ROMNEY AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY See Editorial Page Ci 4c Str itau Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom 44444&hrr 411 att H MILD High--5$ Low--35 Continuing fair through tonight, turning colder tomorrow VOL. LXXV, No.53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT WAGES Rhodesia Ceases Indepedence Bid U.S. and Britain Pressure Smith To Curtail Agitation for Freedom SALISBURY, Rhodesia WP)-Under pressure from the British government, The Commonwealth and the United States, Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia yesterday called off promises--and threats-to have Rhodesia independent before Christmas. Stunned by the stiff resistance of these three big forces against him, Smith said in a television interview after a Parliamentary debate on the issue of Rhodesia's independence: "The British government's moves of the past week have upset everything and I can see no prospect of independence by Christmas as I had hoped." Earlier this week, Smith declared that he would A ssumes Duties Membership Statements Due011 December 1 PRIME MINISTER SMITH Peterson Says Johnson To Take Stat By JOHN BRYANT Special To The Daily YPSILANTI -- Mrs. Elly Peter- son, Republican challenger for the United States Senate seat cur- rently held by Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich) predicted yesterday that President Lyndon B. Johnson will carry Michigan next Tuesday. However she said he will not carry the state by the overwhelm- ing margin that some have pre- dicted. "I link my chances of victory to the size of Johnson's margin of victory. If the Presidential vote should be close, I have a very good chance of winning," she said. Strike Hurts Mrs. Peterson, who toured the southeastern part of the state yes- terday, said the Detroit news- paper strike had hurt her most of any candidate this year. "I definitely need news cover- age in the Detroit area if I am to develop a sizable following there. Otherwise, the straight party vote for Johnson will hurt me badly. "For this reason, I have de- voted 65 per cent of my campaign time to the Detroit area and other large counties. I have also visited every county in the state with one exception in an effort to show that my opponent isn't close enough to the people to be an effective rep- resentative." Cleared in Controversy Mrs. Peterson also expressed doubts that the controversy over the ouster of top National Guard officials in Michigan had hurt her candidacy. Earlier this month, Gov. George Romney and Auditor General Billie S. Farnum announced the dismissal of three top officers in the Michigan National Guard for irregularities in the disposal of Guard-owned lakefront property. State Democrats had pointed out that Mrs. Peterson's husband, Army Col. Merrit Peterson, had obtained some of the lots in ques- tion. She asserted yesterday that her husband had obtained the lots in a legal manner and said that Far- num's report had cleared him of any illegality. Commenting on her educational views, Mrs. Peterson lashed out at Hart for his vote against the Prouty Bill, which would have given college students income tax deductions for the portions of their incomes that they spent for educational purposes. Hart's Interest "This vote shows Hart as he really is: interested only in fol- lowing the administration's 'line' rather than looking out for the in- terests of his constituents," she said. She added that while she does defy Britain and declare Southern Rhodesia independent if an up- coming referendum supported this move. The Africans of Rhodesia, outnumbering the 221,000 whites by 16-1, are mostly ineligible to vote. There are 80,000 white voters and 13,000 nonwhite voters. Observers say declaration of independence by the ruling white minority could be disastrously ex- plosive for the already tense Af- rican situation. Minority Rule Smith last night reassured whites and Africans, who were concerned lest he mistake minority white support for a blank check in favor of "go-it-alone independ- ence," that a favorable vote for independence in the referendum next Thursday would not be re- garded by him as consent for a unilateral declaration of inde- pendence. Smith spoke in the windup of three days of debate about a warning to this white-run central African territory by Britain's new Labor government last Monday on dangers of seizing independence. The prime minister said he be- lieved under certain circumstances1 it might be necessary for the gov- ernment to declare independenceI to "save the country." He did not say what these circumstancesi might be. Smith added that his govern-] ment will "never be stampededi into doing anything that will de- stroy everything we have built up."' Black Na ionalistsl The black nationalists of Rho-< desia want independence, but onlyt with majority rule. They report-t edly would rather remain under British protection than have ai whi e - dominated independentc Rhodesia.t Violent reaction from the Rho-T desian Africans had been feared. The nationalists groups-the Japu Party and the Zimbabwe African National Union-have considerablec support in Rhodesia and in thet neighboring countries.r Defending his method of con-g sulting Africans through chief- r tains and headmen, he said it ise the only sound scheme for con-t sulting those who are not quali- fied to vote. He charged that the Britisht government is waging "a cold war" r against his government. Then method, he said, was perfectede by the Communises. c Twenty Houses As Yet Fail To Resubmit By DAVID BLOCK More than twenty fraternities and sororities have failed as yet to resubmit their complete mem- bership statements in accordance with student Government Coun- cil's membership committee's re- quest, according to its chairman William Burns. If this situation is not rectified by the Saturday deadline, Burns indicated the houses will be prose- cuted through judiciary apparatus set up by SGC last year. The ultimate penalty is withdrawal of recognition. Burns said that oversights by the houses can probably be blamed for a good number of the missing statements. However, he said sev- eral affiliates appear to be run- ning into difficulties with their national chapters. Hence, the committee expects several houses to fail meeting the deadline. Some Already Incorrect In addition, many of the state- men.s already turned in are faulty and incomplete in content, Burns said. However, some of these can be attributed to misunderstand- ings on the part of the houses as to exactly what material the mem- bership committee was looking for in the statements. Burns said that the committee has not yet decided what action they would take against affiliates who fail to submit their state- ments. He said that they would probably first send messages to the delinquent houses urging imme- diate conformity to the commit- tee's request. If the houses still fail to turn in complete statements, then the committee will probably send the cases to the three-man SGC Membership Tribunal for judiciary action, Burns said. Negligence Cited Intrafraternity Council Presi- dent Lawrence Lossing, '65, said that he suspects hat many of the negligent houses have just for- gotten to turn in their new state- ments. He indicated that he didn't expect any difficulties from mem- bers of the fraternity system. Panhellenic Association Presi- dent Ann Wickins, '65, said that the reason several sororities had not turned in their new state- ments was that they were not sure exactly what information the committee was requiring. "As far as I know, all the sororities will submit their state- ments on time. If there are in- adequacies in their content, they will not be deliberate but will stem from misunderstandings," Miss Wickins said. "I'm sure the cur- rent situation won't be taking the same bad developments as last year," she added. On Oct. 23, 1963, the member-1 ship committee requested that all houses submit membership state- ments. Five sororities delayed turning in their statements until the Jan. 15 deadline set by the committee. The present deadline of Oct. 30 was decided upon last May 11 by the committee for the purpose of getting all affiliates on campus to update their membership state- ments in accordance with the new organization rules. * * * * Ask Research, Athletic Reform * I 1 ---7 --- -1 m6A A& jw'Pr '- -IL- Faculty May Study Creation of Centers By JEFFREY GOODMAN and CAROL EIFRIG . To facilitate broad faculty par- ticipation in the creation of new research centers and institutes, a University Senate subcommittee has proposed appointing ad hoc faculty committees to investigate the purposes in establishing such units. According to a tentative state- ment by the Research Policy Sub- committee, these faculty groups "should not only make sure that all units of the University with a possible interest have a chance to contribute ideas, participate or object, but it should also give very careful attention to the ques- tion of how the proposed unit will contribute to the teaching func- tion of the University." The recommendation was pre- sented to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs at its October meeting. While agreeing in principle, SACUA ask- ed the research committee to re- vise some of the wording and to clarify some definitions in the report. Presented in November The statement will then be pre- sented co the November meeting of the Senate for discussion though no vote will be asked. The proposed ad hoc faculty committees would be an innova- tion in research policy. since the establishment of c enters and in- strutes is curren..v handled ad- n 'nistratively by t'le office of re- search vice-presid and those people whb will be directly in- volved with the new units. While there is no pa'ticular grievance behind its proposal, the research committee feels that "the creation, supervision and a bolition of centers and institutes of re- search r)esent extremely impo:- tant policy problems for the Un- versity." The committee would like to en- sure that faculty will have - cb. n- nel through which to inf'uence decisions in this area. The ad hoc committees would be composed of faculty "who have some knowledge of the general area of research proposed" for the new center or institute, "but they should not be the people propos- ing" the new unit "or suggested as its directors." ' Make Investigations The group would "make a thorough investigation and con- duct public hearings at which in- terested members of the Univer- sity community would have a chance to express their views." Thus, "after a period of opera- tion in dealing with proposals for new centers or institutes, 0,e Re- search Policy Committee should also consider such questions as lines of administrative responsbil- ity of existing centers. Ultimately the committee should concern it- self with the question of the con- tinuation or modification of uni;s when it becomes apparent that a unit is no longer making an im- portant contribution to the Uni- versity," the report stated. Report Sees Leaning By ROBERT HIPPLER To Professionalism , Prof. Richard L. Cutler of the psychology department is succeeding James A. Lewis .as the vice-president for student By TOM WEINBERG affairs. He will take office Dec. 1. Ancuxt ittee established University President Harlan Hatcher announced the ap- to investigate the trend toward pointment yesterday. Lewis, who has held the highest post in ...professionalism in intercollegiate the Office of Student Affairs since 1954, asked to be relieved athletics has s gated that it hasofhsdt d t ahledts hasnteres thfatihs of his duties in order to return to teaching. He is a professor failed to interest the faculties of in the education school. the trend. Thisred The appointment was greeted with enthusiasm by fac- This opinion is contained in a ulty and students who were consulted in the selection. report released yesterday by the Cutler said yesterday that he does not plan to teach Senate Advisory Committee on during his term of office. He will confer with Lewis and Professionalism in Intercollegiate other top OSA officials on his Athletics, chaired by Prof. Robert new duties several tmsb C Angell of the sociology depart- times be- ment. tween now and Dec. 1. The report claims that schools Considered Top Choice are leaning toward professionalism In recent weeks, Cutler has been failing to reinstitute the "need" considered the top contender for factor in scholarships. the vice-presidency. Earlier, spec- PROF. ROBERT C. ANGELL Currently athletic scholarships ulation included Associate Deans are offered primarily on a basis of the athlete's expected ability Charles Lehmann of the educa- U M SE U S t ta ntiodn shholitandJames H. Robert- ,~T1 '~ to stay in school. There is no ETallowance for financial need. son of the literary college.,?f The report issued yesterday is At the closed executive part of an outgrowth of an investigation, last Friday's meeting of the Re- O bsconducted, since 1961 when the gents, President Hatcher told the Big Ten faculty representatives Regents that his deliberations and voted to eliminate the financial interviews with students, faculty By RUTHELLEN LEFKOWITZ need factor as a criterion for and colleagues all pointed to Cut- grants-in-aid. ler. The University of Michigan Stu- The SACUA committee has con- He asked for and received au- dent Employes Union (UMSEU) celuded that efforts to combat pro- thority to negotiate with Cutler will demonstrate for higher stu-. fessionalism must come from the concerning the job. - dent wages today. I overall faculties and the presi- Supporters will gather on the dents of the Big Ten schools. Prof. Wallace A. Berry of the Diag, then move to the Adminis- The report states that the sub-U sitySea rmdnt f th- tration Building between 3 and committee "has attempted to University Senate Student Rela- VICE-PRESIDENT CUTLER 5:15 p.m. stimulate interest in the faculties tions Committee, which consulted A spokesman for the union said of the other schools by demon- with President Hatcher, described the purposes of the demonstration stra ing the state of faculty opin- of utler. -TonomteUieriycm.. hmf a hpp"oertechienoi Says. -To inform the University com- According to the report, SACUA Brook Pleased munity that there is a union work- will present a resolution to the~ Student Government Council I ing for higher student wages; November meeting of the Senate President Douglas Brook, '65, who U . ..)o lihlt U -To emphasize to the admin- which will urge University Presi- with 11 other student leaders dis- istration the crucial need for dent Harlan Hatcher and other cussed the vice-presidency with higher student wages; and University officials to use the President Hatcher last month, was B order Posts -To point up the discrepancies means available to them to imple- similarly pleased. between wages here and at other ment the views of the Senate.. As a member of the StudentzTOKYO 4-Communist North The basic issue is the criteria Relations Committee in 1962, Cut-KVCet used for issuing athletic scholar- Rla ion7 h Committee m 1962, Cu.,Viet Nam charged yesterday in * Student, Faculty Leaders Pleased At Choice for OSA Leadership f k 1 f; Malaysia Halts Sukarno Units MALACCA, Malaysia (JP)-About half of 60 Indonesian guerrillas who landed on the mainland's southwest coast early yesterday were seized and the rest are pin.. ned down in the swamps, a mili- tary spokesman said last night. British, Australian, New Zea- land and Malaysian troops were moving in for the mopup of the third invasion operation from In- donesia in less than two months. Of the three operations, part of Indonesia's campaign against the British-backed Federation of Malaysia, this one appeared to have been the most easily crushed. w rong Count The freshman enrollment fig- ure of 6300, reported in Wed- nesday's Daily is incorrect. The actual enrollment is 4,226, By- ron L. Groesbeck, assistant di- rector of admissions, said yes- terday. universities with the hope that priority for student wages will be met here. At an UMSEU meeting held in the Union last night, members heard a progress report based on a meeting with Charles Allmand, University personnel director. It indicated a possibility of a wage increase for 1965. Chances for a wage increase be- fore then are "not very good un- less massive student opinion is rallied behind a higher student wage," acting union representa- tive Barry Bluestone, '65, said. UMSEU plans to continue its membership drive. Its leaders in- tend to begin negotiations with the South University Merchants Association and the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce for higher wages, Bluestone said. The union was formed about a month ago and since that time has received favorable response from a sizeable portion of the stu- dent body. ships. The Senate group feels that -studies of the opinions of the fac- ulties of other Big Ten schools would show they were in favor of reinstituting the need factor into athletic scholarships. This conclusion is in direct op- position to those expressed in meetings of the faculty represen- tatives from the ten schools to the conference. Athletic director H. O. (Fritz) Crisier and the University's fac- ulty representative to the Big Ten Prof. Marcus Plant of the Law School have both come out in favor of reinstating the need factor. i i 1 a UAW Threa With Strike DETROIT (P)-Ford Motor Co crippling strike, just as General Mt plant going again after a 31-day n Auto Workers Union. The UAW set a strike deadline ing units at Ford. They lack at- supplement the newly negotiated F Ford figures that 23 of its 90 agreements. Strikes by them wou -* |1 ier was xnown to oe critical of telnugrmisctofheT - IA~ Wb SJUWI I) J~IAIJ~U J.ite ilan;guage reminiscent of the Ton- OSA's "lack of philosophy." The kin Gulf crisis, that warplanes SRC issued in the spring of 1962 and naval craft of the United a criticism of OSA structure and States "and its agents" attacked policies, centering on paternalism parts of its southernmost prov- 'n the dean of women's office. ince, Quang,Binh Wednesday. Subsequently, a student-faculty- The implication was that th administrator committee chaired The imltion as tat th by Prof. John Reed of the Law U.S. agents were Laos and South School authored a report warning Viet Nam. of "institutional schizophrenia" in The U.S' State and Defense De- the OSA and calling for a restruc- partments replied that no Amer- turing of the office along func- ican ships were involved in any tional lines instead of along lines incident like that reported by the of gender.I Communists. A spokesman added Lewiseaccepted the bulk of the that a preliminary check turned report; the Regents unanimously up no facts to support the North See CUTLER, Page 2 Vietnamese accusations. Hanoi Charges Radio Hanoi broadcast the fclarges, quoting a foreign min- t no istry spokesman of Ho Chi Minh's government. Citing areas just north of the demilitarized zone Next Week that divides Viet Nam at its nar- row waist, the radio said: "At 10 a.m., Oct. 28, 1964, three was threatened .yesterday with a U.S. jet planes and five T-28 air- :otors Corp. g'ot its fifth assembly craft coming from the direction nationwide walkout by the United of Laos, bombed and rocketed the Cha Lo frontier post ... in Quang of 10 a.m. Nov. 6 for its bargain- Binh province at a place one mHe the-plant working agreements to from the Viet Nam-Laos border. ord-UAW national contract. "At 11 p.m. of the same day, UAW bargaining units lack such three naval craft, sailing from South Viet Nam, intruded into the uld involve, among others, nine territorial waters of North Viet Ford assembly plants and three Nam, shelled the coastal areas of key stamping plants. Quang Binh province and fled." General Motors still is hobbled No Casualties Reported by similar local-level stoppages. No mention was made of any The UAW called off a national casualties or damage, but the re- strike against GM last Sunday. ported incidents were denounced But at the same time it authorized as brazen acts of aggression that units without at-the-plant agree- "constitute most serious viola- ments to remain out until local tions of the 1954 Geneva agree- issues are resolved. ments on Viet Nam and the 1962 Then 28 of GM's 130 UAW Geneva agreements on Laos." bargaining units lacked agree- The United States has some jet ments. Twenty-one still do, and planes in South Viet Nam. It has 18 of 23 assembly plants still are, supplied T-28 fighter-bombers to shut. both South Viet Nam and Laos. Citing the attack by U.S. planes No End Seen Aug. 5 on North Vietnamese PT boats and .bases, Hanoi said the incidents Wednesday "prove the In Press. StrikeiU.S. imperialists are still carry- ing on 'provocations in complete CO-WINNER ACCLAIMS 'U' PROFESSOR: American, Russians Share Physics Nobel Prize STOCKHOLM, Sweden (MP)-The 1964 Nobel physics prize was awarded jointly yesterday to an American and two Russians for basic contributions to discovery of the maser-laser effect, a way to harness radio and light beams. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science directed that half of the $53,123 prize money go to Charles H. Townes, 49, provost of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The rest goes to Professors Nikolay Basov, 42, and Aleksander Prochorov, 48, of the Soviet Science Academy's Lebedev Institute in Moscow. Townes pnd the Russians, who pursued their work independently received the point prize "for basic research in the quantum elec- is generated. Light waves-in the case of the optical laser beam- are put through a planed ruby crystal making the beams oscillate coherently. Had Help Prof. Chihiro Kikuchi of the nuclear engineering department furnished Townes with the first ruby crystal that made masering practical. Kikuchi discovered that the pink ruby increases an amplifier's power to the point where receivers can pick up very weak signals from nebulei and planets. "The ruby supplied by Kikuchi subsequently became the heart of our amplifier. It has been quite an important discovery for the ti l T I T 1 s isĀ° $. ~ . :: ;;.;?*: ;7:>:':::