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October 31, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-31

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Sunny and warmer today,
cloudy tonight

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Acacia Folds, Starts Anew

By DONALD FLIPPO nization was called for assistance.
Add New Group
The Michigan chapter of Acacia A field secretary and rush spe-
is being both deactivated and re- cialist sent by the national agreed
activated at the same time, for- that there was a definite loss oft
mer president Bruce Larson, '65, enthusiasm. They decided that a
said yesterday. new group should be brought into
He explained that the presen" the fraternity, comprising a ma-
members have been promoted to; jority and consequently able to
alumni status and a new group of control the chapter, Larson said.
future Acacia men has been estab- The new group, most of which
lished. are freshmen, were given an in-
Realizing that the chapter was formal rush. They seemed to be
deteriorating, the national orga- more athletic and enthusiastic,
Bolivian Military Fightin
Rebellion of Rural Miners
LA PAZ, Bolivia (P)--Armed miners were fighting government
troops yesterday in an effort to recapture the city of Oruro, pro-
claimed the capital of a rebellion but now under army control. But
reports on their success conflicted.
One report from Oruro, 143 miles south of this capital, said that
the army, police and President Victor Paz Estenssoro's militia held
a firm grip on the city, but that the rest of the tin mining area was

Larson noted. But the actives and
the new group just couldn't get
along together.
After consultation with alumni,
the national then piomoted the
actives to alumni status, and re-
quested that they move out by
November 1. The national sup-
plied a list of apartments avail-
able in Ann Arbor but said that
if extensions were needed, they
could be arranged.
Approve Action
Most of the group promoted to
alumni status feel this was essen-
tially the best move that could
have been made, Larson said.
"We feel that Acacia now has
the chance to build the fraternity
into an integral part of the cam-
pus community through the en-
thusiasm exhibited by the new
group," he said.
The new group will soon be
pledged, and probably will not
become actives until next spring.
The house willbe vacant, but
the new members will be able
to hold some functions there, such
as chapter meetings.
Group Declines

New Government
Cont rols Sudan'
Premier Revokes Martial Law,
But Military Still Retains Power
CAIRO (P)-A new civilian government-largely under military
control-took over in Sudan yesterday with a promise of liberty,
freedom of speech, press and public assembly.
The declaration was made in a broadcast by the new Premier,
Elkhatem Khalifa, 40, a former Deputy Undersecretary in the Educa-
tion Ministry, who heads a 15-man cabinet. He is said to have once
favored union with Egypt. Three of his cabinet ministers are
believed to be Communists.
Khalifa announced the abolition of martial law, imposed by a
military government when racial violence and antigovernment demon-
strations swept this big country0-
south of Egypt.
Heads State
President Ibrahim Abboud, for-
iner head of the military regime,
remains as chief of state, with his
power only slightly diminished. Statements
The Sudan military decided to
give some power to a nominally
civilian government earlier this D ueea rosday
'week after extensive rioting.
Sudan rebel leaders called off
a general strike and welcomed the By DAVID BLOCK
nwcivlian Lovernm nt rdio

-Associated Press,
PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON ADDRESSES a crowd at Detroit's Metropolitan Airport after
a short stop on the way to Milwaukee. He advocated the candidacy of Michigan Democratic candi-
dates and called for responsibility in government., At right is Neil Staebler (D-Mich) who is oppds-
ing Gov. George Romney for governorship in the state.

Johnson S


in the hands of the rebel miners.
However, the Bolivian army
has returned to the capital and


Residence Hall
Shows Decline
The number of students living
as extra men in University resi-1
dence hall rooms has been reduced
to 116, according to figures re-
leased yesterday by Director of
Housing Eugene Haun.
Three of the residence halls are
under capacity-with a total of
39 vacancies. Six are over capa-
city-with 116 of their residents
living as extra men in double
rooms which have been converted
into triples.
Earlier in the semester, the resi-
dence halls had been jammed with
about 450 over their normal capa-
Change Dorms
Officials have indicated that
any students living in the dormi-
tories over normal capacity who
wish to move into the dormitories
with vacancies can apply at the
housing office for permission to
move. Students eligible-i.e., of
the correct sex and class for the
dormitories for which they apply
-will be given permission.
The following six dormitories
are over capacity: West Quad-
rangle, 10 over; East Quadrangle,
6; South Quadrangle, 77; Mosher-
Jordan Hall, 1; Stockwell, 16;
Alice Lloyd, 4. The total over
capacity : 116.
These three dormitories are un-
der capacity: Oxford, 9 under;
Fletcher Hall, 3 under; Mary
Markley, 27 under. The total va-
cancies: 39.
Helen Newberry, Betsy Barbour,
Martha Cook, Couzens Hall, Hen-
derson House. and the Lawyers
Club are at about normal capa-
Housing officials have pointed
to several factors as contributing
to the letup of crowding in the
dormitories, though they have
available no breakdown of figures
for them.
-Menmabove the freshman level
have been able to break their resi-
dence hall contracts-paying a
$50 fee-and move into apart-
ments.'In addition, the University
has allowed some junior women
to move into apartments, though
they too have been required to pay
the $50 fee.
-&udents did not show up for
the fall semester. The University
shuttled students from -temporary

claimed last night complete peace Larson characterized the frater-
Oruro, and that army units were nity's deterioration:
in control and all signs of re- -Acacia dropped academically
bellion crushed. from among the top 10 to 28th on
Leftist Harassment campus;
The government has blamed the i-The group's lack of interest
uprising on Communist agitation.in athletics was evidenced by the
Leftist sentiment is known to be chapter's entering only two tennis
strong among the miners. Bolivia teams and playing two football
broke relations with Communist games, forfeiting everything else;
Czechoslovakia Thursday, accus- -The active chapter has dwin-
ing the Czechoslovak embassy of dled to 12 members; and
furnishing arms to the rebels. -There were no pledges this
furnshin arm tofall.
Czechoslovak minister Bedrick(arsn
Pistora and four members of his Larson suggested that another
Pis a an for mebersof I factor in the deterioration of the
staff will leave today for Lima, fco ntedtroaino h
Peru, en route home to Prague, present* chapter was financial dif-
Bolivia's minister in Czechoslo- ficulties. He explained that Aca-
vakia, Angel. Gemio, was instruct- cia could operate most efficiently
at 24, while last year only 16 lived
ed to leave Pague as soon as in the house. All small fraterni-
possible. ties must watch their expenditures
Diebr akwthzcolovak more carefully because they have
The break with Czechoslovakia the same basic costs as do larger
cegation a sie problem sint fraternities, but the cost is di-
Cuba's interests in La Paz since vided among fewer people, he said.
Bolivia severed relations with
Fidel Castro two months ago.
The capital was quiet after a T
night of fighting between students "
and military forbes in which three
persons were killed and 23 were A . ' x
wounded. La Paz, however, was x
heavily patrolled.
Abouth1000 persons were arrest-
ed in the fighting with the stu-
dents but more were released.
Miners Strike
The fighting in the Oruro re-}
gion, where 27,000 miners employ-
ed by the government's tin min-"
ing corporation have been on
strike since Wednesday, centered
around the village of Sora-Sora.
The miners were reported to be
heavily armed.
The miners at Oruro are being
led by Juan Lechin Oquendo, for-
mer Bolivian vice-president, who MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSII
broke with Estenssoro in 1961. He ployes Union picke'ed in front
and all other opposition politicans yesterday, asking for a $1.25 mi
boycotted the national elections in priority on the University's budget
May, in which Estenssoro won a
in running to succeed himself.
Last month the government said I
it had uncovered a plot to assas- // inst
sinate Estenssoro. Thirty-four of
his opponents were exiled and
civil liberties were curtailed under By DAVID
a state of modified martial law.
At least 15 persons have been' The University of Michigan
killed throughout the country in' first time picketed the University ye
the present disorders, which start- T
ed nearly a week ago. The demonstrators, varying in
One of the exiled leaders, for- Diag at 3 p.m. and then, carryings
mer President Herman Siles Zuazo, tion Bldg. The picket line was carr
.in a telegram Thursday from The marchers were orderly7
Uruguay, urged Estenssoro to re- picket, and there was no apparen
sign. Zuazo, who was a leader of by the administration to the4
the revolution of 1952 that over- demonstration.
threw a military junta and put BarBuetn,'6pesdt
Estenssoro in power, said te t herru toneaidthatpteiden-
president's resignation was the sraton aiedtttohmpessduon
only way to restore peace to i temnstration shed thmpessuions
Bolivia. teamnitainth.no'

ROD4ULUS-President Lyndon
B. Johnson paid an hour-long vis-
it to Detroit Metropolitan Air-
port yesterday seeking support
for Democratic gubernatorial can-
didate Neil Staebler and speak-
ing on a broad level about the
national economy and world peace.
Goldwater, Mi

His speech emphasized "respon-
Through WVest, HitJhnsnsibity" in all areas of government.
The main area in which respon-
By The Associated Press sibility is needed, however, is in
Sen. Barry Goldwater crossed the nation yesterday, carrying his keeping the peace, he asserted.
campaign from Pittsburgh to Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona and Cali- "While peace to an extent de-
fornia. pends on our strength, it also
From Pittsburgh, where he wound up his appeal to the Eastern depends on the responsibility and
reason of our commander-i-n-chief.
vote, he travelled to Cheyenne, Wyo., asserting that President Johnson One reckless impulsive move of a
is "trying to reduce American politics to a popularity poll" while the single finger could incinerate our

tresses World Peace
Johnson's stop, sandwiched be- Democrats don't refuse to be seen
tween longer appearances in Phil- with each other."
adelphia and Milwaukee, was re- However, the crowd was dotted
portedly designed to help Stae- with signs calling for a Johnson-
bler's candidacy, considered by Romney ticket split, apparently
many to be falling behind. following a pattern revealed
The President praised Staeblex Thursday when Goldwater work-
warmly and lashed out at loom- ers complained that some mem-
ney indirectly, saying "at least the bers of Citizens for Romney were
circulating literature in predom-
inantly Negro areas telling how
er ravel to vote for both' Johnson and
Romney. .

Tree worictdails apart an d U.S. prestige sinks.
The Republican Presidential candidate charged that Johnson's;
foreign policy has lost Turkey as a U.S. ally. He said France is seek-
ing, new trade ties with the Soviet Union while Great Britain's newj

-Daily-Richard Cooper

"Labor government ponders U.S.
nuclear deterrent policies.
Power Hunger
Goldwater said Johnson "has
proven to be a President isolated
from foreign policy behind a wall
of political ambition and behind a
wall of political henchmen who
care for nothing in the world but
their own gains and power."
Meanwhile, Rep. William Miller,
campaigning in the Southwest. in-
tensified his attack on President'
Johnson. He described Johnson as
"a panic stricken office seeker
willing to stoop to new lows to
dishonor the office he holds by
a shabby attempt to besmirch the
record of a very great President."
Miller issued a statement in
which he discussed the President
in connection with Walter Jenk-
ins, the presidential aide who re-
signed after disclosure he had
been arrested twice on morals
"President Johnson," Miller
said, "has indulged in the lowest
type of character assassination in
his wholly unfounded claim the
sorry episode of his own assistant,
Walter Jenkins, had a parallel
during the presidency of Dwight
He termed Johnson "an interim
President" with a record that in-
cluded "dedication to ADA-radi-
cal-Socialists programs."
Turning to Johnson's running
mate, Miller declared:
"Hubert Humphrey has an ap-
palling affinity for radical polit-
ical causes.' His public record
charts the course for socialism in

g e flAt..L±, raul
broadcasts said.
A statement of the dissident
United National Front claimed
victory in "the revolution" and
urged all Sudanese to give their
allegiance to the regime. The
strike and street rioting have
paralyzed the Sudan for more
than a week.
Abboud Power
But a broadcast communique in-
dicated only a slight reduction in
,Abboud's power in the switch from
military to civilian rule. The com-
munique said Abboud would exer-
cise "all the constitutional powers"
of president with the approval of
the cabinet. He wil handle "affairs
related to the armed forces," it

of the Administration building
nimum wage and higher student
orn Pickets
Wage Rate
Student Employes' Union for the
number from 30 to 75, met on the
signs, marched on the Administra-
ried on until approximately 5 p.m.
throughout the duration of the
t unfavorable or hostile reaction

civilization. The United National Front
"Our nation 'has maintained a claims it speaks for all civilian
bipartisan foreign policy for the leaders in the Sudan and its an-
last 20 years directed toward the nounced objective is a return to
maintenance of peace. Most Re- democratic rule.
publicans supported President The military regime's troubles
Kennedy in foreign policy crises began Oct. 20 when police broke
as I supported President Eisen- up a student meeting in Khartoum
hower. University, called to discuss a
Offers Choice rebellion in the southern Sudan,
"If you want to throw this pol- Riots
icy away, vote Republican," he; When the students refused to
said. disperse, and after several clashes
The President released new De- and stone-throwing fights, the
partment of Labor statistics show- police opened fire, killing one stu-
ing that earnings of the average dent ouright and wounding
worker had increased 11.8 pergcent others.
since the beginning of the Ken- A thousand people marched next
nedy-Johnson administration in ! day in the student's funeral pro-
1961. cession and scattered demonstra-
"This prosperity didn't just hap- tions began to break out all over
pen," he asserted. "It is the result the city.
of responsibility in management, The size and determination of
labor leadership, wage-price deter- the rioters took everyone by sur-
mination, and government policy." prise. Police. were unable to cope
Aid Programs with the situation.
This "responsibility also extends
into the field of aid to depressed
areas, Johnson said. He cited the M S UJ I/ ( c
administration's Area Redevelop- P'A (//
iment Act, Public Works Act, and ,
Manpower Development and Sl k n
Training Act as steps toward cor-
recting this problem and noted
that 11,000 Michigan workers have,
benefited from the last act alone.' By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
He also cited the need for re- The possibility of establishing a
sponsibility in world affairs and self contained residential college
pointed to a new Peace Corps is now being considered by Mich-
program utilizing skilled factory igan State University.
workers as an example of how the MSU Assistant Provost Herman
entire economy can be utilized in MSU Assitant P y Hma
aiding underdeveloped countries. King told the Daily by phone
The program will give factory yesterday that a 10-man' faculty
workers leaves of absence with committee has been appointed to
full pension and seniority rights examine the feasibility of found-
while they go abroad and serve ing a college which would provide
in the Peace Corps. "a liberal education for those un-
dergraduates who are not interest-
ed in a departmental program."
The chairman of the committee,
Carl Gross, a professor of educa-
tion, will submit the committee's
report on the project by January


Today is the deadline for all
fraternities and sororities on cam-
pus to resubmit their complete
membership statements in accord-
ance with the Student Govern-
ment Council Membership Com-
mittee's request.
As of last night approximately .
20 houses had not as yet com-
plied, accordinag to William Burns,
'65, the committee's chairman.
"I don't expect many houses to
hand me their statements tomor-
row," Burns said. However, he in-
dicated that if the late affiliates
got their statements into t-he mail
yesterday or today, so that the
committee receives them Monday
morning, the houses involved will
be judged as having met the dead-'
Burns predicted that despite the
committee's allowing the houses
to mail in their tardy statements,
he still expected_ "nine or ten"
affiliates to miss the deadline.
Tardy Statements
Although the majority of those
expected delinquent statements
will probably be due to misunder-
standings by the respective houses,
there most likely will be "several"
affiliates who will be tardy -be-
cause of pressures from their na-
tional chapters, Burns added.
The names of those houses
which fail to resubmit their state-
ments on time will be made pub-
lic Monday. Burns , said that the
committee had not as yet decided
what immediate action it would
take against the tardy houses.-
The ultimate penalty for refus-
ing to submit a satisfactory mem-
bership statement,to SGC is com-
plete withdrawal of recognition
from the guilty house.
Old Regulations
Last fall, under the old SGC
regulations for student organiza-
tions, all fraternities and sorori-
ties were required to turn in mem-
bership statements by a Jan. 15,
1964 deadline.
Five sororities held out submit-
ting their statements until the
day of the deadline, an4 at the
time were required to furnish the
complete membership information
now requested under thq new or-
ganization rules.,
On May 11 the Membership
Committee requested, all the re-
maining houses on campus to fur-
nish new statements by today's
deadline. Under the new organi-
zation rules the houses must sub-
mit the actual wording of their
membership clauses. Formerly, the
definition of "membership state-
ment" was very vague. Last fall
some houses turned in statements
which only said: "We do not
Name Huong
Viet Premier
SAIGON (A')-Tran Van Huong,
a 60-year-old teacher, was desig-
nated South Viet Nam's new Ere-
mier yesterday replacing Maj.Gen.
Nguyen Khanh.
,Huong said he had not been
confirmed in office by the 16-
memberHigh National " Council
responsible for setting up a new
government, but he was designat-
ed by the new chief of state,
Phan Khac Suu, and thusof-
ficially took over the reigns.
"I'm not sure whether I should
be congratulated or offered con-
dolences," said Huong, "but this
is a critical period in Vietnamese
history, and I have accepted this
sacrifice for my nation as a mat-
ter of conscience."
The United States reacted fav-
orably yesterday to the namning of

Delays Guiana

bargainig uemaas. ie saia LII
organization is seeking financial
priorities for students in the Uni-
versity's budget and a minimum-
wage of $1.25 per hour for all stu-
dents employed by the University.
Bluestone said that the union

LONDON (P)-Prime Minister has been conducting discussions
Wilson's new Labor government, th pas theadmistrationduring
bowing to U.S. wishes, has ruledh
out early independence for British IhBluestone said that several of
Guiana. the UMSEU's committees will
The development, reported by meet tomorrow in order to discuss
officials last night, came after plans for the future operations of
high level British-American ex- the union. He outlined possible
changes on how to check the methods by which the group might
spread of Castroism in the West- gain effectiveness:
ern Hemisphere. -Obtain and organize greater
Guinea's left wing Premier Dr. faculty support for the venture;
Cheddi Jagan came here with -Seek a wider range of public-
hopes that the Labor government ity, not only on the campus, but
might support his demands for a also within the Ann Arbor com-
new approach to the .tangled podi- munity and perhaps on the state-
tical, racial and constitu ional wide level;

Report Outcome
If the committee's report is
favorable to the project, and the
Board of Trustees ultimately ap-
prove it, an experimental unit con-
taining "living and learning" fa-
cilities for 1500-2000 students will
be built.
King noted that MSU is cur-
rently deciding on' the best
methods to face higher student
enrollments. He said that the
administration can either increase
the size of the existing colleges or
"introduce new patterns of educa-
tional development."
It is the function of the com-
mittee charged with examing the
possibilities of the residential col-
lege to see whether some of these
new patterns are "appropriate"
for MSU, he said.
Initiate Project
Although the concept of the res-

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