General, Org., - Phys 1964. As of May 1964 the SRC jected on a screen along with his Graduate Fellow who has not received or female. ical). MS: Instrum. BS: E Physics & figures showed that 46 per cent secondary school background, test this material should inform the Grad- Mat'is. Men & women. Non-citizens of respondents classified them- scores, possible major and mid- uate Fellowship Office, Room 110 Rack- For further information, please call must have permanent residence visa. R. selves on the side of the Demo- semester grades. ham Bldg. immediately. 764-7460, General Dv., Bureau of Ap- & D., Des., Prod. Staff. crats, 28 per cent said they were Each faculty member present Spointments, 3200 SAB. NOV. 2-6-- General Motors Corp., Primarily Mid- Republicans, and 22 per cent said then makes his personal observa- SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: west & East. Counseling interview on they were independents. The fig- tions on the personality, ability ANNOUNCEMENT: 212 SAB-- Nov. 2-6-All Degrees: ChE, EE, EM, IE, ures are comparable to those of and problems of the student in Sophs & Juniors-Engrg. & Science Camping - Advantages of being a Mat'ls., ME. BS-MS: Met. MS: Commu- 1952. question. Trainees. U.S. Civil Service employs camp counselor: 1. Working with chil- nication Sel. & Instrum. BS: E Math, E A students during summer vacation while dren. 2. Working outdoors. 3. Salary is 'Physics & Sci. Engrg. Dec. grads. Men "Although the movement is very When the screening committee attending college. Receive training on clear-room & board provided. 4. Most & women. R. & D., Des.. Prod. & Sales. slow, there is some evidence that feels it has finally gotten acquaint- job consistent with curriculum pursu- jobs end so few days available before NOv. 4- in the long run there has been ed with the student on a personal ing in college. Specialization leads to classes begin in the fall. Raytheon Co., Boston & New Eng- some attrition of Republican basis, realistic assessments and GS-5 level permanent position. Loca- * * ladsae-l eres E&Pyis tions include Warren, Mich., Ill., Ind., For further information, come to lad states-Al Degre En & hysics. strength," Miller said. final recommendations are made. Ky., Ohio & Wis. Summer Placement. & Des NOV. 4-5-- POSITION OPENINGS: ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- Standard Oil (N.J.) & subsidiaries Dial Shows at Schering Corp. (Veterinary Div.), Des VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please Nationwide-All Degrees: ChE, CE &' 5-6290 7nd,9:5m sign schedule posted at 128-H W. Engrg. ME. BS-MS: EE, IE & Met. MS: Constr., for appointments with the following: ISanitary. PhD: EM. Citizens of U.S. or NOV. 4- Canada or have a permanent immi- [NFORD ORGANIZATION Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, I1.- grant visa. R. & D., Des., Mfg., Crude [CR 0j K'. M IN BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., & Nat. Gas Prod. & Sales. .rIROV lliILUI1'OULEiflIE NOT ICESME & Met. BS: E Physics. Can con- U.S. Gov't., National Security AgencyTAI(IJI[[IE sider non-citizens if becoming a citi- Baltimore & Wash., D.C.-All Degrees:1A N { -~____ ____ zen. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales & Serv- EE & Math, BS-MS: AE & Astro & ME IS ice. & Physics. BS: E Physics. Men & wom- Use of This Column for Announce- Community Systems Foundation, Ann en. R. & D. & Des. ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organi- zations only. Forms are available in " Room 1011 SAB. -H w * u INIMASCOPE African Students' Union of Michigan, Monthly general meeting, Sun., Nov. JANEROE 1, 3 p~m., Room 3D, Michigan Union.ROM TH * * * BL/STER/NG BESTSEIIERW Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Commit-L R E L - - 51 AFTER THE GAME Matinee Today at 5:00! TAKE YOUR DATE TO MAN AND SUPERMAN Twilight Matinee Sat. at 5:00 (SNACK BAR IN LEAGUE) BRILLIANT BROADWAY PLAYERS SGreat Hilarious," "Lusty" -Ann Arbor News N J L V T 2 I 1 " The University Musical Society presents LEON ID KOGA the eminent Soviet violinist ete meeting, Nov. 1, z p.m., toom al SAB. ** * Canterbury, Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF, Halloween, Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m., Canterbury House, 218 N. Division. * * * Baptist Student Union, Canoe trip on Huron River, Sat., Oct. 31, 2 p.m., Wirth's Canoe Livery. For transporta- tion call Tom Maloy, 665-0541. * * * Baptist Student Union, Trip to hear featured speaker at annual Baptist State Convention at St. Clair Shores, Mich., Tues., Nov. 3. Leave at 6 p.m. For transportation call Bob McDaniel, 662-7298. * * * Guild House, After game cider and donuts, Oct. 31, Guild House, 802 Mon- roe. Newman Student Association, Gradu- ate supper and a demonstration in self-help therapy, Nov. 1, 6:30-7:30 p.m., 331 Thompson St. "" MICHAEL JOEY C UNNUW H1AIM ERIUN JOSEPH E LEVINE-EDWARD OMYTRYK SC EENI%.A' EW JOHN MICHAEL AWES e HAROLD ROBBINS-ucIucetEpMTCu Shows start [?-' at 1:00-3:00 ,Dial 5:00 7:00 669_6_64_ ond 9:05 662-6264 __.. _ LAST CHANCE to see "HOSTAGE" R & E1 'IS by George Bernard Shaw irected by Ste phen. Porter ............... . . DIAL 8-6416 One of the Most Enchanting Films of All Time! LIL's BACK.! .y and 04 -v 0* i= A Delightful, Witty Battle of the Sexes. THE HOSTAGE by Brenidan Behanl :ANTON ION I'S L'AVVENTU RA-TO NIGHT & TOMORROW; I 1 I DIAL 662-8871 and ry [! WED., NOV. 4, 8:30 IN HILL AUDITORIUM PROGRAM. (revised) : Sonata in G major, No. 1, Op. 78 (Brahms); Romance in F (Beethoven); Chaconne (Bach); Sonata in C minor, No. 3, Op. 45 (Grieg) ; Four Preludes (Shostakovich) ; and Polonaise in D major (Wieniawski). "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall was heavily infiltrated with violinists, and for good reason-Leonid Kogan played a recital. The Soviet virtuoso violinist, making only his third appearance in this country, has won himself a strong following. His bowing was im- maculate and his tone a marvel of purity in all registers and volumes. He did not seem capable of producing an ugly tone, even though he could make his violin speak out strongly when necessary." -The New York Times, Oct. 17, 1964 "Whether he was performing Bach or Prokofieff or deFalla or Ravel, Kogan was inspired and inspiring, an impeccable artists to his finger- tips . . . A combination of bowing control and inward poise make his r' D~ireucd b .Stl)Iphr Porter 1,